Управління зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю та специфіка проведення митного контролю продукції підприємства при експортно-імпортних операціях на підприємстві ЗАТ "Українська горілчана компанія Nemiroff"

Отчет по практике - Юриспруденция, право, государство

Другие отчеты по практике по предмету Юриспруденция, право, государство

ся услугой переводчика. Оплату за услугу переводчика несет сторона, проигравшая судовое разбирательство.


13.1. ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ никогда не использует в других целях, кроме как для осуществления этого Контракта, торговые знаки, патенты, зарегистрированные образцы или другие права на промышленную собственность принадлежащие Производителю.

В особенности ПОКУПАТЕЛЮ не разрешается регистрировать или использовать какое-либо из прав на промышленную собственность, принадлежащих и/или используемых Производителем (независимо от того, зарегистрировано Производителем такое право или нет) от своего имени или в названии своей компании.


14.1. ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ берет на себя полную ответственность за соблюдение антидемпинговых норм, правил, процедур на ТЕРРИТОРИИ:

(a) обязуется не совершать операции на ТЕРРИТОРИИ по ценам, которые есть демпинговыми согласно законодательства и международных договоров страны ПОКУПАТЕЛЯ;

(б) быть единым ответчиком во всех возможных антидемпинговых исках и претензиях;

(в) уплачивать в полном объеме пошлины, сборы и другие отчисления, которые накладываются на ТОВАР согласно с антидемпинговым законодательством страны ПОКУПАТЕЛЯ.


15.1. Любое уведомление по Настоящему Контракту дается в письменной форме в виде телекса, факсимильного сообщения или отправляется заказным письмом получателю по его адресу, указанному в настоящем соглашении. Уведомление считается данным в день отправления телексного, факсимильного сообщения или заказного письма.


16.1. Настоящий Контракт составлен английском языке в двух экземплярах. Один экземпляр передается ПРОДАВЦУ, а другой - ПОКУПАТЕЛЮ.

Все переговоры и переписка, которые велись до момента заключения настоящего Контракта, утрачивают свою силу.

16.2. Другие условия и договоренности между ПОКУПАТЕЛЕМ и ПРОДАВЦОМ, не указанные в настоящем Контракте, обязательно согласовываются в письменной форме.



Дочернее предприятие Украинская водочная компания Nemiroff

Украина, 22800, г. Немиров, ул. Горького 31

Банковские реквизиты:

Хмельницкий филиал Проминвестбанка

29000 Украина г. Хмельницкий, ул. Театральная, 13, код 315278


Account: 26009302212599/978

Bank correspondent:

Deutsche Bank AG,Frankfurt Am Main 949 8296 00



July 13, 2006 Nemirov, Ukraine

The Subsidiary “Ukrainian Vodka Company “Nemiroff”, registered and having its legal address at: 31, Gorky Street, Nemirov, Vinnitsa Region Ukraine, duly organized and existing under the laws of Ukraine, in the person of General Director ________________, acting on the ground of the Statute of the company, hereinafter referred to as the SELLER, on the one part, and

_______________________________________________registered and having its legal address at: _______________________________________________ duly organized and existing under the laws of __________, in the person of ______________________________, acting on the ground of the Statute of the company, hereinafter referred to as the BUYER, on the other part, jointly referred to as “Parties” and separately referred to as “Party”

have concluded this Contract as follows:

  1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The SELLER has sold and the buyer has bought alcoholic beverages with NEMIROFF trademark, hereinafter referred to as “Goods”, intended for their further distribution on the territory of _________ excluding Duty Free shops (hereinafter referred to as “Territory”).

For purposes of this Contract, “Trademark” means any trademark, logotype, service sign or other commercial sign, registered or not registered, and used by the SELLER, including his assignees, for presentation or description of the Goods.

The SELLER shall assign only those property rights (title), which he possesses in respect of the Goods, to the Buyer. If the SELLER acquires rights to the Goods from a third party, he assigns only those rights which were legally gained by a third party and which were assigned to the SELLER. The SELLER is to prove rightfulness of the rights by means of documents.

The SELLER confirms that he has all necessary rights and licenses of the official authorities for production and distribution of the Goods in the SELLERS country.

The SELLER confirms availability of all necessary rights of industrial property or other intellectual property, as well as all necessary permissions and/or licences to usage of rights of industrial property or other intellectual property for the Goods production in the SELLERS country.



1.2. A range and total quantity of the GOODS are specified in Appendices to this Contract, being its integral part.




2.1. Price for the Goods is fixed in EUR on FCA, Nemirov, Ukraine (INCOTERMS-2000) basis and specified in Appendices to this Contract, being its integral part.


2.2. Costs of packing, marking, loading on a transport vehicle, provided by the BUYER, are included into the price of the Goods.

2.3. According to written agreement between the Parties as for the Goods delivery to the point of delivery, should additional costs appear, in order, stipulated by item 3.1. hereof, they are additionally paid by the BUYER and indicated by separate line in a commercial invoice.


2.4. Total estimated value of the Contract is EUR ____________________. The Parties confirm that the above-mentioned total estimated value of the Contract is based on expected quantity of deliveries and can differ from total value of the actually delivered Goods hereunder.



2.5. The SELLER reserves a right, at his own discretion, to change the Goods prices. The SELLER is obliged to send written notification hereof to the BUYER at least 60 (sixty) calendar days prior to the date of such change. The current price is valid for all orders, which have been placed before the SELLERS written notification to the BUYER concerning change of the Goods price.





3.1. The terms of the GOODS delivery are FCA, Nemirov, Ukraine (INCOTERMS-2000). According to written agreement between the Parties, the SELLER can organize the Goods delivery to the point of delivery prior agreed in writing. All additional costs of the SELLER arisen during organization of the Goods delivery to the said point of delivery are to be compensated by the BUYER to the SELLER before the Goods shipment.



3.2. The date of the Goods delivery is a date of customs stamp put by the customs on waybills when the Goods are transferred to the BUYER or to the first carrier.


3.3. Every order of the Goods (hereinafter referred to as “Order“), which has been sent by the BUYER to the SELLER on the ground of this Contract, is to designate that this is the Order and include a range, the Goods quantity, a desirable date of the Goods delivery by the SELLER.

The SELLER is obliged to send a proforma invoice for prepayment of the Goods to the BUYERs address within 3 (three) working days on the ground of an Order.

After the BUYER effects payment in order, stipulated by item 4.1. of this Contract, the SELLER undertakes to send the BUYER written confirmation about the Order acceptance within 6 (six) working days, specifying a date of the Goods readiness for shipment and respectively