To provide best quality education to students, irrespective of their financial background, ethnicity, gender or religion
Вид материала | Документы |
- Нанотехнологии – на службу обществу1, 155.05kb.
- International Financial Reporting Активное развитие и внедрение международных стандартов, 80.3kb.
- Of any enterprise to have an effective quality assurance system enabling the manufacturing, 299.81kb.
- The schedule of the lectures for the foreign students, 11.81kb.
- Business Education Teachers Academy. По словам директора Института развития образования, 132.33kb.
- Plan of lectures for the students of the English-speaking medium, 8.19kb.
- В москве закончил свою работу IV международный конгресс выставка «Global Education, 21.77kb.
- Oracle Education Foundation, открыт для учащихся всего мира конкурс, 12.47kb.
- Тема: «My Native Place: background history and nowday’s life», 60.46kb.
- Воспитание детей. Взаимодействие полов / Пер с англ, А. А. Валеева и Р. А. Валеевой., 4306.04kb.
Registration in Final Year Project
A student must have earned credits equal to or more than the number stated in the study program.
The Head of department can allow registration in cases where there is a deficiency of one course.
The Director of campus can allow registration in special cases where there is a deficiency of two courses.
Students having deficiency of more than two courses are not allowed registration in FYP.
Registration in FYP-II is allowed only after successful completion of FYP-1.
Registration in Semester
Students admitted to NUCES are required to register every semester and to pay the prevalent semester fees. All students are required to register for normal course load, except those who are advised by the Faculty Adviser to do otherwise. The recommended registration procedure is as follows:
- Clear all previous fees and other dues before registration
- Appear personally to complete registration formalities.
- For the First semester, appear for registration through Admission Office.
For the rest of semesters students should register online.
- Pay current dues in full immediately after the online registration is complete.
Students under Academic Warning should
- register for all such courses, in which the grade was C-, D+, or D
- not register for more than five courses
In addition, students with warning count = 2 should not register for any new course.
- Suspension of Registration
Registration of a student is suspended in any of the following situations:
- Failure to complete registration formalities in time.
- Failure to apply for deferment of registration.
- Behaviour calling for disciplinary action.
- Unsettled matters with the University.
- Approval of student's request for freezing of semester.
Restoration of Suspended Registration
A student whose registration is suspended may request for restoration of registration provided he/she has cleared all the issues that called for suspension and pays all dues.
Freezing of Semester
A student may request freezing of his/her admission for up to 2 semesters along with ‘Semester Freeze’ charges of Rs. 2,000 per semester. The written approval of the Head of Department is required.
Closure of Admission
The closure of admission results in termination of a student's studies at the University, and will not be restored except in the last two cases (point 4 and 5) as mentioned below. The admission will be closed in any of the following situations:
- Failure to restore suspended registration.
- Failure to re-continue studies within a period of two years.
- Disciplinary action or admission obtained on false documents.
- Failure to achieve required minimum standards of academic performance within the stipulated period.
- Request to close admission from a student for the purpose of acquiring education elsewhere.
- Academic Warning and Cancellation of Admission
Cancellation of Admissions
The admission shall stand cancelled in any of the following situations:
- CGPA is less than 2.00 in the first two semesters, OR
- CGPA is less than 2.00 in three consecutive semesters.
- Exemption of Credits earned at any NUCES campus
- Credit will be given for only those courses in which the grade has been ‘C’ or higher
- If credit is given for a course, then credit will also be given for its pre-requisite course(s).
- Double Admission
Concurrent admission in more than one degree program at any institute is not allowed.
Maximum Number of Courses Registered in a Semester
- In a regular semester (spring or fall) students without an academic warning are expected to take course workload prescribed in the prospectus. This is normally 5 courses for an undergraduate and MBA students, and at least 3 for MS students.
The University is not bound to offer course(s) in summer semester. However if course(s) is/are offered, preference would be given to final year students and then to the other batches in order of their seniority.
- Undergraduate students with academic warnings may take fewer courses in a regular semester with the approval of the Head of Department. Approval of HOD is also required for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course.
- Adding or Dropping a Course
The request should be made within the first two weeks of a semester. Approval of the Head of Department is essential.
Students are not allowed to drop or withdraw from any course in the first two semesters.
- Withdrawal from a Course
A student may request the Head of Department to allow withdrawal from a course. The request to withdraw from a course must be made within two weeks after the conduct of second mid-term examination. Such a request must be countersigned by the parent/guardian of the student. Fee is not refunded for a withdrawn course.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, students are normally not allowed to withdraw any course in the first THREE semesters.
- Academic Grading
The performance of students is assessed during the semester through midterm tests, assignments, quizzes, case studies or any other method considered appropriate by the course instructor and the University, This shall be communicated to the students at the start of a course. For almost all courses, the semester work will contribute 50% towards the final grade, while the final examination will contribute the remaining 50% of the total marks. A letter grade will be awarded to each student based on his/her overall academic performance in a course.
- Description of Grades
The Grade Point Average calculation ensures a continuous scale for the respective grades. The grade issued by the University will be final. Two types of averages will be computed for the grades obtained by each student, the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
SGPA is the weighted average of grade points earned in a semester. The weights are taken as the ratio of course credits to the total credits taken by the student in the semester.
