Бабазаде О.Б., Раджабов С.М., Романов Б.О. Сейсмические методы изучения дилатансных зон среды землетрясений. Материалы VII Международной школы-семинара "Физические основы прогнозирования разрушения горных пород". Октябрь, 2005, Ин-т Физики Земли им. О.Ю. Шмидта РАН
Бабазаде О.Б., Полетаева Е.В. Комплексное изучение глубинных разломов Каспийского моря по гравимагнитным аномалиям. Тр. Института Геологии НАНА, №34, с. 59-67, Изд."Nafta-Press", Баку, 2006
Бабазаде О.Б. Моделирование сейсмического отклика колебания грунта от типовых землетрясений на примере Абшерона, Азербайджан. Маркшейдерия и недропользования. №1, 2007, Москва, с. 53-58
Бабазаде О.Б., Бабаев Р.Г. Сейсмическое микрорайонирование Апшеронского полуострова Азербайджана: метод и результаты. // Геоэкология, № 2, 2007, с. 143-150
Radzhabov M. M., Babazade O. B. Refracted-diffracted waves recorded in deep seismic sounding of the Earth’s crust / Izv. Earth Physics, № 03, 1970, p. 83 – 90, USA, Translated by D. G. Fry.
Babazade O. B. Results of the study of seismic source processes according to earthquake record in Azerbaijan. European seismological commission XIX General Assembly, Abstracts, Moscow, 1984, p. 32 – 33.
Babazade O. B. Seismic gap before earthquake (M = 5.4) of Nov. 29, 1981 in the eastern Azerbaijan (Caucasus) and migration of mud eruptions. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The 23rd General Assembly of International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI). Vol. 1. Symposia 1 – 6, Tokyo, Japan, 1985, p. 103.
Babazade O. B. A new areal method of transverse seismic sounding by refraction wave. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The 23rd General Assembly of International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI). Vol.1. Symposia 7-15, Tokyo, Japan, 1985, p. 739.
Babazade O. B. Seismogeodinamics of source zones of earthquake preparation of the Caucasus and bordering regions of Alpian belt. The 25th general Assembly of International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI). August 21 – September, 1. 1989, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 203.
Babazade O. B., Shekinsky E. M., Muradkhanov S. A. On the phenomena of seismic noise and hydrogeodynamic regime before Spitak earthquake, 7.XII.1988 in the Caucasus. The 25th General Assembly of International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI). August 21 – September, 1. 1989, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 333.
Babazade O. B. Prediction of the 1990 Iran earthquake and precursory phenomena of orbital trajectory in strong foreshocks. International conference on earthquake prediction: State-of-the-art. Strasbourg, France, 15-18 October 1991. Scientific-technical contributions. p. 2-9.
Babazade O. B. The 1990 Rudbar earthquake in Iran: Seismic prediction and precursory phenomena. 29 th International Geological Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 24 August – 3 September, 1992, Vol. 3 of 3, 11-21-1, P–6, p. 927.
Babazade O. B. Features of the Caspian Sea level oscillations in connection with the preparation of strong earthquakes. Turkiye 13, Jeofizik kurultaye. 13th Geophysical convention of Turkey. 5-9 April, 1993, p. 70 – 71.
Babazade O. B. Seismological prediction of large earthquakes of the Alpine belt between Black sea – East Turkey and Afghanistan – Pakistan. Turkiye 13, Jeofizik kurultaye. 13th Geophysical convention of Turkey. 5 – 9 April, 1993, p. 72 – 73.
Babazade O. B. Determination of heterogeneity of focal zones of the earthquakes from seismic data of the Caucasus. Turkiye 13, Jeofizik kurultaye. 13th Geophysical convention of Turkey. 5 – 9 April, 1993, p. 150.
Babazade O. B. Prediction of the June 21st 1990 Iran earthquake and precursory phenomena of orbital trajectory in strong foreshocks. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Earthquake Prognostics. Sept. 27 – 29, 1993 Tehran, I. R. Iran, p 3-4.
Babazade O. B. Features of the Caspian Sea level oscillations in connection with the preparation of strong earthquakes. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Earthquake prognostics. Sept. 27 – 29, 1993, Tehran, I. R. Iran, p. 5 – 6.
