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  1. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of the 79- th – 96 th Congress. Washington, GPO, 1945 – 1980.
  2. American Legal History. Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press. 1991.
  3. William Blackstone. Commentaries on the Law of England. William S. Hein and Co. 1992.P.69.
  4. Grand Gilmore. The Ages of American Law. Yale U. Press. 1977. P.62.
  5. Baily Kuklin & Jeffrey W. Stempel. Foundations of the Law: An Interdisciplinary and Jurisprudential Primer. West, 1994. P.147 - 158.
  6. Karl L. Llewellyn. The Common Law Tradition: Deciding Appeals. Little Brown. 1960.
  7. Laura Kalman. Legal Realism at Yale 1927 – 1960. U. North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 1986.
  8. Henry Albert Sacks. The Legal Process: basic Problems in the Making and Application of Law. 1994.
  9. Gary Minda. The Jurisprudential Movements of the 1980s. 1989.
  10. Stephen B. Presser, Jamil S. Zainaldin. Materials on Law and Jurisprudential. West, 1999;
  11. Бернхем В.. Вступ до права та правової системи США. Київ, 1999.
  12. Douglas L. Leslie. Labor Law in Nutshell. West, 1992.
  13. William B. Gould. Primer on American Labor Law. Cambridge, Mass. 1993.
  14. Robert N. Covington, Kurt H. Decker. Individual Employment Rights in a Nutshell. West. 1995.
  15. История рабочего движения в США в новейшее время.М.,1983.
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  22. Ершов С.А. Профсоюзы и бизнес: Интеграция или антагонизм интересов. М.,1978.
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  24. Рогова Г.В. США: Профсоюзы и политическая власть. М. 1983; США: государство и социальная политика. М., 1988.
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  26. Тихомиров Ю.А. Курс сравнительного правоведения. М., 1996. С. 30.
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  28. Афанасьев В.Г. Общество: системность, познание и управление. М., 1981. С. 128.
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  30. Американские просветители. Избр. произв. Т.2.М., 1969.
  31. Федералист. М., 1993.
  32. Історія держави і права зарубіжних країн. Хрестоматія. Київ, Вентурі, 1998.
  33. Рене Давид, Камилла Жоффре. Основные правовые системы современности. М., Межд. отношения. 1999.
  34. Henry Hard and Albert Sacks. The Legal Process: Basis Problems in the Making and Applications of Law. 1994.
  35. Юридичний словник. За ред. Б.М. Бабія та інш. Вид.2. К.: 1983.С.622.
  36. Андрусяк Т.Г. Теорія держави і права. Львів, Фонд “Право України”, 1997. С.141.
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  40. Фонер Ф. История рабочего движения в США. Москва, 1949. С.39.
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  42. Kermit L. Holl, William M. Wiecek, Paul Finkelman. American Legal History. Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press., 1991. P.116 .
  43. Kelly Matthew A. Labor and Industrial Relations. Terms, Court Decisions, and Arbitration Standards. Baltimore, 1987. P.93.
  44. Иели С. Из истории забастовочного движения в США. М., 1950. С. 47-48.
  45. Darian A., Mс Writer. Your Rights at Work. 2nd Edition. New York, 1993.P.197.
  46. Clyde Jacobs. Law Writers and the Courts. University California Press, 1954. P.77.
  47. Herbert Hovenkamp.Federal Antitrust Policy: The Law of Competition and its Practice. West, 1994.
  48. Ernest Gellhorn and William E. Kovacie. Antitrust Law and Economics in a Nutshell. 4 th Edition. West, 1994;
  49. Charles R. McManis. Unfair Trade Practices. 3d Ed. 1993.
  50. Cоциалистическая индустрия, 28 сентября 1988 г.
  51. Antitrust Laws with Amendments 1890-1936. Government Printing Office. Washington,1953. P.1.
  52. Darien A., Mc. Writer. Your Rights at Work. 2nd Edition. New York, 1993. P.197.
  53. Onthank A.H. How Codes are Made. New York, 1934.- P. 73 – 83.
  54. New Deal Mosaic. New York, 1965.- P. 274.
  55. Хрестоматия по новейшей истории. Т.1.1917 –1939. Москва, 1960. С.530-532.
  56. Известия, 5 июля 2001 г.
  57. Wolman L. Ebb and Flow in Trade Unionism. New York, 1936, p.11.
  58. Estey M. The Unions Structure, Development and Management. New York,1976, p.23.
  59. The American Worker’s Fact Book. 1956. United States Department of Labor. Washington,1956.
  60. Richardson R. American Labor Unions. An Outline of Growth and Structure. Ithaca, 1970.
  61. Philip Taft Papers. Minutes of the Executive Council, AFL, 1947, 22 March.
  62. Bambrik J.Jr. and Hass G. Handbook of Union Government, Structure and Procedures. National Industrial Conference Board. New York, 1956.
  63. Philip Taft Papers. AFL – CIO Unity Committee Statement, 1953. 7 April. (Далі: AFL – CIO).
  64. No-raiding Agreement Between the AFL and Affiliates and the CIO Review, 1956. April
  65. CIO News,1954, 14 June.
  66. Constitution of American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Review, 1956, April, art IV.
  67. Labor Today, 1978. Jan. P.1.
  68. John Hart. Assasing Presidential Leadership: A Comment on Williams and Kershaw.- Political Studies, vol. XXX III, N 4, December 1980.p.572.
  69. The Negroes in the United States. Their Economic and Social Situation. U.S. Department of Labor Statistics.-Bulletin, 1966,N 1511, p.79.
