Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Grandpa called Grandma

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Репка (The turnip)
Grandfather and Grandmother
Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter and the Dog
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog, the Cat and the Mouse
Big PigPigLittle Pig
Little Pig
Big Pig:- Where is our House?Pig
Little Pig
Wolf:- My name is Wolf.Teacher
Wolf:- Pig, Pig, let me in.Little Pig and Pig
Wolf:- Big Pig, Big Pig! Let me in!The Pigs
First Jester
Father Pig
First Pig
Three Pigs
First Jester.
First Pig
Second Pig.
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Репка (The turnip)


The Turnip
The Dog
The Cat
The Mouse

(Grandfather sees a big turnip.)

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!

Grandmother: All right, Grandfather. I'm coming.

^ Grandfather and Grandmother (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!

Grandmother: Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!

Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.

^ Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!

Granddaughter: Dog, Dog, help us, please!

The Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.

^ Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter and the Dog (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!

The Dog:  Cat, Cat, help us, please!

The Cat: All right, Dog. I'm coming.

^ Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!

The Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!

The Mouse: All right. Cat. I'm coming.

^ Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog, the Cat and the Mouse (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (Fall down.)

The Turnip (standing up): Here I am!

All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!

The three little pigs 1 (начальная школа)

^ Big Pig
Little Pig

Scene 1
Teacher:- Once upon a time there lived three pigs.
Big Pig:- My name is Big Pig. Good morning, children.
(дети отвечают)
Pig:- My name is Pig. Good morning, children.
(дети отвечают)
^ Little Pig:- My name is Little Pig. Good morning, children.
(дети отвечают)
Поросята, обращаясь друг к другу:
Big Pig:- Let us go for a walk.
Pig:- Let us go for a walk.
Little Pig:- Let us go for a walk! Let us go for a walk!
Поросята, взявшись за руки, танцуют и поют):
We are happy little pigs
Little pigs, little pigs. (повтор 2 раза)
Scene 2
^ Big Pig:- Where is our House?
Pig:- Where is our house?
Little Pig:- Where is our house?
Big Pig:- Let us build a little house.
Pig:- Let us build a little house!
Little pig:- Let us build a little house! I shall build a little house of hay!
Pig:- I shall build a little house of sticks!
Big Pig:- I shall build a little house of sticks!
поросята, изображая, как они строят домики, выставляют на стулья уже нарисованные дома. Затем каждый поясняет:
^ Little Pig:- I have a little house of hay,
House of hay, house of hay.
Pig:- I have a little house of sticks,
House of tricks, house of sticks.
Big Pig:- I have a little house of bricks,
House of bricks, house of bricks.
Scene 3
Появляется Волк,
^ Wolf:- My name is Wolf.
Teacher:- Go away, go away, Big Bad Wolf!
Wolf:- Hush, everybody! I see nice little pigs! They are very tasty!
Подходит к дому маленького поросенка:
Wolf:- Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in.
Little Pig:- No, no, go away, go away, Big Bad Wolf!
Wolf:- I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.
Волк дует, домик «падает». Поросенок убегает в домик среднего брата.
Волк подбегает к домику среднего поросенка.
^ Wolf:- Pig, Pig, let me in.
Little Pig and Pig:- No, no, go away, go away, Big Bad Wolf!
Wolf:- I shall puff and puff and blow your house down!
Волк дует, домик «падает», поросята убегают в домик старшего брата. Волк подходит к домику.
^ Wolf:- Big Pig, Big Pig! Let me in!
The Pigs:- No, no, go away, go away, Big Bad Wolf!
Wolf:- I shall puff and puff and blow your house down!
Волк дует, но домик не падает. Большой поросенок « ударяет» волка, тот убегает. Поросята выбегают из дома, берутся за руки, кружатся.
Pigs:- We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf!, Big Bad Wolf!
We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf!