Babazade O. B. Seismological prediction of large earthquakes of the Alpine belt between black Sea – East Turkey and Afghanistan – Pakistan. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Earthquake Prognostics. Sept. 27 – 29, 1993, Tehran, I. R. Iran, p. 52 – 53.
Babazade O. B. Migration of mud volcano eruptions and their relationship with the occurrence of strong earthquakes. International Volcanological Congress. Iavcei, Ankara, September 12 –16, Abstracts, theme – 8 volcano – geophysics, 1994, p. 94
Babazade O. B. Peculiarities of deep faults in Azerbaijan in accordance with geophysical fields anomalies. Energy, Ecology, Economy. Third Baku International Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic, September 19 – 22, 1995. p. 51.
Babazade O. B. Migration of mud eruptions as earthquake precursors. International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean region 1995. IESCA – 1995, Izmir – Gulluk, Turkey. 9 – 14, October 1995. p. 5.
Babazade O. B. Geophysical features of deep fault models of the Azerbaijan area in the Caucasus orogenic belts. 30th International Geological Congress Abstracts, Volume 1 of 3, Beijing, China 4 – 14 August 1996, p. 151.
Babazade O. B. Migration phenomena of mud volcanic eruptions as earthquake precursors, concept of upper crustal sedimentary – level plate tectonics. 30th International Geological Congress. Abstracts. Volume 3 of 3. Beijing, China 4 – 14 August 1996. p. 185.
Babazade O. B. Two kinds of migration for mud volcanic eruptions as new earthquake precursors. IASPEI Regional Assembly in Asia. Tangshan, China, August 1 – 3, Asian Seismological Commission State Seismological Bureau of China 1996. p. 201.
Babazade O. B. Migration of mud volcano and the concept of sedimentary – level plate tectonics. “Petroleum Systems in Rapidly-Subsiding Basins”. First Azerbaijan International Conference on Geophysics. October 10, 1996, p. 40 – 41 (English).
Babazade O. B. Refracted wave 3-D seismological method. “Petroleum Systems in Rapidly-Subsiding Basins” First Azerbaijan International Conference on Geophysics. October 10, 1996, p. 49 – 50 (English).
Babazade O. B., Bayramova G. A. Geological-geophysical prognosis of oil and gas potential of Mesozoic volcanities in the Kurin depression. 59th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition, Geneva. Volume 2. 26 – 30, May 1997, p. 1 – 2.
Babazade O. B., Radzhabov S. M. Prediction of reservoirs in the cross section using 3-D seismic reflection surveys. Geophysics news in Azerbaijan “Azermilgeofizcom” Bulletin 3/1997 p. 10 – 12.
Babazade O. B. Modelling the structure of the Earthquakes Centre Zone by Seismic Data. IASPEI 1997. The 29th General Assembly of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior. Thessaloniki, Greece. August 18 – 28, 1997. p. 60.
Babazade O. B. The remote deep-focus strong foreshocks as precursors of large shallow earthquake in Caucasus-Iranian region. IASPEI 1997. The 29th General Assembly of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior. Thessaloniki, Greece. August 18 – 28, 1997. p. 83.
Babazade O. B. Prognosis of Khorasan and Ardebil earthquakes in Iran in 1997 (Occurrence of Predicted Earthquakes). IASPEI 1997. The 29th General Assembly of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior. Thessaloniki, Greece. August 18 – 28, 1997. p. 159.
Babazade O. B. The regularities of the foreshocks and mud volcanic eruptions sequence dynamics in earthquakes preparation processes of the Caucasus-Caspian region. IASPEI 1997. The 29th General Assembly of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior. Thessaloniki, Greece. August 18 – 28, 1997. p. 349.
Babazade O. B. Proposals for cooperation between Azerbaijan Republic and international organizations on the problems of geology and geophysics. Geophysics news in Azerbaijan “Azermilgeofizcom” Bulletin 2/1998, p. 28 – 31.
