Издание предназначено для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей, ученых, специализирующихся в социальных науках, для всех интересую­щихся проблемами современного общества

Вид материалаДокументы


Beeghley Leonard
Brubaker Gogers
Elias Norbert
Gusfield Joseph
Kaplan Abraham
2 edn. Chica­go: The University of Chicago Press. Labov William
Lenoir Remi
Rome Joseph
Spector Malcolm and John I. Kitsuse
Traweek Susan
Социальная аналитика.
Подобный материал:
1   ...   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42


Bourdieu P. (1968b) Structuralism and the Theory of Sociological Knowledge // Social Research. №4 (Winter). P. 681-706.

Bourdieu P. (1971b) Genese et structure du champ religieux // Revue franchise de sociologie. № 3 (July - September). P. 294-334.

Bourdieu P. (1977a) Outline of A Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bourdieu P. (1978a) Sur 1'objectivation participante. Reponses a quelques ob­jections // Actes de la recherche en sciences socials. P. 67-69.

Bourdieu P. and Monique de Saint Martin (1978) Le patronat // Actes de la recherche en sciences socials. P. 3-82.

Bourdieu P. (1980b) Questions de sociologie. Paris: Editions de Minuit. Bourdieu P. (1980e) Sartre // London Review of Books. No. 20 (October 20).

P. 11-12. Bourdieu P. (1983d) The Field of Cultural Production, or the Economic World

Reversed // Poetics (November). P. 311-356. Bourdieu P. (1983e) Erving Goffman, Discoverer of the Infinitely Small //

Theory, Culture, and Society. № 1. P. 112-13.

Bourdieu P. (1984b) Prefazione // Anna Boschetti. L'impresa intellectuale. Sar­tre e «Les Temps Modernes». Bari: Edizioni Dedalo. P. 5-6.

Bourdieu P. (1985d) The Market of Symbolic goods // Poetics (April). P. 13-44.

Bourdieu P. (1986a) From Rules to Strategies // Cultural Anthropology. № 1 (February). P. 110-120.

Bourdieu P. (1986c) Habitus, code et codification // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 40-44.

Bourdieu P. (1987i) L'institutionalisation de I'anomie // Cahiers du Musee na­tional d'art moderne (June). P. 6-19.

Bourdieu /".(1988a) Homo Academicus. Cambridge: Polity Press; Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Bourdieu P. (1988d) Flaubert's Point of View // Critical Enquiry (Spring). P. 539-562.

Bourdieu P. (1988e) Vive la crise! For Heterodoxy in Social Science // Theory and Society. № 5 (September). P. 773-788.

Bourdieu P. (1989d) The Corporatism of the Universal: The Role of Intellectu­als in the Modern World // Telos (Fall). P. 99-110.

Bourdieu P. (1990a) The Logic of Practice. Cambridge: Polity Press; Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Bourdieu P. (1990b) Droit et passe-droit. Les champs des pouvoirs territoriaux et la mise en oeuvre des reglement // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 86-96.

Bourdieu P with Salah Bouhedja, Rosine Christin, and Claire Givry (1990c) Un placement de pere de famille. La maison individuelle: specificite du pro-duit et logique du champ de production // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 6-35.

Bourdieu P. with Salah Bouhedja and Claire Givry (1990d) Un contrat sous contrainte // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 34-51.

Bourdieu P. (1990f) Principles for Reflecting on the Curriculum // The Curric­ulum Journal. № 3 (December). P. 307-314.

Bourdieu P. (1990g) Animadversiones in Mertonem // Robert K. Merton: Consensus and Controversy / Ed. By Jon Clark, Celia Modgil, and Sohan Modgil, London: The Falmer Press. P. 297-301.

Bourdieu P. and Monique de Saint Martin (1990) Le sens de la propriete. La genese sociale des systemes de preference // Actes de la recherche en sien­ces socials. P. 52-64.

Bourdieu P and Rosine Christin (1990) La construction du marche. Le champ administrative et la production de la «politique du logement» // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 65-85.

Bourdieu P. with Jean-Claud Chamboredon and Jean-Claud Passeron (1973) Le metier de sociologue. Prealables epistemologiques. Translated as «The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries», Berlin and N. Y.: Walter de Gruyter, 1991.

