Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2010 году
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- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2011 году, 3668.94kb.
- Периодические издания, поступившие в Центр правовой информации в 2009 – 2010, 4490.48kb.
- Информационно-библиографический отдел Золотое кольцо России, 148.24kb.
- Банк данных законодательства Республики Беларусь в сфере внешнеэкономической деятельности, 21.77kb.
- Псковская областная, 233.63kb.
- Гук псковская областная, 423.73kb.
- Формы организации доступа к правовой информации в Центре правовой информации Российской, 103.03kb.
- Сводный бюллетень, 1123.5kb.
- Мухаметзянов Фарит Фаикович Адрес: г. Наб. Челны, ул. Низаметдинова, д. 18 Тел./факс:, 95.58kb.
- Информационно-библиографические издания, 485.77kb.
International Review of Law and Economics – V.30 – Issue 1 – March 2010
Liability rules under evidentiary uncertainty
Claude Fluent ________________________________________________________________ 1
Tax fraud by firms and optimal auditing
Nigar Hashimzade, Zhanyi Huang and Gareth D. Myles ______________________________ 10
Trial and settlement negotiations between asymmetrically skilled parties
Bertrand Chopard, Thomas Cortade and Eric Langlais _______________________________ 18
How institutions and regulation shape the influence of bank concentration on economic growth: International evidence
Ana I. Fernandez, Francisco Gonzales and Nuria Suarez _____________________________ 28
Determinants of the decision to appeal against motor bodily injury judgements made by Spanish trial courts
Miguel Santolino _____________________________________________________________ 37
Homicide trials in Classical Athens
Bryan C. McCannon __________________________________________________________ 46
Crime and labor market policy in Europe
Carsten Ochsen ______________________________________________________________ 52
Privatization, free riding, and industry-expanding lobbying
Alexander Volokh ____________________________________________________________ 62
An economic analysis of dismissal legislation: Determinants of severance pay in West Germany
Laszlo Goerke and Markus Pannenberg ___________________________________________ 71
Optimal discretion in asylum lawmaking
Jenny Monheim-Helstroffer and Marie Obidzinski __________________________________ 86
International Review of Law and Economics – V.30 – Issue 2 – June 2010
Repeated adjustment of delegated powers and the history of eminent domain, Robert K. Fleck and F. Andrew Hanssen _______________________________________________________ 99
Does the type of criminal defense counsel affect case outcomes? A natural experiment in Taiwan, Kuo-Chang Huang, Kong-Pin Chen and Chang-Ching Lin ____________________ 113
Listing standards as a signal of IPO preparedness and quality, Sofia A. Johan ____________ 128
Indefinite contract duration: Evidence from electronics subcontracting, Susana Lopez-Bayon and Manuel Gonzalez-Diaz _______________________________________________________ 145
Gratuitous violence and the rational offender model, James Foreman-Reck and
Simon C. Moore ____________________________________________________________ 160
Repeat offenders: If they learn, we punish them more severely, Murat C. Mungan ________ 173
Entry and competition in the Dutch notary profession, Joelle Noailly and Richard Nahuis __ 178
Is the event study methodology useful for merger analysis? A comparison of stock market and accounting data, Tomaso Duso, Klaus Gugler and Burcin Yurtoglu ____________________ 186
Corporate governance in the UK: Is the comply or explain approach working? Sridhar Arcot, Valentina Bruno and Antione Faure-Grimaud _____________________________________ 193
Journal of Quantitative Criminology – Volume 26, Number 1 – March 2010
Special Issue: Empirical Evidence on the Relevance of Place in Criminology
Guest Editors: Anthony A. Braga and David L. Weisburd
Editors’ Introduction: Empirical Evidence on the Relevance of Place in Criminology
Anthony A. Braga and David L. Weisburg _________________________________________ 1
Is it Important to Examine Crime Trends at a Local “Micro” Level?: A Longitudinal Analysis of Street Variability in Crime Trajectories
Elizabeth R. Groff, David WEisburd, and Sue-Ming Yang _____________________________ 7
The Concentration and Stability of Gun Violence at Micro Places in Boston, 1980-2008
Anthony A. Braga, Andrew V. Papachristos, and David M. Hureau _____________________ 33
Activity Fields and the Dynamics of Crime
Per-Olof H. Wikström, Vania Ceccato, Beth Hardie, and Kyle Treiber __________________ 55
Permeability and Burglary Risk: Are Cul-de-Sacs Safer?
Shane D. Johnson and Kate J. Bowers ____________________________________________ 89
Modeling Micro-Level Crime Location Choice: Application of the Discrete Choice Framework to Crime at Places
Wim Bernasco ______________________________________________________________ 113
Assessing the Spatial-Temporal Relationship Between Disorder and Violence
Sue-Ming Yang _____________________________________________________________ 139
Journal of Quantitative Criminology – Volume 26, Number 2 – June 2010
Project Safe Neighborhoods and Violent Crime Trends in US Cities: Assessing Violent Crime Impact
E.F. McGarrell, N. Corsaro, N.K. Hipple, T.S. Bynum ______________________________ 165
A Multilevel Test of Minority Threat Effects on Sentencing
X. Wang, D.P. Mears ________________________________________________________ 191
Statistical Inference After Model Selection
R. Berk, L. Brown, L. Zhao ___________________________________________________ 217
The Effects of Multiple Dimensions of Residential Segregation on Black and Hispanic Homicide Victimization
M. Xie ____________________________________________________________________ 237
The Impact of Imprisonment on Marriage and Divorce: A Risk Set Matching Approach
R.Apel, A.A.J. Blokland, P. Nieuwbeerta, M. van Schellen __________________________ 269

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Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Volume 26-Number 3-September 2010
G.M. Zimmerman “Impulsivity, Offending, and the Neighborhood: Investigation
the Person-Context Nexus”_____________________________________________________301
M.J. Hickman, S.K. Rice “Digital Analysis of Crime Statistics: Does Crime
Conform to Benford’s Law?”___________________________________________________333
L.N. Boggess, J.R. Hipp “Violent Crime, Residential Instability and Mobility:
Does the Relationship Differ in Minority Neghborhoods?”_____________________________________________________________351
M. Van de Rakt, S. Ruiter, N.D. De Graaf, P. Nieuwbeerta “When does the Apple Fall from the Tree? Static Verus Dynamic Theories Predicting Intergenerational Transmissions of Convictions”________________________________________________________________371
W. Rhodes: “Estimating Treatment Effects and Predicting Recidivism for Community Supervision Using Survival Analysis with Instrumental Variables”___________________________________________________________________391