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Адаманова З.О. Инновационные факторы экономического развития в условиях глобализации. – Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание научной степени доктора экономических наук по специальности 08.05.01 – Мировое хозяйство и международные экономические отношения. – Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетмана, Киев, 2006.

Диссертация посвящена исследованию инновационных факторов экономического развития в условиях глобализации с целью обоснования главных направлений совершенствования государственной инновационной политики.

Показан инновационный характер системных глобальных трансформаций и их влияние на экономический рост. Исследована эволюция концепций инновационного развития с установлением взаимозависимости национальной конкуренто–способности и масштабов, а также характера инновационной деятельности.

Рассмотрены детерминанты устойчивой конкурентоспособности в странах - инновационных лидерах в условиях глобализации, определены критерии и факторы эффективности имитационных моделей развития, проанализированы особенности участия в интернационализированных инновационных процессах стран – технологических аутсайдеров.

Исследована сущность инновационно направленных экономических трансформаций, рассмотрена многовариантность инновационного поведения в переходных условиях и проведена селективная оценка инновационных стратегий отдельных стран.

Определены предпосылки и проанализирован потенциал инновационного развития Украины, установлены принципы и обоснованы основные механизмы формирования государственной инновационной политики с учетом влияния факторов глобализации.

Ключевые слова: экономическое развитие, глобализация, инновация, инновационный потенциал, государственная инновационная политика, национальная инновационная система, международная инновационная конкурентоспособность, инновационная глобализация, инновационная модель развития.


Adamanova Z.O. Innovative factors of economic development in conditions of globalization. – Manuscript.

The thesis for obtaining of Doctor of Economic Science academic degree. The specialty 08.05.01. – World economy and international economic relations. Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv, 2006.

The dissertation is devoted to the research of innovative factors of economic development in conditions of globalization with the purpose of substantiation of the main directions of state innovative policy improvement.

Innovative character of global transformations and their influence on economic growth is investigated. The interrelation of global and national system transformations in innovative sphere is established, the definition of international innovative system is suggested, the levels of its functioning are established.

Global innovative environment is investigated and determined, its attributes are revealed and characterized, the essence and features of innovative globalisation are clarified. The concepts of innovative development are critically assessed, the basic directions of their evolution are determined, and the distinctions in the explanation of the role of innovations in economic development are revealed.

On the basis of research the essence of innovative activity of the state and national competitiveness, their interrelation and interdependence are revealed. The modern economic principles of management of national competitiveness are considered; the objective and subjective factors of its level and dynamism are investigated.

The determinants of sustainable competitiveness of the countries – innovative leaders under the condition of globalisation are considered. The universal tendencies of innovative process of the countries – innovative leaders, which form steady competitive advantages, are investigated.

The factors of innovative development of the countries – innovative leaders and countries – simulators are investigated, their classification is elaborated, the decisive value of the international-integration factors is established. The criteria and factors of efficiency of imitating development models are revealed and characterized. The basic directions and imitation components of national innovative process detailed by the appropriate parameters are determined.

The features of participation in innovative processes of the countries – outsiders of innovative development are analyzed. On the basis of a rating and analysis of the developed criteria the countries – outsiders are divided into groups (contours) forming "«niches" of global innovative space. Within the framework of each contour the features of the internal scientific and technical progress are established. Depending on the intensity of transformations and conditions limiting scientific and technical progress, and the models of participation of the countries – outsiders in global innovative process are established and detailed. The progressive features and principles of innovative development implemented in the countries – outsiders are considered. The models of interaction of the countries – outsiders with international corporations are generated.

The essence of the system innovative directed economic transformations is investigated, internal and external factors and features, determining them are established. The national and international factors of innovative system development in modern conditions are considered. The classification of the innovative directed transformations of the national economy by various criteria is developed, their preconditions and motivated mechanisms are established. "Evolutionary" and "selective" adaptation of the national economy to changing conditions is revealed, their parallel character is grounded.

The clusters of the countries with transitive economy which use various approaches to formation of national innovative system are allocated and characterized . The strategy of innovative development and model of providing innovative system with new knowledge are considered. As a result the multialternative parity of strategy and models of innovative development in conditions of transitive economy is established. The concept of innovative focused transformations has received its further development, the stages of evolution and their structure are established. The basic directions of multialternativeness of innovative behaviour in conditions of transitive economy are considered and selective rating of innovative strategies of the separate countries is executed.

The concept of innovative development potential is determined and its state in Ukraine is analyzed. Also internal and external preconditions of realisation are revealed. The principles and the basic mechanisms of innovation policy creation are established. The features of national innovation management development are investigated and the essence of innovative national culture is considered.

The features of the national innovation management in Ukraine are established, the stages and time intervals of this process are allocated, its purposes and tasks are proved.

The influence of international innovative environment, its components on national innovative process and innovative management with allocation of groups of factors is established and investigated. Institutional provision of separate components of national innovative model of Ukraine considering globalization factors influence has been suggested.

Key words: economic development, globalisation, innovation, states innovative policy, national innovative system, international innovative competitiveness, innovative globalisation, innovative model of development.