Книги по разным темам Pages:     | 1 | 2 | 3 |
  1. Anttiroiko A.-V., Malkia M. Encyclopedia of Digital Government (3 Volumes). Hershey, PA: IGI, 2007.
  2. Baskerville R., Wood-Harper A.T. A critical per­spective on action research as a method for information systems research // Journal of Information Technology, 1996, № 11. РР. 235–246.
  3. Checkland P. From framework through experience to learning: the essential nature of action research. / In: Nissen H.-E., Klein H.K., Hirschheim R. (eds.). Information Systems Research: Contemporary Approaches and Emergent Traditions. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1991.
  4. Clark P.A. Action Research and Organizational Change. London: Harper and Row, 1972.
  5. Cook M.E., LaVigne M.F., Pagano C.M., Dawes S.S., Pardo T.A. Making a case for local e-government. Albany, New York: Center for Technology in Government, 2002.
  6. Friedman V.J. Action science: Creating communities of inquiry in communities of practice. / In: Handbook of action research: Participative inquiry and practice. London: Sage, 2001. РР. 159–170.
  7. Gil-Garcia J.R., Luna-Reyes L.F. Integrating conceptual approaches to e-government / In: M. Khosrow-Pour (eds.). Encyclopedia of e-commerce, e-government and mobile commerce. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc., 2006.
  8. Gil-Garcia J.R., Luna-Reyes L.F. Towards a definition of electronic government: A comparative review. / In: A. Mendez-Vilas, J.A. Mesa Gonzalez, J. Mesa Gonzalez, V. Guerrero Bote & F. Zapico Alonso (eds.). Techno-legal aspects of the information society and new economy: An overview. Badajoz, Spain: Formatex, 2003.
  9. Grцnlund Е., Anderson A. e-Gov Research Quality Improvements Since 2003: More Rigor, but Research (Perhaps) Redefined in EGOV 2006. Krakow, Poland, 2006.
  10. Hiller J.S., Bйlanger F. Privacy strategies for electronic government. / In: Abramson M.A., Means G.E. (eds.). E-government 2001. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001. РР. 162-198.
  11. Holmes D. E.Gov. E-business strategies for government. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001.
  12. Kuhn T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1962.
  13. Layne K., Lee J. Developing fully functional e-government: A four stage model // Government Information Quarterly, 2001, vol. 18, № 2. РР. 122-136.
  14. Martinez-Moyano I.J., Gil-Garcнa, J. R. Rules, norms, and individual preferences for action: An institutional framework to understand the dynamics of e-government evolution. / Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Electronic Government (2003, August 30 - September 3). Zaragoza, Spain, 2003.
  15. Mitroff I.I., Linstone H.A. The unbounded mind: Breaking the chains of traditional business thinking. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993.
  16. Reddick C.G. A two-stage model of e-government growth: Theories and empirical evidence for U.S. Cities // Government Information Quarterly, 2004, № 21. РР. 51-64.
  17. Sannarnes M., Henriksen H., Andersen K. The E-Government Melting Pot: Lacking New Public Management and Innovation Flavor / In: Wimmer M.A., Scholl H.J., Grцnlund Е., Andersen K.V. (eds.). EGOV 2006. LNCS, vol. 4084. Heidelberg: Springer, 2006.
  18. Scholl H. Is E-Government Research a Flash in the Pan or Here for the Long Shot. / In: Wimmer M.A., Scholl H.J., Grцnlund Е., Andersen K.V. (eds.). EGOV 2006. LNCS, vol. 4084. Heidelberg: Springer, 2006.
  19. Silverman D. Qualitative Research: Meanings or Practices // Information Systems Journal, 1998, № 8. РР. 3-20.

Бондаренко Сергей Васильевич - доктор социологических наук, директор Центра прикладных исследований интеллектуальной собственности

Bondarenko Serguei Vasilievich es Doctor en Ciencias Socilуgicas, Director del Centro de Investigaciones Aplicadas de la Propiedad Intellectual.

