Управління зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю та специфіка проведення митного контролю продукції підприємства при експортно-імпортних операціях на підприємстві ЗАТ "Українська горілчана компанія Nemiroff"
Отчет по практике - Юриспруденция, право, государство
Другие отчеты по практике по предмету Юриспруденция, право, государство
9.1. The BUYER undertakes:
9.1.1. to sell the Goods on the Territory, indicated in item 1.2. of this Contract.
9.1.2. The BUYER undertakes to provide the forecast for monthly volume of the Goods deliveries before the 12 (the twelfth) day of each month with possible deviation as per forecast +/- 5 (five) per cent of the total quantity of the Goods and as per range of the Goods.
9.2. The SELLER undertakes:
9.2.1. to deliver the Goods in stipulated terms.
10. validity PERIOD and TERMINATION procedure OF THE CONTRACT
10.1. The Contract comes into force from a date of its signing and is valid during 1 calendar year from the moment of its signing.
10.2. The Contract can be terminated on initiative of a party at any time at his discretion with written notification of the other Party, if the latter Party:
A) violates any provision or condition of this Contract and such violation (if possible for elimination) remains non-eliminated within 30 (thirty) days after the Party, which does not break his obligations, informs the other Party about these breaches in writing.
B) becomes insolvent or liquidated voluntarily or compulsory; a liquidator is appointed in respect of all or a part of his transactions, comes to a compromise agreement with his creditors or concludes a words agreement with his creditors or takes the words actions.
11.1. Any circumstances beyond the Parties control, if taking place after conclusion of the Contract and precluding from its performance in normal conditions, are to be considered as releasing from responsibility. In the sense hereof circumstances beyond the Parties control are considered those which do not result from the fault of the Party referring to them.
11.2. A party is not liable for failure to perform any of his obligations if he proves that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control and that it could not reasonably be expected to have taken the impediment into account at the time of the conclusion of the Contract or to have avoided or overcome it or its consequences.
11.3. In case of occurrence of force-majeure circumstances, partially or completely preventing from fulfilment of obligations, resulting from this Contract, namely: natural disasters, fire, government regulations, war and military actions, blockage, strikes, a term of this Contract performance can be changed, unless the Parties decide the other.
11.4. A Party, facing circumstances of extraordinary character, partially or completely preventing from fulfilment of contractual obligations, is to inform the other Party about their occurrence/cessation under this Contract within 7 (seven) working days.
11.5. An adequate proof of existence of circumstances indicated in item 11.3. of this Contract and their duration will be written conclusions of a Chamber of Commerce at a place of their occurrence.
11.6. The exemption provided by article 11.1. and 11.2. of this Contract has effect for the period during which the impediment exists.
11.7. Occurrence of the indicated circumstances will not serve as a ground for the BUYERs refusal of payment for the Goods already delivered.
12.1. Should any differences or disputes connected with this Contract arise between the SELLER and the BUYER, the parties will strive to reach friendly settlement of them by means of negotiations using the international law.
12.2. Should the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute will be at a written request of one of the parties submitted for consideration to the International Commercial Arbitration in a country of a respondent. Decisions of this court are final, subject to no appeal, change and obligatory for both parties. Administered law is the Law of a country of a respondent. Language of hearing is English, number of arbitrators is one. The Chairman of the international Commercial Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce appoints an arbitrator. An interpreter is at the service of any party, if necessary. The party lost a court hearing pays for the interpreters services.
13.1. The BUYER never uses trademarks, patents, registered samples or other rights to industrial property of the Manufacturer for any other purpose, except the exercise of this Contract.
In particular, the BUYER is not entitled to register or to use any of industrial property rights, which belong to and/or are used by the Manufacturer (regardless whether such right is registered by the Manufacturer or not) on his own behalf or in the name of his company.
14.1. The BUYER accepts full and sole responsibility for complying with anti-dumping warnings, regulations and procedures in effect on the TERRITORY, and
- undertakes not to be involved into operations on the said TERRITORY at prices considered “dumping” by existing legislation and international agreements signed by the country of the BUYER;
- to be a sole defendant in all possible anti-dumping lawsuits and claims; and
- to fully pay all fines, penalties and other damages pertaining to the GOODS pursuant to anti-dumping laws of the country of the BUYER.
15.1. Any notice to this Contract should be given in writing and telexed, sent by facsimile transmission or mailed by a registered letter to the receiving Party at his business address specified in this Contract. A notice is considered to be given on the date of the telex or facsimile transmission or on the day on which the notice was posted.
16.1. This Contract is executed in duplicate, each copy in English. One copy is to be given to the SELLER and another copy is to be given to the BUYER.
All negotiations and correspondence, which were conducted before conclusion of this Contract, become invalid.
16.2. Other terms and agreements not mentioned herein shall be obligatorily agreed in writing between the SELLER and the BUYER.
The Subsidiary “Ukrainian Vodka Company “Nemiroff
31, Gorky Street Nemirov, Vinnitsa Region Ukraine
Bank details:
Khmelnytsky Branch of Prominvestbank of Ukraine
13, Teatralnaya Str., Khmelnitsky 29000 Ukraine,
bank code 315278
USD account №26009302212599/978
Bank correspondent :
Deutsche Bank AG,Frankfurt Am Main 949 8296 00
Додаток Г
Рис.Г.1. Приклад оформлення експортної ВМД при експорті горілчаної
продукції в Італію морським транспортом (з доставкою контейнерів до
морського порту по Україні митним перевізником)
Рис.Г.2. Приклад оформлення експортної ВМД при експорті горілчаної
продукції в США морським транспортом (з доставкою контейнерів до
морського порту по Україні митним перевізником)
Рис.Г.3. Приклад оформлення експортної ВМД при експорті горілчаної
продукції в США морським транспортом (з доставкою контейнерів до
морського порту по Україні митним перевізником)
Рис.Г.4. Приклад оформлення експортної ВМД при експорті горілчаної
продукції в Казахстан автомобільним транспортом (митним перевізником)
Рис.Г.5. Приклад оформлення експортної ВМД при експорті горілчаної
продукції в Киргизстан залізничним транспортом (митним перевізником)
Рис.Г.6. Приклад оформлення інвойса до експортної ВМД при експорті
горілчаної продукції в Киргизстан залізничним транспортом (митним пе ревізником)
Рис.Г.7. Приклад оформлення експортної ВМД при поверненні акцизної марки Киргизстана, наданої для маркування в режимі ввезення вивезення горілчаної продукції , направляємої в Киргизстан залізничним транспортом (митним перевізником)
Рис.Г.8. Приклад оформлення імпортної ВМД при імпорті алюмінієвих
кришок із Польщі для закупорювання горілчаної продукції