The 70-th anniversary
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as done a lot of good. For making good progress in sports and physical training it was given the name "Youth" by the All Union Council of Voluntary Sport Societies of Trade Unions in the competition with other educational institutions. During this period we have trained 11 Masters of Sports, 5 Candidates of Sports, 237 sportsmen of the first degree.
The tradition of holding of "The Day of Health" is still taking place at the Technical School as well as basketball, volleyball, table-tennis, mini-soccer, track-and-field athletics competitions , cross-country races.
In 1981 the Technical School celebrated its 50-th anniversary. There had been 73 graduations by this time, 20600 specialists for national economy: experts of food and non-food products, goods managers in public catering establishments had been trained and assigned to work to 340 cities and villages of our country.
From 1977 till 1989 the Technical School cooperated with the College of internal trade in Dresden (GDR), which had many branches in other towns. Every year we exchanged delegations for 20 days. During that time the students studied the forms of trade of our countries. They also had a course of training at the best enterprises of the Caucasian spa region: Pyatigorsk, Kislowodsk, Yessentuki, Mineral Waters and in the towns of GDR: Dresden, Leipzig, Magdeburg and others.
From 1991 till 1994 our Technical School exchanged delegations with the American Culinary Association. Our teachers and students were a part of the delegation. The Americans were given a certificate after a short course in Russian, national cuisine of Russia and Caucasus.
Its a pleasure to note the fact that nowadays more than 400 former students work successfully in Stavropol region as the leaders of different large enterprises of retail and wholesale trade and in public catering establishments.
1. Decoration "Honorary worker of special Secondary Education1. Kuznetsova L.U.2. Gaivoronsky K.Y.3. Kartashov A.M.4. Yefimenko T.V.5. Bogacheva M.V.6. Kovalyova O.V.2. Diploma of Honor of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation1. Galko I.A.2. Dudnikova T.I. 3. Subotch Ye.L.4. Ausheva Z.V. 5. Dementyeva L.A.6. Bushueva Y.V.7. Didenko T.V.8. Shabunina I.D.9. Rublyova Z.I.10. Globa M.I.3. Diploma of Honor of Stavropol region Governor 1. Filimynova A.P.2. Vladimirova L.V.3. Popko T.G.4. Yanborisova L.F.5. Belonogova I.F.6. Prosulova S.A.7. Somkina L.V.8. Pirskaya L.V.Diploma of Honor of Ministry of Education Stavropol region1. Volobuyeva M.V.2. Ankrinova V.F.3. Gordeytchuk A.B/
- Batmanova L. A.
- Podolskaya O. V.
- Serikova V. V.Diploma of Honor of the Head of Pyatigorsk1. Lobanova N.V.2. Rudakov S.V.3. Ivanidi Ye.D.4. Poplavskaya A.V.5. Dubova L.V.6. Mosheyeva V.G.7. Starchenko l..P.8. Selina L.I.
State educational establishment was founded for training trade specialists of medium level. It was given the State Certificate by the Ministry of General and Professional education of Russian Federation (Order № 875 from 06.04.98) in 1998 and 199 we passed State accreditation successfully (certificate № 25 0524 from 07.12.99).
The training is conducted on the basis of a middle and full secondary education (9 and 11 forms) in full-time or part-time forms in the following specialities:
- Economics, Accounting and Control.
- Science of Commodities.
- Commerce.
- Management
- Marketing.
- Jurisprudence.
- Technology of public catering products.
- Organization of service at public catering establishments.
While studying at the Technical School the students are granted a deferment of Service in the RF Armed Forces.
The graduates of the Technical School have an opportunity to get higher education by post-graduate study (3,5 years) at the Pyatigorsk branch of North Caucasian State Technical University, a good partner of the School during many years.
The education is free of charge at any speciality, but " Economics, Accounting and Control" (full-time education).
Documents are being received from June, 1, till July, 31. The entering tests are conducted as far as the documents are presented.
School-leavers must present the following documents.
- School-graduation certificate or equivalent diploma with a list of disciplines and examination marks. Copies are not accepted.
- Medical certificate in accordance with Russian form 086/Y.
- A copy of the work-book (for working people).
- 6 photos 3 x 4 cm size.
The graduates get a State diploma of education.
You may get any information by telephone (87933) 5-72-34, fax 5-13-72.
Lawyer speciality 0201 "Jurisprudence", the activity of a lawyer is aimed at realization of legal norms and securing of law and order in our society; the objects of professional activity are legal relations at the organizations of different forms of property.
Accountant speciality 0601 "Economics, Accounting and Control". The profession of an accountant is aimed at the sphere of economical and financial activities of firms; their professional objects are: firms property, own capital, duties, accounting and control of financial economical activities, normative and registrative and managerial documentation; an accountant carries out economical, analytical and final controlling activities.
Manager speciality 0602 "Management"; a manager goes in for managerial and economical activities, ensures rational management of economical processes, organisation of all system of management and its improvement, carries out organisation managerial, planning, control and analytical activities.
Marketer speciality 0607 "Marketing"; the objects of a professional activity of marketer are requirements and goods policy of firms; their activity is aimed at researching consumer needs and stimulating of sale of goods and rendering services; marketer carries out marketing , economical, control-analytical, accounting saling information activity.
Businessman speciality 0608 "Commerce". A businessman works in the sphere of circulation, aimed at bringing of goods and services from producers to consumers. Objects of professional work of a businessman are: processes of realization of goods and services, technological, organizational processes and informational insurance of movement of the goods. A businessman carries out commercial, organisational managerial, marketing and foreign economic activity.
Goods Expert speciality 0612 "Science of Commodities". The objects of the activity of a goods expert are goods, ensuring of goods movement. Goods examination is aimed at identification, appraisal and management of quality and range of goods, ensuring the retaining of goods consignments. Goods expert carries out expert, commercial, organisation managerial, technological and marketing activities.
Technologist speciality 2711 "Technology of public catering products". He is in the sphere of producing and circulation. He carries out producing, technological, organisation-managerial, controlling activity aimed at producing and realization of culinary and confectionery goods, service of customers, satisfaction of their real and future requirements.
Manager speciality 2311 "Organization of service at public catering establishments." A manager renders services at public catering and ensures information maintenance, getting goods and services to customers.
The Technical School Today
The aim of the Technical School is to prepare specialists of high professionalism and inner culture.
The main tasks are:
- to accustom the students to common to all mankind values; to form their adequate behaviour.
- to develop their abilities for further training and for conducting their professional activities.
- to seize ethic and legal rules regulating the relations between the people, towards the society and the surroundings
Nowadays the Technical School lives a very interesting and full life. It has achieved a lot during these 70 years. These achievements belong both to teachers and students.
For example, our girl-students regularly take prize places in aerobic in our town and region. In table-tennis and dumb-bell our students took the second place in the competition between the Technical Schools of the Ministry of economic development and Trade in Kursk (1999). We constantly take first places in town games.
In accordance with the aesthetical direction of education we have a general class meeting (or class-hour) when we visit concerts, performances, listen to the people of art. Amateur Student groups of the Technical School took part in the festival "Students spring" and became laureates.
It is a tradition now at the Technical School to meet with its graduates this is a real connection of generation. While talking at such meetings the managerial staff of the enterprises tell about the shortage of specialists in the region. The market demands competent and qualified specialists of modern direc