The general knowledge of neologisms
Реферат - Иностранные языки
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the acceptable language and terms used in public discussion. While it usually refers to a linguistic phenomenon, it is sometimes extended to cover political ideology or public behavior.
(neologisms).Sieandhiraretwotermsproposedtoserveasgender-neutralthirdperson. However, sie and hir are very rare compared to other solutions and most commentators feel that it is unlikely that they will catch on.
(1958)Asthesuffix"-cracy"implies,meritocracyisstrictlyspeakingasystemofgovernment societies.
(1990).Dog-whistlepoliticsisatermusedtodescribeatypeofpoliticalcampaigningwhichis"onlyheard"byaspecificintendedaudience.Itisusuallyusedpejorativelybythosethatdonotapproveofthetactics.">dog-whistle politics (1990). Dog-whistle politics is a term used to describe a type of political campaigning which is "only heard" by a specific intended audience. It is usually used pejoratively by those that do not approve of the tactics.