"Easter in Britain" (Пасха в Британии)
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СодержаниеEaster Hare or Easter Bunny Easter Poems Hot cross buns! A nursery movement song Easter in Britain The farmer and his seeds Water games Easter Flowers The Уоung Dandelion Easy Easter Games |
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- Программа дисциплины политическая и социально-экономическая история британии с древнейших, 135.75kb.
- Е. В. Воевода английский язык великобритания: история и культура Great Britain: Culture, 1412.89kb.
- Е. В. Воевода английский язык великобритания: история и культура Great Britain: Culture, 365.14kb.
- Реферат по дисциплине: страноведение на тему: «The geographical location of the United, 1698.81kb.
"Easter in Britain" (Пасха в Британии)
Pl-l. In England Easter doesn't fall on the same date every year, but rather on any Sunday from March 22nd to April 25th , as it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon in March. Its celebration is a series of special days dedicated to the commemoration of the death and resurrection of special days of Jesus Christ.
Pl-2. В Англии Пасха не выпадает на одну и ту же дату, а скорее на любое воскресенье с 22 марта по 25 Апреля, так как она празднуется в первое воскресенье после полнолуния в марте. Празднование Пасхи — ряд специальных дней, посвященных ознаменованию смерти и воскрешению Иисуса Христа.
Pl-1. The week before Easter is called Holy week and it begins with Palm Sunday. On Holy Thursday Christians celebrate the Last Supper-Jesus' last meal with his apostles. Good Friday refers to the day Jesus was crucified and the following Sunday, Easter Sunday, celebrates his resurrection. Holy Thursday is also called Maundy Thursday in Great Britain and during the Maundy ceremonies the Royal Family give special coins to people as a token of charity.
Pl-2. Неделя перед пасхой называется Страстной неделей и начинается с пальмового воскресенья. В страстной четверг христиане празднуют последний ужин -последняя пища Иисуса с его апостолами. Великая пятница относится ко дню в который был замучен Иисус и следующее воскресенье, воскресенье Пасхи празднуют его воскрешение. Святой четверг также называется Мони-четверг. В Великобритании, в течение Монди церемонии Королевская семья дает специальные монеты людям как символ милосердия.
Pl-1. The name Easter seems to come from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring worshipped in Northern Europe long before the advent of Christianity. All fires were extinguished in her honor and relit from a special sacred fire.
The Christians continued this tradition, extinguishing them from their churches and relighting them from their Paschal candles.
Pl-2. Название "Easter", кажется, пришло от "Eostre" - имени языческой богини весны,
которой поклонялись в Северной Европе намного раньше появления христианства. Все огни были погашены в ее честь и вновь заженны от специального священного огня. Христиане продолжили эту традицию, гася их в своих церквях и повторно зажигания от пасхальных свечей.
Pl-1. The British tradition of Easter baskets also dates back to ancient times, when people
offered their eggs in grass nests to Eostre. Today's Easter baskets are filled with eggs and sweets and decorated with ribbons, flowers and straw.
Pl-2. Британская традиция Пасхальных корзин также относится к древним временам, когда люди предлагали яйца в гнездах из травы Богине весны Eostre. Сегодня Пасхальные корзины наполнены яйцами и конфетами, украшены лентами, цветами и соломкой.
Pl-1 The custom of giving and receiving eggs at Easter is very common as the
Egg is a symbol of new life and Easter time of the resurrection of life.
Indeed many ancient cultures believed that the world began with a single egg.
Pl-2- Традиция предоставления и получения яиц в пасху очень обычна, так как яйцо -
символ новой жизни и Пасха - время восстановления жизни. Действительно, многие
древние культуры полагали, что мир начался с одного единственного яйца.
Pl-1 -The decoration of Easter eggs began in England during the Middle Ages when members of noble families gave one another gold-covered eggs as Easter presents. The custom soon became very popular but instead of precious eggs
people began to give ordinary hard-boiled eggs which had been painted or dyed. Even today in Britain people decorate Easter eggs and very often hang them with ribbons or strings on beautiful egg trees.
Pl-2- Разукрашивание Пасхальных яиц началось в Англии в средние века, когда члены знатных семей дарили друг другу позолоченные яйца на Пасху. Этот обычай вскоре стал очень популярным, но вместо драгоцен-ных яиц люди начали дарить обычные в крутую сваренные яйца, расписанные или разукрашенные. Даже сегодня в Британии люди украшают пасхальные яйца, очень часто вешают их на ленточках или ниточках на красивых яичных деревьях.
