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Research Directions // IEEE Trans. Data and Knowledge Eng.- 2,

N 3.- 1990.- 327-341

12. D. Woelk, W. Kim. Multimedia Information Management in a

Object-Oriented Database System // 13th Int. Conf. Very Large

Data Bases, Brighton, England, Sept. 1-4, 1987.- 319-330

13. Won Kim, Nat Ballou, Hong-Tai Chou, Jorge F. Garza,

Darrell Woelk. Integrating an Object-Oriented Programming

System with a Database System // Proc. OOPCLA'88, San Diego,

Calif., USA, Sept. 25-30, 1988.- 142-152

14. Kyung-Chang Kim, Won Kim, Darrell Woelk. Acyclic Query

Processing in Object-Oriented Databases // Entity-Relationship

Approach: Bridge User: 7th Int. Conf., Rome, Nov. 16-18,

1988.- 329-346

15. Elisa Bertino, Won Kim. Indexing Techniques for Queries on

Nested Objects // IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng.- 1, N

2.- 1989.- 196-214

16. B. Paul Jenq, Darrell Woelk, Won Kim, Wan-Lik Lee. Query

Processing in Distributed ORION // Advances in Database

Technology - EDBT'90.- Lecture Notes in Computer Science.-

416, 1990.- 169-187

17. Won Kim, Jorge F. Garza, Nathaniel Ballou, Darrell Woelk.

Architecture of the ORION Next-Generation Database System //

IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng.- 2, N 1.- 1990.- 109-124

18. D. H. Fishman. An Overview of the Iris Object-Oriented

DBMS // Digest of papers, 33rd CompCon, Spring 1988, Feb. 29 -

Mar. 4, USA.- 177-180

19. Peter Lyngbaek, Kevin Wilkinson, Waqar Hasan. The Iris

Kernel Architecture // Advances in Database Technology -

EDBT'90.- Lecture Notes in Computer Science.- 416, 1990.-


20. Kevin Wilkinson, Peter Lyngbaek, Waqar Hasan. The Iris

Architecture and Implementation // IEEE Trans. Knowledge and

Data Eng.- 2, N 1.- 1990.- 63-75

21. David Maier, Jacob Stein, Allen Otis, Alan Purdy.

Development of an Object-Oriented DBMS // Proc. OOPCLA'86,

Portland, Oreg., USA, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1986.- 472-482

22. D. Jacob Penney, Jacob Stein. Class Modification in the

GemStone Object-Oriented DBMS // Proc. OOPCLA'87, Orlando,

Fla, USA, Oct. 4-8, 1987.- 111-117

23. Won Kim, Jay Banerjee, Hong-Tai Chou, Jorge F. Garca,

Darrell Woelk. Composite Object Support in an Object-Oriented

Database System GemStone Object-Oriented DBMS // Proc.

OOPCLA'87, Orlando, Fla, USA, Oct. 4-8, 1987.- 118-125

24. Tomothy Andrews, Craig Harris. Combining Language and

Database Advances in an Object-Oriented Development

Environment GemStone Object-Oriented DBMS // Proc. OOPCLA'87,

Orlando, Fla, USA, Oct. 4-8, 1987.- 430-440

25. Michael Stonebraker, Jeff Anton, Eric Hanson. Extending a

Database System with Procedures // ACM Trans. Database Syst.-

12, N 3.- 1987.- 350-376

26. L. Rowe, M. Stonebraker. The POSTGRES Data Model // 13th

Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Brighton, England, Sept.

1-4, 1987.- 83-96

27. M. Stonebraker. The Design of the POSTGRES Storage System

// 13th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Brighton, England,

Sept. 1-4, 1987.- 289-300

28. Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe, Machael Hirohama.

The Implementation of POSTGRES // IEEE Trans. Knowlwdge and

Data End.- 2, N 1.- 1990.- 125-141

29. Christophe Lecluse, Philippe Richard, Fernando Velez. O2,

an Object-Oriented Data Model // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf.

