Online Catalogue as on 28/01/2008

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Charaya, M U

Objective botany

Botanical sciences

Fuller, Harry J; Tippo, Oswald

College botany

Botanical sciences

Hashmi, A H

Plant Kingdom

Botanical sciences

Jagjit Singh

Systematic botany, Part1: Thallophyta

Botanical sciences

Learn about plants and flowers

Botanical sciences

Northington, David K; Schneider, Edward L

Botanical World

Botanical sciences

Pandey, S N, et al.

Textbook of Botany, Vol.3: Plant anatomy and economic botany

Botanical sciences

Rama Rao, T S

BSc Botany, Vol.3, Part2: Physiology, ecology, crop botany genetics and evolution

Botanical sciences

Sheth, Parul R

Strange plants

Botanical sciences

Singh, P N; Bhatt, G P

College Botany, Vol.4: Plant physiology cyto-genetics and ecology

Botanical sciences

Tompkins, Peter; Bird, Christopher

Secret life of plants

Botanical sciences

Dahiya, Baljit Singh

Systematic botany: Taxonomy of angiosperms

Taxonomy; Botany

Subrahmanyam, N S

Modern plant taxonomy

Taxonomy; Botany

Dutta, A C

Classbook of Botany


Fuller, Harry J; Tippo, Oswald

College botany


John; Paull, Dorothy

Introduction to Botany


Kolesnikov, V

Root system of fruit plants


Plowden, Lady

Plants without flowers


Srivastava, S K

Botany for competitions


Sutcliffe, James

Plants and water


Ashok Bendre; Ashok Kumar

Introductory practical botany

Experimental botany

Santra, S C, et al.

College botany practical, Vol.1

Experimental botany

Amar Singh

Practical plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Amar Singh

Practical plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Devlin, Robert M; Witham, Francis H

Plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Eames, Arthur J

Morphology of the angiosperms

Plant physiology; Botany

Gill, P S

Plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Jain, V K

Fundamentals of plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Jain, V K

Fundamentals of plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Jain, V K

Fundamentals of plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Malik, C P; Srivastava, A K

Textbook of plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Noggle, G Ray; Fritz, George J

Introductory plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Noggle, G Ray; Fritz, George J

Introductory plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Rao, K N, et al.

Outlines of plant physiology

Plant physiology; Botany

Epstein, Emanuel

Mineral nutrition of plants: Principles and perspectives

Plant biochemistry; Botany

Truog, Emil, Ed.

Mineral nutrition of plants

Plant biochemistry; Botany

Mathur, R S

Plant diseases

Plant pathology; Botany

Rangaswami, G

Diseases of crop plants in India

Plant pathology; Botany

Singh, R S

Plant diseases

Plant pathology; Botany

Suryanarayana, D

Seed pathology

Plant pathology; Botany

Maheshwari, P

Introduction to the embryology of angiosperms

Development and maturation of Plants; Botany

Bold, Harold C

Morphology of plants

Plant anatomy; Botany

Chandurkar, P J

Plant anatomy

Plant anatomy; Botany

Eames, Arthur J; Macdaniels, Laurence H

Introduction to plant anatomy

Plant anatomy; Botany

Esau, Katherine

Plant anatomy

Plant anatomy; Botany

Pandey, S N; Ajanta Chadha

Plant anatomy and embryology

Plant anatomy; Botany

Prakash, E John Jothi

Textbook of plant anatomy

Plant anatomy; Botany

Bulow-Olsen, Anne

Plant communities

Plant ecology; Botany

Kochhar, P L

Plant ecology

Plant ecology; Botany

Vasishta, P C

Textbook of plant ecology

Plant ecology; Botany

Hill, Albert F

Economic botany

Economic botany

Pandey, B P

Economic botany

Economic botany

Verma, V

Textbook of economic botany

Economic botany

Stevenson, Violet

Herb growing

Beneficial Plants-Herbs

Datta, S C

Medicinal plants

Medicinal Plants; Economic botany

Evans, Mark

Guide to herbal remedies

Medicinal Plants; Economic botany

Hart, J N, Ed.

Rose growing

Flowering plants; Spermatophyta; Botany

Malik, C P, Ed., et al.