Pl-1 - "Egg rolling" is an old Easter game, traditionally played on Easter Monday. Children roll eggs down a grassy slope and the first egg to reach the bottom without breaking is the winner. If the eggs reach the bottom without breaking it is said to bring good luck. A famous egg-rolling contest takes place on the lawns of the White House in Washington DC, every Easter Monday.
Pl-2- "Вращение яиц " - это старая пасхальная игра, в которую традиционно играли в Пасхальный понедельник. Дети пускают яйца вниз по косогору, первое яйцо, достигающее цели без разбивания, является победителем. Это означало, что яйцо принесет удачу. Знаменитое соревнование проходит на лужайках Белого Дома в Вашингтоне каждый Пасхальный понедельник.
Easter Hare or Easter Bunny
Pl-1 -The tradition of the Easter Hare, or Easter Bunny comes from a Northern European legend. Long ago in a small village the mothers had no money to buy their children presents for Easter. They painted eggs with lots of beautiful pictures and hid them in the forest near the village. When the children went to play in the forest on Easter Sunday they saw the eggs but they didn't know where they came from. Suddenly a hare ran out from behind a pile of eggs and the children started shouting: " They are hare's eggs!".
Pl-2- Традиция Пасхального Зайца или Пасхального Кролика исходит из северо-европейской легенды. Легенда гласит:"Давно в маленькой деревне у матерей не было денег купить своим детям подарки на Пасху. Они раскрасили яйца множеством красивых картинок и спрятали в лесу возле деревни. Когда дети пойти играть в лес в Пасхальное воскресенье, они увидели яйца, но они не знали откуда эти яйца. Вдруг выскочил заяц из-за кучи яиц и дети начали кричать: "Это яйца зайца!".
Pl-1 - Typical British Easter cakes are hot cross buns, small round sweet cakes with a cross on top in memory of Christ's death, originally eaten on Good Friday, and hare - shaped biscuits.
Pl-2- Типичными Британскими пасхальными кексами являются горячие крещеные булочки, маленькие, кругленькие, сладкие кексы с крестом на верхушке в память о смерти Христа, а также печенье в форме зайца, обычно их едят в страстную пятницу.
У англичан много пасхальных стихов и песен. Послушайте их.
Easter Poems
Mary had a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb.
Its fleece was while as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go
It followed her to school one day,
That was against the rule:
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
Mrs. Hen
Chook, chook, chook-chook-chook!
Good morning, Mrs. Hen!
How many chickens have you got?
Madam, I 've got ten.
Four of them are yellow,
And four of them are brown,
And two of them are speckled red,
The nicest in the town.
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One-a- penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One - a - penny,
Two -a-penny,
Hot cross buns!
Easter Bunnies
Five little Easter bunnies sitting in a row
First one said, "See my ears go flop, flop, flop."
Second one said, "Just watch me hop, hop, hop."
Third one said, "See my Easter eggs so bright."
Fourth one said, "Ready to bring you on Easter night."
Fifth one said, as he nodded his head,
"We will come if you are in bed."
So five little bunnies quick as can be,
Hopped back to their hollow by the big oak tree.
I dance like this and I dance like this,
And I whirl right round and round,
I dance like this and I dance like this,
And my left foot pats the ground.
I clap my hands and I clap my hands,
And I whirl right round and round,
I nod my head and I nod my head,
And my right foot pats the ground
Р1-2 Сегодня у нас гости – это студент Оксфордского университета, он тоже расскажет нам о праздновании Пасхи в Великобритании.
Выходит мальчик в одеянии студента Оксфорда с рукописью:
Easter in Britain
"Every country has its tradition. In England traditions play a very important part in the life of the people.
Easter comes on Sunday between March and April
Just before Easter the schools & colleges usually close. The students have a week or ten days of spring vacation.
Easter is a church holiday. Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
At Easter people buy new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday. There is a popular belief that wearing three new things on Easter will good luck in the year. After church services many people like to take walks down the streets in their new Easter hats and suits. This colourful procession of people dressed in bright new spring clothes is called the "Easter Parade ". Another custom is decorating eggs for children.