Выходные данные публикации в печатном виде: Бондаренко С.В. Особенности формирования научного дискурса изучения лэлектронного правительства / Многоликий дискурс: монография / под общей редакцией В.Е. Хвощева и М.А. Малышева. Россия–Мексика. – Челябинск: Издательский центр ЮУрГУ, Изд-во НО - КПОН, 2012. С. 315-327; Bondarenko S.V. La peculliaridad de la formaciуn del discurso cientifico para el estudio Уgobiero electrуnicoФ / Discurso Polifacиtico: мonografia / coordinadores: Vladimir E. Jvoschev y Mijail A. Malishev. Rusia–Mиxico. – Toluca, Editorial de la Universidad Autnoma del Estado de Mиxico.– 2012. PP. 315-327.

1 Friedman V.J. Action science: Creating communities of inquiry in communities of practice. / In: Handbook of action research: Participative inquiry and practice. London: Sage, 2001. РР. 159–170. Р. 161.

2 Mitroff I.I., Linstone H.A. The unbounded mind: Breaking the chains of traditional business thinking. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993.

3 Grцnlund Е., Anderson A. e-Gov Research Quality Improvements Since 2003: More Rigor, but Research (Perhaps) Redefined in EGOV 2006. Krakow, Poland, 2006; Sannarnes M., Henriksen H., Andersen K. The E-Government Melting Pot: Lacking New Public Management and Innovation Flavor / In: Wimmer M.A., Scholl H.J., Grцnlund Е., Andersen K.V. (eds.). EGOV 2006. LNCS, vol. 4084. Heidelberg: Springer, 2006; Scholl H. Is E-Government Research a Flash in the Pan or Here for the Long Shot. / In: Wimmer M.A., Scholl H.J., Grцnlund Е., Andersen K.V. (eds.). EGOV 2006. LNCS, vol. 4084. Heidelberg: Springer, 2006.

4 Gil-Garcia J.R., Luna-Reyes L.F. Towards a definition of electronic government: A comparative review. / In: A. Mendez-Vilas, J.A. Mesa Gonzalez, J. Mesa Gonzalez, V. Guerrero Bote & F. Zapico Alonso (eds.). Techno-legal aspects of the information society and new economy: An overview. Badajoz, Spain: Formatex, 2003; Gil-Garcia J.R., Luna-Reyes L.F. Integrating conceptual approaches to e-government / In: M. Khosrow-Pour (eds.). Encyclopedia of e-commerce, e-government and mobile commerce. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc., 2006.

5 Cook M.E., LaVigne M.F., Pagano C.M., Dawes S.S., Pardo T.A. Making a case for local e-government. Albany, New York: Center for Technology in Government, 2002.

6 Hiller J.S., Bйlanger F. Privacy strategies for electronic government. / In: Abramson M.A., Means G.E. (eds.). E-government 2001. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001. РР. 162-198; Holmes D. E.Gov. E-business strategies for government. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001.

7 Layne K., Lee J. Developing fully functional e-government: A four stage model // Government Information Quarterly, 2001, vol. 18, № 2. РР. 122-136; Martinez-Moyano I.J., Gil-Garcнa, J. R. Rules, norms, and individual preferences for action: An institutional framework to understand the dynamics of e-government evolution. / Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Electronic Government (2003, August 30 - September 3). Zaragoza, Spain, 2003; Reddick C.G. A two-stage model of e-government growth: Theories and empirical evidence for U.S. Cities // Government Information Quarterly, 2004, № 21. РР. 51-64.

8 Заметим, что лэлектронная демократия никакого отношения к лэлектронному правительству не имеет, хотя и за рубежом и в России нередко смешивают эти понятия.

9 Silverman D. Qualitative Research: Meanings or Practices // Information Systems Journal, 1998, № 8. РР. 3-20.

10 Clark P.A. Action Research and Organizational Change. London: Harper and Row, 1972.

11 См. к примеру: Anttiroiko A.-V., Malkia M. Encyclopedia of Digital Government (3 Volumes). Hershey, PA: IGI, 2007.

12 Kuhn T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1962.

13 Checkland P. From framework through experience to learning: the essential nature of action research. / In: Nissen H.-E., Klein H.K., Hirschheim R. (eds.). Information Systems Research: Contemporary Approaches and Emergent Traditions. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1991.

14 Baskerville R., Wood-Harper A.T. A critical per­spective on action research as a method for information systems research // Journal of Information Technology, 1996, № 11. РР. 235–246.

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