The three little pigs 2
First Jester
Second Jester
Mother Pig
Father Pig
First Pig
Second Pig
Third Pig
First Man
Second Man
Third Man

Scene I
На сцену перед закрытым занавесом выходят два шута.
^ First Jester. Once upon a time there lived in the forest a family of pigs: Mother Pig, Father Pig and three little pigs.
Second Jester. The three little pigs grew very large, but they didn’t not help their parents about the houses.
Занавес открывается. Звучит музыка. Лесная поляна. На поляне уютный домик, в котором живут мама, папа и трое поросят. Мама стирает белье, папа красит забор, а поросята кувыркаются, шумят, проказничают. Мама и папа устали, садятся на скамейку.
^ Father Pig. Children, children1 Come here1
Поросята подбегают к родителям.
Mother Pig. You have grown too large to live in the small house.
Father Pig. You must go and find some land to build a house for yourselves.
Mother Pig. However, you must always be careful of the wicked Wolf.
^ First Pig. OK1
Second Pig. Don’t worry1
Third Pig. We’ll be very careful to stay away from wicked Wolf.
Three Pigs (вместе). Good-bye, dear Mum and Dad1
Mother Pig and Father Pig (вместе). Bye, dear children!
First Jester. The three little pigs walked and walked.
Second Jester. They sang their favourite song.
Звучит музыка. Поросята идут, пританцовывая, по лесной дорожке и поют веселую песню “Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?”

^ Three Pigs (поют). Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Tra la la la la.
Long ago there were three pigs,
Little handsome piggy-wigs.
For the big, bad, very bad, very big Wolf,
they didn’t give three pigs.
Number One was very gay,
and he built his house with hay.
With a hay, hay a toot, he blow on his flute,
and he played around all day.
Number Two was fond of jigs,
and so he built his house with twigs,
Hay diddle, diddle, he played on his fiddle
and danced with lady pigs.
Number Three said:” Nix on tricks,
I will build my house with bricks.”
He had no chance to sing and dance,
because work and play don’t mix!
Who’s afraid of the big bad Wolf,
big bad Wolf, big bad Wolf?
Who’s afraid of the big bad Wolf?
Tra la la la la /
Scene II
На сцене 1й и 2й шуты.
По лесной дорожке идут трое поросят. Навстречу поросятам выходит первый человек, который несет охапку соломы.
^ First Jester. Suddenly they saw a man who was carrying some straw.
First Pig. Good morning! Would you have any straw to spare as I would like to build a house for myself.
First Man. Yes, of course! I’ll give you enough straw to build a sweet little house. (уходит)
Первый поросенок начинает строить себе домик из соломы.
^ First Pig. Now the Wolf will not catch me for his breakfast!
Второй и третий поросенок идут по дорожке, напевая песенку. Навстречу им выходит второй человек, который несет вязанку палок и веток.
^ Second Pig. Hello! Please, would you give me some sticks so that I could built a house for myself?
Second Man. Yes, of course! I’ll give you enough sticks to build a house. (уходит)
Второй поросенок начинает строить себе домик из палок.
^ Second Pig. Now the Wolf cannot catch me for his lunch!
Третий поросенок идет по дорожке. Ему навстречу идет третий человек, который тащит мешок кирпичей.
Third Pig. Good day! Please, would you give me some bricks to build the house?
^ Third Man. Yes, of course! I’ll give you enough bricks to build a strong house.
Third Pig. Thank you very much! Now the Wolf will not catch and eat me.
Scene III
На сцене три домика – из соломы, из веток, из кирпичей
Выходят шуты.
^ Second Jester. One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little house from straw. He came and begin to knock.
Появляется волк и стучит в дверь домика из соломы.
Wolf. Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in!
First Pig. No, no! You are not coming here, not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin. I cannot let you come in!
^ Wolf. Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down! And that’ll be the end of you! (дует на домик)
First and Second Jesters (вместе) And he huffs, and he puffs, and he huffs, and he puffs!
First Jester. The house from straw falls down and Little Pig runs away.
Домик падает, Первый поросенок выбегает из него и прячется во втором домике. Волк подбегает ко второму домику и стучится в дверь.
^ Wolf. Little Pigs, Little Pigs! Let me come in!
First and second Pigs (вместе). No, no! You are not coming here, not by the hair on our chinny-chin-chin. We cannot let you come in!
Wolf. Then I’ll huff, I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down! And that’ll be the end of you.
(дует на домик)
First and second Jesters (вместе). And he huffs, and he puffs, and he huffs, and he puffs!
^ Second Jester. The second house falls downand Pigs run away.
Домик из веток падает. Два поросенка выбегают из него и прячутся в домике из кирпича. Волк бежит к третьему домику, где спрятались поросята.
^ Wolf. Little Pigs, Little Pigs! Let me come in!
Pigs (вместе). No, no! you are not coming here, not by the hair on our chinny-chin-chin. We cannot let you come in!
Wolf. So I’ll huff, I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down! And that’ll be the end of you.
(дует на домик)
Jesters (вместе). And he huffs, and he puffs, and he huffs, and he puffs.
^ First Jester. The Wolf huffs and puffs again and again, but only the doors and windows rattle. He is very tired and goes away.
Волк уходит. Поросята выбегают из домика и поют свою веселую песенку.
Three Pigs (поют). Who’s afraid of the big bad Wolf,
big bad Wolf, big bad Wolf?..

