In 2008 the delay of the constructing rates of the new tertiary medical care centers from the initial schedules has increased. It should be remembered that when in autumn 2005 the project was approved it was planned to finish construction of 14 centers in 2008. For their construction module principle was chosen: modules were intended to be purchased abroad and then mounted to make the buildings of the centers. Despite the implementation of such technology only 1 of 14 new centers was put into commission in 2008, namely Federal center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery. As it was expected, the center faced the staffing problem: the attraction of the professionals to work in the center required high additional expenditures. Two more centers, whose construction was reported in 2007, that is the Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedy and Endoprothesis Replacement in Cheboksary and the Federal Center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery in Astrakhan, were not put into commission during 2008. In three of the cities the mounting of modules was in process, in 6 cities the fundaments were constructed and in two there were only preliminary works in progress and the construction has not been started yet.
There were 3 times less fund spent on the construction of new centers in 2008 than in 2007.
This long-lasting building gives evidence for the critical estimation of the advisability of the largescale expenditures for the construction of new medical centers at the periphery instead of the development of the capacities of the existing federal clinics and the increase of the state order for their services, which was worded by many specialists.
The changes in the National project in 2008 have not affected its institutional component. The additional payments for the workers of the primary health care have been maintained, they are paid for everybody on equal terms and do not provide stimuli for the improvement in the work quality. It should be noted that the government has learned from the experience of the selective increase in labor remuneration of some categories of the medicinal staff, that had been in practice earlier. There have been no such actions recently. Instead, there was a decision adopted concerning the introduction of new system for labor remuneration of the employees at the federal budget organizations, which give an opportunity to connect the amount of labor remuneration with its results. These systems are introduced starting with December 2008 and are accompanied with the increase in wages by 30%. The Government has recommended the subjects of the Russian Federation to take similar steps. However the crisis that has started casts a doubt on the possibility to follow these recommendations and consequently devaluates the influence of the stimulating opportunities of new systems for labor remuneration.
Within the framework of the National project the mechanism of Уdelivery certificatesФ that proved to be good was sustained and the value of a Уdelivery certificateФ was increased. The pilot project started in July 2007 in 19 subjects of the Russian Federation was financed to the end. No new changes in organization and financing of the health care are intended for 2008 within the framework of the project.
The same as in previous years the estimation of the effectiveness of the fulfillment of the National Project represents quite a difficult task, since its measures are aimed at improving separate elements of the system for the medical health care, and it is not easy to apportion the influence of the expenditures made on the state of the health of the population.
In 2009 funds of RUR 148.8 bln are intended for the fulfillment of the project. The list of its priorities areas was supplemented with the measures to form a healthy lifestyle. At the meeting of 25 February mentioned above, V. V. Putin confirmed that the financing of the priority national projects is one of the focuses when making the new version of the federal budget for 2009.
At the same time the analysis of the fulfillment of the National Project УHealthФ in 2009 gives further evidence for the conclusions made a year and two years ago: this project cannot contribute to the solution of the basic problems of the Russian health care system to a considerable extent. Bad figures of the state of the health of the population, bade protection from the risks of expenditures for treatment in case of illnesses, uneven distribution of these expenditures and uneven availability of the health care for different social and territorial groups, low efficiency of the health care system - the solution of these problems is impossible without deep reforms in the organization and financing of the health care.
To achieve the funds of National Project are not sufficient, nor are any large institutional changes intended.
Meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation in February M. Goldin In February the following issues were considered at the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation: the progress of measures aimed at the financial recovery and normalization of the situation in some branches of the economy; the bill on making changes to the Criminal Code and Procedural Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which makes the responsibility in the field of securities heavier; amendments in the Statement on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, giving the Ministry of Finance the authority to accredit the rating agencies and to run the list of the accredited rating agencies; amendments to chapters 21 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation improving the regulation of the taxation of the financial instruments of futures contracts.
On February 5, 2009 at the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation the report by the head of the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation concerning the progress in the implementation of the measures aimed at the financial recovery and the normalization of the situation at some branches of the economy.
The main document of the government, including the anti-crisis measures concerning different sectors of the economy, is the Plan of the actions aimed at the financial recovery and the normalization of the situation at some branches of the economy (approved by the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation on November 6, 2008 No 4863p-P13).
The measures of the Plan of actions can be divided in four main directions for convenience.
1. Measures for the development of the financial and banking system aimed at the increase of their efficiency and at the expansion of the financing of the real economy sector. To fulfill these measures, for instance, the Federal Law No 315-FZ УOn making changes to the Federal Law УOn banks and banking activityФ dd. December 30, 2008 and some other legislative acts of the Russian Federation were adopted. The amendments excluded the unconditional right of the creditors to get the debt repayment ahead of schedule in case the borrower has been reorganized.
