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scent state will be the excessive loading for an organism with destroyed SFU which condition is incompatible with life. Usually termination of loading would discontinue this vicious circle.

Dynamic processes. Dynamic process is the process of changing functional state/mode/condition of the system. The system is in dynamic process when the change in the number of its actuated SFU occurs. The number of continually actuated SFU would determine stationary state/mode/condition of the system. Hence, dynamic process is the process of the systems transition from one stationary level to another. If the speed of change in external influences exceeds the speed of fixing the preset result of action of the system, transition processes (multi-micro-cycles) occur during which variation of number of functioning SFU also takes place. Therefore, these transition processes are also dynamic. Consequently, there are two types of dynamic processes: when the system is shifting from one stationary condition (level) to another and when it is in transient multi-micro-cycle. The former is target-oriented, whereas the latter is caused by imperfection of systems and is parasitic, as its actions take away additional energy which was intended for target actions. When the system is in stationary condition some definite number of SFU (from zero to all) is actuated. The minimum step of change of level of functional condition is the value determined by the level of operation of one SFU (one quantum of action). Hence, basically transition from one level of functional condition to another is always discrete (quantized) rather than smooth, and this discrecity is determined by the SFU “caliber”. Then umber of stationary conditions is equal to the number of SFU of the system. Systems with considerable quantity of “small” SFU would pass through dynamic processes more smoothly and without strenuous jerks, than systems with small amount of “large” SFU. Hence, dynamic process is characterized by an amplitude of increment of the systems functions from minimum to maximum (the systems minimax; depends on its absolute number of SFU), discrecity or pace of increment of functions (depends on the “caliber” or quantum of individual SFU) and parameters of the functions cyclic recurrence (speed of increase of actions of system, the period of phases of a cycle, etc.). It can be targeted or parasitic. It should be noted that stationary condition is also a process, but its the steady-state (stationary) process. In such cases the condition of systems does not vary from cycle to cycle. But during each cycle a number of various dynamic processes take place in the system as the system itself consists of subsystems, each of which in turn consists of cycles and processes. The steady-state process keeps system in one and the same functional condition and at one and the same stationary level. In accordance with the above definition, if a system does not change its functional condition, it is in stationary condition. Consequently, the steady-state process and stationary condition mean one the same thing, because irrespective of whether the systems are in stationary condition or in dynamic process, some kind of stationary or dynamic processes may take place in their subsystems. For example, even just a mere reception by the “Х” receptor is a dynamic process. Hence, there are no absolutely inert (inactive) objects and any object of our World somewise operates in one way or another. It is assumed that the object may be completely “inactive” at zero degrees of Kelvin scale (absolute zero). Attempts to obtain absolutely inactive systems were undertaken by freezing of bodies up to percentage of Kelvin degrees. Its unlikely though, that any attempts to freeze a body to absolute zero would be a success, because the body would still move in space, cross some kind of magnetic, gravitational or electric fields and interact with them. For this reason at present it is probably impossible in principle to get absolutely inert and inactive body. The integral organism represents mosaic of systems which are either in different stationary conditions, or in dynamic processes. One could possibly make an objection that there are no systems in stationary condition in the organism at all, as far as some kind of dynamic processes continually occur in some of its systems. During systole the pressure in the aorta increases and during diastole it goes down, the heart functions continuously and blood continuously flows through the vessels, etc. That is all very true, but evaluation of the systems functions is not made based on its current condition, but the cycles of its activity. Since all processes in any systems are cyclic, including in the organism, the criterion of stationarity is the invariance of integral condition of the system from one cycle to another. Aorta reacts to external influence (stroke/systolic discharge of the left ventricle) in such a way that in process of increase of pressure its walls tension increases, while it falls in process of pressure reduction. However, take, for example, the longer time period than the one of the cardiocycle, the integrated condition of the aorta would not vary from one cardiocycle to another and remain stationary.

Evaluation of functional state of systems. Evaluation may be qualitative and quantitative. The presence (absence) of any waves on the curve presents quality evaluation, whereas their amplitude or frequency is their quantitative evaluation. For the evaluation of functional condition of any systems comparison of the results of measurements of function parameters to those that should be with the given system is needed. In order to be able to judge about the presence (absence) of pathology, it is not enough to measure just any parameter. For example, we have measured someones blood pressure and received the value of 190/100 mm Hg. Is it a high pressure or it is not? And what it should be like? To answer these questions it is necessary to compare the obtained result to a standard scale, i.e. to the due value. If the value obtained differs from the appropriate one, it speaks of the presence of pathology, if it does not, then it means there is no pathology. If blood pressure value of an order of 190/100 mm Hg is observed in quiescent state it would speak of pathology, while at the peak maximum load this value would be a norm. Hence, due values depend on the condition in which the given system is. There exist standard scales for the estimation of due values. There exist maximum and minimum due values, due values of quiescence state and peak load values, as well as due curves of functions. Minimum and maximum due values should not always correspond to those of quiescence state or peak load. For example, total peripheral vascular resistance should be maximum in quiescence state and minimum when loaded. Modern medicine makes extensive use of these kinds of due values, but is almost unfamiliar with the concept of due curves. Due value is what may be observed in most normal and healthy individuals with account taken of affiliation of a subject to certain standard group of alike subjects. If all have such-and-such value and normally exist in the given conditions, then in order for such subject to be also able to exist normally in the same conditions, he/she should be characterized by the same value. For this purpose statistical standard scales are applied which are derived by extensive detailed statistical research in specific groups of subjects. These are so-called statistical mathematical models. They show what parameters should be present in the given group of subjects. However, the use of standard tables is a primitive way of evaluation of systems functions. First, they provide due values characterizing only a group of healthy individuals rather than the given concrete subject. Secondly, we already know that systems at each moment of time are in one of their functional states and it depends on external influences. For example, when the system is in quiescence state it is at its lowest level of functional condition, while being at peak load it is at its highest level. What do these tables suggest then? They probably suggest due values for the systems of organism in quiescence state or at their peak load condition. But, after all, the problems of patients are not those associated with their status in quiescence state, and the level of their daily normal (routine) load is not their maximum load. For normal evaluation of the functional condition of the patients organism it is necessary to use not tabular data of due values, but due curves of functions of the body systems which nowadays are almost not applied. Coincidence or non-coincidence of actual curves of the body systems functions with due curves would be a criterion of their sufficiency or insufficiency. Hence, application of standard tables is insufficient and does not meet the requirements of adequate diagnostics. Application of due curves is more of informative character (see below). Statistical mathematical models do not provide such accuracy, howsoever exact we measure parameters. They show what values of parameters should be in a certain group of subjects alike in terms of certain properties, for example, males aged 20-30 years, of 165-175 cm height, smokers or non-smokers, married or single, paleface, yellow- or black-skinned, etc. Statistical models are much simpler than those determined, but less exact though, since in relation to the given subject we can only know something with certain degree (e.g. 80%) of probability. Statistical models apply when we do not know all elements of the system and laws of their interaction. Then we hunt for words systems on the basis of significant features, we somewise measure the results of action of all these systems operating in words conditions (clinical tests) and calculate mean value of the result of action.