Alexander Jeffrey C. (1980-1982) Theoretical Logic in Sociology. 4 vols. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Alexander Jeffrey C. (Ed.) (1985) Neo-Functionalism. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

Alexander Jeffrey C. (1987b) Twenty lectures: Sociological Theory since World War II. N. Y.: Columbia University Press.

Beeghley Leonard (1984) Illusion and Reality in the Measurement of Poverty // Social Problems 31 (February). P. 322-333.

Best Joel (Ed.) (1989) Images of Issues: Typifying Contemporary Social Prob­lems. N. Y: Aldine de Gruyter.

Boltanski Luc (1974) Erving Goffman et les temps du soupcon // Social Sci­ence Information. №3: 127-147.

Boltanski Luc (1979) Taxinomies socials et lutes de classes. La mobilization de «la classe moyenne» et 1'invention des «cadres» // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 75-105.

Boltanski Luc (1984) How a Social Group Objectified Itself: «Cadres» in France, 1936-45 // Social Science Information. №3. P. 469-492.

Boltanski Luc (1987) The Making of a Class: «Cadres» in French Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boltanski Luc with Yann Dare and Marie-Ange Schitz (1984) La denonciation // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 3—40.

Boschetti Anna (1988) The Intellectual Enterprise: Sartre and «Les Temps Modernes». Evanstone: Northwestern University Press.

Brubaker Gogers (1989a) Social Theory as Habitus // Paper presented at the Conference on «The Social Theory of Pierre Bourdieu», Center for Psy-chosocial Studies, Chicago, March.

Champagne Patric (1979) Jeunes agriculteurs et vieux paysans. Crise de la succession et apparition du troisieme age// Actes de la recherche en sien­ces socials. P. 83-107.

Champagne Patrlc (1988) Le cercle politique. Usages sociauxdes sondages et nouvel espace politique// Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 71-97.

Champagne Patric (1990) Faire 1'option. Le nouvel espace politique. Paris: Edition de Minuit.

Charle Christophe (1987) Les elite de la Republique 1880-1900. Paris: Fayard.

Charle Christophe (1990) Naissance des «intellectuals», 1880-1900. Paris: Edition des Minuit.

Calhoun Craig (1979) The Radicalism of Tradition: Community Strength or «Venerable Disguise and Borrowed Language»? // American Journal of Sociology. № 5. P. 886-914.

Coleman James S. (1990) Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Connerton Paul (1989) How Societies Remember. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dahl Robert (1961) Who Governs? Dmocracy and Power in an American City. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Dezalay Yves (1989) Les droit des families: du notable a 1'expert. La restructu-ration du champ des professionnels de la restructuration des enterprises // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 2-28.

Elias Norbert (1978a) What is Sociology? N. Y.: Columbia University Press. Garrigou Alain (1988) Le secret de 1'isoloir // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 22-45.

Ginsburg Faye (1988) Contested Lives: The Abortion Debate in the American Community. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Gusfield Joseph (1981) The Culture of Public Problems: Drinking-Driving and the Symbolic Order. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Halbwachs Moris (1972) Classes sociales et morphologic. Paris: Editions de Minuit.

Haveman Robert (1987) Poverty Policy and Poverty Research: The Great Society and theSocial Sciences. Madison: University of Visconsin Press.

Hughes Everett C. (1984) Ethnocentric Sociology // The Sociological Eye: Selected papers. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. P. 473-77.

Kaplan Abraham (1964) The Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science. San Francisco: Chandler.

Katz Michael B. (1989) The Understanding Poor: From the War on Poverty to the War on Welfare. N. Y: Pantheon.

Кассирер Э. Познание и действительность. М., 1912.

Kuhn Thomas (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2 edn. Chica­go: The University of Chicago Press.

Labov William (Ed.) (1980) Locating Language in Time and Space. N. Y.: Academic Press.

Latour Bruno and Steve Woolgar (1979) Laboratory Life: The Social Construc­tion of Scientific Facts. London: Sage.

Lenoir Remi (1978) L'invention du «troisiem age» et la constitution du champs des agents de gestion de la vieillesse// Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 57-82.

Lenoir Remi (1980) La notion d'accident du travail: un enjeu de lutes // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 77-88.

Luker Kristin (1984) Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Mauger Gerar and Claud Fosse-Polliak (1983) Les loubards // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 49-67.

Parsons Talcott (1937) The Structure of Social Action. Glencoe, 111.: The Free Press.

