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Working definition of antisemitism
State antisemitism
Social and political antisemitism
Common antisemitism
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Working definition of antisemitism

Antisemitism exposes to danger not only Jews but as well all the nations which are likely to become infected with this ideology. For the last 15 years there have been published numerous works on antisemitism in the post-Soviet space. Unfortunately, there is no generally accepted conceptual basis and no new definitions to let one react adequately on changes taking place in the modern world. The terminological clarity of the semantic field of antisemitism is required not only for the research purposes but also for practice. In the absence of an exact definition of state antisemitism, a question of its presence/absence can be solved via certain statements by officials, or some of the predilections of a person.

The text proposed is an attempt to present a number of definitions necessary for setting up a conceptual basis to provide grounds for the work of experts.

Antisemitism (Judeophobia) – negative predisposition toward Jews as an ethnic and/or religious community, as well as to single individuals, based on their real or imaginary membership in the community.

The public manifestations of antisemitism are considered to be as follows:

1) any violent actions and other crimes and violations of the law committed on the basis of a negative predisposition toward Jews and directed against either a natural person or religious, cultural, social and political, and other institutions, buildings, cemeteries, etc., related (factually or in an actor’s opinion) to Jewish people or religion;

2) incitement to any form of hostile actions directed against Jews or individuals who are thought to be Jews by an actor; appeals for restricting the rights of Jews, in particular debarring them from occupying certain professions or positions in society; encouragement or justification of genocide, repressions and deportations of Jewish people;

3) developing a negative ethnic stereotype, a negative picture of Jews as an ethnic and/or religious commonality (including the statements on allegedly peculiar to Jews depravity or inferiority); transferring various negative traits and vices of single individuals to all Jewish people as a whole, and making the Jewish people responsible for the acts by single individuals; numbering the individuals taken as enemies or evil sources with the Jewish people, and numbering one’s opponents with the Jews for the purpose of their defamation;

4) attributing hostile attitudes and actions against other nations, races, religious communities (including statements about existing secret plots and conspiring against other nations and religions) to the whole Jewish community or single individuals in view of their factual or imaginary being the Jews; proclaiming the primordial Jewish hostility against other nations; explaining any distresses as the “Jewish influence”;

5) denying the right of the State of Israel to exist and defend itself; justifying the terrorism against Israel and Jews; propagating the ideology of terroristic organizations seeking to destroy the State of Israel; labeling Zionism as the fascist and racial ideology and practice;

6) denying the fact or revising the importance of the Holocaust, as well as total or partial justification of the Holocaust and other historical acts of mass violence against the peaceful Jewish population.

There are the following principal forms of antisemitism: state, social and political, and common.

State antisemitism – actions of state authorities including discriminatory policy toward Jews (as far as depriving them of civil rights, deportations and genocide); stimulating or systematic support and conducting antisemitic propaganda, as well as regular encouraging or purposeful and deliberate connivance in favor of organizations and public, political, and religious figures practicing antisemitism. The fact of antisemitic activities by single officials is not sufficient to claim the presence of state antisemitism.

Social and political antisemitism – antisemitic activities by social and political organizations, as well as cultural workers, public and political figures that don’t represent state authorities and don’t perform on their behalf, which are conducted in the form of organizing and accomplishing various antisemitic actions including public appearances and distributing the antisemitic produce.

Common antisemitism – intolerance to the Jews in the context of everyday communicatory interaction, Judeophobia in the narrow sense of the term.