Manag. Data, Chicago, Ill, USA, June 1-3, 1988, ACM SIGMOD

Record.- 17, N 3.- 1988.- 424-433

30. F. Velez, G. Bernard, V. Darnis. The O2 Object Manager: An

Overview // 15th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Amsterdam,

Aug. 22-25, 1989.- 357-366

31. C. Lecluse, P. Richard. The O2 Database Programming

Language // 15th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Amsterdam,

Aug. 22-25, 1989.- 411-422

32. O. Deux et al. The Story of O2 // IEEE Trans. Knowledge

and Data Eng.- 2, N 1.- 1990.- 91-108

33. O. Niestrasz, D. Tsichritzis. An Object-Oriented

Environment for OIS Applications // 11th Int. Conf. Very Large

Data Bases, Stockholm, Aug. 21-23, 1985.- 83-96

34. D. Decouchart. Design of a Distributed Object Manager for

the Smalltalk-80 System // Proc. OOPCLA'86, Portland, Oreg.,

USA, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1986.- 444-452

35. Karen E. Smith, Stanley B. Zdonik. Intermedia: A Case

Study of the Differences Between Relational and

Object-Oriented Database Systems // Proc. OOPCLA'87, Orlando,

Fla, USA, Oct. 4-8, 1987.- 452-465

36. Andrew Straw, Fred Mellender, Steve Riegel. Object

Management in a Persistent Smalltalk System // Software Pract.

and Exper.- 19, N 8.- 1989.- 719-737

37. Nick Roussopoulus, Hyun Soon Kim. ROOST: A Relational

Object-Oriented System // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.- 367.-

1989.- 404-420

38. T. F. Keefe, W. T. Tsai, M. B. Thuraisingham. SODA: A

Secure Object-Oriented Database System // Computers and

Security.- 8, N 6.- 1989.- 517-533

39. Prasun Dewan, Ashish Vikram, Bharat Bhargava. Engineering

the Object-Oriented Database Model in O-Raid // Lect. Notes

Comput. Sci.- 367.- 1989.- 389-403

40. Scott E. Hudson, Roger King. Cactis: A Self-Adaptive,

Concurrent Implementation of an Object-Oriented Database

Management System // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 14, N 3.-

1989.- 291-321

41. Gilles Barbedette. LISPO2: A Persistent Object-Oriented

LISP // Advances in Database Technology - EDBT'90.- Lecture

Notes in Computer Science.- 416, 1990.- 332-347

42. Sharma Chakravarthy, Susan Nesson. Making an

Object-Oriented DBMS Active: Design, Implementation, and

Evaluation of a Prorotype. // Advances in Database Technology

- EDBT'90.- Lecture Notes in Computer Science.- 416, 1990.-


43. R. Agrawal, N. H. Gehani, J. Srinivasan. OdeView: The

Graphical Interface to Ode // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf.

Manag. Data, Atlanta City, NJ, USA, May 23-25, 1990, ACM

SIGMOD Record.- 19, N 2.- 1990.- 34-43

44. Stefano Ceri, Stafano Crespi-Reghizzi, Roberto Zicari,

Gianfranco Lamperti, Luigi A. Lavazza. Algres: An Advanced

Database System for Complex Applications // IEEE Software.- 7,

N 4.- 1990.- 68-78

45. Michael L. Nelson, J. Michael Moshell, Ali Orooji. A

Relational Object-Oriented Management System // 9th Annu. Int.

Phoenix Conf. Comput. and Commun.- Scottsdale, Aris., USA,

March 21-23, 1990.- 319-323

46. Stefan Bottcher. Attribute Inheritance Implemented on Top

of a Relational Database System // 6th Int. Conf. Data Eng.,

Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 503-509

47. Simon Gibbs, Vassilis Prevelakis. Xos: An Overview // In

Object Management, Ed. D. Tsichritzis, Centre Universitaire

d'Informatique, Universite de Geneve, 1990.- 37-61

48. M.J. Carey, D.J. DeWitt et al. Object and File Management

in the EXODUS Extensible Database System // 12th Int. Conf.

