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Project of the Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies (University of Helsinki).
Coordinator: Elena Hellberg-Hirn (University of Helsinki).
Observation of city life (St. Petersburg’s jubilee in May 2003 and other city events), photography, analysis of the press and Internet, and interviews of cultural industry employees formed the basis for the project.
Participant from CISR: Sofia Tchouikina.
Supported by the Academy of Finland.
The aim of this research project was to interpret self-presentations of the largest Russian radical nationalist organisations in terms of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory. Ideologies and practices of the extreme right groups were regarded as dramatic performances, legitimising their members’ claims for redistribution of political power and/or advertising their individual strategies of social mobility. The research was conducted with participant observation, discursive analysis and event analysis methods.
Researcher: Mikhail Sokolov.
Supported by the Ford Foundation.
The purpose of the project was to study systems of and approaches to treatment and rehabilitation of drug-addicts in modern Russia and to analyse the activities of anti-narcotic NGOs (the case of organisations in Northwest Russia). Methods included case study of non-commercial therapeutic communities (rehabilitation centres rendering assistance to drug-addicts), biographical and expert interviews, and secondary analysis of relevant documents.
Researcher: Natalia Fedorova.
Supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
Joint project with the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
Coordinators: Zbigniew Smoreda (France Telecom) and Richard Ling (Telenor).
The project aimed to research ICT’s role in communication and everyday life among St. Petersburg youth. Special attention was paid to the mobile phone as a new communication channel. In the framework of the research, complex methodology was used: two-phase interviews, communication diaries and personal document analysis.
Participant from CISR: Boris Gladarev.
Supported by France Telecom, Telenor.
This pilot project aimed to study the composition and structure of non-mainstream, including alternative and civil, print and Internet sources in the Northwest region.
Researcher: Olessia Koltsova.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the CISR.
The research aimed to analyse the transformation of the discursive meaning of juvenile offender status and the codification of preventive methods as a way to express the conception of juvenile justice. The research tasks were to study changes in status codification and preventive measures for juvenile offenders fixed in legislative acts, intradepartmental directions and orders; to analyse discussions in mass media publications. “New social control” theories served as a methodological basis for the research (Lemert, Becker, Cohen etc.). The basic method was analysis of documents.
Researcher: Nataliya Danilova.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the CISR.
The project aimed to research gift-giving practices in modern society. The project proposed solutions to the following problems: analysis of classical and modern gift/exchange conceptions; working out of theoretical and methodological research basics; definition of the social and subjective meanings of gift-giving on the basis of secondary analysis of interviews, Internet sources and literature on modern etiquette.
Researcher: Olga Kalacheva.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
The main goal was to work on the theoretical aspect of the research project in order to analyse culture and memory in modern military conflicts in Russia: to define basic theoretical directions of war memory studies and cultural studies in supplement to war memorials research; specification of the basic definitions (war memorial culture, commemoration, commemoration practices).
Researcher: Nataliya Danilova.
Supported by the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) and the Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies (University of Helsinki).
study of the youth’s needs in anti-drug NGOs
Coordinator: Valeria Khalileva (Foundation “Spasenie (Salvation)”).
The project was devoted to the study of young people’s need for anti-drug NGOs. Its objective consisted in studying young people’s awareness of existing anti-drug NGOs, specific features of their work, and shortcomings in their work. Methodology: questionnaire.
Participant from CISR: Peter Meylakhs.
Supported by the EU TACIS Programme.
The category of “care” in many respects defined the Soviet human rights tradition on the level of ideology and practice. Detailed research of methods of representation, interpretation and practical use of the “care” category in official discourse gave an overview of the Soviet tradition of agents’ interactions in the sphere of human rights. The project aimed to analyse discursive production and reproduction of the Soviet model of civil-state interactions in the civil rights protection field through the prism of the “care” category.
Researcher: Elena Bogdanova.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the CISR.
The goal of the project was to carry out pilot research of different aspects of war memorial culture after the war in Afghanistan. War memorials in Russia and the CIS devoted to victims of modern wars were the objects of the research. The research subject was the field of symbolic meanings of memorials, its genesis, and commemoration practices defining the character and function of memorial space. Methodology: memory studies and cultural studies. Methods: document analysis, observation.
Researcher: Nataliya Danilova.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the CISR.
Soviet Complaints Practices in Modern Russia: Transformations in Legal Relations
The project is devoted to the investigation of the Soviet institution of rights protection – the Soviet complaints procedure (official application to authorities). In the framework of the project, complaints were considered as a Soviet practice of rights protection, and the institution of the Soviet complaint as a structure which constructs and reproduces a model for interaction between citizens and the authorities. The aim of the dissertation project is to research the formation of the post-Soviet institution of rights protection, and to clarify the transformation of the Soviet model on the level of practice. In the dissertation, the meaning of the category of “complaint” was explained as a genre of communication with the authorities, and also as the genre closest to traditional Russian legal relations. In the practical part of the dissertation, the Soviet institution of complaints and its transformation after the reforms of the 80s– beginning of the 90s will be analysed. On the basis of the texts of complaints, the strategies of Soviet complaints compilation will be analysed and the transformation of the Soviet concept of legal relations will be described.
Researcher: Elena Bogdanova.
Supported by the European University at St. Petersburg.
The construction of the drug problem in THE ST. Petersburg press
The objective of the research consisted in studying the construction of the drug problem in the mass media, and also in studying the social context and its possible influence on the construction process. Within the project, discursive strategies directed toward the construction of the heightened danger of drug use were discovered (such as signification spiral, automatic problematisation, categorisation work, and selective typification). The mobilisation strategies of the mass media, such as the rhetoric of calamity, which is supposed to unite all agents competing on the social problems market under a kind of symbolic umbrella, and the strategy of direct mobilisation, were also established. Russian neo-moralist discourse was also studied as a social context of the construction of the drug problem.
