Marketing analysis and strategy company Indes
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create a strategy for both segments we look at the benefits and value adding elements both products have to offer. We suggest to take an network approach to strategy. For both products there needs to be some research and development work thus close collaboration with a company seems to be necessary.first product we are focusing on is the ambulance bike, which is a totally new approach for Indes and will imply a lot of additional cost and work, but will also lead to a lot of opportunities of expanding themselves.order to be successful within the industry of special transportation Indes has to think about creating a partnership with a company which already operates in the field of ambulance bikes in the specific countries, in our case Africa. Furthermore this attempt will lead to a high implementation cost which has to be funded by the government and charities for example. In order to design, produce and sell the product there has to be communication between the government and Indes to exchange ideas and argue the importance and usability of the ambulance bikes in the specific countries. This network approach can be embedded in the view of strategy as the management of relationships and networks (Brennan et al. 2011). It says that organizations interact with identifiable networks of heterogeneous suppliers and customers. Important in this approach is that resources are allocated and structured internally and then related to activities and resources of other parties in the network. Thus, Indes needs to bundle its creative resources and ideas about the e-kit and communicate those to the partners and develop the product further together. Especially communication is important for the ambulance bike application to get the financial resources needed to conduct the project.implemented, the ambulance bike will be of additional value to the users and the patients who are being transported. The user will save valuable time, because with the same amount of effort a higher speed will be reached. And the patient will appreciate it due to the fact that he or she will reach the hospital quicker and can be treated faster. In some cases the reduction of time can also be live saving.course the safety of the user and the patient are of great importance. There will be specific protective clothing for the rider and special secruity for the patient. The increased speed is a safety issue which can be solved by implementing stronger and better breaks to the all the ambulance bike will be a great success if the funding can be provided and the safety issues can be removed.second product we focus on is the electric wheelbarrow.includes that Indes has to find a wheelbarrow producer to closely align their design and ideas to create the best product for their customers.electronic kit which will be inserted in the traditional wheelbarrow would be able to pull a significant load because it will be easier to push. The electrical kit will show its effects in speed and will help in the forward and backward movement. The electric wheelbarrow will still look like a regular wheelbarrow so it will still attract the same costumers and will not scare them by an unwieldy outer appearance.course there are also some safety issues which have to be solved. The wheelbarrow has increased speed as well which will not require special clothing but certain guidelines in the usage of the product.maintenance of such wheelbarrows would be simple. As we know, no customer would buy a product that required extended or skilled work to upkeep the product when a simpler design would be satisfactory. As a consequence, the customers would not have the need to go to an engineer in order to keep the wheelbarrow up and running as it would be possible for most of the people to maintain it themselves., the benefits that the e-wheelbarrow has will create higher demand in the industry because the usage of the product will stay simple and increase its efficiency and there are no additional safety regulations one has to apply.both products partnerships are important. Indes needs to build cross-functional teams with employees from both sides to create a good collaboration. Because such innovative products are only possible to implement if the customer works with the producer, only then an ideal product can be designed.
4. Conclusion
conclusion we can say that we want to develop the idea of the ambulance bike with an e-kit and the wheelbarrow with e-kit further. The ambulance bike because of the high social value and the wheelbarrow seems to be a very realistic idea helping the construction industry. next step is to conduct more research in the two segments to see whether there are the resources and potential clients as seen by us.
5. Research Proposal
.1 0 Introduction
is a company which has been focusing on innovation of products and processes for already more than 20 years. It is located in Enschede which is in the East of the Netherlands. Most of their services are therefore offered in the Netherlands. The focus goes to the users of products in order to satisfy their needs and requirements. These needs and requirements are developed with several important values, namely comfort, simplicity, clarity and safety. 35 employees of Indes make sure that they offer the latest knowledge in the area of products and services innovation. Actually, it is not only about the product innovation, but also about the process and organizational innovation, since that makes it possible to innovate products. Most of the products and services are offered in the human care, medical cure and user comfort markets. That occurs that they also work together with several companies in the medical industry. Enschede has asked the second year students of International Business Administration of University of Twente to do a market research in order to find out the market opportunities for a new product, the e-kit. Indes has put a lot of effort and time in the development of this product, but it would also like to know more about the possible users and buyers of the product. That is the reason why this research proposal has been developed and presented in this document.
.1.1 Research Question and Objectivesmain focus for the research proposal is formulated in the following research question:
How should the Research Agency research the new sub-industry in order to find out if the potential new product of Indes, the Electronic Ambulance Bike, could be a good investment and a worthwhile business opportunity?objectives for our research proposal are as follows:making the research proposal, we strive to provide the research agency with:
Some background information of Indes and a clear idea of the current business activities of Indes
An overview of the literature which we used as the fundament for our recommendations
Recommendations on how to research the new sub-industry of Indes potential new product, the Electronic Ambulance Bike
Literature review
electric kit that Indes want to offer to the manufacturers of ambulance bikes refers to the derived demand of the product from the end-customer side. So, Indes as the supplier of electric kit need to find the potential producers of such transport equipment. As we have already indicated we want to target the electric kit to the manufacturers of ambulance bikes to third world countries. What the Indes need to make now is implementation of primary research. In our case, the most significant information about the potential customers can be derived from the probability sampling of stratified random sampling where the Indes is able to make the stratified random sampling by dividing the organizations, that could be potential clients for the Indes, into meaningful groups or `strata` and then samples can be taken from each of the strata according to their representation in the population. In the case of Indes, it the most beneficial technique in collaborating with the potential customers of e-kit as it also avoid the doubts about the whether the organization is a representative or not. As a consequence of implementing the stratified random sampling, Indes would be able to divide all the organizations by industry sector or company size which is a typical strata in our case. Next, Indes need to pay a significant attention to the concept of response rate as it gives an implication of whether to consider the given outcome from the survey substantial or not. In order to make the response rate as high as possible, Indes should offer non-monetary incentives to the organizations. For instance, the respondents would be offered a summary`s of the potential outcomes of the manufacturing the ambulance bikes with an e-kit on board so that to demonstrate the added values that the e-kit will offer to the ambulance bikes and the organizations would perceive the values that they would get from manufacturing such transport vehicle. In this case, it is reduced travel time and possibility of safety of lives. This technique would be able to increase the response rate as the organizations would be aware of the advantages of utilizing this transport vehicle in third world countries. Also, we think that the secondary research is also helpful in finding the potential partners for manufacturing the ambulance bikes assisted with electric kit. For instance, the information from the Internet could give the Indes the information about the organizations which produce ambulance bikes and which are regarded as innovative and profitable companies. However, the secondary research is less reliable in our case as the project of creating and developing the ambulance bike with an e-kit on board is a very innovative product that has not been invented before. So, we think that the primary research is more relevant