Very Large Data Bases, Kuoto, Japan, Aug. 1986.- 91-100

49. D. S. Batory, J. R. Barnett, J. F. Garza, K. P. Smith, K.

Tsukuda, T. E. Wise. GENESIS: An Extensible Database

Management System // // IEEE Trans. on Software Eng.- 14, N

11.- 1988.- 1711-1730

50. Hans-Joerg Schek, Heinz-Bernhard Paul, Marc H. Scholl,

Gerhard Weikum. The DASDBS Project: Objectives, Experiences,

and Future Prospects // IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng.-

2, N 1.- 1990.- 25-43

51. Laura M. Haas, Walter Chang, Guy M. Lohman et al.

Starburst Mid-Flight: As the Dust Clears // IEEE Trans.

Knowledge and Data Eng.- 2, N 1.- 1990.- 143-159

52. Raymond Lorie, Won Kim, Dan McNabb, Wil Plouffe.

Supporting Complex Objects in a Relational System for

Engineering Databases // In Query Processing in Database

Systems, ed. Won Kim, David S. Reiner, Dan. S. Batory,

Springer-Verlag, 1985.- 145-155

53. Raymond A. Lorie, Jean-Jacques P. Daudenarde. On Extending

the Realm of Application of Relational Systems // In

Information Processing 86, ed. H.-J. Kugler, Elsevir Science

Publishers, 1986.- 889-894

54. Won Kim, Hong-Tai Chou, Jay Banerjee. Operations and

Implementation of Complex Objects // IEEE Trans. on Software

Eng.- 14, N 7.- 1988.- 985-996

55. Mohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins. Mathematical Model

of Composite Objects and Its Application for Organizing

Engineering Databases // IEEE Trans. on Software Eng.- 14, N

1.- 1988.- 71-84

56. Anant Jhingran, Michael Stonebraker. Alternatives in

Complex Object Representation: A Performance Persrective //

6th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9,

1990.- 94-102

57. Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull. IFO: A Formal Semantic

Database Model // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 12, N 4.- 1987.-


58. Joan Peckham, Fred Maryanski. Semantic Data Models // ACM

Comp. Surv.- 20, N 3.- 1988.- 153-189

59. Shamkant B. Navathe, Mohan K. Pillalamarri. OOER: Toward

Making the E-R Approach Object-Oriented // Entity-Relationship

Approach: Bridge User: 7th Int. Conf., Rome, Nov. 16-18,

1988.- 185-206

60. Craig Damon, Gordon Landis. Abstract Types and Storage

Types in an OO-DBMS // Digest of papers, 33rd CompCon, Spring

1988, Feb. 29 - Mar. 4, USA.- 172-176

61. Richard Hull, Katsumi Tanaka, Masatoshi Yoshikawa.

Behavior Analysis of Object-Oriented Databases: Method

Structure, Execution Trees, and Reachibility // Lect. Notes

Comput. Sci.- 367.- 1989.- 372-388

62. Mojtaba Mozaffari, Yuzuri Tanaka. ODM: An Object-Oriented

Data Model // New. Generat. Comp.- 7, N 1.- 1989.- 4-35

63. Catriel Beeri. A Formal Approach to Object-Oriented

Databases // Data and Knowledge Eng.- 5.- 1990.- 353-382

64. Roberto Zicari. Incomplete Information in Object-Oriented

Databases // ACM SIGMOD Record.- 19, N 3.- 1990.- 5-16

65. Shuguang Hong, Fred Maryanski. Using a Meta Model to

Represent Object-Oriented Data Models // 6th Int. Conf. Data

Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 11-19

66. A. Cornelio, Shamkant B. Navathe, Keith L. Doty. Extending

Object-Oriented Concepts to Support Engineering Applications

// 6th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr.

5-9, 1990.- 220-227

67. Gunter Saake. Descriptive Specification of Database Object

Behaviour // Data and Knowledge Eng.- 6, N 1. 1991.- 47-73

68. S. K. Lellani, N. Spiratos. Towards a Categorical Data

Model Supporting Structured Objects and Inheritance // Proc.

1st Int. East/West Database Workshop, Kiev, Oct. 1990, Lect.