Puff-ball and his friends
^ Puff-ball
Bully, the frog
Howli-Growly, the wolf
Mufty-tufty Mouse
Jack, the hare
Grizzly bear
На сцене декорации: несколько деревьев, вдали стоит домик.
Teacher. Puff-Ball has no father, no mother and no friends. One day he goes to find some friends.
Puff-Ball. How is it pity, that I have no friends. Oh, Somebody is going! Good morning! And who are you?
^ Mufty-tufly Mouse. I am Mufty-tufty Mouse. I am alone.
Puff-Ball. Then come with me. Now, we are two.
Teacher. They walk on and on and at last meet a frog.
Frog. Good day! You are two and I am alone. Please, take me with you!
Puff-Ball. And who are you?
Frog. I’m Bully, the frog.
Puff-Ball. Then come with us!
Teacher. Then they meet a hare.
Hare. Good day! You are three and I’m alone. Please, take me with you!
Puff-Ball. Good day! And who are you?
Hare. I am Jack, the hare.
Puff-Ball. Then come with us.
Teacher. At last they meet a wolf.
Wolf. Good day!
Puff-Ball. Good day! And who are you? And where are you going?
Wolf. I’m Howli-Growly, the wolf. I am looking for friends. I see you are four and I am alone. Please take me with you!
Puff-Ball. Then come with us.
Teacher. Puff-Ball and his friends walk on and on. At last they meet a bear.
Puff-Ball. And who are you? Where do you go?
Bear. I am Grizzly Bear. I am looking for friends.
Puff-Ball. Come with us! We’ll be you friends.
Teacher. So they walk on and on. Then they come to a house in the forest. The house is empty.
Puff-Ball. Look! What a nice house! We can live here.
Bear. The house is big.
^ Frog. It is near a lake
All together. Yes, we should live here!!!