2 de/8364

3 .ru/rus/2009-01-02/#24560



6 .ru/rus/2009-01-16/?single=24700

7 .ru/rus/2009-01-19/?single=24731

8 de/8442, .ru/news/view/4515/,

9 ru/newsdata.php?idar=180746




13 .ru/rus/2008-12-31/#24550

14 .ru/rus/2009-01-08/#24568


 The text was created by one of the Russian-speaking bloggers: “10 Reasons Why I Support Israel in the Arabic-Israeli Conflict
1. In the battle of drinkers and non-drinkers I take the drinkers’ side.
2. I prefer a regime in which the leader can be put into jail over the regimes in which its leader can only be killed.
3. I prefer those who say their prayers standing above those who say their prayers bending over.
4. I prefer women in the military to women in black sacks.
5. I don’t want people who wake up every night to muezzin’s screaming to win over people who can set their own alarm clock.
6. I like people who, when hearing about their daughters’ affairs, reach for their hearts rather than their knives.
7. It seems to me right to pay to get separated with a woman and not to buy myself a wife.
8. I definitely understand people who bury their dead right away and not put their bodies in the TV camera focus.
9. I respect communities that can exchange several hundreds of their enemies for one of their captured, and I do not understand communities that consider their prisoners as those worth less than a thousandth part of one of their enemies.
10. I want to live in a world where women and children do not get shot. But if it does happen, then let the military prosecutor's office take care of those responsible, without letting an exulted crowd reward those responsible with candy.
UPD.  An additional comment was suggested by  user Neklud19 :  I take the side of people who laugh at the jokes told about them. I put them above people who are ready to kill for a joke or a caricature about them (



18 .ru/rus/2009-01-19/?single=24731

19 ctions/62814.phpl, de/8424,


21 de/8446




25 .ru/pressclub/smi/maksgaza

26 u/215642.phpl





31 /cgi//veil//data/zavtra/09/790/53.phpl

32 /cgi//veil//data/zavtra/09/790/52.phpl

33 ly/24236.5/436406/, ly/24237/437014/



36 u/?page=brief&article_id=52080&PHPSESSID=d54gvvgj32vbns8tabi7i6li91, il/dvuhstoronka/article/2009-01-07/3304.phpl, society/20090112032612817.phpl

37 z/news/politics/142792.phpl

38 il/dvuhstoronka/article/2008-12-30/3225.phpl

39 z/news/world/142914.phpl

40 z/news/politics/142806.phpl

41 z/news/world/142898.phpl

42 ws/world/143309.phpl

43 z/news/politics/146443.phpl

44 z/news/world/142998.phpl

45 il/gaza/news/2009-01-06/9211.phpl


47 il/dvuhstoronka/article/2009-01-15/3399.phpl

48 il/dvuhstoronka/article/2009-01-07/3317.phpl

49 Vecherny Bishkek, January 15, 2009

50 .ru/rus/2009-01-16/?single=24705,; il/dvuhstoronka/article/2009-01-14/3392.phpl

51 il/dvuhstoronka/article/2009-01-10/3344.phpl

52 il/dvuhstoronka/article/2009-01-16/3415.phpl




56 See, for instance, g/news.php, anons_gen_r.php?id=1164


58 .ua/news/5649/


60 Leaflet quoted here: il/files/image/2009/01/27/Donetzk/ugroza.jpg


62; see numerous comments under Tyagnybok’s article: he is accused of political shortsightedness and of having “sold his soul” to Kremlin.

Jeremy Jones is Director of International and Community Affairs, Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council and Honorary Life Member, Executive Council of Australian Jewry

63 Encyclopedia Americana, vol 16, 1969, p. 103.

64 The New Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 1, 1994, p. 447.

65 Arendt H. Istoki totalitarizma. [Sources of totalitarianism] – М., 1996., p. 31

66 Ibid., p. 30.

67 See: Polyakov L. Istoriya antisemitizma. Epokha very. [The history of antisemitism. The epoch of faith] – М.: Gesharim – Mosty kultury, 1997. Ch. 1.

68 Chlenov M. Antisemitizm v politike Rossii. [Antisemitism in Russia’s politics] – Ilyuschenko V. (ed.) Nuzhen li Gitler Rossii. [Does Russia need its Hitler] М.: Pik, 1996. p. 146.

69 Ibid., p. 145.

70 According to the evidence by the ex-deputy of the State Duma D. Mitina, some woman, bringing up a son on her own, tried to give up her parental rights having known that her son’s father was the Jew. (Moskovskiy komsomolets, 12 January 1999). This is the very manifestation of Judeophobia just as it is.