The concept and feature of literary translation

Курсовой проект - Иностранные языки

Другие курсовые по предмету Иностранные языки

?стальными странами мира;

Concrete definition, i.e. replacement of the English word with very wide value Russian word with more concrete value. Thus each concrete value is defined by a context.

S.T. - The market is firm.

T.T. - На рынке установились прочные (стабильные) цены.

It is necessary to resort to a way of a concrete definition there where we collide with the words having huge quantity of values, for example:come, to get, to go,with such words as:, facilities, где значение определяется сочетаемостью слова:

банковские услуги - banking facilities;

транспортные средства - transport facilities;

- Translation of an antonym to which it is necessary to resort when in Russian is not present a corresponding lexical unit. Frequently such translation happens is caused by grammatical structure of the English offer.

S.T. - They failed to fulfill the obligations.

T.T. - Они не выполнили обязательств.

S.T. - They lack the necessary foreign exchange.

T.T. - Им не хватает необходимой иностранной валюты.

- Indemnification. It is a way, allowing to transfer the maintenance of the original when norms of Russian do not allow to keep this or that word on the same place on which it costs in the original.of addition:

отрасли промышленности - industries;

издержки производства - costs;

страны, не являющиеся участниками соглашения (договора, контракта и т.п.) - non-members;

планы, которые сейчас обсуждаются - the plans which are being discussed.

Examples of omission:the English language two words worth by a number, having the same value, so-called reception of a tautology rather are frequently used. One of these words falls while translating:

не иметь силы, быть недействительным - to be null and void.

Antonymous translation

As well as in all other cases described above, so-called antonymous translation pursues the purpose of the translation of expression of idea of the original most adequate and natural to language. So, translating, say, the offer:

S.T. - The troops shall not be used except for emergency.

On the Russian language, we can offer the following variant:

T.T. - Войска должны использоваться лишь, в крайнем случае,

The second variant of translation, as against the original, contains denying (shall not be used), though the same idea is transferred, as other lexical elements (only in the first case, except for in the second) play as though a leveling role depending on use or not uses of denying not.antonymous here - only conditional: from the point of view of expression of the general idea any antonymous is not present. Appreciably such antonymous arises due to the various ways of expression of this or that action ratified in languages. It is easy to be convinced of it by the following comparisons:

S.T. - Hang on, please!

T.T. - Не кладите трубку!

S.T. - Keep off the grass!

T.T. - Не ходите по газонам!

S.T. - Stay out of the sun!

T.T. - На солнце лежать нельзя!

S.T. - Authorized personnel only.

T.T. - Посторонним вход воспрещен.

S.T. - Keep clear of the door!

T.T. - К двери не прислоняться!

Researchers mark, that while translating on Russian antonymous frequently consists in replacement of a negative design affirmative.

S.T. - She wasnt looking too happy.

T.T. - Вид у нее был довольно несчастный.

S.T. - I couldnt think of anybody to call up.

As a matter of fact, this reception is in this case necessary; if to it to not resort, translation will be not exact. Really, unless in Russian such phrase competently sounds:

Она не выглядела слишком счастливой?


Я не мог думать о ком-либо, чтобы позвонить?

Therefore on offered by the translator variants should affect feeling of language, knowledge of features of language of translation and, the most important, a context, the semantic maintenance of the original.


. Syntactic problems

in a word order in English and Russian languages frequently demand reorganization of the offer while translating. In the huge majority of cases discrepancy of a grammatical system of Russian and English of languages is shown in construction of the offer. The usual order of members in the English offer the following: a subject, a predicate, addition, circumstances.Russian, in comparison with English, a word order more free. However, it is necessary to mean, that freedom of an arrangement of sentence parts in Russian is relative. The word order always submits to the certain norms and always carries out those or other grammatical, semantic and stylistic functions.Russian the subject expressed by a noun or anyone substantial by a part of speech, is usually before a predicate.of a place and time can stand both before a predicate, and after it. If circumstances of a place and time cost{stand} in the beginning of the offer the predicate usually is located directly behind them, and the subject follows a predicate.the Russian offer of circumstance are often taken out on the first place if on them, the semantic accent does not become then, and the predicate follows it - a subject and addition. While translating therefore often it is necessary to reconstruct the offer according to syntactic norms of Russian. For example:

S.T. - A press conference was recently held in Essen. (D.W., 1956)

T.T. - Недавно в Эссене состоялась пресс-конференция.

While translating on Russian the English offer has undergone to full reorganization: adverbial modifiers of time and places stand in the offer beginning, and the predicate precedes a subject.difficult example:

S.T. - United States and Chinese negotiators held the fifth session of their talks on the problem of civilian repatriation at U.N. headquarters in Geneva today. (D.W.)

Transfer of this offer has demanded radical reorganization: 1) all three adverbial modifiers of time and places are put in the offer beginning; 2) the subject of the English offer with its definitions (United States and Chinese negotiators) is transferred by definition in the genitive case, concerning a subject: заседание представителей США и Китая; 3) the direct object - the fifth session of their talks - became subjects: пятое заседание; 4) the predicate, as well as in the previous example, faces to a subject: cостоялось; 5) to a word talks - on the problem of civilian repatriation - repatriation of civilians was necessary to translate definitions as репатриация гражданских лиц, for to an English adjective civilian in Russian there corresponds a combination of a noun to an adjective - гражданское лицо.sentence reorganization is sometimes caused by that in Russian logic communication of elements of the offer demands other word order, than in English. For example:

S.T. - He started back and fell against the railings, trembling as he looked up. (W.M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair).

T.T. - Взглянув наверх, он отпрянул и, весь дрожа, прислонился к ограде.

Excitement of Rodin is caused by that he has looked upwards and has seen, that drawing room windows in its house are brightly shined. It causes an arrangement of elements in the Russian offer. In an English variant the subordinate clause costs after the main thing that is undesirable in Russian as it would break norms of syntactic construction in the Russian offer where it is frequent as in this case, logic communication and a subordinate clause dominates the consequence faces to the main thing as it expresses the reason, instead necessary to notice also, that in English language in a subordinate clause previous the main thing, the subject often happens is expressed by a pronoun, and in the main thing - a noun. In Russian, it is logically impossible.

S.T. - When she entered the room, the teacher saw the students writing.

T.T. - Когда учительница вошла в комнату, она увидела, что студенты пишут.

If while translating to keep a pronoun for subject expression in the first offer, and a noun in the second the impression would be made, that it is a question of two persons: когда она вошла в комнату, учительница увидела….order speaks that in English language the syntactic principle dominates: the pronoun is a subordinate clause subject, and a noun - the main thing.reorganization is required also while translating when the big group with many definitions, which tear off it from a predicate, expresses the subject:

S.T. - An important landmark in the creation of fraternal unity between the youth of Britain and of the colonies in Asia, Africa and America has