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  • 401. Nelly Furtado biography
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    New influences came to me as I got older and started listening to my older brother's CD player. I also went to Portugal for a summer vacation and opened up to rock influences like Radiohead, Smashing Pumkins, U2, Pulp, Oasis, and Sarah Maclaughlin. Next came the discovery of Portoisehead, whose style had a significant impact on my writing and production experiences from that point on. Especially intriguing was Beth Gibbons haunting vocal style, which I could mimic to a tee for a good year following. With this wave of influences came Madredeus, Sade, Pedro Abrunhosa, Cornershop, Amalia Rodrigues, Tricky, Prodigy, Bjork, anything Brazilian especially Bossa Nova, Hindu music, and techno in all musical forms, especially drum and bass. Throughout this period I also discovered the greatest hits collections of the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel. From this point on, the door had been opened up real wide, and it only gets wider each day.

  • 402. Nicolaus Mercator
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    While he was working at Copenhagen, Mercator published a number of textbooks on spherical trigonometry, geography and astronomy. These were Trigonometria sphaericorum logarithmica (1651), Cosmographia (1651), and Astronomica sphaerica (1651). He published further works in astronomy while in England, for example Hypothesis astronomia nova (1664) and Institutiones astronomicae (1676).

  • 403. Notre-Dame de Paris french
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    La faзade de la cathйdrale se compose de trois йtages au-dessus des trois grands portails, qui surmontent les portails ( le portail du Jugement Dernier, le portail de la Vierge et le portail de sainte Anne ). Les sculptures de ces portails reprйsentent : au milieu le Jugement Dernier; а droite, la vie de Saint-Anne; а gauche, l'ensevelissement et le couronnement de la Sainte-Vierge. Aussi il y a la statue de Saint-Denis, le premier йvкque de Lutиce ; il tient sa tкte entre les mains.Il y a une legende: des barbars a coupй lui la tкte, il s'est levй, a pris sa tкte entre ses mains, a fait 40 kilomйtres et alors est tombй mort. A cette place, la cathйdrale a йtй bati. Il y a une galerie avec des statues dans les niches; ce sont les rois de Juda.C'est la Galerie des Rois composйe de 28 statues.Elles a йtй detruitйes pendant la pйriode de la Rйvolution, parce que peuple pensait c'etait les rois de France. Alors elles ont йtй rйtablies.A l'йtage du milieu une rose splendide de 11 mиtres de diamиtre et trois statues: celle de la Vierge, d'Adam et d'Eve. Le deuxieme йtage forme une belle galerie avec les deux tours, qui s'йlиvent а 69 m de hauteur , dont celle du midi renferme la cloche "Emmanuel" de 2 mйtres et demi de demi de diamйtre, il pesй 13 tonnes. C'etait la plus grosse cloche de l'epoque.Il s'agit de la plus vieille cloche de Notre-Dame ; elle date en effet de 1631 et l'on raconte que lorsqu'elle fut refondue des femmes y jetиrent leurs bijoux pour lui donner ce timbre particulier

  • 404. Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599)
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    Also in year 1596 Polish king, Sigismund III Vasa, ordered Field Marshal Stanislav Zholkewski to subjugate Cossack forces. After several months of fighting, Zholkewski surrounded Cossacks, led by Nalyvayko, Loboda and Shaula, at river Solonytsya near Lubny. There were about 6000 Cossack fighters and just as many women and children facing much more superior force. The prolonged siege, lack of food and fodder, internal squabbles (Loboda was killed in one the fights between sections of Cossacks) and intensive cannon fire destroyed defenders' capacity to resist. In order to save their families, Cossacks agreed to Zholkewski's terms to let them go free in exchange for handing over their leaders. However, after surrender, Poles did not keep their word; they attacked and started to massacre defenseless and disoriented Cossacks. Only a section under leadership of Krempskyi broke through and joined with troops of Pidvysotskyi, who were coming to the rescue of besieged Cossacks.

  • 405. Period of statehood (879-1360)
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    In 980, prince Volodymyr defeated all his brothers and unified the country into one powerful state with Kyiv as capital. He adopted Christianity in 988 and started to convert population, who then worshiped Pagan gods, to Christian Religion. Force was often used against those who resisted. He produced silver and gold coins with his portrait on one side and trident on the reverse side ( such special form of trident is Coat of Arms of present day Ukraine). In History he is known as Volodymyr the Great or Saint Volodymyr. During his reign, pillaging Pecheneg hordes defeated Khazars, pushed out Hungarian hordes from southern steppes and became a menace to the state; Volodymyr started to fortify Kyiv against them. After his death in 1015 fighting and assassinations between his sons ensued, resulting in victory for prince Yaroslav in 1019.

