Программа академических обменов для ученых и деятелей искусств Фулбрайта. Срок подачи заявок 19 октября 2007 г. 13. 07. 2007
Вид материала | Программа |
- Администрация города тобольска единая комиссия по размещению заказов на закупку товаров,, 1264.49kb.
- Извещение №125п о продлении срока подачи котировочных заявок, 161.64kb.
- Общая информация о программе фулбрайта, 1781.54kb.
- Соединенных Штатах Америки общая информация о программе фулбрайта крупнейшая из финансируемых, 991.24kb.
- Соединенных Штатах Америки общая информация о программе фулбрайта крупнейшая из финансируемых, 962.05kb.
- Программа по поддержке молодых историков в россии, украине, молдавии и белоруссии информация, 164.01kb.
- Программа для слушателей Москва 2007 Рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим отделом, 159.47kb.
- Статья Нормативное правовое регулирование развития малого и среднего, 343.2kb.
- Стипендии Эдмунда Маски (Muskie) на 2008 год. Государственный департамент США имеет, 19.68kb.
- Правила оформления и подачи заявок на создание зон экономического благоприятствования, 149.81kb.
Программа академических обменов для ученых и деятелей искусств Фулбрайта. Срок подачи заявок - 19 октября 2007 г.
Программа предназначена для ученых и преподавателей вузов, имеющих ученую степень, деятелей искусств и специалистов по прикладным и творческим дисциплинам.
В 2008-2009 академическом году на конкурсной основе будет предоставлено 35-40 грантов на поездку в какой-либо университет США для:
- чтения лекций
- проведения научных исследований
- проведения мастер-классов (по творческим дисциплинам)
Продолжительность гранта - от 3 до 9 месяцев.
Каждый грант включает в себя:
- ежемесячную стипендию
- ограниченную медицинскую страховку
- полную оплату транспортных расходов
Возраст соискателей не ограничен.
Срок подачи документов: 19 октября 2007 г.
Email: info@fulbright.ru
Website: ссылка скрыта
Программа Хьюберта Хамфри (гранты для специалистов, занимающих ответственные должности). Срок подачи заявок - 7 сентября 2007 г.
Программа Хьюберта Хамфри проводится в рамках обменов программы Фулбрайта и финансируется Государственным Департаментом США.
Программа предоставляет на конкурсной основе гранты для специалистов, занимающих ответственные должности в государственных/общественных организациях или частном секторе с целью прохождения стажировки в американском университете и совершенствования профессионального мастерства.
Продолжительность гранта – 1 год.
Заявки принимаются по следующим конкурсным дисциплинам:
- журналистика/СМИ;
- экономическое развитие;
- финансы и банковское дело;
- управление образованием;
- юриспруденция и права человека;
- управление здравоохранением;
- государственная политика, общественное и государственное управление;
- разработка политики и мер по предотвращению торговли людьми;
- управление природными ресурсы и окружающей средой и др.;
- городское и региональное планирование.
Срок подачи заявок: 7 сентября 2007 года.
Website: assy.ru/bilateral/bilateralr.php?record_id=pa_exchanges_academic#5

Конкурс Ресурсного центра учебных разработок Центрально-Европейского Университета (Curriculum Resource Center, Central European University). Сроки подачи заявок (в зависимости от темы) - от 27 августа до 15 октября 2007 г.
Ресурсный центр учебных разработок Центрально-Европейского Университета объявляет конкурс на краткосрочные поездки в ЦЕУ в осеннем семестре 2007 г. по следующим направлениям:
1. Ознакомительные сессии
The Open House Sessions are organized in broad discipline areas covered by one or more CEU departments. These sessions are intended to introduce participants to CEU’s approach to a relevant discipline and new techniques for designing courses in that field. To this end the sessions will provide participants access to the facilities and resources of the CEU and the appropriate department, as well as general training workshops on course design and teaching methodology. Participants are invited to use the CEU library, visit relevant classes and meet faculty. The primary target groups of the Open House Sessions are junior academics who are at the beginning of their teaching career, or mid-career and senior academics who would benefit from the above offerings.