The Bremen town musicians

Teacher. Once upon a time a man had a Donkey. The Donkey had served him well for many years, but now it was very old. The man began to think how he could get rid of the Donkey.
Donkey (трагично).I am very old. My master wants to get rid of me. What shall I do? Probably, I can run away. Oh, yes. I’ll go to the town and try to become a town musician there! Of course, I’ll do this! (идет по дороге) The road is so long. Somebody is there by the side of the road. ( обращает внимание на лежащую собаку) Good day, my dear Dog! Why are you gasping?
Dog. Good day! Glad to see you. Ah, every day now I grow older.I cannot hunt with my master. So he wants to get rid of me. I ran away and now I don’t know now to earn my bread.
^ Donkey. Well. I am going to the town of Bremen. I shall be town musician and play the lute! Let’s go with me. You’ll beat the drums.
Dog. Oh, That’s a good idea! A fine idea! Let’s go, I want to be a good musicians! Don’t you see anybody in the middle of road?
Donkey. I see a cat with a terribly sad face! (обращаясь к коту) Dear cat! What has happened to you, old thing, to make you look so sad!
Cat. I don’t know, how to tell you! My mistr5ess is angry that I don’t want to catch mice anymore. She says she will drown me. (вздыхая) So I ran away. But I don’t know what to do?
^ Dog. Come to Bremen with us. You are good at night music, so you can be a town musician, too.
Cat. Oh, thank you! You are very kind! It is so good to have such friends like you. Let’s go.
Teacher. They walked on and on. The three future musicians soon came up to a farm. They saw a Cock, sitting upon the gate. The Cock was crowing with all his might.
^ Donkey. Good day, dear!
Cock. Good day!
Donkey. What’s the matter with you, Friend Cock? Why do you crow so loud?
Cock. Dear friends! I am very sad. My mistress has invited many people for dinner on Sunday. She has told the cook to make me into soup. So I crow as loud as I can now. Because after Sunday I will not crow any more.
^ Cat. Come along with us, Friend Cock.
Cock. Where are you going?
Cat. We are going to Bremen.
Donkey. Your fine voice is just what we need. We are going to be the town musicians.
Cock. I am very pleased with the idea. Let’s go!
Teacher. They stopped for the night in the forest! The Donkey and the Dog lay down under the tree. The Cat climbed into the branches. The Cock flew right up to the top of the tree.
^ Cock. Dear friends! I see a light in the distance. And there is a house not far from here.
Donkey. Let’s go there. It is very cold, out here in the forest. All together. Let’s go.
Teacher.They came to a well-lighted cottage. There was a lot of singing and laughing inside. The Donkey went up to the window and peeped in.
Cock. What do you see, Gray-sides?
Donkey. I see a table laid with meat and drinks. Around it the robbers are sitting and having a good time.
^ Cock. That is just what we need.
Donkey. Oh! Yes, I do wish we could be there.
Teacher. Then the musicians thought of a plan to frighten the robbers. The Donkey brayed, the Dog barked, the Cat mewed and the Cock crowed.
(артисты изображают звуки. Испуганные разбойники выбегают из домика и убегают прочь)
^ Donkey. The robbers will never come here again. I like this house

All together. We, too. Four friends are still there and are as happy as they can be!

a storyteller
Donkey Eeyore

Storyteller. I am sure you know the story about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends. Now you will see a play about them. One day Donkey Eeyore invited Winnie-teh-Pooh and Piglet on his birthday.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Piglet! Look what a good present I have!
^ Piglet. Hello, Winnie! What is it?
Winnie-the-Pooh. It is a pot of honey. Donkey Eeyore will be happy. And what have you prepared for him?
Piglet. I have prepared this beautiful balloon. You see, it wants to fly to the sky. Don’t let it do this. My present is so beautiful! I hopr Donkey Eeyore will like it.
Storyteller. So they started walking, but five minutes later Winnie-the-Pooh felt that he was hungry.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hey, Piglet! May I eat some honey from the pot?
^ Piglet. I don’t know, Winnie.
Winnie-the-Pooh. I think half a pot of honey will be enough for Donkey Eeyore. (съедает половину горшка меда).
Storyteller. Winnie-the-Pooh ate the half of honey and they went to Donkey. Winnie felt hungry again. He ate all the honey up.
Winnie-the-Pooh. It is not necessary to give Donkey Eeyore honey. He doesn’t like honey very much as I do (съедает весь мед). He will be happy when I give him just a pot.
^ Piglet. An empty pot?
Winnie-the-Pooh. Although it is empty now it is very useful. You can put everything you want into this pot. For example, your balloon. Oh, no, your balloon is too big (пытается положить шарик в горшок). It can’t go into my pot!
Storyteller. They went further but suddenly a piglet stumbled on a hummock and fell down. Bang!!! What loud noise you could hear!
^ Piglet. Winnie! Winnie! My balloon! You see, it is not a beautiful balloon now, it is just a piece of red rubber (плачет)!
Winnie-the-Pooh. Don’t worry, my friend. It is much better than before. You can see now your balloon can go into my pot and go out of my pot. Into and out, into and out. Can you see? (опускает и достает шарик из горшка)
Storyteller. The piglet stopped crying and they went to Donkey Eeyore. Suddenly they saw a tail with a bow. It was very strange that the tail was hanging on the bush. But Winnie and Piglet didn’t understand that it was a tail.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Piglet! Piglet! What is it?
Piglet. I don’t know, Winnie. I have seen it somewhere but I don’t remember where I have seen it.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Let’s take it, Piglet.
Piglet. OK, maybe it will be useful for somebody.
Storyteller. They took the tail and soon they saw the Owl who was also going to Donkey Eeyore.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Owl! Are you going to Donkey’s party?
Owl. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! I want to go to my friend but I don’t know what to give Donkey Eeyore as a present. What is it? I have seen this tail somewhere.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Tail? Have you said “tail”? We thought it was a rope with a bow.
^ Piglet. We didn’t thought it was tail.
Owl. I don’t know whose tail it is but I think that Donkey will be happy when I give it to him. It can be rather useful. Can you give the tail to me, Winnie? I haven’t got a present, and you have as I see it. (берет хвост)
^ Winnie. Of course, you may take this tail as a present to Donkey Eeyore.
Storyteller. They went further and soon came up to Donkey Eeyore. Their friend was standing near the house. He looked very sad.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Donkey Eeyore! Happy birthday to you! Why are you so sad? What’s the matter?
^ Donkey. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! Hello, Owl! I am very happy to see you, but I have lost my tail, that’s why I am so sad.
Owl. May I give you a present? Please, look at this. Is it your tail?
Donkey. Yes, it is! Thank you very much, dear friends! Where have you found it?
Piglet. We saw it hanging on a bush. At first we didn’t understand that it was a tail.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Then Owl told us it was a tail and we decided to give it to you. But we have got other presents for you. (дарит горшок.) Do you like it?
Piglet. Sorry, Eeyore, I wanted to give you a beautiful balloon, but you see it is only a piece of red rubber. It was not a nice balloon now. (дарит шарик.)
^ Donkey. Thank you very much, dear Winnie and Piglet! I like your presents very much. I love you< my dear friends!
Winnie-the-Pooh. Happy birthday!
Piglet. Happy birthday!
Owl. Happy birthday to you!