  • 406. Pierre de Fermat
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    Around this time one of Descartes' students was collecting his correspondence for publication and he turned to Fermat for help with the Fermat - Descartes correspondence. This led Fermat to look again at the arguments he had used 20 years before and he looked again at his objections to Descartes' optics. In particular he had been unhappy with Descartes' description of refraction of light and he now settled on a principle which did in fact yield the sine law of refraction that Snell and Descartes had proposed. However Fermat had now deduced it from a fundamental property that he proposed, namely that light always follows the shortest possible path. Fermat's principle, now one of the most basic properties of optics, did not find favour with mathematicians at the time.

  • 407. Pink biography
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    The second single, "Most Girls", is seeing the same success as its predecessor, if not more, by shedding light on the money-grubbing tendencies of "most girls." As opposed to most female artists, Pink, who cites Madonna, Mary J. Blige, Janis Joplin, and The Supremes as inspiration, prefers to sing about real moments in life and personal experiences, rather than sing romantic ballads. As a result, her experiences from her native Philadelphia are showcased in her debut album.

  • 408. Proclus Diadochus
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    ... it is against [the principles of geometry] that most critics of geometry have raised objections, endeavouring to show that these parts are not firmly established. Of those in this group whose arguments have become notorious some, such as the Sceptics, would do away with all knowledge ... whereas others, like the Epicureans, propose only to discredit the principles of geometry. Another group of critics, however, admit the principles but deny that the propositions coming after the principles can be demonstrated unless they grant something that is not contained in the principles. This method of controversy was followed by Zeno of Sidon, who belonged to the school of Epicurus and against whom Posidonius has written a whole book and shown that his works are thoroughly unsound.

  • 409. Pushkin's Biography
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  • 410. Rene Descartes
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    Descartes was educated at the Jesuit college of La Flиche in Anjou. He entered the college at the age of eight years, just a few months after the opening of the college in January 1604. He studied there until 1612, studying classics, logic and traditional Aristotelian philosophy. He also learnt mathematics from the books of Clavius. While in the school his health was poor and he was granted permission to remain in bed until 11 o'clock in the morning, a custom he maintained until the year of his death.

  • 411. Should press be liable or not?
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    ) The first occasion has to do with the market's responsiveness to the demands of consumers. The failure occurs when customers are unable to detect defects before purchase or to protect themselves by taking appropriate precautions after purchase, when they are unable to translate their willingness to pay for nondefective products into a demand that some producers will satisfy and profit from. It also occurs when suppliers are unable to gain any competitive ad vantage either by exposing defects in their rivals' products or by touting the relative merits of their own. 2) The second kind of market failure is an inability to internalize harm to bystanders third parties who have no dealings with the producers but who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a product malfunctions. Even when these kinds of failures occur, legal accountability is problematic if it in turn entails inevitable error in application or requires the taking of such costly precautions that they cover up all benefits.

  • 412. Should press de liable or not english
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    The claim that the market in general "works" shouldn't be

  • 413. Simeon Denis Poisson
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    His teachers Laplace and Lagrange quickly saw his mathematical talents. They were to become friends for life with their extremely able young student and they gave him strong support in a variety of ways. A memoir on finite differences, written when Poisson was 18, attracted the attention of Legendre. However, Poisson found that descriptive geometry, an important topic at the Йcole Polytechnique because of Monge, was impossible for him to succeed with because of his inability to draw diagrams. This would have been an insurmountable problem had he been going into public service, but those aiming at a career in pure science could be excused the drawing requirements, and Poisson was not held back. In his final year of study he wrote a paper on the theory of equations and Bezout's theorem, and this was of such quality that he was allowed to graduate in 1800 without taking the final examination. He proceeded immediately to the position of rйpйtiteur in the Йcole Polytechnique, mainly on the strong recommendation of Laplace. It was quite unusual for anyone to gain their first appointment in Paris, most of the top mathematicians having to serve in the provinces before returning to Paris.

  • 414. Socio-cultural foundations of east-european&Russian geopolitics english
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    Our current problem with the SCS theory is that its abstract description would be unconvincing and looking more like usual scientific speculation (that is not right). Its necessary to compile a specific analysis of the existing SCS-s, but such analysis of one distinct SCS is highly difficult to be made: all the socio-cultural systems are closely connected, and the correct understanding of each one is only possible in case of taking into account all their interrelations. So, we have to bring out descriptions of all the SCS-s, plus the theory in general at the same time, that is extremely complicated task: each SCS is a special kind of reality, with its own logic and rules, and its simply impossible to describe all the existing and existed SCS-s in an observable future. Such work would require a lot of time and in general seems unlikely to be done by two people. Not only the scale of the task itself is the point, but one surely cannot correctly depict all the SCS-s in principle. In fact, being the people of the Russian SCS, we can examine and accurately describe only it. Muslim, Chinese, Black African SCS-s and others still remain not entirely understandable; to characterise them in all details wed have to explain many nuances of their past and present - but to do so we have to be the people of these SCS-s. It doesnt mean one cannot understand another SCS at all: the point is detailed examination of the SCS's evolution only - at least, so we think at the moment.