  70. Political Memo from COPE, 1960, 21 November.
  71. National Journal, 1980, vol. 1. – P.1834; Nov. 8.- P. 1878.
  72. U. S. News & World Report, 1976,October, 25.- P. 95;National Journal, 1977, March, 19. P.412.
  73. AFT – CIO News, 1968, October, 26 .
  74. AFT – CIO News, 1968, December, 26.
  75. Ермошкин Н., Мова Е. Идеологическая экспансия США в развивающихся странах. Международная жизнь, 1981. № 10.- С. 100.
  76. Business Week, 1982. June 28.P.63.
  77. Political Affairs, 1981. February. P.31.
  78. Future of American Unionism. Ed. L.A. Ferman, Beverly Hills, 1985. P.99.
  79. The Changing Situation of Workers and their Unions: A Report of the AFL – CIO. Commentary on Evaluation of Work. Washington D.C. 1985. P.56.
  80. U. S. News and World Report, 1984. Sept. 10. P.64.
  81. Известия, 2000, 5 сентября
  82. Известия, 2000, 15 марта
  83. Известия, 2001, 26 января
  84. New Jersey Child Labor Act.- In.: American Legal History. Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press.1991.P.357.
  85. Commonwealth W. Hunt. 4 Met.( 45 Mass) III (1842).- In.: America Legal History. Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press.1991.P.153-158.
  86. New York Workers Compensation Act. 1910.- In.: American Legal History. Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press.1991.P.359-360.
  87. Ives W. South Buffalo Railway Co. 201 N.Y. 271 (1911). In.: American Legal History. Cases and Materials. Oxford University Press.1991.P.395-398.
  88. Дзеркало тижня, № 22, 2001 р. (9-15 червня)
  89. Известия,2000, 5 сентября.
  90. John T. Dunlop. The Legal Framework of Industrial Relations and the Economic Future of the United States.- In.: American Labor Policy. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1987.P.1-16.
  91. F. Ray Marshall. The Acts Impact on Employment, Society, and the National Economy.- In.: American Labor Policy. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1987.P.16-36.
  92. William P. Murphy. Establishment and Disestablishment of Union Representation.- In.: American Labor Policy. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1987.P.61-78.
  93. Charles G. Bakaly. A Response to Murphys Law.- In.: American Labor Policy. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1987.P.78-94.
  94. American Labor Policy. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1987.P.98.
  95. Senate Report, N 2926,72d Congress, 2D Session.1934.
  96. Kathy L. Krieger. On Misreading the Act.- In.: American Labor Policy. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1987.P.160-190.
  97. Hartley’s Report. Rep. N 245, 80- th Cong., 1 st Sess, I, 1947.
  98. William F. Joy. A Framework for Protection of Liberty. –In.: American Labor Policy. 1987.P.190-197.
  99. Don A. Zimmerman. Collective Rights Versus Individual Rights. –In.: American Labor Policy. 1987.P.197-203.
  100. A. Cox, D. Bok, R. Gorman. Cases and Materials on Law. 1986.
  101. Theodore J. St. Antoine. The Collective Bargaining Process.-In.: American Labor Policy. 1987.P.215-239.
  102. Известия, 2000 г., 18 ноября.
  103. Известия, 2000 г., 7 июля.
  104. Goldman A. Labor Law and Industrial Relations in the United States of America. Deventer, 1979. P. 74.
  105. Eugene L. Hartwig. New Directions in Collective Bargaining.- In.: - American Labor Policy, 1987. Р. 241.
  106. Известия,2001 г., 7 июля.
  107. Walter E. Oberer. The Regulation of Union Economic Power.- In.: American Labor Policy, 1987. Р.278.
  108. Civil Rights Act (1964) § 2000 e. 1982.
  109. Labor Management Relations Act. 1982.
  110. Labor Law and Business Change.Ed. by Samuel Estreicher and Daniel G. Collins, 1988.P.3.
  111. Lewis B. Kaden. The Political of Collective Bargaining in an Era of Economic Restructuring.-In.: Labor Law and Business Change. 1988.P.12.
  112. The New York Times, June 15,1986; The New York Times, October 11,1987.
  113. The New York Times, July 28,1986
  114. Michael C. Harper. The Scope of the Duty to Bargain Concerning Business Transformation. In.: Labor Law and Business Change. 1988.P.25-43.
  115. Peter G. Nash and Scott W. Schatenfield. Plant Closings, Relocations, and Transfers of Unit Work: A Management View.- In.: labor Law and Business Change, 1988.P.207-215.
  116. Eugene G. Eisner. Plant Closing, Relocations, and Transfers of Unit Work: A Union View.- In.: labor Law and Business Change, 1988. P.219-228
  117. IUD Digest, April 1986
  118. Stephen L. Hester. Employee Ownership: Labor Law and Business Change, 1988.P.267-280.
  119. Бай Евгений. Клинтон всегда живой. – Известия,2001г., 26 января
  120. The National Center of Employee Ownership Newsletter, vol.6, May-June, 1986, at 1.
  121. Tax Reform Act, 1986 Pull. № 99-514,§ 1174(c).
  122. Известия, 2001 г., 15 марта
  123. Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978. U.S.C. §1107,§1121-1129,§1123.
  124. Michael E. Abram and Babette Ceccotti. Protecting Union in Interests in Employer Bankruptcy.-In.: labor Law and Business Change, 1988.P.307-317.
  125. Известия,2001 г., 15 марта
  126. Clyde W. Summers. Comparative Perspectives.- In.: Labor Law and Business Change, 1988.P.139-161.
  127. Правове регулювання трудових відносин у країнах Західної Європи і Японії висвітлено у праці: И.Я. Киселев. Сравнительное и международное трудовое право. М., “Дело”, 1999. С.726.
  128. Труд,1990 г., 20 апреля.

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