2. Measures for the support of the labor market and the social support for the citizens, which will enable the prevention of the development of the negative trends in the economy. In order to fulfill these measures the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 915 УOn the minimum and maximum rates of the unemployment compensationФ dd. December 8, 2008 was adopted. The decree establishes the minimum rate of the unemployment compensation for 2009 of RUR 850, and the maximum rate - of RUR 4900.
3. Measures stimulating the demand for the production of the corresponding sectors of the economy. For instance, to support the competitive ability of the domestic producers the import duty rates for the production of the metallurgy and chemistry complexes have been raised, as well as for a number of foodstuffs goods, the duty rates for the supplies of poultry and pork above the quotas. Besides, in order to decrease their costs when purchasing the import goods whose analogues are not produce din Russia, or whose production in Russia is limited, the import duty rates for equipment used in metallurgy and gas sector were abolished.
4. Measures, stimulating the supply (production) of the goods by the industrial enterprises, also aimed at the strengthening of the financial state of the leading sectors of the economy.
In order to organize a constant control over the fulfillment of the adopted decisions aimed at the financial recovery and the normalization of the situation in some branches of the economy, to provide for the complex analysis and to define the directions of further development of the branches of the economy, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 957 dd. December 15, 2008 the government commission on the increase in the steadiness of the development of the Russian economy was formed.
The issues concerning the support of some enterprises are additionally considered in the context of work with the backbone organizations, whose list was approved by the decision of the Commission from December 23, 2008. There are 295 organizations included in the list. The list is not exhaustive and can be corrected in accordance with the decisions of the commissions.
On February 9, 2009 at the meeting of the presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation the bill of the Federal Law УOn making changes to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Procedural Criminal Code of the Russian FederationФ was discussed.
The bill specifies the existing corpus delicti for the abuses when issuing the securities as well as for the malignant evasion from the disclosure or submission of the information defined by the legislative acts of the Russian federation on securities (clauses 185 and 1851 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Besides, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is to be supplemented with the new articles 1852 - 1854, envisaging the criminal liability for the violation of the procedure for the account of the rights for the securities, manipulation with the prices at the securities market, prevention of the fulfillment or illegal limitation of the rights of the owners of the securities. In cases these actions are connected with the infliction of a large-scale damage to property to citizens, organizations or the state or are connected with the obtaining of the large-scale profit the infringers are to be brought to account.
It should be noted that the large-scale profit is defined as a profit of the amount bigger than one million rubles, and especially large profit is that of two and a half million of rubles.
Also on February 9, 2009 at th meetings of the presidium of the Government opf the Russian Federation the amendments to the Statement on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation were discussed. According to these changes the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation obtains the right to accredit the rating agencies and to run the list of the rating agencies accredited.
The procedure for the accreditation is no analogue of the licensing and does not create additional limitations for the activity of the rating agencies. The list of the rating agencies is open and the information on the agencies whose ratings are acknowledged is brought to the notice of the participants of the market.
On February 26, 2009 at the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation the bill of the Federal Law УOn making changes to chapters 21 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian FederationФ was discussed.
The changes in chapter 21 of the Tax Code envisage the possibility of the operations with the rated financial instruments as well as with the delivery financial instruments without the levy with VAT before the moment of supply. The procedure for the specification of the taxation base upon realization of the basic assets of the futures financial instruments is specified.
The changes in chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation exclude the operations with the financial instruments carried out by clearing organizations providing clearing and payments for such operations from the profit tax taxation base. The market price of the off-exchange financial instruments is suggested to be defined basing on the deviation of the deal price from the calculated price, the methodology for whose calculation will be defined by a federal executive body regulating the market of securities.
Review of Economic Legislation I. Tolmacheva Changes providing for the creation of the federal universities were introduced in some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in February.
I. Federal Laws of the Russian Federation УON MAKING CHANGES TO SOME LEGISLATIVE ACTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION CONCERNING THE OPERATION OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITIESФ from 10.02.2009 No 18FZ Changes were introduced in the Law of the Russian Federation No 3266-1 УOn educationФ from July 10, 1992, in the Federal Law No 125-FZ УOn higher and post-graduate educationФ from August 22, 1996, in the Federal Law No 127-FZ УOn science and the state scientific and technical policyФ from August 23, 1996.
The system of the Russian education was supplemented by a new kind of the higher educational institutions, namely federal universities. It is a higher educational institution, executing innovation educational programs for graduate and post-graduate education, providing system modernization of higher and post-graduate professional education, realizing the training, retraining of staff, as well as raising the level of staffs skill on the basis of educational technologies, implementing fundamental and applied scientific research that is referred to as a federal university. That is, the aim of this category of the higher educational institutions is to contribute to modernization of higher professional education on the basis of science, education and industry integration.
Federal universities are formed by the Government of the Russian Federation in concordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation as autonomous organizations; they may be formed on the basis of the federal state higher education institutions. The development of the federal universities is intended to proceed within the framework of the programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rectors of federal universities are appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation for the term up to 5 years.
Besides, the universities that meet specific requirements can be granted the category of the national research universities on terms of contest for the period of up to 10 years.
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