Marketing analysis and strategy company Indes
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ic potential target groups. For the use of this e-kit, there are several interesting market segments to take a look at. For further analysis we used the nested approach from Shapiro and Bonoma (1984). The nested approach consists of 5 stages, from outer to inner nest: demographics, operating variables, purchasing approach, situational factors and buyers personal characteristics. looking at demographics we see the usage of an e-kit for companies that produce bikes, or other carriages with wheels, so the customer need is to transport something (heavy). The next step is the operating variables of potential customers. The potential customers need a certain degree of financial and functional capabilities to apply the e-kit to their products, since Indes is more a designing company with little financial resources. The following nest is the purchasing approaches. For the application of an e-kit it is necessary to have a close buyer-seller relationship, because we are looking for new products and an early involvement of the buyer is necessary. Then the situational factors need to be considered, Indes is a small company so it might be a problem to fulfill large order sizes so concentrating on smaller orders and closer collaboration would be beneficial. The last nest are the buyers personal characteristics where we would see a need of risk reception because it is a new application of the e-kit with unknown demand. this segmentation criteria we came up with the following segments:
Ambulance bikes: Although the application is already on bikes, it is a new segment to focus on and would be an opportunity in terms of development and corporate social responsibility. This application can be an opportunity to save life in third world countries; considering our criteria above we especially need to find risk receptive buyers with a high motivation to close collaboration.
(Pedal) boats: this application would not be that useful in the Netherlands, nevertheless it is considerable to segment this market. Countries with a lot of water and where a lot of boats are used by human force, the e-kit is a good alternative for the more expensive boats to transport people and cargo;
Roller skates: especially for the busy streets in metropolis such as New York, it is an option for delivery men to use them to cross through the streets in order to deliver their deliveries fast, furthermore it could be a trend product so if Indes gets for example celebrities to use it there might be snowballeffect and many people that want to use them;
Buggies: buggies can be used to apply the e-kit for running people, for example. It is interesting for sportive people with children.
Wheelchairs: people who are disabled and really have to use a wheelchair can apply the e-kit to make their transport faster and easier, less own effort is needed to move. This product then will be between an electric wheelchair (which is very expensive) and a normal, manually used wheelchair.
Wheelbarrow: an application of a wheelbarrow is interesting for gardeners and construction workers in order to make their work less intensive;
Shopping cart: interesting for shopping people as housekeepers/housewives/housemen;
Electronic devices: focusing on markets, which make electronic devices. Producers of televisions and fridges are options in order to develop products without cables and an application of the e-kit.
.1 Targeting
next step after identifying possible markets is to decide which of these to target.find a suitable and profitable segment we need to go along the step-wise segment selection process (adapted from Freytag and Clarke, 2001, Brennan et al. 2011). The first step is to evaluate the relative attractiveness with criteria like segment size, growth rate and customer needs. Then we need to look at the resource demands (finances, HR, technology etc.). Management demands are the next thing to evaluate and last are the organizational demands. If all this are acceptable we consider the segment as suitable for targeting. Since this is all part of a big research project and also considered in the last part, we just chose for some criteria to evaluate the segments discussed above. In the following table we compare the ideas in 5 different criteria: realistic, costs, demand, implementation based on geographical factors and safety. When considering a new product costs should be always evaluated and if the project is realistic, meaning that the firm has the capabilities in resources to produce and successfully sell the new product. We considered demand to think about because a firm always needs to see whether there are potential customers in the market that would buy the product. Geographical factors was considered important by us because Indes is a small Dutch company so it does not have that much reach and resources to operate abroad. Safety was an important issue for us since the e-kit speeds up the devices chosen so in some cases there need to be some arrangements to ensure the safety of the user.considering all points like costs, demand etc. We came to the conclusion to choose for targeting the ambulance bike and the wheelbarrows, which will be discussed in more detail in the following. ambulance bikeambulance bike, with an e-kit on board, would be a substitute for the already existing ambulance bike without any kind of electrical help. In third world countries, ambulance bikes are the transportation tool to transport people living at the country side to a nearby hospital. Since these trips normally take hours, a bike with an e-kit can reduce the travel time and might save lives. ambulance bikes belong to a sub industry of Manufacture of other Transport Equipment, namely Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages. Since the concept is quite rare, theres no real market for this product. Therefore we deal with a niche market which we think could be quite profitable. world countries are in desperately need of such products as ambulance bikes. To be able to transport people which need medical care in a proper way, third world countries are almost obliged to think of products as the ambulance bike to offer medical care and to increase demographic health care numbers. However, we dont think governments will invest in ambulance bikes since theres no money. To be able to sell the ambulance bike with e-kit on board, Indes should collaborate with a few organizations (charities) that stimulate health care in third world countries, like the United Nations. produce such a product as an ambulance bike with electric endorsement, Indes is operating on the periphery of all its current markets. Indes should think of a save bike design with the opportunity for patients to lay down while driving to the hospital. Basis equipment for medical care should be implemented in the ambulance bike as well and Indes should think of an electric kit with a very long battery capacity, since there are not many electric points to recharge the energy kit in third world countries. We think collaborating with a firm experienced in making ambulance bikes (without e-kit) would be a wise decision. In this way, Indes could use their experience on the design and the medical equipment that has to be on board and combine this with its own knowledge on electric kits and the implementation of this. Indes can profit from such a project, not only because of the financial revenues, but it also can boost Indes reputation and brand awareness. The project is very ethical and sustainable responsible and this will positively influence Indes image. are a few drawbacks to this plan. At first, Indes has to find investors that are willing to buy these ambulance bikes for third world countries, since its likely that local governments cannot invest in such innovative ways of medical transportation. Besides the fact to find investors, Indes should think of a company to collaborate on this project. It might be that Indes is too small to work on this project by itself. At third, the costs of an electronic ambulance bike are higher than of a normal ambulance bike of course. To make sure that Indes can sell the project, it has to think of its profit margin. Since these ambulance bikes are sold to charities and not for profit organizations, Indes should keep costs as low as possible. Last, the transportation costs of the ambulance bikes are going to be very high, this will increase the product price as well.
In addition to the high investment project of ambulance bikes we think entering in the wheelbarrows industry could be a profitable and maybe also more realistic idea for the small company Indes. Our suggestion is a Wheelbarrow with e-kit. This product would be in the industry of Manufacture of electrical equipment. are mainly used on construction sites. The workers have to do a physical hard work and an electric wheelbarrow could help them in getting things faster from one place to another with less effort. Especially since construction workers often have back problems, this could be a helpful tool for them. Thus, we expect high demand in the construction tools industry. Furthermore we thought about safety issues, but those are very low for the user.implement the idea we see relatively low implementation costs, of course there has to be some research on how exactly to implement the e-kit on the wheelbarrows but they do not need to develop a completely new concept, the concept of the e-bike only has to be adjusted. For doing this we suggest a partnership with a wheelbarrow producer, for example ALTRAD FORT B.V. project could not only be successful in the Netherlands but we see a need for such a product worldwide so it would also be an opportunity for Indes to expand.
The strategy- benefits and value creationsegments we have decided to target are within the two sub-industries previously mentioned.order to