In many parts of the country, eggs are hidden in the yards and the children have to find them. Little children believe the Easter rabbit comes and leaves the eggs for them. That's why Easter candy is made in the form of eggs, little chickens and rabbits. Eggs are the symbol of new life. An old English custom is to roll hard-boiled eggs down a hill. The last egg to break brings good luck to one who has rolled it".
Egg Hunt
Have you looked in the cupboard?
Have you looked in the drawer?
Have you looked in the window?
Let's hunt some more.
Peek in the closet, peek under the bed.
Peek in your slipper,
You know what he said.
"I 've colored my eggs
With paints & brush
And ГII hide them on Easter
In your house. Hush! Hush!"
Bunnies are brown, bunnies are white.
Bunnies are always an Easter delight.
Bunnies have ears all pinkish inside.
Bunnies all like to hop & to hide.
Bunnies are cuddly, the large & the small,
But I like the chocolate ones best of all!
- The Farmer plants his seeds,
The Farmer plants his seeds,
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Farmer plants his seeds
- The Wind begins to blow.
The Wind begins to blow,
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Wind begins to blow.
- The Rain begins to fall,
The Rain begins to fall.
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Rain begins to fall.
- The Sun begins to shine,
The Sun begins to shine,
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Sun begins to shine.
- The Seeds begin to grow.
The Seeds begin to grow.
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Seeds begin to grow.
- The Farmer cuts his grain,
The Farmer cuts his grain,
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Farmer cuts his grain.
- The Fanner binds his sheaves.
The Fanner binds his sheaves,
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
The Farmer binds his sheaves.
8. And now the Harvest is in.
And now the Harvest is in,
Hey, oh, the Cherry, oh!
And now the Harvest is in.
- Дети стоят в кругу. В центре круга —ребенок «крестьянин» и шесть детей «семян». «Крестьянин» сажает «семена» — кладет руки им на плечи, они приседают. Дети идут по кругу и поют
первый куплет.
- «Ветер» бежит вокруг «семян» и произносит: «оо-оо-оо».
3. «Дождь» бежит вокруг «семян» и говорит: «питтэ-пэттэ».
- «Солнце» обходит «семена» кругом.
- «Семена» начинают расти-подниматься.
- «Крестьянин» срезает «колосья» —прикасается к детям, они приседают.
- «Крестьянин» вяжет «снопы» — ставит детей спиной друг к другу по двое.
- «Крестьянин» собирает «урожай» — берет детей за руки и ведет их за пределы круга.
Pl-1 Pancake races are held in many parts of Britain; the most famous of these is at Olney in Buckinghamshire.
These races are thought to have started when the church house wife who was cooking pancakes heard the church bells ring. Thinking she was late for the service she ran off& arrived at the church still holding the pan in her hand.. Now each Shrove Tuesday, housewives who live in the area race from the Market Square to the Parish Church. They have to toss the pancakes three times &- are allowed if they drop them. The winner receives a kiss & a prayer book from the vicar who says to her, 'The peace of the Lord be always with you The verger or bell-ringer gets two rewards: a kiss from the winner & her pancake.
Pl-2 Блинные бега проводятся во многих частях Британии, самые популярные – это гонки в районе Олни недалеко от Букемгемского дворца.
Считается, что эти бега начались, когда какая-то домохозяйка, которая пекла блины, опаздывали в церковь, услышав звон колоколов. Думая, что она опаздывает на службу, она выбежала из дома со сковородой в руках. Теперь каждое прощенное воскресенье домохозяйки, которые живут недалеко от рыночной площади устраивают бега до Пэрской церкви. Им нужно трижды подбросить блины, ронять их не разрешается. Победительница получает поцелуй и молитвенник от самого викария, со словами: « Да благословит тебя Бог».
Звонаря одаривают поцелуем и блинами победительницы.
Later all the frying pans are taken into the church, & the ladies take part in a short service. About 30 years ago people of the town of Liberal in Kansas, USA, began to take an interest in the Olney race, & now they too hold a pancake race, competing for the best time to cover the distance.
Pl-2 Позже сковороды заносят в церковь, и дамы участвуют в специальной службе. Около 30-ти лет назад в городе Либерал штата Канзас в США тоже заинтересовались в этих бегах, и сейчас они проводят их, соревнуясь не только в ловкости, но и в скорости.