Researcher: Peter Meylakhs.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the CISR.
Core publications
Воронков Виктор. Жизнь и смерть советской публичности // Дебаты и Кредиты. Медиа. Искусство. Публичная сфера / Под ред. Т. Горючевой, Э. Клюйтенберга. Амстердам: Центр культуры и политики «De Balie», 2003. С. 99–110. (англ.: Voronkov Viktor. Life and Death of the Public Sphere in the Soviet Union // T. Goryucheva, E. Kluitenberg (eds.). Debates and Credits. Media. Art. Public Domain. Amsterdam: Centre for Culture and Polities «De Balie», 2003. P. 99–110).
Гладарев Борис. Повседневное пользование информационно-коммуникационными технологиями // Телескоп: наблюдения за повседневной жизнью петербуржцев. 2004. № 5. С. 33–40.
Данилова Наталья, Головизнина М.В., Лихтенштейн А.В. История эксперимента: опыт создания элементов ювенальной юстиции в Санкт-Петербурге // Обучение социальных работников, занятых в ювенальной юстиции: материалы курса (сер. «Права человека»). СПб., 2003. С. 11–28.
Ежова Любовь, Порецкина Е.М. Альтернативные государственным формы воспитания детей-сирот: российский дискурс и практика // Социальная политика. 2004. № 2. С. 203–227.
Калачёва Ольга. Празднование как индикатор социальных изменений: старые и новые праздники постсоветской России // Телескоп: наблюдения за повседневной жизнью петербуржцев. 2003. № 1. С. 26–29.
Мейлахс Пётр. Наркомания в криминальном и медицинском дискурсах // Философия образования и мир детства: материалы 11-ой международной конференции «Ребенок в современном мире. Государство и дети». СПб.: Изд-во СПбГПУ, 2004. С. 789–799.
Фёдорова Наталья. Антинаркотические НКО Санкт-Петербурга // Телескоп: наблюдения за повседневной жизнью петербуржцев. 2003. № 4. С. 24–30.
Фёдорова Наталья. Профилактические программы НКО: содержание, перспективы развития и проблемы оценки // Материалы для общественной дискуссии. СПб.: ЦРНО, 2004. С. 97–128.
Казаков Олег, Фомин Эдуард. Идентификация гражданского общества в России // Сборник «Гражданское общество: взгляд изнутри». М.: Центр развития демократии и прав человека, 2002. С. 23–56.
Gerasimova Katerina. Public Spaces in the Communal Apartment // Gabor T. Rittersporn, Malte Rolf and Jan C. Behrends (eds.). Public Spheres in Soviet-type Societies. Between the Great Show of the Party-State and Religious Counter-Cultures. Peter Lang, 2003. P. 165–193.
Oswald Ingrid, Voronkov Viktor. «Das Gesetz ist wie eine Deichsel...» Informalitat im stadtischen Alltag des postsowjetischen Russland // Kollmorgen Raj, Schrader Heiko (Hrsg.). Postsozialistische Transformationen: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde. Wurzburg: Ergon, 2003. S. 177–197.
Oswald Ingrid, Voronkov Viktor. Die «Transformation» von St. Petersburg – Anmerkungen zur postsowjetischen Stadtentwicklung // Siebel W. (Hrsg.). Die europaeische Stadt. Frankfurt-am-Main: Suhrkamp, 2004. S. 312–320.
Heiko Schrader, Ingrid Oswald (Hrsg.). Entwicklung oder Transformation // Berliner Debatte - Initial. 2004. S. 2–4.
Oswald Ingrid, Voronkov Viktor. Licht an, Licht aus! «Offentlichkeit» in der (post-) sowjetischen Gesellschaft. (Gem. mit) // Rittersporn Gabor T., Rolf Malte, Behrends Jan C. (eds.). Spharen von Offentlichkeit in Gesellschaften sowjetischen Typs. Zwischen partei-staatlicher Selbstinszenierung und kirchlichen Gegenwelten. Public Spheres in Soviet-Type Societies. Between the Great Show of the Party-State and Religious Counter-Cultures. Frankfurt/ Berlin: 2003. S. 37–61.
Oswald Ingrid, Voronkov Viktor. The «Public-Private» Sphere in Soviet and Post-Soviet Society. Perception and Dynamics of «Public» and «Private» in Contemporary Russia // European Societies. 2004. Vol. 6. № 1. S. 97–117.
Conferences and seminars
world war II in ORAL ACCOUNTS, interdisciplinary workshop (St. Petersburg, 21–22 May 2004).
Organisers: Institute for Oral History (Department of History) and Ethnology Department of the European University at St. Petersburg, CISR.
This was the first interdisciplinary workshop in the cycle “Official history vs. oral history”. The purpose of the cycle is to discuss experiences with work on oral history in different disciplines (history, sociology, ethnology). The differences in terminology, methods of collecting and interpreting verbal information, and ways of understanding the purposes of analysing them weren’t considered obstacles in the scientists’ dialogue; they served rather as additional resources for further research activity. The central subject of the workshop was the research of oral memoirs about World War II provided by eye-witnesses (soldiers, occupied territories’ inhabitants, ost-arbeiters, people who lived through the Siege and evacuation, etc.) and an evaluation of how the younger generations and unoccupied territories’ inhabitants interpret the events of the war.
Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.