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Dudarev D.V.
Дударев Д.В.
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Dudarev D.V.


Дударев Д.В.

ФГОУ ВПО «Иркутская государственная сельскохозяйственная

академия», г. Иркутск

В исследованиях обосновывается применение системы «Эколого-экономического мониторинга ресурсов животного мира» для оценки ущерба охотничьим животным, как средство управления их рациональным использованием, необходимость ее адаптации в зонах строительства и эксплуатации нефтегазопроводов острова Сахалин.

Protection of the National interests, proprietors and users of wildlife objects is provided by federal legislation in the sphere of nature protection and rational exploitation of natural resources, fauna and plant kingdom, specially protected areas. However, the methods of damage valuation, scales of ecological and economic consequences of industrial assimilation influence on the natural complexes are not developed up to now; also negative influence and damage to traditional branches of hunting economy are not determined.

Damage to animal world – is the decrease of resource potential of wild animals in their habitat as a result of natural or anthropogenic impact, which is fixed in quantitative and price indexes.

Scientific researches in this sphere are restricted by works of P.P. Naumov (1975-2010), A.M. Karelov (1979), V.G. Shvets (1985), M.N. Andreev and others (1997), A.S. Zalesov (1997) and others.

Our laws, regulating processes of nature management, are not bad, but they practically don’t work in this direction. So, we should establish that this actual problem is one of the most complicated, debatable and practically not developed up to now.

Way out should be based on the application of economic and administrative- criminal sanctions against infringers and plunderers of natural resources. Objective ecological and economic cost valuation of damage to wildlife resources should become a component part of modern strategy of nature management, environment protection, and rational exploitation of natural resources and steady development of regions. At the same time, compensating payment and fine sums should exceed damage dimension in order of magnitude, and infringers must be called to account.

In the base of damage valuation is the methodological principle, consisting in determination of difference between population density indexes in non-transformed grounds and in the areas which are subjected to reclamation. If we know the width and the length of degraded districts, we can calculate their areas and quantitative indexes of killed animals or animals, which left these grounds, and then – damage (Naumov, 1986, 1999, 2003, 2010).

Last decades there is a big rise of industrial influence on unique natural complexes of Sakhalin Island, connected with construction and exploitation oil-and-gas lines. Now there are two active lines on the island. One of them is 220 km long; it belongs to American company “Exon”. It stretches from Chaivo oilfield in the Sea of Okhotsk to the De-Castry port on the bank of Khabarovsk Territory. It has been put into operation from 2005. Another one is 800 km long and it belongs to “Sakhalin Energy”, it stretches to Prigorodnoye port from the Piltun Bay and Lunskoye oilfield, which are situated in the Sea of Okhotsk too. It has been put into operation from 2008.

Sakhalin Island – is the unique natural complexes with original landscapes and biodiversity. As all island systems, they are very vulnerable, because of not only natural, but also anthropogenic factors. Spawning water areas, forest ecosystems with various plants and animal world are most subjected to industrial reclamation influence, which is connected with exploring, building and exploitation of oil-and-gas complexes. Besides, cutting down, poaching and irrational use of natural resources make essential damage to natural ecosystems.

Consequently, now it is necessary to develop such methods of control and management of natural complexes, which can maximally provide rational exploitation of natural resources and can protect them from negative anthropogenic influence, connected with construction and exploitation of oil-and-gas lines.

Reasoning from above-stated, the aim of this research is the adaptation of “The system of ecological and economic monitoring of wildlife resources” applying to the hunting animals of the island in oil-and-gas pipe lines construction and exploitation areas. Basic methodological and methodical positions of such systems are made by Professor P.P. Naumov (Naumov 1985, 1999, 2003).

During realization and adaptation of such system we need qualitatively new approaches to the solving of this problem, and also the level of knowledge, which can provide the reflection of a system reality, methods of control and management of happening processes. The system should be maximally oriented to research-and-production requests and the demands of executors and consumers, and provide them with the authentic and comparable information.

Methodical assurance, software and compound elements of the system should be not only unified, but also conform to the legislation of Russian Federation. Integral, ecological and economic management of rational exploitation of natural resources, including animal resources, giving them the complex valuation, calculating the damage, and developing the strategy of nature management can be realized only on the basis of unified, system-defined approach.

There are 16 species of mammals among traditional objects of hunting on the Sakhalin Island. The main form of their economic usage is trade and sport hunting. From economic point sable, otter, mink, fox, musk-rat, reindeer, red deer, bear, mountain hare, hazel grouse and white grouse have the particular importance.

As a result of oil-and-gas lines construction and industrial reclamation of the region, big part of hunting resources suffer negative press, it leads to significant reduction of their abundance, degradation of the habitat and finally negatively influence on the traditional methods of management and on the prosperity of natives.

In the base of the article material there is the information, received in the Laboratory of the island ecological problems of The Sea Geology and Geophysics Institute and The Ecological Watch of the Sakhalin Island. From the “Sakhalin Energy” reports on the valuation of the damage to hunting animals was found out that the work was made by request and only on the short area of the longest oil-and-gas line, what makes us doubt in the validity of the results. Damage calculation was made in accordance with the document “Temporal method of determination and prevention of ecological damage”, which is approved by State committee of Russian Federation in the sphere of habitat protection on March, 9th, 1999. Quantity of killed and forced out animals was taken into account, at that loss of species population was considered as one-time. Damage to the hunting animals was calculated only in 4 km stripe (2 km in one direction and 2 km in another direction from the line). Total dimension of the damage to the hunting animals was estimated in 9 080 900 rubles.

According to the “Rule of ecological differentiation of ethological reaction and spatial adaptation of wild animals during anthropological influence”, the width of three zones of anthropological impact vary from a few metres to 25 km in two directions from the cutting. Moreover, authors didn’t take into consideration that there are three adaptive groups of animals with different reaction, and that the influence doesn’t disappear later. (Naumov, 1981, 1999, 2003, 2010).

Thus, bringing above the dimensions of damage needs not only methodological and methodical substantiation, but also the reconsideration of the results.

Final stage of realization of principal function of this System is the development and taking up of administrative decisions. Introduction of this System in the activity of scientific-research, environmental, educational enterprises and industrial structures opens big opportunities of forming ecological culture of society, rational and operative, purposeful management of reclamation and protection of wildlife resources. This will let systematize and regulate their economic exploitation, substantiate and plan complex guard and reproduction measures.

This is a new scientific concept in the strategy of modern nature management, habitat protection and development of social production. The main difference of this System from analogous projects is in system-defined and unified approach to the organization and realization of monitoring with the integration of ecology and economy as a mean of control. It should become the basic informational unit of management and rational exploitation of wildlife resources, and also provide all the regions of the country with unified methodical and informational space.

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УДК 631.153.(571.17)