3. Английский юмор о спорте

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Football terms
Sports equipment - Спортивное оборудование
Card games - Карточные игры
Прочитайте шутки, связанные со спортом и играми
Подобный материал:

1. Основные выражения.

2. Спортивная лексика:

- футбольные термины,

- спортивное оборудование,

- настольные игры,

- виды спорта.

3. Английский юмор о спорте.

Sport – Спорт

do you play any sports? ты занимаешься спортом?

yes, I play football . да, я играю в футбол.

tennis теннис

golf гольф

I'm a member of a gym я член спортклуба

no, I'm not particularly sporty нет, я не особенно спортивный

I like watching football мне нравится смотреть футбол

which team do you support? за какую команду ты болеешь?

I support ... я болею за ...

Manchester United «Манчестер Юнайтед»

Chelsea «Челси»

I'm not interested in football меня не интересует футбол

Football terms - Футбольные термины

offside офсайд, положение вне игры

goal гол

shot удар

to score забить гол

net сетка

referee судья

player игрок

penalty пенальти

free kick штрафной удар

goal kick удар от ворот

corner угловой удар

yellow card жёлтая карточка

red card красная карточка

foul нарушение

to send off удалить с поля

darts дротики

snooker вид бильярдной игры

pool пул (род бильярдной игры)

Sports equipment - Спортивное оборудование

golf club клюшка для игры в гольф

tennis racquet теннисная ракетка

squash racquet ракетка для игры в сквош

badminton racquet ракетка для игры в бадминтон

cricket bat бита для игры в крикет

baseball bat бейсбольная бита

ball мяч

football футбольный мяч

rugby ball мяч для игры в регби

boxing glove перчатки для бокса

hockey stick хоккейная клюшка

Table games - Настольные игры

backgammon нарды

chess шахматы

draughts шашки

bridge бридж

poker покер

Card games - Карточные игры

card карта

pack of cards колода карт

hand карты (на руках)

trick взятка

to deal the cards сдавать карты

to cut the cards снимать колоду

to shuffle the cards тасовать карты

suit масть

hearts черви

clubs трефы

diamonds бубны

spades пики

ace туз

king король

queen дама

jack валет

joker джокер

your turn твой (ваш) ход

board game настольная игра


piece шахматная фигура

king король

queen королева

bishop слон

knight конь

rook or castle ладья

pawn пешка

check шах

checkmate шах и мат

stalemate пат

draw ничья

to castle рокировать(ся)

to take забрать фигурку противника

to capture забрать фигурку противника

to resign сдаваться

your move твой (ваш) ход

good move! хороший ход


football футбол

rugby регби

cricket крикет

tennis теннис

golf гольф

squash сквош

basketball баскетбол

netball нетбол

volleyball волейбол

badminton бадминтон

table tennis настольный теннис

hockey хоккей

baseball бейсбол

American football американский футбол

ice hockey хоккей на льду

boxing бокс

wrestling борьба

athletics лёгкая атлетика

skiing лыжный спорт

ice skating фигурное катание

fishing рыбная ловля

archery стрельба из лука

hunting охота

shooting стрельба

snowboarding сноуборд

sailing плавание; мореходство

windsurfing виндсёрфинг

surfing сёрфинг

bowls игра в шары

ten-pin bowling боулинг

cycling езда на велосипеде

motor racing гонки

swimming плавание

scuba diving подводное плавание со скубой

martial arts боевые искусства

judo дзюдо

karate каратэ

kick boxing кик-бокс

water skiing водные лыжи

running бег

jogging бег трусцой

walking ходьба

hiking пешие прогулки на природе

mountaineering альпинизм

score счёт, количество очков

to win выиграть

to lose проиграть

to draw сыграть вничью

tennis court теннисный корт

football pitch футбольное поле

cricket ground крикетная площадка

Прочитайте шутки, связанные со спортом и играми

Reproter: Do you like all of your players to be tall coach?

Basketball Coach: A player's height isn't important to me as long as his ears pop when he sits down.

Teacher: Johnny, name the four seasons.

Johnny: Football, basketball, baseball and soccer.

Fan (arriving late): What's the score?

Friend: Eight to five.

Fan: Who's winning?

Friend: Eight.

First fan: Did you hear about the wrestler whose nose ran and feet smelled?

Second fan: No, what was wrong with him?

First fan: He was built upside down!

Manager to wrestler: How'd you ever get out of that hold he had you in?

Wrestler: Well, I saw this finger sticking out, so I bit it. Then I got really mad because my finger hurt so bad!

Manager: Would you like to join me in a cup of coffee?

Wrestler: Gosh, Coach, I don't think we'll both fit!

How did the leper stop the card game?

He threw his hand in.

Why did the basketball wear a bib?

So it wouldn't dribble.

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?

A stick.

What do you get when you cross a computer with a track-and-field star?

A floppy discus thrower.

All the animals in the jungle decided to form themselves into football teams and play a knockout competition. Over a period of several months, dozens and dozens of teams played each other until the great day dawned or the final match to decide the championship. It was a fast, hard-hitting game. Thousands of animals from miles and miles around had gathered to watch the great event and everyone was shouting with excitement.

The score was seven all and time was running out when Alexander Ant went scorching down the middle. It looked as if he was just about to score when Elias Elephant, from the defending team, squashed Alexander flat as a pancake. The referee - Claude Camel - blew his whistle and came running over.

"You've killed him!" he said to Elias. "That means a penalty - and I'll have to send you out of the game."

"But, I didn't mean to kill him," pleaded the distraught elephant. "I was just trying to trip him!"

Joe: My doctor told me to give up golf?

Jim: Why? Bad heart?

Joe: No. He looked at my scorecard.

Moses, Jesus and this old man are playing golf together. Moses tees off first and drives the ball straight into a pond located on the fairway.

Moses walks out to the pond, parts the waters, walks out with his club and drives the ball up onto the green.

Jesus tees off next. He, too, drives his ball right into the pond. Walking out to the water, Jesus walks across it, reaches down with his club and knocks the ball right on to the green out of the water.

The old man tees up his ball, waves his club, but then falls down, striking the ball with his head. The ball rolls a few feet, but then an earthworm sees it and wraps himself around the ball. An eagle sees the earthworm and dives from the top of a tree to grab the worm, but instead gets the entire golf ball. He flies for a ways, then the ball drops from his mouth and lands right in the cup. A hole-in-one.

Jesus looks over at the old man who is now dusting himself off. Jesus grins and says, "Alright, Dad. Enough fooling around - now let's play some golf."

Did you hear about the two fat men who ran in the New York marathon?

One ran in short bursts, the other ran in burst shorts!

Why was Cinderella thrown off the baseball team?

Because she ran away from the ball.

Why do good bowlers bowl so slowly?

So they have time to spare.

What has 18 legs and catches flies?

A baseball team.

Two neighbors were having a chat across the backyard fence. "My son is learning to play football this year," said one mother.

"What position does he play?" asked the other.

"The coach said he's a 'drawback.'"

What's the hardest part about learning to ride a horse?

The ground.

Mom, may I go out and play?

With those holes in your socks?

No. With my baseball.