Grand Total
as % of:
SUM TOTAL of allappropriations
* Funds distributed by federal ministriesand agencies, RAO UES Russia, RAO Gazprom, municipalities
а1.аFederal fundsbeing earmarked are subject to update and adjustment on a yearly basis, everytime the Federal Budget is drafted, contingent on federal resourcesavailable.
2.аRegional funds being earmarked under theProgram are subject toupdate and adjustment on a yearly basis, every time the Budget of KaliningradOblast is designed, contingent on regional resources available.
3. In 2002 RUR 310аM worth of capital investments are allocated underthe Energy-Effective Economy Federal Special Purpose Program – RUR 300аM, and Increasing the Yield of Russia’s SoilFederal Special Purpose Program – RUR 10аM.
Cost Structure by ProgramActivities:
- Capital Investments- 82.46 percent;
- Others- 17.50 percent.
- R&D- 0.04 percent;
Main sources of funding for theProgram:
Own funds of Program participants— 20.66аbn rubles(22.2аpercent);
Funds from the federal budget(subject
to annual review during preparationof
draft federal budget and federaltarget
investment program, based onavailability
of funds in federal budget) — 7.83аbn rubles(8.41аpercent)
funds from oblast budget (subject
to annual review during preparationof
draft oblast budget, based onavailability
of funds in oblast budget) — 2.87аbn rubles(3.08аpercent);
funds from foreign lenders and loans fromdomestic commercial banks — 19.9аbn rubles (21.39аpercent);
funds from other sources (funds allocated byfederal executive
authorities, RAO UES Rossii, RAO
Gazprom, municipalities, households)— 41.79аbn rubles(44.92аpercent).
The Program will be funded from the federalbudget upon submission of a budget request for a coming financial year by thestate contractor, based on availability of funds in the budget, Programrequirements and the need to continue commenced activities.
The basic proposal for funding Programactivities from the federal budget is shown in Tables 16 and 17. If thecountry’s social andeconomic situation develops favorably, funding of Program activities from thefederal budget may be increased to 12.1 bn rubles.
5. Program ImplementationMechanism
Program implementation is based on effectivelegislation, presidential decrees, federal government resolutions, andresolution of topical problems of Russia’s social and economicdevelopment.
The program implementation mechanismcontains the following elements:
- strategic planning and forecasting (identification of strategies,speed and proportions of development of the oblast’s economy as a whole, its majorsectors and cross-sector complexes);
- economic and legal levers regulating relationships among federal,regional and sectoral agencies, customers and implementers during theimplementation of program projects and activities;
- program management organizational structure (definition ofadministrative and economic players, their functions andcoordination).
The loans and funding mechanism, the statesystem of contracts for procurement and supplies, tax legislation, leasing willbe used to implement the Program.
The main program implementation prerequisiteis to attract sufficient finances to Kaliningrad oblast’s economy and social sphere. Toresolve the oblast’ssocial and economic problems the Program provides for funding based on grantsfrom the federal budget. The federal budget law for each year stipulates theamount of funding allocated for specific expenditures under the Program for theDevelopment of Kaliningrad oblast for the PeriodUntil 2010.
At the same time it is proposed to resort toloans to fund the Program’s investment part. Implementers of a number of program activitieswill be selected through a bidding process, as stipulated in the Federal LawOn Tenders for Orders to Supply Goods, Perform Worksand Provide Services for State Needs.
The role of federal funding will increaseagainst the background of financial support provided by the European Union tothe oblast’s neighborsPoland and Lithuania.
In addition to financial support activities,the Program enunciates a number of organizational measures to promote businessand investment activity in Kaliningrad oblast. To this end, the followingagencies may be instituted:
- an insurance company to mobilize long-term financial resources ofthe public and organizations for the purpose of funding investmentprojects;
- a management company to manage an investment risk insurancefund.
Leasing and insurance companies will be setup, with no funds from the federal budget, as an important element for theformation of the oblast’s investment infrastructure.
The list of activities to improve theProgram’s regulatoryand legal framework is shown in Annex 4.