Babazade O. B. Earthquake monitoring and early warning systems in Azerbaijan. International IDNDR-Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of natural Disasters, EWC’98. Potsdam, Federal Republic of Germany, Sept. 7 – 11, 1998. p. 76.
Babazade O. B. The remote precursors of the Spitak earthquake and earthquake monitoring-prediction systems in Azerbaijan. The second international conference on earthquake hazard and seismic risk reduction. Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Spitak Earthquake. Yerevan – Armenia, 15 – 21 September, 1998. p. 159.
Babazadeh O.B. Earthquakes prediction: Geodynamics of the focus zones and Azerbaijan research project. Proceedings of the International Conference "Geodynamics of the Black Sea – Caspian segment of the Alpine folded belt and prospects of search for economic minerals". 9-10 June, 1999 Baku, p. 158-159
Babazade O. B. Seismic hazard zonation and early warning system in Azerbaijan. Book of Abstracts of International conference on earthquake hazard and risk in the Mediterranean EAN Region / The Near East University. October 18 – 22, 1999. Nicosia North Cyprus. P. 190.
Babazade O. B. Seismological monitoring system plant needed to bid for Yenikend hydroelectric station project Geophysics news in Azerbaijan. Azermilgeofizcom. Scientific- Technical magazine № 1, 2000 г. p. 20 – 23.
Babazade O. Interaction of the strong upper-mantle and crust earthquakes of the Caucasian-Iranian region. Third meeting of ASC & Symposium on seismology, Earthquake hazard assessment and Earth’s interior related topics, October 10 – 12, 2000, Tehran, I. R. Iran, S119, p. 9 – 10.
Babazade O. Deep seismic sounding (DSS) as a base of development of geodynamics and prediction of the earthquakes focal zones. Third meeting of ASC & Symposium on seismology earthquake hazard assessment and Earth’s interior related topics, October 10 – 12, 2000, Tehran, I. R. Iran, S324 p. 69.
Babazade O. 3D Multiwave Seismological Research Method. 50th Anniversary of the ESC XXVIII General Assembly, IASPEI, IUGG, Genoa, SCD – 1-05-P, 1 – 6 Sept., 2002, p. 22.
Babazade O. Seismological aspects of the CTBT in Azerbaijan Republic 50th Anniversary of the ESC XXVIII General Assembly, IASPEI, IUGG, Genoa, SCA 2-09-0, 1 – 6 Sept. 2002, p. 164 – 167.
Babazade O., Babayev G., Kaneko F., Tsugawa T. New Seismic Microzoning Study for Apsheron Peninsula Including Baku Metropolitan Area, Azerbaijan. CRDF Caucasus – US Joint Scientific Workshop. Internet site: pcities.com/CRDF/Compressed/Paper O. Babazade 3.php, October 7 – 8, 2002, Yerevan, Armenia. p 13.
Babazade O. Azerbaijan Country Report. CRDF Caucasus – US Joint Scientific Workshop “Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Risk Mitigation for the Critical Facilities in Caucasus”. October 7 – 8, 2002, Yerevan, Armenia.
Babazade O. Principles and Strategy for Early Warning System Establishment”. Regional Workshop “Common Approaches to Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment, Decision-Making Processes on Seismic Risk Management”, 25 – 27 October, 2002, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia.
Babazade O. Azerbaijan research project: hazard and risk assessment. “Symposium on Seismology, Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Risk Management”. The Fourth General Assembly of the ASC, 24 – 26 Nov., 2002, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 20 – 21.
Babazade O., Grisser L., Wieland M. Seismic early warning systems for oil and gas pipelines. Symposium on Seismology, Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Risk Management. The Fourth General Assembly of the ASC, 24 – 26 Nov., 2002, Kathmandu, Nepal. p. 79.
Babazade O., Babayev G. Numerical modeling of seismic microzoning for Apsheron peninsula of Azerbaijan. Conference Proceedings of the Fourth Inter. Confer. on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE – 4). Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (JSEE), IIEES, 12 – 14 May, 2003, Tehran, I. R. Iran, p. 7.
Babazade O., Griesser L., Kuendig C. Earthquake Safety System for Oil and Gas Pipelines – Comparison to the Case of Nuclear Power Plants. Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (JSEE), IIEES, Tehran, I. R. Iran, 2003.
