Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

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gated the external influence, it should “make decision” that there is a need to act (decision-making). For this purpose it should have a special or decision-making organ able of making decisions. Then it should realize this decision, i.e. force the executive elements to act (implementation of decision). For this purpose it should have elements (stimulators) with the help of which it would be possible to communicate decision to the executive elements. Therefore, in order to react to certain external influence and to achieve the required result of action it is necessary to accomplish the following chain of guiding actions: reception > selection > decision-making > implementation of decisions (stimulation). What elements should carry out this chain of guiding actions? The executive elements (for example, plains) cannot do it, because they perform the action per se, for example, the capturing action, but not guiding actions. For this reason they are also called executive elements. All guiding actions should be accomplished by guiding elements (the control block) and these should be a part of SFU. The control block consists of: “X” receptor (segregates specific signal and detects the presence of external influence); afferent channels (transfer of information from the receptor to analyzer); the analyzer-informant (on the basis of the information from the “Х” receptor makes decisions on the activation of executive elements); efferent cannels (of a stimulator) (implementation of decision, channeling of the guiding actions to the effectors).

The “Х” receptor, afferent channels, analyzer-informant (activator of action) and efferent channels (stimulator) comprise the control block. The receptor and afferent channels represent direct positive communication (DPC). It is direct because inside SFU the guiding signal (information on the presence of external influence) goes in the same direction as the external influence itself. It is positive because if there is a signal there is a reaction, if there is no signal, there is no reaction. Thus, the SFU control block reacts to the external influence. It can feel and detect/segregate specific signal of external influence from the multitude of other external influences and depending on the presence or absence of specific signal it may decide whether or not it should undertake its own action. Its own action is the inducement (stimulation) of the executive elements to operate. There exist uncontrollable and controllable SFU. The control block of uncontrollable SFU decides whether or not it should act, and it would make such decision only depending on the presence of the external influence. The control block of controllable SFU would also decide whether or not it should act depending on the presence of the external signal and in the presence of additional condition as well, i.e. the permission to perform this action which is communicated to its command entry point. The uncontrollable SFU has one entry point for the external influence and one outlet /exit point/ for the result of action. The logic of work of such SFU is extremely simple: it would act if there is certain external influence (result of action), and no result of action is produced in the absence of external influence. For uncontrollable SFU the action regulator is the external influence itself. It has its own management which function is performed by the internal control block. But external management with such SFU is impossible. It would “decide” on its own whether or not it should act. That is why it is called uncontrollable. This decision would only depend on the presence of external influence. In the presence of external influence it would function and no external decision (not the influence) can change the internal decision of this SFU. The uncontrollable SFU is independent of external decisions. It will perform the action once it “made a decision”. The example of uncontrollable SFU is, for instance, the nitroglycerine molecule (SFU for micro-explosion). If it is shaken (external influence is shaking) it will start to disintegrate, thereby releasing energy, and during this process nothing would stop its disintegration. The analogues of uncontrollable SFU in a living organism are sarcomeres, ligands of haemoglobin, etc. Once sarcomere starts to reduce, it would not stop until the reduction is finished. Once the ligand of haemoglobin starts capturing oxygen, it would not stop until the capturing process is finished. Unlike uncontrollable SFU, the controllable SFU have two entry points (one for the entry of external influence and another one for the entry of the command to the analyzer) and one outlet/exit point/ for the result of action. The logic of work of controllable SFU is slightly different from that of the uncontrollable SFU. Such SFU will produce the result of action not only depending on the presence of the external influence, but the presence of permission at the command entry point. Implementation of action will start in the presence of certain external influence and permission at the command entry point. The action would not be performed in the presence of the external influence and the absence of permission at the command entry point. For the controllable SFU the action regulator is the permission at the command entry point. That is why such SFU are called controllable. The analogues of controllable SFU in a living organism are, for example, pulmonary functional ventilation units (FVU) or functional perfusion units (FPU), histic functional perfusion units (FPU), secretion functional units (cells of various secretion glands, SFU), kidney nephrons, liver acinuses, etc. The control blocks elements are built of (assembled from) other ordinary elements suitable in terms of their characteristics. It can be built both of executive elements combined in a certain manner and simultaneously performing the function of both execution and management, and from other executive elements not belonging to the given group and segregated in a separate chain of management. In the latter case they may be precisely the same as executive elements, but may be made of other elements as well. For example, muscular contraction functional units consist of muscular cells, but are managed by nervous centers consisting of nerve cells. At the same time, all kinds of cells, both nerve and muscular, are built of almost identical building materials proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. The difference between the controllable and uncontrollable FSU is only in the availability of command entry point. It is it that determines the change of the algorithm of its work. Performance of the controllable SFU depends not only on the external influence, but on the M disabling at the command entry point. The control block is very simple, if it contains only DPC (the “Х” receptor and afferent channels), the analyzer-informant and a stimulator. SFU are primary cells, executive elements of any systems. As we can see, despite their elementary character, they represent a fairly complex and multi-component object. Each of them contains not less than two types of elements (management/control and executive) and each type includes more and more, but these elements are mandatory attributes of any SFU. The SFU complexity is the complexity of hierarchy of their elements. There is no any special difference between the executive elements and the elements of management/control. Ultimately all in this world consists of electrons, protons and neutrons. The difference between them lies only in their position in the hierarchy of systems, i.e. in their positional relationship. The composite SFU contains 4 simple SFU. In the absence of the external influence all simple SFU are inactive and no result of action is produced. In the presence of the external influence of “Х”, if the command says “no” (disabling of /ban on action), all SFU would be inactive and no result of action produced. In the presence of external influence and if the command says “yes” (permission for action), all SFU would be active and the result of action produced. The “capacity” of the composite SFU is 4 times higher than the “capacity” of simple SFU. SFU is activated through the inputs of command of their control blocks. Every simple SFU has its own DPC and DPC common for all of them. Uncontrollable and controllable SFU may be used to build other (composite) SFU, more powerful than single SFU. In the real world there are few simple SFU which bring about minimal indivisible result of action. There are a lot more of composite SFU. For instance, the cartridge filled with grains of gunpowder is a constituent part of SFU (SFU for a shot), but its explosion energy is much higher that that of single grain of gunpowder. The composite SFU flow diagram is very words to that of simple SFU. It is only quantity variance that stipulates the difference between the composite and simple SFU. Simple SFU contains only one SFU, just SFU itself, whereas the composite SFU contains several SFU, so there is a possibility of strengthening of the result of action. Thus, simple and composite SFU contain two types of elements: executive elements (effectors performing specific actions for the achievement of the systems preset ovearll goal) and the elements of management (block) (DPC, the analyzer-informant and the stimulator activating SFU). Composite SFU has the same control block as the separate SFU, i.e. the elementary one with direct positive (guiding) connection (DPC). Composite SFU perform based on the “all-or-none” principle, too, i.e. they either produce maximal result of action in response to external influence or wait for this external influence and do not perform any actions. Composite SFU only differ from simple SFU in the force or amplitude of reaction which is proportional to the number of simple SFU. If the domino dices are placed in a sequ