Pialoux Michel (1978) Jeunes sans avenir et marche du travail temporaire // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 19-47.

Pollak Michael (1988) Les homosexuals et le SIDA: sociologie d'une epide­mic. Paris: Anne-Marie Metailie.

Rossi Peter H. (1989) Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homeless-ness. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Rome Joseph (1987) Knowledge and Power: Toward a Political Philosophy of Science. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press.

Saint Martin Monique de (1990b) Les «femmes ecrivains» et le champ litterai-re // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 52-56.

Sayad Abdelmalek (1985) Du message oral ou message sur cassette: la com­munication avec 1'absent// Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 61-72.

Schefloff Emmanuel (1987) Between Macro and Micro: Contexts and Other Connections // Micro-Macro Link / Ed. by J. Alexander et al. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. P. 207-34.

Schneider Joseph W. (1985) Social Problems Theory: The Constructionist View // Annual Review of Socioogy. P. 209-29.

Schon Donald (1983) The Reflective Practicioner: How Professionals Think in Action. N. Y.: Basic Books.

Scott Joan (1988) Gender and the Politics of History. N. Y: Columbia Univer­sity Press.

Sewell William (1980) Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from the Old Regime to 1848. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Smelser Neil J. (Ed.) (1988) Handbook of Sociology. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Spector Malcolm and John I. Kitsuse (1987) Constructing Social Problems. N. Y: Aldine de Gruyter

Strawson Peter F. (1959) Individuals: An Essay in Methaphysics. London: Methuen.

Thevenot Laurent (1979) Unejeunesse difficile. Les functions socials du flou et de la rigueur dans les classements // Actes de la recherche en siences socials. P. 3-18.

Traweek Susan (1989) Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High-Energy Physicists. Cambridge: Harward University Press.

Viala Alain (1985) Naissance de Pecrivain. Sociologie de la literature a 1'age classique. Paris: Editions de Minuit.

Wittgenstein Ludwig (1977) Vermischte Bemerkungen. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag.

Перевод с английского Е. Д. Руткевич



Примечания 71


Идея социологии. Основания общей теории. Антология .......... (Ч. 1) 3

Бурдье П. Опыт рефлексивной социологии ....................... (Ч. 2) 373

Вебер М. «Объективность» социально-научного и социально-политического познания .................................... (Ч. 1) 147

Вебер М. Основные социологические понятия .................... (Ч. 1) 70

Гидденс Э. Новые правила социологического метода ............... (Ч. 2) 281

Гофман И. Порядок взаимодействия ............................ (Ч. 2) 60

Дюркгейм Э. Определение моральных факторов .................. (Ч. 1) 25

Дюркгейм Э. Социология и социальные науки .................... (Ч. 1) 6

Зиммель Г. Как возможно общество? ............................ (Ч. 1) 314

Зиммель Г. Общение. Пример чистой, или формальной, социологии ... (Ч. 1) 334

Коллинз Р. Социология: наука или антинаука? .................... (Ч. 2) 245

Лумаи Н. «Что происходит?» и «Что за этим кроется?». Две социологии

и теория общества ...................................... (Ч.2) 319

Парето В. Социалистические системы ........................... (Ч. I) 249

Парк Р. Аккомодация.......................................... (Ч. 1) 406

Парк Р. Ассимиляция.......................................... (Ч. 1) 415

Парк Р. Конкуренция .......................................... (Ч. 1) 390

Парк Р. Конфликт. ............................................ (Ч. 1) 400

Парк Р. Экология человека ..................................... (Ч. 1) 374

Парсонс Т. О теории и метатеории .............................. (Ч. 2) 43

Парсонс Т. Понятие общества: компоненты и их взаимоотношения ... (Ч. 2) 3

Сорокин П. Предмет социологии и ее отношение к другим наукам ... (Ч. 2) 105

Сорокин П. Социальная аналитика. Анализ элементов

взаимодействия............................................ (Ч.2) 136

Сорокин П. Явление взаимодействия как коллективное единство..... (Ч. 2) 156

Тернер Дж. Аналитическое теоретизирование .................... (Ч. 2) 194

Теннис Ф. Общность и общество ............................... (Ч. 1) 216

Хабермас Ю. Отношения между системой и жизненным миром

в условиях позднего капитализма. ............................ (Ч. 2) 353

Шелер М. Социология знания .................................. (Ч. 1) 350