International Relations and European Studies (IRES): November 5 – 9, 2007
Deadline for applications: 25 September, 2007
Political Sciences: November 26 – 30, 2007
Deadline for applications: 15 October, 2007
2. Сессии, направленные на модернизацию учебных курсов
The Course Innovation Sessions intend to explore the cutting edge developments in a particular discipline. The sessions are meant primarily for senior faculty with significant teaching and research experience or for outstanding, research-oriented junior faculty. By discussing recent developments and exploring contemporary debates with CEU’s host departments and faculty, participants are expected to revise or update their courses or offer new courses in their particular area of interest. Additional training on course development is also offered by the CRC. These sessions are organized with a strong involvement of CEU departments and often will be combined with a workshop or a conference on the topic of the session.
In Fall 2007 the CRC offers the following Course Innovation Sessions:
Environmental Sciences and Policy. Problems of developing of new Bologna-type 2-year Master courses in the field of Environmental Sciences and Policy in Eastern European countries. October 8 -12, 2007.
Deadline for applications: 27 August, 2007.
Economics. Comparative Institutional Economics: Research Orientation and Course Structures - October 15 -19, 2007.
Deadline for applications: 3 September, 2007
History. Alternative Culture: New Developments in Teaching and Research - November 5 - 9, 2007
Deadline for applications: 25 September, 2007
IRES: November 5 - 9, 2007
Deadline for applications: 25 September, 2007
Legal Studies. The European Union and Human Rights - its internal and external dimensions - November 12 - 16, 2007.
Deadline for applications: 1 October, 2007
Medieval Studies and History - November 19 – 23, 2007.
Deadline for applications: 1 October, 2007
Philosophy. Aristotelian themes in contemporary metaphysics - November 19 - 23, 2007
Deadline for applications: 8 October, 2007
Political Sciences - November 26 – 30, 2007
Deadline for applications: 15 October, 2007
3. Сессия по актуальным вопросам преподавания
Topical Issues in Curriculum Development sessions are expected to cover topical issues of particular importance to the development of higher education in the region, in all areas related to curriculum development. Organized by the CRC office in co-operation with a wide range of strategic partners, these sessions address current trends in curriculum development, degree structures and particular or special interest issues. These sessions could be directed at a particular group of academics or focus on a target region or institution(s).
CRC session offered in Topical Issues is:
Environmental Sciences and Policy. Problems of developing of new Bologna-type 2-year Master courses in the field of Environmental Sciences and Policy in Eastern European countries. October 8 -12, 2007
Deadline for applications: 27 August, 2007
Bologna process, which means establishment of bachelor' and master' programs is a new development in many countries, especially in Eastern Europe. They have to adapt their old system based on a single 5-year "specialist" degree to the new setting. In many cases master-level education means giving students a choice between different subjects, which is an entirely new approach in many Eastern European countries, where student often had no choice at all. More challenging still, in order to be competitive on the international market and allow easier exchanges of professors and students with the other countries (one of the main purposes of Bologna process), many universities should be able to deliver at least some courses in English language.
The purpose of this CRC session will be to discuss the difficulties and peculiarities of shifting to bachelor-master scheme in the field of Environmental Sciences and related disciplines. How to counter on interdisciplinarity? How to combine narrow specialization of different chairs with broad perspectives needed for the Master course? How should the programs be specified? How to deal with student choice of courses?
These and other issues we want to discuss in the framework of the proposed session and with the help of course participants we would like to answer these questions and probably many more.
Заявки для участия в конкурсах подаются на английском языке в соответствии с требованиями, изложенными в форме заявки и на сайте CRC. Форму заявки см. на ссылка скрыта
Email: cdc@ceu.hu
Website: ссылка скрыта
Программа Американского Совета Научных Сообществ в области гуманитарных наук (ACLS Humanities Program). Срок подачи заявок - 1 сентября 2007 г.
Целью предоставления данных грантов является помощь ученым, осуществляющим исключительно важные исследования в различных областях гуманитарного знания, а также поддержка дальнейшего развития гуманитарных наук. Награды присуждаются исследовательским проектам в различных областях науки, включающих в том числе историю, археологию, лингвистику, гендерные исследования, этнографические и культурологические исследования, философию и религиоведение.