6. Organizing ProgramManagement and Implementation Oversight
Overall management of the Program will beentrusted to the state customer who will:
- define the most effective forms and procedures to implement theProgram;
- coordinate the work of implementers of program activities andprojects;
- obtain approvals for allocations for a coming financial year andthe entire program implementation period;
- approve allocation of federal grants among projects, activities andexpenditures (capital investment, R&D, other expenditures). If funding ofthe Program is decreased it will adjust the list of activities and projects fora coming year, set priorities, take measures to attract funds from non-budgetsources to finance the Program;
- oversee the implementation of the Program, including effective andtargeted use of allocations, the quality of activities, compliance withdeadlines, implementation of agreements and contracts;
- collect data on the implementation of program activities, prepareand submit, in accordance with the established procedure, to the FederalGovernment and the State Statistics Committee program status reports andinformation on tenders for program activities, and reports on effective use offunds to the Ministry of Finance.
The state customer shall be governed by theCivil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws On Supplies of Products forFederal State Needs, On State Forecasting and Programs of Social and EconomicDevelopment of the Russian Federation, On Environmental Assessment, On Tendersfor Orders to Supply Goods, Perform Works and Provide Services for State Needs,government resolutions No. 594 of 26 June 1995 On the Implementation of theFederal Law On Supplies for Federal State Needs, No. 928 of 3 August 1996 Onthe Implementation of the Integrated Program for the Creation and Preservationof Jobs for the Years of 1996-2000, and other normative acts and laws of theRussian Federation.
The state customer will cede some itsprogram management functions, on the basis of a contract, to the Kaliningradoblast government on terms and conditions stipulated by the federal government;this will make the Kaliningrad oblast government more responsible for theorganization of timely and quality implementation of programactivities.
The state customer and the Kaliningradoblast government will prepare:
- draft normative acts on relevant matters;
- draft decisions of legislative and executive bodies on Kaliningradoblast on the implementation of the Program;
- proposals to amend target indicators, dates, implementers, andresources of the Program.
This organizational structure for themanagement of the Program will help allocate responsibility for the adoptionand implementation of decisions and effectively combine federal, regional,territorial and sectoral development objectives.
The oversight exercised by the statecustomer and the Kaliningrad oblast government will ensure timely andcomplete implementation of program activities and projects, as well aseffective and targeted use of financial resources.
Whenever necessary, the Ministry of EconomicDevelopment and Trade, the Ministry of Finance, concerned bodies of state powerof the Russian Federation and the oblast may assess the Program’s progress. Proposals related tothe implementation of the Program may be sent to the federal government basedon such assessments.
7. Assessment of theProgram’sEffectiveness,
Socialand Economic and Environmental Results
7.1. Expectations inSocial and Economic Spheres
The program period will see theestablishment of a foundation for implementing the oblast’s development strategies, whichwill enable the oblast to attain a level of social and economic developmentcomparable to that of neighboring states.
The results of the Program willinclude:
- creation in the Free (Special) Economic Zone of a favorableinvestment and entrepreneurship climate will help attract investment, developexport-oriented and import-substituting industries, boost competitiveness oflocally manufactured products;
- creation of state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure(underwater optical fiber telecom line Kaliningrad – St. Petersburg, development of anarea digital network based on optical fiber circuits, modernization of thetelephone system through introduction of digital technologies) will provide theoblast with reliable and quality communications;
- stable energy supply in the region. Construction of the TEC-2 willhelp prevent potential losses amounting to US $135 M suffered by Kaliningradoblast consumers from changes in the tariffs when Lithuania separates itselffrom the RAO UES Rossii grid. The renovation of existing gas lines, theconstruction of the second gas pipeline will help supply the region withelectricity and heat, liquidate the region’s dependence on electricitysupplies, replace worn and obsolete equipment with environmentally safetechnologies, export electricity from Kaliningrad oblast;
- improved performance of amber businesses will offset the damagecaused by contraband export of raw material valued at millions of USdollars;
- substantial improvement of the environment in the oblast and theadjacent waters of the Baltic sea will help implement Russia’s internationalcommitments.
The oblast’s dynamic economy will ensure inthe future substantial growth of the population’s living standards,including:
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