Книги по разным темам Pages:     | 1 |   ...   | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 |

Draft Ordnance by Ministry of StateProperty, RF


Ministry of State Property, RF;Ministry of Defense, RF; Ministry of Transportation, RF; Administration ofKaliningrad Oblast; Kaliningrad Port Administration

Fuel Sector and PowerEngineering

Develop anintergovernmental agreement concerning construction of the second gas-pipelineand transit of natural gas through the territory of the LithuanianRepublic

Draftintergovernmental agreement


Ministry ofEnergy, RF; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF; OAO Gazprom; Kaliningrad OblastAdministration

To address the issue of using theMazheikai refinery (Lithuania) to process oil from Russia and to deliver oilproducts to Kaliningrad oblast through the shortest possible transportationleg

Draft ordnance by the Government ofthe Russian Federation


RF Governmental Commission forOperation of trunk oil- and gas- and oil products-pipelines; Ministry ofEnergy, RF; State Customs Committee, RF

Consider an option of setting up inKaliningrad oblast an alternative TEC-2 steam power plant as a powerful sourceof electric power

Experts’ opinion


Ministry of Nuclear Energy, RF;Ministry of Energy, RF; Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Creating anInvestor-Friendly Environment

Draft a new federal law On theSpecial Economic Zone in Kaliningrad Oblast, defining special conditions foradministrative regulation and other forms of regulations to beapplied

Draft federallaw


Ministry of EconomicDevelopment and Trade, RF; State Customs Committee, RF; Ministry of Finance,RF; Ministry of Taxes and Fees, RF; CBR; Ministry of Justice, RF; FederalBorder-Guard Service, RF; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF; Ministry of Defense,RF; Ministry of State Property, RF; Ministry of Industries and Science, RF;Ministry of Transport, RF; Ministry of Railroads, RF; Ministry of Energy, RFKaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop proposals providing forunobstructed movement along the territory of the Russian Federation ofheavyweight trucks which are placed under the regime of the customs free zoneand which operate between Kaliningrad oblast and other regions of the RussianFederation.

Draft resolution by the Government ofthe Russian Federation


State Customs Committee, RF; Ministryof Transport, RF; Ministry of Railroads, RF; Ministry of Economic Developmentand Trade, RF, Federal Border-Guard Service, RF; Ministry of Finance, RF;Ministry of Industries and Science, RF; Kaliningrad OblastAdministration

Address the issue of subsidizing inpart the cost of travel by train for residents of Kaliningrad Oblast to otherregions of the Russian Federation.

Draft federal law


Ministry of Finance, RF; Ministry ofEconomic Development and Trade, RF, Ministry of Railroads, RF; KaliningradOblast Administration

Prepare proposals regardingprotectionist tariff policy vis-à-vis goods that are in- andoutbound to/from ports in Kaliningrad oblast.

Draft Ordnance by the Government ofthe Russian Federation


Ministry of Railroads, RF; Ministryof Transport, RF; Ministry of Finance, RF; Ministry of Economic Development andTrade, RF; State Customs Committee, RF; Kaliningrad OblastAdministration

Financial Area

Develop a set of measures aimed atmaking the regional financial system healthier and bringing the regional fiscalinstitutions in line with the new system of fiscal federalism relations betweenthe three levels of government in Russia in the light of the newly effectiveTax Code of the RF and the Budget Code of the RF

Draft agreement betweenthe Ministry of Finance, RF and the Kaliningrad oblastAdministration


Ministry of Finance, RF; Ministry ofEconomic Development and Trade, RF; Kaliningrad Oblast Administration;Institute of Economy in Transition


Withdraw from the records of theMinistry of Defense, RF its plot of land in Vostochny(Baltiysk) and all the property thereon and make themassignable to the respective local government for construction of a ferry-boatcompound and deep-water port

Draft ordnance by the Ministry ofState Property, RF


Ministry of State Property, RF;Ministry of Defense, RF; Ministry of Transport, RF; Kaliningrad OblastAdministration; Kaliningrad Port Marine Administration

Market andSocial Infrastructure

Design a joint mechanism with theEuropean Union to fund the infrastructure and social sphere covered by theProgram

Draft agreement

2002 -2003

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF;Government Commission for Cooperation between Russia and EU; Kaliningrad oblastAdministration

Draft an agreement between theRussian Federation and the EU on principles and measures necessary to providefor Kaliningrad Oblast’s needs in the light of EU expansion

Draft inter-governmentalagreement


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF;Government Commission for Cooperation between Russia and EU


Set up a history and archaeologyconservation area on the isle of Kant inаKaliningrad

Draft order by the Ministry ofCulture, RF


Ministry of Culture, RF; KaliningradOblast Administration

Upgrade the status of the festival oforgan music Autumn Constellation: make it an international event

Draft order by the Ministry ofCulture, RF


Ministry of Culture, RF; KaliningradOblast Administration


Introduce in Kaliningrad Oblast aspecial procedure for issuance of all types of visas, for multiple and/orsingle entry, for short and long stay, directly at open cross-border passes, atthe rates established in accordance with the reciprocity principle

Draft Resolution of the Government ofthe Russian Federation


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF;Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Build Mamontovo II - Gzhekhotkiinternational motor-vehicle check-point for the needs of movement of passengerand goods

Draft Resolution of the Government ofthe Russian Federation


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF;Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop an inter-Government Agreementregarding construction of an alternative gas-pipeline and transit of naturalgas through the territory of the Lithuanian Republic

Draft inter-governmentalagreement

2002 -


Ministry of Energy, RF; Ministry ofForeign Affairs, RF; OAO Gazprom, Kaliningrad Oblast Administration


Fuel Sector andPower Engineering

Develop an energy saving Program forKaliningrad Oblast for the period of 2002-2005

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma; KaliningradOblast Administration

Release terms of reference forlinking up the Kaliningrad TEC-2 steam power plant to the gasnetworks

Draft decision by OAOGazprom


OAO Gazprom; Kaliningrad OblastAdministration

Develop and sign Contract onlong-term supply of gas for Kaliningrad Oblast

Draft Contract


OAO Gazprom; Kaliningrad OblastAdministration

Tourism andRecreational Sector

Develop a Program for furtherdevelopment of tourism and recreational industry in Kaliningrad Oblast for theperiod up to 2010

Draft law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma; KaliningradOblast Administration


Develop a new Law of KaliningradOblast On Stimulating Investments into Production (Manufacturing Sector) inKaliningrad Oblast

Draft law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma; KaliningradOblast Administration

Introduce amendments and additions tothe Law of Kaliningrad Oblast On Science and Innovations Policy in KaliningradOblast

Draft law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma; KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a new Law of KaliningradOblast On Industrial Policy

Draft law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma; KaliningradOblast Administration

Develop a concept for the developmentof manufacturing industries in Kaliningrad Oblast

Draft Resolution by the Kaliningradoblast Duma


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop a new Law of KaliningradOblast On Fishery and Fishing Activities in Kaliningrad Oblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Introduce amendments and additions tothe Law of Kaliningrad Oblast On Land

Draft Law of Kaliningrad Oblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature), Kaliningrad Oblast Administration



Draft a Law of Kaliningrad Oblast Onthe Procedure of the Assignement for Use and Disposal of Property that is partof Russia’s Historicand Cultural Heritage

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature); Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

Develop a regional special purposeProgram aimed at preserving the historic and cultural heritage of KaliningradOblast

Draft Law of KaliningradOblast


Kaliningrad oblast Duma(legislature); Kaliningrad Oblast Administration

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