Чтобы получить бланк заявки на краткосрочный грант для конкурса 2007-2008 года, обращайтесь по адресу hp@acls.org в любое время до 1 сентября 2007 года.
Рассылка бланков заявок начнется в сентябре 2007 года.
Email: hp@acls.org
Websitе: ссылка скрыта
Программа Дженнингс Рэндольф "Мир между народами": исследовательские стипендии для высококвалифицированных ученых. Срок подачи заявок - 17 сентября 2007 г.
Организатор: Институт Мира США (United States Institute of Peace).
The Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace awards Senior Fellowships to enable outstanding scholars, policy makers, journalists, and other professionals from around the world to conduct research at the U.S. Institute of Peace (org) on important issues concerning inter-national conflict and peace.
USIP awards approximately twelve fellowships per year. Priority is given to proposals that promise to make a timely contribution to the understanding and resolution of ongoing and emerging international conflicts. USIP is especially interested in proposals addressing problems of the Muslim world, post-war reconstruction and peacebuilding and stability operations in Iraq and elsewhere, and responses to terrorism and political violence. However, proposals in all fields are welcome.
Fellows carry out their projects in residence at USIP in Washington, D.C., and participate in USIP's public outreach efforts, which offer timely information to Congress, policy makers, and the public on international issues. Books and reports resulting from fellowships may be published by USIP.
The program attempts to match the recipient's earned income during the year preceding the fellowship, up to a maximum of $80,000 for ten months.
Deadline: September 17, 2007
Website: ссылка скрыта; ссылка скрыта
Восьмой ежегодный Конкурс премий и наград "Сеть глобального развития" (The 2007 Global Development Awards and Medals Competition). Сроки подачи заявок - 20 августа 2007 г., 17 сентября 2007 г.
The Global Development Network is now accepting submissions for the Eighth Annual Global Development Awards and Medals Competition 2007. Carrying prizes in cash and travel worth nearly $240,000, this is the largest international competition on development research. Since 2000, nearly 3,700 scholars representing over 100 countries have participated in this competition and nearly $2 million has been distributed in prizes and conference expenses to finalists and winners. This competition is unique in that it is open only to researchers from developing and transition countries. The Awards and Medals Competition is a competitive funding mechanism established by mutual cooperation between GDN and the Government of Japan. Finalists are invited at GDN’s expense to present proposals at the Ninth Annual Global Development Conference, Brisbane, January 2008.
The five themes selected for this year’s competition are:
- Fragile States: Addressing Vulnerability;
- Household Exposure to Risk: Effects on Poverty;
- The Rule of Law: Providing Security for Development;
- Women’s Rights, Security and Development: Challenges and Opportunities;
- Natural Resources: Risks and Implications for Sustaining Development.
Deadline: 20 August, 2007; 17 September, 2007
Website: ссылка скрыта
Cross Cultural Management in the Age of Globalization. Special Issue of the International Journal of Cross Cultural Management (Специальный выпуск Международного журнала, посвященного кросс-культурному менеджменту «Кросс-культурный менеджмент в век глобализации», электронное и печатное издание) - конкурс на публикацию. Срок подачи заявок - 1 декабря 2007 г.
Type of publication: print or online
Publication date: 2008
Published by: Sage Publications
This special issue on “Cross Cultural Management in the Age of Globalization” aims at providing a forum to examine what globalization means for cross cultural management theory building and practice with a special focus on national cultural change. The organizers welcome innovative submissions, both conceptual and empirical, both quantitative and qualitative, both management-focused and sociology/anthropology related, which tackle cross cultural management from the following angles: National, Global cultures, Globalizing cultures, Managing cultural change in a global context.
Deadline: December 01, 2007, all paper submissions should conform to International Journal of Cross Cultural Management standard guidelines for authors at: ссылка скрыта
Contact: Allan Bird, Tony Fang
Email: abird@umsl.edu, tony.fang@fek.su.se
Website: ссылка скрыта

Стипендиальная программа финансирует встречные поездки исследователей в области социальных наук и компьютерных технологий. Основное тематическое направление встреч должно быть посвящено перспективам использования компьютерных научных технологий (e-science) в социальных исследованиях.
