The 70-th anniversary

Статья - Разное

Другие статьи по предмету Разное


  • Murmuridis Panteleimon Grigorievich 1957, "Science of Commodities" (non - food-stuffs), worked in a state trade inspection, as a manager of a trust of restaurants and canteens in Pyatigorsk, a Director of tourist hotel "Beshtau"
    1. Martirosov Eduard Avetistovich 1984, was an excellent student, his speciality is "Technology of public catering products", the Chief of Nevinnomissk branch of ORS of North- Caucasian railway.
    2. Ulko Oleg Vasilievich 1961, "Science of Commodities", the Director of "Gorcooptorg" LTD.
    3. Arutyunov Sergei Akopovich 1960, "Science of Commodities", worked as a manager of "Kurortprodtorg" in Pyatigorsk.
    4. Mogilni Mikhail Pavlovich 1961, "Technology of public catering products", Assistant Professor of Pyatigorsk Technological University.
    5. Kalashnikov Vasili Mikhailovich 1973, "Technology of public catering products" works now as the Director General of a Joint Stock Company "Lyudmila +".
    6. Bonus Alexander Petrovich 1976 , "Science of Commodities", the Director General of a market "21-st Century".
    7. Dvizkova Dina Petrovna 1976, "Accounting in Trade", is a Chief Accountant of a Public Limited Company "Holod".


    Some of our graduates return to the Technical School as

    teachers and work for many years. They are:


    1. Shabunina Irina Dmitrievna 1976, "Technology of public catering products", has been working at the Technical School for 19 years, she is the Head of the technological laboratory.
    2. Mityukova Elena Vyacheslavovna 1997, "Management", is a teacher of logic, ethics and aesthetics.
    3. Filimyanova Alla Panteleyevna 1979, "Science of Commodities", master of practical training, has been working for 20 year.
    4. Mosheyeva Vera Georgievna 1982, "Technology of public catering products", a teacher of organization and technology of selling goods, the chairman of a cycle commission.
    5. Dubova Lyudmila Vladimirovna 1970, "Science of Commodities", (food stuffs), a teacher of organization and technology of selling goods, has been working at the Technical School for 20 years.
    6. Kiryakova Lidiya Sergeevna 1977, "Accounting in Trade", a teacher of the highest category, has been working here for 23 years.
    7. Krizhanovskaya Tamara Ivanovna 1960, "Science of Commodities", had worked as a teacher of "Science of Commodities" for 19 years.
    8. Globa Mariya Ivanovna 1975, "Technology of public catering products", a teacher of organization of production and Service at the public catering , has been working at our school for 23 years.
    9. Bogacheva Mariya Vladimirovna - 1969, " Science of Commodities" (food stuffs), a teacher of the highest category, the Director of the Methodical Cabinet, has been working for 20 years.
    10. Yefimenko Tamara Vasilievna 1981, "Technology of public catering products", the Head of a full-time education department, has been working for 20 years.
    11. Kovalyeva Olga Vitalievna 1977, "Science of Commodities" (food stuffs), the Deputy Director in educational work, a teacher of the highest category, has been working for 20 years.
    12. Somkina Lyudmila Vladimirovna 1966, "Technology of public catering products", the Head of a full-time education department, a teacher of the highest category, has been working for 30 years.
    13. Burtseva Darya Grigorievna - 1967, "Science of Commodities" (non-food stuffs), had worked as a master of practical training for more than 20 years.
    14. Muchkina Tamara Grigorievna - 1952, "Science of Commodities" (food stuffs), had worked for more than 20 years a teacher of organization and technology of selling goods.
    15. Dudnikova Tatyana Ivanovna 1971, "Science of Commodities" a teacher of the highest category, has been working for 10 years.


    There are many young teachers as well:


    1. Kovalyeva Nadezhda Sergeyevna 1998, "Economics, Accounting and Control", the Head of the laboratory " Training Accounting "
    2. Dimitskaya Yulia Sergeyevna 1994, "Science of Commodities", a teacher of finance, credit and money circulation.
    3. Paiko Elena Evgenievna 1994, "Science of Commodities", a teacher of Economics and analysis of economical activity.
    4. Megayeva Svetlana Vladimirovna 1991, "Economics, Accounting and Control", a teacher of financial management and taxes.
    5. Fedchenko Irina Sergeyevna 1998, "Economics, Accounting and Control", a teacher of the laboratory " Training Accounting ".


    One of the authors of this site is also a graduate of our Technical School Pesotskaya Vladislava Vladimirovna ( www. vlada. mashuk. ru), she graduated in 1996, her speciality was "Commerce" and now she works as an Information Technologies Manager in Web-studio "Mashuk".