Тах русских мыслителей  xi - xx веков, показывается место учения о  женственности  в отечественной философии,  его связь с основными ценностями русской культуры

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    Oleg RIABOV.  The Russian Philosophy of the Feminine (XI — XX  cc.)  

    The  monograph is devoted  to  the  analysis  of  the  woman image  in  Russian   philosophical texts, and the study of correlation between  philosophy  of   the   feminine   and   the  Russian  identity.

     In Chapter I the author  shows  two  tendencies  in  estimating the  feminine  in  the  Philosophy  of the Medieval  Rus. The majority   of   medieval thinkers regarded  the masculine  pattern   as a  sole  one:   only  a  woman  who  was  able  to  overcome her inferior  female  nature  and  become  man-like  deserved  high appraisal.  At  the  same  time many  features which were traditionally attributed to the female principle were deeply appreciated,   and  those of  the  male  one  were   considered vices (humility    and   pride,  self-sacrifice  and  egoism,  mercy and  justice, "grace" and "law").   To  a  great   extent  that  was  correct  for  maternity;  relations  between mother   and  child were the  pattern  for  other   social   relations.  The value of maternal principle was  especially significant  for national identity. The medieval   writers  brought  the idea  of  Mother Russia,  the feminine  hypostasis  of  Russia ("Holy Rus"),  to the   foreground   to  describe  the  defensive  wars  stressing  her vulnerability,  dependency,  emotionality;  its   correlation with medieval attitudes  to  female  nature.  On  the contrary,   strong,  formidable,  powerful Russia  was  perceived   through the male image ("The Third Rome").

     Chapter II "The Philosophy of  the  Feminine  in  XVIII—XIX  cc." begins  with  the analysis  of new features   in   the attitudes to the feminine in the culture of XVIII c.  (works by Tatishchev, Kantemir,  Desnitsky,   Skovoroda).  There  were changes in   gender    aspects  of    national   identity:   in  the  concept  of "Great Russia",   which    appeared  during   the  age  of   Peter' reforms the  maternal    traits  were  relegated   and  the  emperor as "Pater Patriae"    became   the  masculine    symbol  of   the   country.

     XIX c. philosophy  of  the  Feminine,  in  which woman question   became  one of the central ones, created   sociocultural interpretation  of  essence of gender  differences. The  question  about  predestination  of  the  woman came  up   in   the  discussions about woman emancipation; arguments  pro et  contra are  reconstructed   and   analyzed  in   the   monograph.

     The  Russian   thought formulated   three conceptions concerning history of relations  between  male  and  female principles. According  to   the  first    one    the  modern  system  of  European  civilization is "gynecocraty", "kingdom of women" (Fedorov). Relations   between  man  and   woman    as  kind  of  dialectics  of  master  and slave were  treated  in   Tolstoi's "Kreutzer Sonate". The   most   wide-spread   was   image   of  woman   as  suffering  and  patient  victim of male   enslavement and exploitation.  This point of view had  decisive  influence  on  gender aspect  of the Narodniks' ideology: the suffering folk were perceived in the feminine features and  the power  showed the  masculine ones. Thus, historiosophem "Mother-Russia"  connected  two  tendencies  of appealing  to  maternal   hypostasis  of   Russia: as a national protest and as a social  one  (Mother-Russia and Mother-People). New stimulus to the development of   judgments about  the country’s maternal essence was   given  by   the   idea of femininity of Russia (Khomyakov,  Herzen,  Kavelin)  which  appeared   in the  middle  of XIX century and became   very  popular   both in Russia and abroad.    The   features  traditionally associated  with the feminine (humility, «vsechelovechnost’» (unihumaneness), potentiality,  mysteriousness)   became more  and   more   significant  in  the  image  of  Russia.  Russian  messianistic idea,   coming   into   being   at   that  time,  presupposed   that   Russia  had   feminine traits. This amalgamation  of    ethnic   and   gender   characteristics   in  identity of  Russia was  one of  the main  factors  of  intense  interest  to   woman  question, and the development of  Russian philosophy   of   the   feminine. «Utopia of  the  Woman» was born.   Woman  was perceived as  the messiah;  Russian   woman  was   announced  the  savior   of Russia   (Dostoevsky).  XIX   century   was the   time   of   creating  the  Russian Woman  myth  which occupied   important  place in national  identity.  In the idealized   image  of  Russian woman features  of  maternal  archetype prevailed:  care, strength,   nutrition,  sacrifice,  loyalty.