Physiology of sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Flowering plants; Spermatophyta; Botany

Randhawa, M S

Flowering trees

Flowering plants; Spermatophyta; Botany

Brandis, Dietrich

Indian trees

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Plowden, Lady, Ed.


Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Santapau, H

Common Trees

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Santapau, H

Common Trees

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Santapau, H

Common Trees

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Sinha, R P N

Our trees

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Trees: An ecology book

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Vedel, Helge

Trees and shrubs of the mediterranean

Trees; Botany; Spematophyta

Royston, Angela

Life cycle of an Oak tree


Vasishta, P C

Vascular cyptogams (Pteridophyta)

Pteridophyta; Botany

Agarwal, O P, Ed.

Objective zoology

Animals; Zoology

Berry, A K

Textbook of animal histology

Animals; Zoology

Bhanot, T R

Know about Animal kingdom

Animals; Zoology

David, A; Shivakumar

Animal world

Animals; Zoology

Jenny Wood

Animal defenders

Animals; Zoology

Jessop, Nancy M

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of zoology

Zoological sciences

Jurd, Richard D

Instant notes in animal biology

Animals; Zoology

Kurl, S P

Objective Zoology for various Medical colleges entrance examinations

Animals; Zoology

Marshall, A J, Ed.

Textbook of Zoology, Vol.1: Invertebrates

Animals; Zoology

Midgley, Mary

Animals and why they matter

Animals; Zoology

Miller, Stephen A; Harley, John B


Animals; Zoology

Money, Sali

Animal kingdom

Animals; Zoology

Parker, Steve, Ed.

Animals of the World

Animals; Zoology

Rama Rao, N, et al.

10000 plus zoology

Animals; Zoology

Ramesh Gupta

Textbook of modern zoology

Animals; Zoology

Weisz, Paul B

Elements of zoology

Zoological sciences

Verma, P S; Srivastava, P C

Textbook of modern zoology

Animals; Zoology

Wood, Jenny

Animal travellers

Animals; Zoology

Nair, S M

Endangered animals of India and their conservation

Zoological Survey of India

Wadhawan, B S

Objective zoology

Zoological sciences-Study and teaching

Gee, E P

Wild life of India

Indian animals; Zoology

Hoar, William S

General and comparative physiology

Animal physiology; Zoology

Arora, Mohan P

Animal behaviour

Animal behaviour patterns

Satguru Prasad

Fundamentals of animal behaviour

Animal behaviour patterns

Topoff, Howard

Animal societies and evolution

Animal behaviour patterns

Lampton, Christopher

Endangered species

Harmful animals; Poisonous animals

Cochrane, Jennifer, et al.

Animals and their homes

Animal ecology; Animals of specific environments

Kendeigh, S Charles

Ecology with special reference to animals and man

Animal ecology; Animals of specific environments

Kilpatrick,m Cathy

Let's look at insects

Animal ecology; Animals of specific environments

Wood, Jenny

Animal builders

Animal ecology; Animals of specific environments

Andrewartha, H G

Introduction to the study of animal populations

Synecology and population biology

Arumugam, N

Invertebrate zoology, Vol.1


Bhamrah, H S, et al.

Textbook of invertebrates

Invertebrates; Zoology

Kotpal, R L

Modern textbook of zoology: Invertebrates


Lal, S S

Textbook of practical zoology invertebrate


Kotpal, R L



Kotpal, R L



Kotpal, R L


Porifera (Sponges)

Kotpal, R L


Echinodermata; Hemichordata

Dance, S Peter


Mollusca & molluscoidea

Kotpal, R L


Mollusca & molluscoidea

Kotpal, R L



Kotpal, R L


Annelida; Worms and related animals; Zoology

St. Pierre, Stephanie


Isopoda-Pill and sow bugs, wood lice

Paull, John

Story of the spider


Ananthakrishnan, T N

Life of insects

Insects (Entomology)

Bailey, Jill


Insects (Entomology)

Chopra, U C

Amazing world of insects

Insects (Entomology)

Mani, M S


Insects (Entomology)

Manley, Deborah

Let's look at insects

Insects (Entomology)

Nayar, K K, et al.

General and applied entomology

Insects (Entomology)