The 70-th anniversary
Статья - Разное
Другие статьи по предмету Разное
- Martirosov Eduard Avetistovich 1984, was an excellent student, his speciality is "Technology of public catering products", the Chief of Nevinnomissk branch of ORS of North- Caucasian railway.
- Ulko Oleg Vasilievich 1961, "Science of Commodities", the Director of "Gorcooptorg" LTD.
- Arutyunov Sergei Akopovich 1960, "Science of Commodities", worked as a manager of "Kurortprodtorg" in Pyatigorsk.
- Mogilni Mikhail Pavlovich 1961, "Technology of public catering products", Assistant Professor of Pyatigorsk Technological University.
- Kalashnikov Vasili Mikhailovich 1973, "Technology of public catering products" works now as the Director General of a Joint Stock Company "Lyudmila +".
- Bonus Alexander Petrovich 1976 , "Science of Commodities", the Director General of a market "21-st Century".
- Dvizkova Dina Petrovna 1976, "Accounting in Trade", is a Chief Accountant of a Public Limited Company "Holod".
Some of our graduates return to the Technical School as
teachers and work for many years. They are:
- Shabunina Irina Dmitrievna 1976, "Technology of public catering products", has been working at the Technical School for 19 years, she is the Head of the technological laboratory.
- Mityukova Elena Vyacheslavovna 1997, "Management", is a teacher of logic, ethics and aesthetics.
- Filimyanova Alla Panteleyevna 1979, "Science of Commodities", master of practical training, has been working for 20 year.
- Mosheyeva Vera Georgievna 1982, "Technology of public catering products", a teacher of organization and technology of selling goods, the chairman of a cycle commission.
- Dubova Lyudmila Vladimirovna 1970, "Science of Commodities", (food stuffs), a teacher of organization and technology of selling goods, has been working at the Technical School for 20 years.
- Kiryakova Lidiya Sergeevna 1977, "Accounting in Trade", a teacher of the highest category, has been working here for 23 years.
- Krizhanovskaya Tamara Ivanovna 1960, "Science of Commodities", had worked as a teacher of "Science of Commodities" for 19 years.
- Globa Mariya Ivanovna 1975, "Technology of public catering products", a teacher of organization of production and Service at the public catering , has been working at our school for 23 years.
- Bogacheva Mariya Vladimirovna - 1969, " Science of Commodities" (food stuffs), a teacher of the highest category, the Director of the Methodical Cabinet, has been working for 20 years.
- Yefimenko Tamara Vasilievna 1981, "Technology of public catering products", the Head of a full-time education department, has been working for 20 years.
- Kovalyeva Olga Vitalievna 1977, "Science of Commodities" (food stuffs), the Deputy Director in educational work, a teacher of the highest category, has been working for 20 years.
- Somkina Lyudmila Vladimirovna 1966, "Technology of public catering products", the Head of a full-time education department, a teacher of the highest category, has been working for 30 years.
- Burtseva Darya Grigorievna - 1967, "Science of Commodities" (non-food stuffs), had worked as a master of practical training for more than 20 years.
- Muchkina Tamara Grigorievna - 1952, "Science of Commodities" (food stuffs), had worked for more than 20 years a teacher of organization and technology of selling goods.
- Dudnikova Tatyana Ivanovna 1971, "Science of Commodities" a teacher of the highest category, has been working for 10 years.
There are many young teachers as well:
- Kovalyeva Nadezhda Sergeyevna 1998, "Economics, Accounting and Control", the Head of the laboratory " Training Accounting "
- Dimitskaya Yulia Sergeyevna 1994, "Science of Commodities", a teacher of finance, credit and money circulation.
- Paiko Elena Evgenievna 1994, "Science of Commodities", a teacher of Economics and analysis of economical activity.
- Megayeva Svetlana Vladimirovna 1991, "Economics, Accounting and Control", a teacher of financial management and taxes.
- Fedchenko Irina Sergeyevna 1998, "Economics, Accounting and Control", a teacher of the laboratory " Training Accounting ".
One of the authors of this site is also a graduate of our Technical School Pesotskaya Vladislava Vladimirovna ( www. vlada. mashuk. ru), she graduated in 1996, her speciality was "Commerce" and now she works as an Information Technologies Manager in Web-studio "Mashuk".