Notes Comput. Sci.- 540.- 1991

69. Michael Caruso, Edward Sciore. Meta-Functions and Contexts

in an Object-Oriented Database Language // Proc. ACM SIGMOD

Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Chicago, Ill, USA, June 1-3, 1988, ACM

SIGMOD Record.- 17, N 3.- 1988.- 56-65

70. Francois Bancilhon. Query Languages for Object-Oriented

Database Systems: Analysis and Proposal // Datanbanksyst.

Buro, Tech. and Wiss.: GI/SI - Fashtag., Zurich, Marz. 1-3,

1989.- 1-18

71. W. Kim. A Model of Queries for Object-Oriented Databases

// 15th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Amsterdam, Aug.

22-25, 1989.- 423-432

72. A. M. Alashqur, S. Y. W. Su, H. Lam. OQL: A Query Language

for Manipulating Object-Oriented Databases // 15th Int. Conf.

Very Large Data Bases, Amsterdam, Aug. 22-25, 1989.- 433-442

73. E. Laenens, F. Staes, D. Vermeir. Browsing a la carte in

Object-oriented Databases // Computer J.- 32, N 4.- 1989.-


74. Sophie Cluet, Claude Delobel, Christophe Lecluse, Philippe

Richard. RELOOP: An Algebra Based Query Language for an

Object-Oriented Database System // Data and Knowledge Eng.-

5.- 1990.- 333-352

75. Simon Gibbs. Querying Large Class Collections // In Object

Management, ed. D. Tsichritzis, Centre Universitaire

d'Informatique, Universite de Geneve, 1990.- 63-77

76. Gail M. Shaw, Stanley B. Zdonik. A Query Algebra for

Object-Oriented Databases // 6th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los

Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 154-162

77. А. В. Замулин. Системы программирования баз данных и

знаний // Новосибирск: Наука, 1990.- 352 с.

78. Andrea H. Skarra, Stanley B. Zdonik. The Management of

Changing Types in an Object-Oriented Database // Proc.

OOPCLA'86, Portland, USA, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1986.- 483-495

79. J. Banerjee, W. Kim, H.-J. Kim, H. F. Korth. Semantics and

Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Database

// Proc. ACM SIGMOD 1987 Annu. Conf., San Francisco, Calif.,

USA, May 27-29, 1987.- 311-322

80. W. Kim, H. Chou. Versions of Schema for Object-Oriented

Databases // 14th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Los

Angeles, USA, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1, 1988.- 148-159

81. David Beech. Intensional Concepts in an Object Database

Model // Proc. OOPCLA'88, San Diego, Calif., USA, Sept. 25-30,

1988.- 164-175

82. Serge Abiteboul. Towards a Deductive Object-Oriented

Database Language // Data and Knowledge Eng.- 5.- 1990.-


83. Kyuchul Lee, Sukho Lee. An Object-Oriented Approach to

Data/Knowledge Modelling Based on Logic // 6th Int. Conf. Data

Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 289-294

84. A. M. Alashqur, S. Y. W. Su, H. Lam. A Rule-based Language

for Deductive Object-Oriented Databases // 6th Int. Conf. Data

Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 58-67

85. Lois M. L. Delcambre, Karen C. Davis. Automatic Validation

of Object-Oriented Database Structures // 5th Int. Conf. Data

Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 6-10, 1989.- 2-9

86. Susan Darling Urban, Lois M. L. Delcambre. Constraint

Analysis for Specifying of Class Objects // 5th Int. Conf.

Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 6-10, 1989.- 10-17

87. Kyu-Young Whang. A Seamless Integration in Object-Oriented

Database Systems // 5th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles,

Calif., USA, Febr. 6-10, 1989.- 675-676

88. M. Kaul, K. Drosten, E. J. Neuhold. ViewSystem:

Integrating Heterogeneous Information Bases by Object-Oriented

Views // 6th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA,

Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 2-10

89. Sandra Heiler, Stanley Zdonic. Object Views: Extending the

Vision // 6th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA,

Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 84-93

90. Jorge F. Garza, Won Kim. Transaction Management in an

Object-Oriented Database System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf.

