Эволюция представлений о верховной власти в обществах тюркского периода (VI xii вв.)
Вид материала | Автореферат |
СодержаниеThe object of the research The tasks of the research Approbation of the research The results of the research |
- Эволюция института верховной власти в странах магриба (конец XIX начало XXI вв.), 766.86kb.
- Захарова Л. И. Эволюция представлений о правах человека, 207.84kb.
- Реферат диссертации на соискание академической степени магистра живописи, 1178.03kb.
- Исследование влияния современных социально-экономических условий на характеристики, 502.3kb.
- Концепции современного естествознания модуль 1 Естествознание: эволюция представлений, 1345.96kb.
- Калимонов И. К. Эволюция теоретических представлений об историческом процессе во французской, 275.58kb.
- Верховной Рады Украины (ввр), 1992, n 6, ст. 56) (Вводится в действие Постановлением, 5380.52kb.
- М. В. Масловский Теория бюрократии Макса Вебера и современная политическая социология, 1097.79kb.
- Одобрен Советом Республики 21 декабря 2005 года статья, 1458.56kb.
- Евразии и ее ядра территории Центральноевразийского региона, 1169.12kb.
Tukesheva Nazgul Mukataevna
Evolution of the conceptions of the Supreme authority in societies
of the Turkic period (VI-XII c.)
Dissertation for a Candidate of Historical Sciences Degree
Specializing code 07.00.02 – Native History
(The History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
The study of formation of authority institutes of nomadic societies touches upon radical aspects of native history. The originality and specific character of the Kazakh society, or, rather, of its national and political system, were closely determined by previous stages of the development of the nomadic peoples. Despite of rather wide circle of sources, the role of the Supreme authority and its functional purpose in organization of nomadic society and state are not objectively revealed in modern historiography. The problem of formation of the Supreme authority institute in post Mongolian states in the territory of Kazakhstan is sufficiently well investigated in historical science, whereas the bases and roots of the Turkic and Mongolian states trace their roots back to antiquity. With all this going on social and political consciousness and political traditions of Turkic societies are not investigated in full measure.
The study of the given problem is important in a context of the research of the political system of nomads in the territory of Kazakhstan. The nomadic Turkic peoples formed some specific conceptions of authority, which had determined many features of the political consciousness and ideologies of these societies dictated by their world perception.
The object of the research is the conceptions of the Supreme authority in societies of the Turkic medieval period, their evolution in the historical period designated in the chronology of history of Kazakhstan as Turkic (VI-XII c.).
The aim of the research is to study the range of conceptions describing perception of the Supreme authority in societies of the Turkic period (VI-XII c.) of history of Kazakhstan through the study of the complex of conceptions of the place of the Supreme governor from the traditional point of view.
The tasks of the research:
▪ to analyse the data given in written sources describing religious aspect of perception of the Supreme authority in Turkic societies of the middle ages (VI-XII c.); to show their synthesis with political and legal consciousness of the Turkic society and social importance of sacral activity of the governor;

▪ to define the character of ideas of the place of the Supreme governor in potestary and political structure of the Turkic society, its interaction with society («the code of honour» of the governor);
The theoretical and methodological base of the research is based on the main principles of scientific methodology of the analysis of the historical data. These are the principles of historical method, development, scientific character, objectivity; understanding of the society as integrity; the account of world perception of the people of the past.
Approbation of the research. The principal points and findings of the research were covered by four scientific articles published in the state journals and four publications published in the collections of the international scientific and practical conferences.
Practical and scientific value of the research. The results of the research can be used in the further development of researches on the given problem. The results of the thesis can be used for drawing up lectures on «History of medieval Kazakhstan», realization of the special course on «History of the medieval states in the territory of Kazakhstan», drawing up a manual for historical specialities on the specified period.
The results of the research:
▪ The conceptions of the Supreme authority were a component part of united outlook system of societies of the Turkic period. It was determined by the following correlation: «Above there is the Sky, from below – the Earth and there is the human race between them, and there is the Supreme authority – in the person of kagan».
▪ The Supreme authority as a necessary condition of existence of the state and was consecrated by Tengri authority through the possession of «Heavenly legitimity» and presence of «heavenly kut» - sacral substation.
▪ The conceptions of the authority were created on the basis of already existing the society political and legal judgements with the purpose of harmonious inclusion in the structure of value aims of social and political culture of Turkic expressed by the concept «toru».
▪ The component part of conceptions of the applicability of the Supreme authority institute was «the idea of the Way». It included three integrally connected senses: ritual, social, political.
▪ The owner of the title «kagan» occupied in social and political structure of Turkic society the high stage and highest authority to which the people appealed to realize vital interests of the society.
▪ Nomadic Turkic society developed the certain algorithm of behaviour of the Supreme governor, which included judgements about the code of honour, personal qualities, image of life, functional duties.
▪ The system of outlook on the Supreme authority in considered historical epoch, incorporating some elements of Arabic and Moslem political culture, did not bear radical changes. The given circumstance was caused by both traditional nature of the Turkic nomadic society and functioning such a system of world outlook as «tengrianstvo».

Подписано в печать 02.06.2007 г.
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