Книги по разным темам Pages:     | 1 |   ...   | 49 | 50 | 51 |

Develop a regional special purposeProgram aimed at providing assistance to, and furthering development of,libraries in Kaliningrad Oblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature); Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop a regionalspecial purpose Program aimed at developing state institutions of culture inKaliningrad Oblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature); Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Set up a regional representativeoffice of the Federal agency for management and use of historic and culturalheritage

Draft Order, Ministry of Culture,RF


Ministry of Culture, RF; Departmentof Culture, Kaliningrad oblast Administration


Introduce amendments and additions tothe Law of Kaliningrad Oblast On Preventive Measures against the Spreading inKaliningrad Oblast of the Disease caused by HIV-Infection

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Health Care Department, Kaliningrad OblastAdministration

Prepare a Draft Resolution by theHead of Administration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast On the Funding ofInter-Communities Medical Assistance Centers in the Region

Draft Resolution by the Head ofAdministration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Administration;Health Care Department, Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop a regional Program to addressthe issues of the disabled persons and disability related problems

Draft Law of Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature); Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Design per capita norms (standards)for the funding of health care institutions, develop the chargeable medicalservices sector in the oblast

Draft Resolution by the Head ofAdministration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Administration;Health Care Department, Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop a Program for theStreamlining of local (municipal) health care systems proceeding fromavailability of resources in the budget of all levels and the needs of thepopulation in medical services

Draft Resolution by the Head ofAdministration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Administration,Health Care Department, Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop a regional special purposeProgram The Older Generation

Draft Law of Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Kaliningrad Oblast Administration


Establish legal framework fornon-governmental educational institutions to operate in, and develop the sectorof chargeable educational services

Draft Resolution by the Head ofAdministration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Administration,Education Department, Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Create a competitive environment forprovision of chargeable educational services with a view to raising theequality of education

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Reorganize the funding system in theeducation sphere, raise funds for the needs of educational institutions, createa differentiated and strictly targeted system for provision of assistance tochildren from low income families

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Put in place a strategy for highereducation establishments to train schoolmasters and other education specialiststo staff elementary and secondary schools / vocational trainingcolleges

Draft Resolution by the Head ofAdministration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast


Education Department, KaliningradOblast Administration


Develop a Regional Program forModernization and Reform of the Housing and Utilities Sector in KaliningradOblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Draft a Law of Kaliningrad Oblast OnMortgage Loans

Draft Law of Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a regionalProgram for mortgage lending

Draft Law of Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a draft Law of KaliningradOblast On the Formation of a Reserve of Housing Stock to Enforce SocialGuarantees of Borrowers who Take Long-term Mortgage Loans

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a regional Program for therehousing of residents living in houses that are obsolete and hard to repair inKaliningrad Oblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop the procedure for the drawingup of TOR’s and otherdesign documents and issuance of permits fro construction of real estate inKaliningrad Oblast

Draft Resolution by the Kaliningradoblast Duma


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

EnvironmentalProtection and Nature Conservation

Draft a law of Kaliningrad Oblast Onthe Coasts of the Baltic Sea, Kursha and Vistula Bays within the borders ofKaliningrad Oblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Draft a law of Kaliningrad Oblast OnFee for Conversion Of Timberland Into Land That Can Be Used for Purposes Otherthan Forest management and for the Use of Timberland and/or Withdrawal ofTimberland

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a regional Program forrecycling and recovery of industrial and domestic wastes in Kaliningrad Oblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad Oblast Duma, KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a DraftResolution by the Head of Administration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast OnApproval of a new Regulation concerning the Procedure for Allotting Fields forExploration of Commonly Encountered Minerals in Kaliningrad Oblast

Draft Resolution by theHead of Administration (Governor) Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad OblastAdministration


Chief of Staff,

Government, Russian Federation

Minister, Russian Federation

I. Shuvalov

1Literal from Russian; Program Description or even Terms of Reference might be a better way to render it in English (trans.’s note)

2Material assistance provided by Kaliningrad Oblast to higher (federal) or lower(local) budgets (trans.’s note)

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