     The  philosophy   of  the  feminine  of  the   Russian   Silver Age  which   Chapter III  is  devoted to,  interpreted  male  and  female   features   the   same   as   the  European  philosophy   did. Since the Western  tradition  treated   male  traits  as   original   human ones,  male principle   was   believed   to   be   the norm and female — the deviation.  But in the Russian  Silver   Age the feminine  received   high evaluation;  the  constant  idea  was mutuality  of  male   and    female   principles.   This difference  was  caused   by   the  idea of   humanism  crisis:   indeed,  male  was believed to  be   human  in  this  epoch  —  but "All-Too-Human",  giving  rise to   anthropolatry   and   human pride. Russian   reaction  to  the  crisis  of    European  humanism  was   the idea  of  God-Manhood,  which would be possible only if humankind felt womanly and  married  God  spiritually (Soloviev,   Bulgakov,   Ivanov).

     Studying  the  attitudes   to   woman   and    female principle the author    analyzes  relations    among   the   views on the  feminine  and   basic  concepts  of   the  Silver  Age.   One of main   images of   the  Silver   Age,   Sophia  the   Wisdom  of   God,  in various  aspects   (The  Wisdom  of  God,  the   World  Soul,  the Great Mother  Earth,  the  Eternal  Feminine)   displayed  connection with  treatment   of  the  woman  nature;  she  was believed  to be   passive  and  potential,  connecting  and  intermediate  element,  beloved   of  God    and   man.   All  the other  basic  philosophical  concepts   of   the  epoch  —  All-Unity, Sobornost',  Creativeness, Androgyny  —  presupposed high estimation   of  the   feminine.

     Idea of  mutuality of  the  feminine  and  the   masculine was reflected  in  the  views  on  historical process.   Author shows that the Russian philosophers’ attitudes to the idea of women's emancipation were ambivalent; they  admitted the justice of woman’s protest   and   at  the   same   time   emphasized  the  dialectics   of   misogyny   and  feminism.  The new tendencies appeared  in   gender characteristics of Russia:  it  got  the erotic traits (Blok, Berdiaev).

     Chapter IV is devoted to Philosophy of the  Feminine  in  the XX  century.

     The philosophers of the  Russian  Emigration inherited  and  developed  the   main   ideas  of  the  Silver Age.  They  paid   special  attention to the analysis of the  maternal principle’s dominant   role  of   in  Russia;   it  had   been reflected in specifics of Russian history and Russian soul,  both in its positive  and  negative traits.  Concordance  of  the  feminine  and  the masculine principles was treated as  a necessary  condition  of  social  life.  Social  evil  was believed  to  be  result of disharmony of these principles.  Among the kinds of social evil — revolution (as the domination of the  feminine)  and    totalitarianism (as the domination of the masculine) were placed.   Thus the idea of woman’s  messianism   got  a new  dimension — an  anti-totalitarian  one  (Fedotov,  Il'in).

     Notion of saving role of the woman, who opened up  new  horizons  of   knowledge  and saved the  humankind  from ecological disaster, from  militaristic  intoxication,  from totalitarian serfdom  —  one  of  the central  in  Elena and Nicolas Roerichs'  doctrine  and  in  Daniil Andreev's "The Rose of the World".