Babazade O.B. Scientific Technical Aspects of Seismology and Physics of Earth Interior of the CTBT in Azerbaijan – Caspian Region. Workshop on CTBTO International Cooperation for states from Central Asia and the Caucasus (25-27 March, 2003, Baku, Azerbaijan). Published by the Provisional Technical Secretariat of Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna, Austria, 2003, 30 p.
Babazade O.B., Babayev G.R. Models of seismic microzoning for Apsheron peninsula and Baku metropolis, Azerbaijan. Proceeding of 13th World Conference on earthquake engineering. August 1st – 6th, 2004,Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada
Babazade O.B. Dynamic earthquake prediction and early warning seismic monitoring system for the Baku – Tbilisi – Ceyhan oil and gas pipelines as the basis of mitigation risk Proceeding of International Geological Congress, August, 2004, Florence, Italy
Babazade O.B. et al. The migration of activity of mud volcanoes and landslide phenomena in the period of preparation and arising of earthquakes 25.11.00 (M 5.8; 6.3) and 06.12.00 (M 7.3) to the west of the Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan. ESC XXIX General Assembly IVGG, IASPEI Abstracts. University and GFZ Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 12-17, 2004, p.145
Babazade O.B. Seismic monitoring of controlled sources of vibration on processes of preparing strong earthquakes of the Caspian Sea and adjacent areas. ESC XXIX General Assembly IVGG, IASPEI Abstracts. University and GFZ Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 12-17, 2004, p.145
Babazade O., Grisser L., Wieland M. Seismic early warning systems for oil and gas pipelines. In Proceedings: Symposium on Seismology, Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Risk Management. The Fourth General Assembly of the ASC, 24 – 26 Nov., 2002, Kathmandu, Nepal. October, 2004 p. 77-82.
Babazade O.B. et al. Safety system for pipelines in seismo-active regions, dynamic prediction and earthquake detection. Proceedings of 5th Asian Seismological Commission, General Assembly. October 18-21, 2004, Yerevan, Armenia
Babazade O.B. et al. Migration of mud volcanic activity in connection with the preparation of main earthquake. IASPEI, General Assembly, Santiago, Chili, 2005
Babazade O.B. et al. Dynamic prediction of seismic hazard and pipeline earthquake monitoring safety system. IASPEI, General Assembly, Santiago, Chili, 2005
Babazade O.B. et al. 3D seismic studies of low velocity layers and horizontal inhomogeneities with the crust of Caucasus-Caspian Sea. IASPEI, General Assembly, Santiago, Chili, 2005
Babazade O.B. et al. Methods of 3D seismic prospecting reflected waves. Proceedings of IAMG'05: GIS and Spatial Analysis, Vol.1, Toronto, Canada, August 21-26, 2005, p.226-231
Babazade O.B. et al. Safety system for pipelines in seismo-active regions, dynamic prediction and earthquake detection. In Proceedings: The International Conference on Geohazards, Natural Disasters. Department of Physical Geography, Tabriz University, Sep. 2005, Tabriz – Iran. p. 8
Babazade O.B. et al. Geodynamics of the mud volcanic activity in connection with the preparation of earthquake focal zones. In Proceedings: The International Conference on Geohazards, Natural Disasters. Department of Physical Geography, Tabriz University, Sep. 2005, Tabriz – Iran. p. 5
Babazade O.B. et al. Dynamic prediction and earthquake safety system for pipelines in seismo-active regions. Quantitative seismology in honor of Kei Aki: exploring the dynamic earth by seismological means – Geophysical Res. Abstr., vol. 7, A075; EGU05-A-20603; SM11-ITU4P-0075, 2005. Austria, Vienna
Babazade O.B. et al. Geodynamics of the mud volcanic activity in connection with the preparation of earthquake focal zones. Quantitative seismology in honor of Kei Aki: exploring the dynamic earth by seismological means – Geophysical Res. Abstr., vol. 7, 02628, 2005 SREF-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU 05-A-02628 EGU 2005. Austria, Vienna
Babazade O.B. et al. Energy of reflected seismic waves in diagnosis of fluid saturated layer-reservoir. The 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East, UAE University, 2006. 5 p.
