Dear participants of the conference!
Вид материала | Документы |
- The lives of john lennon, 8033.36kb.
- C is for the candy trimmed around the Christmas tree, 121.06kb.
- Conference program summary, 213.77kb.
- Петербург Saint Petersburg 2011 регистрация участников participants’ registration, 294.92kb.
- Critical issues forum spring 2006 conference, 502.45kb.
- Клініка соцреалізму, 630.06kb.
- Ubject structure of inherited legal relationship, and also with other participants, 377.46kb.
- Программа третьей международной конференции «Деформация и разрушение материалов и наноматериалов», 1683.22kb.
- Статья, поступившая, 60.39kb.
- Программа конференции International Conference on Chemistry, 2728.25kb.
Dear participants of the conference!
Ladies and Gentlemen!

As the economists of leading scientific centers certify, the world economic system today attained such level of harmonization, which|what| creates possibility of joining|union,unification| of national economies of different|diverse| countries and it contributes to |assists the increase|rise| of efficiency of their functioning and strategy of development by direct influence on balance forming of intergovernmental powers and interests.
Owing|thankee| to its geographical position|disposition|, Ukraine for|for| ages|centuries| serves to be a natural bridge between Europe and Asia, North|midnight| and South, East and West. Today it|it| has thick network|net| of transport|transports| arteries with rather powerful infrastructure. In the present realities a substantial factor became|becomes| and that the Western borders of Ukraine (traditional borders with Hungary, Slovakia|, Poland and Romania) became the mutual|common| border|boundary| of EU| and Ukraine. With the entry of Ukraine into WTO|, the volume increase of international transit trough its territory can become|becomes| the important factor of stabilizing of its economy. The extension of EU border|boundary| functionally reconstructs operating transport|transports| corridors greatly. First of all it has to do with the mechanisms of organizing of cargo transportations. Today the Ukrainian railroaders and workers of terminal complexes trace the innovations in this sphere implemented by our foreign partners with a professional interest. They are directed on reducing of |abbreviation,shortening| terms of cargo moving|transition| and the increasing of their financial|economical| viability.
It influences positively not only the increase of volumes of internal|inlying| but also the external economic cargo|cargo| transportations, where the terminals on Western borders of Ukraine function and take the active part|what|.
From other side|on other hand| we understand that EU|, as our powerful trade partner and neighbour, is interested in good|kind| functioning Ukrainian transport|transport| network,|net| which|what| adjoins directly|immediately| to|by| its|its| borders. Thus it|it| must function so, that|if only| not only to manage|handles,copes| with the increasing volume of transportations but also at the same time to provide|secures| reliable|dependability| and high level of cargo transporting and its terminal handling, reducing|abbreviation,shortening| of their delivery terms with a simultaneous decrease|lowering| of prime price.
We realize the fact that today or the sure entrance in European transport|transport| system with its standards technical, organizational, ecological|ecofriendly| norms|standards| the transport|transport| complex of Ukraine needs constant and qualitative renovation. A number of serious measures have been already taken within the framework of realization of the first stage of Complex program of becoming Ukraine as the transit state, that is planned to 2012. At the same time, so as to providing the effective use, under the new requirements international transport corridors it is very important to attain maximum of coordinated actions|acts| of government services participating in the process|by| and supervisory bodies of our country as well as similar services of neighbouring countries.
Necessity of it is especially|in particular case| evident |immediately|on the border|boundary|, in the points|stations| of access gate|skipping||freights|, when just the same circumstances result in increasing of |to|transport|transport| constituent of the cost of cargoes|freights|. To solve the problem not only governmental instances but also public associations|unions,unifications| are engaged.
In particular|including|, it can be said about the European Association of Ukrainian Transport Companies established 3 years ago by a number of leading western Ukrainian |transport|transports| companies. The main strategic direction of association activity is the assistance of integration of the national transport|transport| system of Ukraine into international transport|transport| market, harmonization of national legislation with European, providing of free transit of cargoes|freights|, effective functioning of national network|net| of international transport|transports| corridors.
The objective analysis of the situation at the market of cargo|cargo| transportations certifies that in the conditions of increase of their streams from Europe into CIS countries |and Asia the role of 5th international transport|transport| corridor will grow|grows| in future, corridor which|what| in its turn flows in the network|net| of other transport|transports| corridors.
One of its most important|its| areas is|appears| Chop – Zahony |point|. Today a railway point in Chop accepts|takes| 6 pair|couples| of trains per day: on European gauge and handles over on CIS gauge.
General|common| volume of cargoes under transloading which|what| are transported through|from,because of| this point, in average makes 70 thousand tons per month,|moon| while the potential possibilities are 140 thousands of tons. If it concerns the potential possibilities of transportations of export - import and transit cargoes|freights| through the territory of Transcarpathian |from,because of|region|area,domain|, as original western gate of Ukraine, it can be handled at least 41 million tons per year, that in twice exceeds the today's volume of transportations.