      Author    analyzes  the Bolsheviks’ attitudes to femininity  and sex in the context of such oppositions as "consciousness  —unconsciousness", "social  —  natural", "discipline  —  anarchy", "private  —  public". The most of adherents to  Marxism-Leninism interpreted  the  gender  specifics  as  accidental,  which  should  be overcome  in  the new society;  the  masculine  pattern  was  believed  to be   the  sole  one.  At the same time in some  Kollontai’s works   such traits  of   the   feminine  as   mediation, care,  empathy   were   treated   as   necessary  condition  of the new, communist sociality.  From   the  thirties  onwards   the   changes in   the   demographical   and  national  politics  led  to the idea  of   "mother-worker"   presupposing   "double burden"  of  a woman.

     As   for  the  main   tendencies  of  the  modern  philosophy of the   feminine,  in   seventies-eighties   the   thinkers,   including the   philosophers of Russian Woman Movement, treated the gender  differences  as   essential; it  was  a kind  of   anticommunist   protest  against  "sexless" homo soveticus  and  totalitarian  neglect to   natural   principle.  The   thinkers  pointed out the growing  significance  of   the   feminine  principle   in   the   world.   In   the last decade the   other   tendency   criticizing  all   forms  of  sexism  and  the  very   idea   of   "natural   predestination"   of   a woman has been gaining interest in   the  Russian   feminism.

     In Conclusion   the  ambivalence of woman’s image in Russian philosophy    (one  can   note  both  misogyny   and   the  cult of the female  principle)   is  explained  by  the very  essence of attitudes to woman as the Other — so she differs from  the  masculine  as norm   toward   absolutization  of  evil as well as that of  good.  However   "the light  face" of   the feminine dominates in  the Russian  philosophy culture. The constant interest  of   the   Russian   thinkers   to    the   woman   question as   well   as   the   high  appraisal   of  the  feminine  may  be  explained  by  influence  of  two  factors.   In   Modern  Time   Russia    in   quest  of   its   identity   turned to the values   alternative  to  the  Western ones.  Perceiving    itself   as   the   periphery  in  relation  to  the   West as the center,   Russian  identity   must  direct its attention   toward the   feminine  values  inevitably.   The  Russian  messianism    amalgamated   with   the female one. The decisive  role  of  the  maternal  principle   displayed   already   in the Ancient Rus   is the second factor  of  the  Russian  attitudes   to   the feminine.









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84. Бужинский Г.  Festo S. Martyris Catharinae.  Sanct Piterburgi. Ammo Salutis 1721, Nov. 24 // Там же.

85. Бужинский Г.   Festo  Sanctae  Megalomartyris  Ecatherinae, eodemque  annue  celebrationis  Patronae   Serenissimae   Imperatricis Rossiacae Ecatherinae Alexiadis.  Sanct Piterburgi. 1718, Nov. 24 // Там же.

86. Бужинский Г.  Octobris 29. St. Piterburgi. Слово похвальное на рождение Государя царевича и великого князя Петра Петровича // Там же.

87. Булгаков С.Н. Владимир Соловьев и Анна Шмидт // Булгаков С.Н. Тихие думы. М., 1996.

88. Булгаков С.Н. Героизм и подвижничество: (Из размышле­ний о религиозных идеалах русской интеллигенции) // Соч.: В 2 т.  М., 1993. Т. 2.

89.  Булгаков С.Н. Две встречи (1898—1924): (Из записной книжки) // Там же.

90.  Булгаков С.Н. Из  "Дневника" // Булгаков С.Н. Тихие думы.

91. Булгаков С.Н. Моя родина //  Там же.

92. Булгаков С.Н. На пиру богов: Pro и contra: Современные диалоги // Соч. Т. 2.

93. Булгаков С.Н.  Нация и человечество // Там же.

94. Булгаков С.Н. О первохристианстве // Булгаков С.Н. Два града:  Исследования о природе человеческих идеалов: В 2 т. М., 1911. Т. 1.