Water games
Pl-1 Water was also apart of some games at Easter & Easter Monday was sometimes known as "Ducking Monday" in parts of Eastern Europe. Young men & girls would splash each other with water. In Hungary unmarried girls would be taken at daybreak to the local pond or stream, & thrown in by the young men.
This was supposed to make them good wives in the future. Where there was no pond or stream the girls would be drenched with buckets of water, & they were even expected to pay for this privilege with gifts of painted eggs or glasses of brandy!
Pl-2 Вода тоже стала частью праздничных пасхальных забав. В некоторых частях Европы понедельник после Пасхи даже называется «Уточкин понедельник». Молодые парни и девушки обливают друг друга водой. В Венгрии незамужних девушек просто бросают в местный пруд.
Считается, что это сделает их в будущем хорошими женами. Если водоема поблизости нет, их окунают в бочку с водой. А еще им вручают крашеные яйца и стакан бренди!
Pl-1 Easter is the time of tasty food – eggs, pies, meat, sweets, fruits. Try to guess what is described.
Pl-2 Безусловно, Пасха – угощения. Яйца, пироги, мясные блюда, сладости, фрукты.
Попробуйте угадать о каких угощениях идет речь.
P1-(вишня): At first I am green and small, Like a little ball. Then grow I red and bigger still. And when I blacken in the sun, You say I'm ripe and eat me up.
P2-(лук): Little old uncle, Dressed in brown. Take off his coat... How the tears run down!
P3- (капуста): A hundred shirts And all without buttons. What is it?
P1-(огурец): What house has many people inside, But neither windows and doors?
P2- (соль): They do not eat me alone, But cannot eat without me. What am I?
P3-(орех): There is a little green house; And in the little green house There is a little brown house; And in the little brown house There is a little yellow house; And in the little yellow house There is a little white house; And in the little white house There is a white little heart.
P1-(сахар): White as snow Sweet to all,
But when it gets into the mouth It disappears.
P2-(морковь): This little red lady Is hard to be found, As only her green plait Sticks out of the ground.
P3- (рыба): It has wings, But it cannot fly. Without legs, It moves swiftly. Do you know why?
Pl-2 A cейчас добавте название продуктов питания, чтобы получилась стихотворная, рифмованная строчка.
(jam) (cheese) (cake) (honey) (Cola) (bread) (cream)
- Hi, my name is Sam, I like eating
- My name is Louise, I like to eat _
- My big brother Jake is fond of _
- And my sister Bunny Eats too much
- This girl is Lola. She likes drinking _
- A
nd this boy is Fred. He likes eating
7. But do you want to know the food that is a dream?
It's chocolate cake, with lots of good.
Р1-2 Весна – это время цветов, некоторые из них ассоциируются в Британии с Пасхой –это нарциссы и одучанчики.
Easter Flowers
William Wordsworth
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high о 'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the stars that shine They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay;
Ten thousand saw 1 at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee.
A poet could not but be gay,
In such jocund company!
I gazed- and-gazed- but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
The Уоung Dandelion
I am a bold fellow I never flinch, sir,
As ever was seen, Wherever I dwell
With my shield of yellow, Give me an inch, sir,
And my blade of green. I 'II soon take an ell.
You may uproot me Drive me from garden
From field and from lane: In anger and pride,
Trample me, cut me, I 'II thrive and harden
I spring up again. By the roadside.
Not a bit fearful, Showing my face, Always so cheerful, In every place.
Dinah Mulock Craik
Р1-2 Ну и какой же праздник без игр, давайте поиграем, кто хочет принять участие?
Easy Easter Games
Pl-1 Now lets play
Golden Egg Hunt
One of the eggs is painted gold. A second team has 30 seconds to hunt for the eggs. A point is scored for every egg found in the 30-second time limit. Three additional points are scored for the golden egg. The team that hid the eggs relatives those not found & the other team hides them.
Pl-2 Давайте поиграем!
Одно из яиц золотое, за 30 секунд вы должны найти это золотое яйцо, выигрывает та команда, кто сделает это быстрее!
Pl-1 Hatch Match
To play, scramble the pieces and match the halves.
Pl-2 Попытайтесь, как можно быстрее сложить яйца из двух половинок.
Easter Eggs
Easter eggs, Easter eggs
Eggs of orange and blue.
Here are lots of colored eggs
All for me and you.
Chocolate eggs colored brown,
Jelly beans bright green
Aren't these the most beautiful eggs
That you have ever seen?