a storyteller
a rabbit
a hedgehog
a ram
a pig

Storyteller. One day the rabbit saw that the hedgehog was burying something.
^ Rabbit. Hello, Hedgehog! What are you doing?
Hedgehog. I can’t tell you. It’s a secret.
Rabbit. Tell me your secret, please! I am sure it’s very interesting. I also want to bury something.
Hedgehog. OK, I will tell you and wii do it together but nobody must know about it.
^ Rabbit. Of course, I will keep silence.
Hedgehog. Well, at first you must dig a hole, then put a piece of glass on the soil and fill up the hole.
Rabbit. Is that all? And why do you put a piece of glass in the hole?
Hedgehog. You may put there a button, a nut or other interesting things.
^ Rabbit. OK, but what is it for?
Hedgehog. It is a pleasant feeling of secret. Nobody must know. Remember it! Now we are the members of a secret brotherhood.
Storyteller. But suddenly Rabbit and Hedgehog heard a strange noise in the bush which was growing near them.
Hedgehog. What is it?
Storyteller. They looked into the bush and saw Ram.
^ Rabbit. He has heard everything! Now we must accept him into our secret brotherhood.
Hedgehog. Well, let’s accept him if he promises that he won’t tell anybody about our secret.
Storyteller. So they accepted Ram in their secret brotherhood and they started to bury small secrets together.
^ Ram. Is it so interesting to do it?
Hedgehog. Yes, of course. If you join us you will fell it yourself.
Ram. They don’t tell me about the aim of doing it. It means they don’t trust me.
Storyteller. So Ram decided to work hard. He wanted Hedgehog and Rabbit to trust him.One evening he went to do it alone. The weather was rainy Suddenly Pig noticed him.
Pig. Hello, Ram! What are you doing here?
Ram. Hello, Pig! I can’t tell you. It is a secret.
Pig. Oh, then I won’t show you anything.
Storyteller. Pig went away. The next day Ram felt ill. He was lying on the bed and Pig was giving him medicine when Hedgehog and Rabbit visited him.
Rabbit. Hello, Ram! Hello, Pig! What’s the matter? When did you fall in?
Ram. I was burying secrets the whole evening yesterday. I have had 200 secrets. But I still don’t understand why you did it.
Rabbit. Don’t you understand? But it is simply the pleasant feeling of secret.
Ram. Is it so? But now I don’t remember where my 200 secrets are!.