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O. Migration of mud volcanic activity in connection with the preparation of main earthquakes. 8th NCEE Conference Proceeding. The 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference, Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, San Francisco, California, USA, April 18-22, 2006. 9 p.
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O. Griesser L. Dynamic prediction of seismic hazards for the Caspian-Eastern-Turkey-Iran Region and pipeline earthquake impacts. First European Conference Engineering and Seismology. 30th General Assemble of the ESC. 3-8 Sept. 2006. Geneva, Switzerland. Abstract Book. p. 292.
Babazade O.B. et al. Models of seismic microzoning for Absheron peninsula and Baku. 13 WCEE: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Conference Proceedings. 2004. CSA / ASCE Civil Engineering Abstracts, 2006, CSA, Canada.
Babazade O.B. et al. Mitigation of earthquake risk in Baku. NATO ARW, Management of Urban Earthquake Risk in Central Asian and Caucasus Countries. Volume of Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-19 May, 2006. p.47
Babazade O.B. et al. Dynamic prediction and earthquake monitoring – one of possible approaches to decrease the risk for oil and has pipeline. Ninth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 26-29 June, 2007, 21p.
Babazade O.B. et al. Mitigation of earthquake risk in Baku. NATO ARW, Management of Urban Earthquake Risk in Central Asian and Caucasus Countries. Volume of Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-19 May, 2006. p.47
Babazade O.B. et al. Dynamic prediction and earthquake monitoring – one of possible approaches to decrease the risk for oil and has pipeline. Ninth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 26-29 June, 2007, 21p.
Babazade O.B. Dynamic seismic hazard prediction and pipeline earthquake impact. Proceedings (abstracts) of 33th General Assembly, International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, August 2008, GHZ-04.
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O., Romanov B.O. Diagnosis of dilatancy zones fluid saturated layer-reservoir of the section by method of 3D vertical seismic sounbing. Proceedings (abstracts) of 33th General Assembly, International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, August 2008, EIE-02
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O., Romanov B.O. Different scale migration manifestations of mud volcanic activity dynamics in processes of main earthquake preparation with magnitude 5.0 - 9.0 (abstracts) of 33th General Assembly, International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, August 2008, EIE-02, GHZ-01.
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O., Griesser L., Romanov B.O. Dynamic prediction and earthquake monitoring one of possible approaches to decrease the risk for oil and gas pipeline. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference of Earthquake engineering, October 12-17, Beijing, China.
Babazade O.B., Romanov B.O. Physical-Mathematical grounds of prediction of horizontal-dilatancy zones of heterogeneities and Fluid-saturated Layer reservoirs of section round the deep wells by 3 D vertical seismic sounding methods. Proceedings of the 7th General Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission and the 2008 fall meetings of Seismological Society, 24-27 November, 2008, Tskuba, Japan, Y3210, p. 334.
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O., Griesser L. Dynamic Seismic Hazard Prediction and Earthquake Risk assessment. Proceedings of the 7th General Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission and the 2008 fall meetings of Seismological Society, 24-27 November, 2008, Tskuba, Japan, Y3210, p. 335.
Babazade O.B., Romanov B.O. Predicting of horizontal fault-dilatancy zones of heterogeneities within the crust round the deep wells by 3D.
Babazade O.B., Babazade N.O. Mud volcano seismo-geodynamics. Abstract, International Assembly of Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior, IASPEI, January, 2009, Cape Town, South African Republic, E2.
Babazade O.B., Griesser L. Seismic hazard prediction and earthquake risk assessment. International Assembly of Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior, IASPEI, January, 2009, Cape Town, South African Republic, R2.
Babazade O.B. Seismic hazard prediction and earthquake risk assessment. Seismological researches letters, vol. 80, № 2, March-April April 8-10, 2009, SSA, Monterey, California, USA, p.322.
Babazade O.B. Seismic geodynamics and forecast of developing source zones of preparation of Earthquakes. Nomination for the Crawford Prize in Geosciences 2010 the Royal Swedish Bulletin, Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Sweden, 5 p.