Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia
Курсовой проект - Экономика
Другие курсовые по предмету Экономика
from central government and private propertyState Chancellery, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade, Agency of State Property Management, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance
Advice on financing mechanism for transfer of road and transport properties and legal mechanisms for owning and managing very low volume farm access roadsRevised functional/administration classification of roads; sound allocation formula for dividing Road Fund revenues between road ownersSecondary Roads Project; Trade and Transport Facilitation Project; Rural Infrastructure StudyKuwait Fund for Economic DevelopmentNew road classification; new procedures for managing the road fund, including allocation of funds between road ownersMacroeconomic Stability
- Preparation of indicative plans of development for the economy for 2004 and 2005Ministry of Economy, Industry and TradeImprovement of linkage between policy, resource constraints and budgetsDevelop a more realistic medium-term budget frameworkPublic Expenditure Reviews, PRSC in High CaseIMF
- Initiate the process to convert a portion of government debt liabilities into long-term debt instruments
- Improvement of the management of international reserves of the NBGNational Bank Advise to National Bank on management of reserves Increased import coverageFinancial Sector Advisory Program IMFGross foreign reserves to reach over 2 months of imports
- Completion of tax and customs administration reformMinistry of Finance, State Tax and Customs DepartmentsDevelopment of a business-friendly tax environmentIncreased collection of excise taxes and improved VAT administrationPublic Expenditure Reviews, Business Environment Study, PRSC in High CaseIMF USAID EUCollection of excise taxes to reach over 2 percent of GDP
- Implementation of treasury reform, centralization of treasury service; development and introduction of commitment accounting and control system; development and introduction of expenditure control system Ministry of FinanceAssistance to the MOF to improve its cash and debt management capacity and skills
Consolidation of effective control system, and adoption of a single treasury accountCPAR Updates, Public Expenditure Reviews, PRSC in High CaseIMFImproved cash management and debt management capacity
- Improve government procurement system and expand scope of its coverageState Procurement Department, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade Establishment of a transparent state procurement system; decentralization of State procurement functions to line agenciesGreater efficiency and competition within the system; reduced delays and corruption in procurement processCPAR, Public Expenditure Reviews, PRSC, project lending (e.g. Secondary Roads and Trade and Transport Facilitation)Recommendations of Country Portfolio Assessment Report implemented
- Gradual increase of the share of targeted programs in the state budget Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Industry and TradeDevelop program-based budgeting Improve consistency between medium-term indicative plan and the budget Public Expenditure Reviews, Public Sector Management Credit, PRSC in High CaseDFIDPublic Expenditure Reviews assessment of better targeting of programs in the budget
- Inventory of budgetary arrears Ministry of FinanceEstablish accurate estimates of past government liabilitiesBetter information on, and reduction in, arrearsCFAA Updates, Public Expenditure ReviewsIMFReduced arrears
- Increase the number of participants in treasury bill market and improve bidding mechanisms to increase maturity and reduce the discount rate through marketMinistry of Finance, National Bank, National Commission of SecuritiesMore competitive and efficient T-bill market Short term: more participants for competitive bidding, and for non-competitive quota; medium term: cash management, coordination between MOF & NBG on T-bills/open market operations; long term: independent debt management officeFinancial Sector Advisory Program, PRSC in High CaseUSAID FIRST
Lower T-bill yield
- Develop legislation promoting the activities of investment funds in order to introduce best corporate management practice in enterprises and develop stock marketMinistry of Finance, National Commission of SecuritiesHelp build legal environment for investment funds; provide information/advice Establishment of legal environment for investment fundsFinancial Sector Advisory ProgramRegulation of investment funds in place; NCS has capacity to supervise those funds
- Prepare and adopt bill “on Personification and Registration of Insurance Contributions to Social Insurance System” required for regularizing first (distributive) pillar of pension system and development of pensioners personified registration systemMinistry of Labor, Health and Social ProtectionSupport to Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection on legal reforms and their implementation Law adopted successfullySocial Protection Reform ProjectRegularization of 1st pillar of pension system; better links between pensions and contributions
- For private pension funds, adopt statutory normative acts in accordance with the laws “on Non-Government Pension Funds” and “on Securities Market”National Securities Commission, Ministry of Labor, Health and Social ProtectionSupport to National Securities Commission and Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection on legal reforms and their implementation Normative acts developed and adoptedSocial Protection Reform ProjectImproved regulatory environment in the area of private pensions
- Prepare amendments to the Tax Code and investment rules of pension assets to promote the development of non-banking financial sector, including nongovernmental voluntary insurance systemMinistry of Finance, State Service of Insurance Supervision, National Commission of SecuritiesSupport to relevant agencies on amendments to tax code and investment rulesImproved functioning of non-banking financial sector, including insurance companies/private pension fundsSocial Protection Reform ProjectGreater and more effective role for non-banking financial sector, including insurance companies and private pension funds Structural Reforms
- Assess magnitude and share smuggled goods and those manufactured in informal sector of the economy by various commodity groupsMinistry of Economy, Industry and Trade; State Department of Statistics Support for initiatives to reduce smuggling and the shadow economyReduction in smuggling and in the shadow economyTrade Facilitation Project; Private Sector Development Project; Public Sector Reform Project; PRSC in High CaseUSAIDIncrease in tax revenues, including increase in revenues from petroleum products and cigarettes to over 2.5% of GDP
- Develop proposals to encourage investment Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Justice Intensified dialogue with Government on reform of the banking system as a means of improving the investment climateIncrease in banks capitalization; better corporate governance principles and internal control systems; expansion of banking networks; real time banking settlement; anti-money-laundering legislation; deposit insurance introducedPrivate Sector Development Project; Financial Sector Advisory Program; Business Environment StudyUSAID IMF FIRSTMinimum capital raised to ?3.5m; improved confidence in banking system; better access to finance; anti money laundering regulations in compliance with FATF requirements
- Implement export promotion measuresMinistry of Economy, Industry and Trade; Ministry of FinanceSupport for removal of institutional (governance) obstacles to fulfilling Georgias Export PotentialProgress in implementing recommendations of Trade Study/WorkshopTrade and Transport Facilitation Project; Private Sector Development Project; Business Environment Study; Rural Development Project USAIDImproved perception of environment for exporters in business surveysHuman Capital DevelopmentImprovement of Health
- Revise government commitments in healthcare sector to ensure full financing Ministry of Labor, Healthcare and Social Protection; Ministry of financeAssist government to define health financing strategy focusing on improvements in mobilization, allocation and management of public and private resources, help build government capacity in evidence based policy-making, planning, monitoring and evaluation, as well as regulation Definition of basic benefit package, financing methodology and co-payments, as well as recurrent costs; improved resource mobilization and allocation, including introduction of incentive-compatible provider payment systemsHealth Sector Note, JSDF Grant on community health insuranceJSDF SIDA
- Develop programs for basic education Ministry of Education, Ministry of CultureImproving quality of education and access of the poorStakeholders actively engaged in improving education quality and outcomesEducation ProjectSOROS97 percent enrollment in basic education for the poorest quintile; 60% of consolidated education expenditures continue to be allocated to primary/secondary education