Длительность стипендиальной поддержки: 1 - 6 месяцев.
Deadline: 31 December, 31 March, 30 June and 30 September
Website: ссылка скрыта
Heinz-Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe travel grants (гранты мобильности для молодежи, предоставляемые Фондом Шварцкопфа, Германия). Заявки принимаются постоянно.
With its travel grants the Heinz-Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe wants to give young people the opportunity to get to know their European neighbours via a study trip and during the trip to confront current pan-European relevant, cultural and/or political issues of the host country. By way of these grants the Foundation aims to make a contribution towards a better understanding among the European nations and an appreciation of the efforts to unite Europe.
The travel grant is for € 550 (five hundred and fifty Euros).
Eligibility: German citizens between the ages of 18 and 26 may apply as well as young Europeans who wish to become better acquainted with Germany by taking such a study trip.
Applications should be submitted no later than eight weeks prior to the trip commencing.
Website: ссылка скрыта

Unifying the European Experience: Historical Lessons of Pan-European Development (UEE) (Докторские и постдокторские стипендии, предоставляемые Программой Мари Кюри по экономической истории «Объединение европейского опыта: уроки истории панъевропейского развития). Заявки принимаются постоянно.
Organiser: A Marie Curie Research Training Network funded under the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme
Kind of support/work: Pre- and Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships in Economic History
Duration: Applications are invited for pre-doctoral fellowships of up to three years, or post-doctoral fellowships of up to one year.
Site: These fellowships will sponsor young economic historians at one of seven participating institutions: European University Institute (Italy), Paris-Jourdan (France), Jagiellonian University (Poland), London School of Economics (UK), Lund University (Sweden), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain), University of Warwick (UK). The network also includes CEH-Moscow Lomonosov State University (Russia) which will be involved in the training and research activities of the group, as well as researchers in the CEPR Economic History Initiative.
Topics: Core training objectives of the network include the development of a more quantitatively sophisticated approach to analysing historical data; the promotion of pan-European and comparative economic history; and the development of a more ‘presentist’, policy-relevant, economic history profession in Europe.
Eligibility: The terms of the contract specify that applicants must generally: have less than 10 years research experience; be a national of an EU Member State or of an EU-Associated State, or have lived in the Community for at least four of the five years prior to his/her appointment; not be a national of the country where they seek employment, or have worked/ studied in for more than 12 months of the 3 years prior to appointment in that country; Other applicants may be eligible and should check with CEPR
Deadline: ongoing
Email: rtnrecruitment@cepr.org
Website: ссылка скрыта
New Economic Frontiers (Электронный журнал «Новые экономические границы», Сплит, Хорватия) - конкурс на публикацию. Заявки принимаются постоянно.
Place of publication: Split, Croatia
Type of publication: online
Publication date: The first issue of the E-journal will be published by the end of 2006.
Published by: The Faculty of Economics University of Split, Croatia
Topics: In this publication a special emphasis would be put on methodology development. The contributions that explore contemporary problems using different methodological approaches and interdisciplinarity are welcome. Namely, in order to allow a thorough understanding of modern economic processes, alternative approaches, in addition to the mainstream ones, are needed. This conception will be ensured by arranging the contents of each issue into three parts: one devoted to a special topic of the issue, one containing various articles on freely chosen topics, and one offering space to discussions and commentaries. Paper submission should be made online via the web page of «New Economic Frontiers».
Deadline: ongoing
Email: info@ej-nef.com
Website: ссылка скрыта
Visiting researchers at the Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank (Гранты на реализацию научных проектов в Исследовательском центре Дойче Бундесбанка, Франкфурт-на-Майне, Германия). Заявки принимаются постоянно.
Organiser: The Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany
Duration: A period of research at the Bundesbank can last between three and six months.
Topics: The Deutsche Bundesbank is offering visiting researchers the opportunity to pursue research projects at the Bundesbank’s Research Centre. The period of study at the Research Centre is designed to provide scope for work on a research project in macro economics; monetary economics; financial markets/financial stability or international relations.
Eligibility: academics and postdoctoral students specialising in economics and finance.
Deadline: ongoing
E-mail: heinz.herrmann@bundesbank.de
Website: ссылка скрыта