As for potential possibilities of Chop| transport megapolis|transport|| on the joint of the European railway gauge (1435 mm)| with the gauge of|way,routine| 1520 mm|, it can be said that still a half ten years ago 1000-1500 wagons were served here every day. From the point of view that one of main directions of modern European transport|transport| policy|politics| is the|appears| transition to|by| transport|transport| logistics and transport-terminal system of cargo|cargo| transportations, European Association of Ukrainian Transport Companies worked out conception on establishing of International transport logistic centre on Ukrainian side of Chop-Zahony frontier point. The basic principals of the conception are intermodality, multifunctionality, use of modern technologies of organizing of international cargo |cargo| transportations on the base of effectively functioning transport|transport| infrastructure. As for directions West-East-West the project foresees the creation of|making| complex on handing and service of freight traffic in unique|single,sole,only,common| logistic center, including containers transportations for which|what| here are in a presence well equipped grounds on effectively working|workers| terminals. We are sure, that the establishing|making| of such a center will provide|secures| the proper level of complex of transport|transports| services, will create conditions for development of combined cargo|cargo| transportations, that might contribute at the same time to solving the ecological|ecofriendly| problem.
Taking into account long-term experience of western Ukrainian terminal| companies at the market of international cargo|cargo| transportations and considering strategic interests of countries which are served by the 5th international transport|transport| corridor, we suppose that the suggested logistic center must be the international one, i.e. Ukrainian-Hungarian-Slovakian-Russian|Russian|.
Coming with this suggestion|sentence|, we followed such arguments.
Firstly.|firstly,first of all,in the first insta A difference existing today in the standards of railway gauge, technologies and transport|transport| legislation is|appears| so substantial, that creation|making| of logistic center beyond the planned region will not allow solve the problems of moving of foreign trade cargoes. At the same time, joining of Ukraine to Convention of international railway transportations, where on the territories of the stations of Chop, Mukachevo, Batyevo, Chop-Dyakovo European transport|transport| right and transport|transport| right of CIS countries| operate|acts| simultaneously, gives the opportunity to supply logistic services more effectively to all the participants of the project simultaneously.
Secondly, for establishing of such a |makinstructure on the Ukrainian side|flank| of Chop-Zahony transport point|transport| in Ukraine has been already created certain|definite| normative base and complex Program of approving of Ukraine as the transit state is being realized.
Taking into account that the effective use and development of the 5th international transport|transport| corridor is important is very important in future for providing of Eurasian cargo transportations, we make another suggestion for the participants of the conference. We consider that at support of public authorities it would cost to establish Directory (Agency) of the 5th international transport|transport| corridor that would undertake the role of consolidates of business interests of all interested parties for extension of transport|transport| business, creation|making| of transportation - logistic services of such a level which|what| would compete on the world market. It seems that functioning of such an institution would speed up harmonization of standards, normative-legal acts of countries – participants would contribute to the improvement of material and technical base of this transport|transport| artery by means of cooperation with international financial donors, would stimulate mutual participation in development|elaboration| of transport|transports| projects and providing of their financing due to the programs of technical help. Coordinated position of such organization would be necessary for the countries, which use the 5th international transport|transport| corridor, in working out|spare| and implementing the tariff-policy|politics| as well as creation|making| in future of the through tariff system within all the corridor.
That could contribute also to the elaborating and implementing of insurance system of commercial cargoes, agreed by all the countries – participants. That also can be said about the creation of regional branches of well-known surveyor| companies, development of the logistic systems and some other problems.
Thus of principle we consider the fact, that the offered institution|union,unification| must be public organization. Cofounders and members of it must be the representatives of transport|transports| organizations, associations of forwarders, customs|duty| brokers and others |what|. Of course, not excluding support at the level of governments may be on the basis of international agreements|contracts,pacts| on cooperation. It would differ from similar today existing organizations, first of all by means of an accent on technological interaction of participating services.
Today's character|nature| of cargo traffics trough the territory of Transcarpathia confirms that goods traffics develop most actively in the direction of 5th corridor and countries neighbouring to it|what|. Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Slovenia, Romania, Austria, Poland are the basic countries – cargo-senders in transits transportations through|from,because of| our region. Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Belorussia|Belarus|, Moldova, Germany are on the first place among the countries – cargo-receivers. Taking into about all the above mentioned, the members|limbs| of our association|what|, operating in directions of 5th international transport corridor initiate also establishing of creation|making| |boundary||of commodity exchange on the border|boundary| with EU| which|what| would become|becomes| the effective instrument|tool| of activation of barters operations between EU| and its neighbors.
To conclude I would like to express a confidence that interesting professional discussion of the problems, viewed today, will give a new impulse for approving new standards in partner relationships between the international forwarders in interests of every of|from| the countries – participants |all in all|.