Manag. Data, Chicago, Ill, USA, June 1-3, 1988, ACM SIGMOD

Record.- 17, N 3.- 1988.- 37-45

91. M. A. Rauft, S. Rehm, K. R. Dittrich. How to Share Work on

Shared Objects in Design Databases // 6th Int. Conf. Data

Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 575-583

92. Michele Cart, Jean Ferrie. Integrating Concurrency Control

into an Object-Oriented Database System // Advances in

Database Technology - EDBT'90.- Lecture Notes in Computer

Science.- 416, 1990.- 363-377

93. Thomas C. Rakow, Junzhong Gu, Erich J. Neuhold.

Serializability in Object-Oriented Database Systems // 6th

Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., USA, Febr. 5-9,

1990.- 112-120

94. Kyung-Chang Kim. Parallelism in Object-Oriented Query

Processing // 6th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif.,

USA, Febr. 5-9, 1990.- 209-217

95. Sushit Jajodia, Boris Kogan. Integrating an

Object-Oriented Data Model with Multilevel Security // IEEE

Symp. Res. Secur. and Privacy, Oacland, Calif., USA, May 7-9,

1990.- 76-85

96. IEEE Database Engineering, special issue on

Object-Oriented Databases, F. Lochovski, ed., Dec. 1985

97. B. Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language //

Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1986

98. E. F. Codd. A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared

Data Banks // Commun. ACM.- 26, N 1.- 1970.- 377-387

99. D. Maier. Why isn't there an Object-Oriented Data Model?

// Technical Report, Oregon Graduate Center, May 1989

100. D. D. Chamberlin, R. F. Boyce. SEQUEL: A Structured

English Query Language // ACM SIGMOD Workshop Data Descr.,

Access, Contr., Ann Arbol, Mich., USA, May 1974.- 249-264

101. M. Kifer, G. Lausen. F-Logic: A Higher-Order Language for

Reasoning about Objects, Inheritance, and Scheme // Proc. ACM

SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Portland, Oreg., USA, 1989, ACM

SIGMOD Record.- 18, N 2.- 1989.- 134-146

102. P. G. Selinger, M. M. Astrahan, D. D. Chamberlin, R. A.

Lorie, T. G. Price. Access Path Selection in a Relational

Database Management System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf.

Manag. Data, Boston, Mass., USA, May 30 - Jun. 1, 1979.- 23-34

103. Gray J.N., Lorie R.A., Putzolu G.R., Traiger I.L.

Granularity of Locks in a Large Shared Data Base // 1st Int.

Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Framingham, Mass., Sept. 1975.-


104. H.-T. Chou, D. J. DeWitt, R. H. Katz, A. C. Klug. Design

and Implementation of the Wisconsin Storage System // Software

Pract. Exper.- 15, N 10.- 1985.- 943-962

105. D. D. Chamberlin, M. M. Astrahan et al. A History and

Evaluation of System R // Commun. ACM.- 24, N 10.- 1982.-


106. С. Д. Кузнецов. Методы оптимизации выполнения запросов в

реляционных СУБД // "Вычислительные науки. Т.1 (Итоги науки и

техники ВИНИТИ АН СССР)". М., ВИНИТИ АН СССР, 1989.- 76-153

107. J. C. Freytag. A Rule-Based View of Query Optimization //

Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Francisco,

Calif., USA, May 27-29, 1987.- 173-180

108. F. W. M. Tompa, J. I. Icaza. Adaptive Selection of Query

Execution Strategies by Learning Automata // Inf. Sci. (USA).-

50, N 3.- 1990.- 219-240

109. F. Bancilhon, W. Kim, H. Korth. A Model for CAD

Transactions // 11th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases,

Stockholm, Aug. 21-23, 1985.- 25-33

110. Alan Fekete, Nancy Lynch, Machael Merritt, William Weihl.

Commutativity-Based Locking for Nested Transactions // 6th ACM

Symp. Princ. Database Syst., San Diego, Calif, USA, March

25-27, 1987, J. Comput. and Syst. Sci.- 41, N 1.- 1990.-