  • 415. Status Quo
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    Рик является одним из самых знаменитых английских ритм-гитаристов. Его внушительный стиль игры всегда был ядром звучания Status Quo. Известный как "The Womorr" (The Wild Old Man Of Rock and Roll), что можно перевести как Дикий Старик Рок-н-Ролла, Рик написал несколько запоминающихся композиций Status Quo, среди которых: "Whatever You Want", "Backwater", "Living On An Island" и "Rain". Если вы когда-нибудь видели "живой" концерт Status Quo, вы знаете, что происходит, когда Рик выходит к краю сцены выкалачивая из своей гитары необыкновенные ритмы. Длительное пратнерство Росси и Партиффа, это именно тот фактор, который сплачивает группу и, несмотря на различие их характеров, они остаются большими друзьями вот уже более 30 лет. Однажды, получив имя "Дикого Старика Рок-н- Ролла", Рик сейчас настаивает на том, что он научился расслабляться и теперь он скорее "Умеренный рок-н-рольщик" (Если вы считаете, что когда-нибудь в это поверите!!)

  • 416. Streit im Haus
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    Vцgel darf man auf dem Fensterbrett fьttern. Aber keine Tauben, die machen zu viel Dreck. An der AuЯenwand oder am Fenster darf man keine Politparolen aufhдngen. Von 13.00 bis 15.00 und von 22.00 Uhr bis 7.00 Uhr darf man im Haus keinen Krach machen, und auch nicht drauЯen im Hof oder im Garten. Auch die Kinder mьssen dann leise spielen. In der Wohnung darf man pro Tag 90 Minuten Musik machen. Aber man darf die Nachbarn nicht zu sehr stцren. Ihr Partner oder Ihre Partnerin darf in Ihrer Wohnung oder in Ihrem Appartement wohnen. Man muЯ den Vermieter nicht fragen. Er kann es nicht verbeiten.

  • 417. The Conquering Normans
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    A talk follows till far on into the night, and many questions are put by the master. How much land is there suitable for ploughing? How much of it did the old thane keep for his own use? How many bushels of corn come from each acre? Do the villagers know how to manure and drain the land properly? Is there any grassland that could be made to grow extra supplies of corn? "For," says lord, "my soldiers must have plenty to eat". "Yes," says the steward, "there is much land fit for the purpose.But do you propose to make the villagers work on this and do their other work as well? Remember, Sir, that there are fewer of them than there were". The Norman replies that he intends his villagers to do not only this, but much more besides. Indeed he goes so far as to say that the men like Gurth, who never worked but only paid food, shall now both pay and work, for more land must be cultivated. And he adds that he intends to increase the amounts of meat, hay, eggs, cheese, butter and other things that the villagers pay. So the stewards returns home in a thoughtful and unhappy state, for he sees hard times coming for his friends and does not like telling them about the extra work that they will have to do. The Norman also goes to bed, but not until he has gone round the house with his chief follower, and posted sentinels; for he has no wish to be murdered in his sleep by his new servants, as has happened to some of his friends.He and his followerds do not thing much of the old house. The old English thanes did not make their houses strong for defence, for they had nothing to fear from their villagers. But the Norman says:"We must have a safer place than this to sleep in, or our throats wiil all be cut some night".So the steward wiil hear if another piece of work for his friends in the village to do.

  • 418. The Crimea
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    The lime-rich soil is especially favourable for growing grapes that are used in the production of sparkling wine. Champaign almost tops the list of favourite alcoholic beverages drunk by Russian people, especially on festive occasions. The champagne making process is rather long. First of all the wine is left to ferment, it may age from 18 months to 5 years. The top of the bottle where the sediment lies is frozen, then the bottle is opened and once the sediment is out, the bottle is recouped and secured with wire.

  • 419. The Higher school and the ways to science
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    Research enables the students to improve their knowledge and put to practical use the things they learn at lectures, seminars and laboratories. Furthermore, it enables them to realize the practical value of their knowledge, to master the basic experimental techniques, to learn how to handle the modern equipment and analyse the results of experiment.

  • 420. The influence of the Great Britain on our daily life
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    St. Valentines Day is celebrated on February 14. Every St. Valentines Day thousands of people travel to a small village on Scotlands border with England to get married. The village is called Gretna Green. Its romantic reputation began in 1754.