For example, a student who takes four courses in a semester with credit hours of C1, C2, C3 and C4 obtaining grade point of P1, P2, P3 and P4 respectively will score an SGPA of
Note: The minimum passing grade for MS and PhD programs is C.
SGPA = P1 (C1/C) +P2 (C2/C)+P3(C3/C)+P4(C4/C)
Where C = C1+C2+C3+C4
The points for each letter grade are given as follows:
| Grade | Points |
| A+ | 4.00 |
| A | 4.00 |
| A- | 3.67 |
| B+ | 3.33 |
| B | 3.00 |
| B- | 2.67 |
| C+ | 2.33 |
| C | 2.00 |
| C- | 1.67 |
| D+ | 1.33 |
| D | 1.00 |
| F | 0.00 |
One of the following letter codes is printed against each course in the transcript.
- Letter Code Interpretation
| Grade | Interpretation | | Grade | Interpretation |
| A+, A, A- | Excellent | | F | Failure, the student must repeat the course |
| B+, B, B- | Good | | I | Incomplete |
| C+, C | Adequate | | W | Withdrawn |
| C-, D+, D | Inadequate, the student is advised to repeat the course | | S / U | Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory |
* Grades ‘W’, and ‘I’ are not used in computing the SGPA or the CGPA.
The CGPA is calculated for all semesters cumulatively using grade points of all the courses taken by a student. For such courses that have been repeated, only the most recent grade points are used, even if they are less than the earlier attempts.
The following points need to be noted.
“W” will appear as a grade in the transcript like any other grade.
“I” will appear as a temporary grade in the transcript subject to change to the grade awarded. Grade “I” shall automatically convert to an “F” grade before the end of the next semester.
Repeat courses will be indicated on the transcript together with the repeat count.
“S” or “U” is awarded for Graduate Thesis work only and is not considered towards CGPA calculation.
- Warning/Probation for Under-graduate Students
- At the end of every semester (including the first semester and summer semesters), warning is issued provided the CGPA of a student is less than the minimum required for the degree program.
- A student with a warning cannot register in a subsequent semester without approval of the relevant Head of Department or any other senior faculty nominated by him.
- After each semester (including the summer or the first semester), if the CGPA of a student is less than the required minimum, the Warning Count increases by one.
- If Warning Count becomes three, the admission of student at the University is closed.
- If the CGPA equals or exceeds the required minimum, the Warning Count becomes zero.
- There is no academic warning in either MS or PhD program.
| | BBA & BS | MBA & MS | PhD |
| Minimum CGPA required to avoid Warning | 2.0 | | |
| Minimum Grade required to pass a course | 1.0 (D grade) | 2.0 (C grade) | 2.0 (C grade) |
| Maximum duration allowed to complete degree | 7 years | 4 years | 6 years |
The admission will be cancelled automatically after completion of maximum duration allowed to earn a degree.
- Repeating a Course
A student may be allowed to repeat a course if:
- The student had registered for that course, but failed to pass the course.
- The student wants to improve his/her grade.
- The student must repeat a course within a year from the date of last registration in that course.
- Repeat count will appear in the transcript against the repeated course.
- A student cannot improve grade after completing degree requirements.
| | Students without Academic Warning CGPA equal to or greater than 2.00 | Students Having Academic Warning CGPA less than 2.00 | |
| | MUST Repeat | May Repeat | MUST Repeat |
| BBA / BS | F | C- or lower | C- or lower |
| MBA / MS | C- or lower | C+ or lower | C- or lower |
| PhD | C- or lower | B- or lower | C- or lower |
- Incomplete Course
A student may request an extension in the final examination for genuine reasons subject to the following.
- An ‘I’ grade will be given for the affected course provided he/she has satisfactorily met all other requirements for the course except the final examination.
- The ‘I’ grade will be converted to an appropriate grade before the end of next semester.
- Suspension of Admission
A student may request for suspension of admission, provided there are reasonable grounds for it. Suspension of admission is not allowed for more than one semester. Such requests can be made only once. All fees except the tuition fee are payable for the semester in which the admission is suspended
- Missed Examination
A student who misses a quiz or assignment is awarded zero marks in the respective examination. However in case of mid-terms and final examination there is a provision for a retake of test or examination in case of the student's illness or severe accident or death in the immediate family. A Faculty committee shall examine the request of the student for a repeat test.
Retake of the midterm exams, if approved, is either taken or adjusted in proportion to the final exam score without any penalty. A student may claim the above-mentioned credit for ONLY ONE midterm per subject in a semester for valid reasons including medical grounds.
In case retake examination of final exam is allowed, it shall be held within one month of the date of the regular examination. Retake examination fee is payable before the examination at the rate of Rs. 1,000 per course.
- Disciplinary Action
To maintain an academic and comfortable environment at the campus, students have to abide by the rules and regulations of the University and to follow a code of conduct. Students are expected to observe disciplinary standards of the University in all their dealings. Failure to do so shall require appearance before a disciplinary committee. The committee may recommend a suitable action against the student as deemed necessary.
The action may amount to imposition of fine, suspension, expulsion, or disqualification of a student from any academic honour such as award of gold medal, scholarship, etc. The following will call for disciplinary action.
- Disregard or disobedience of rules of the University
- Wilful defiance of University’s authority whether alone or in association with others
- Involvement in activities that are against the interest and reputation of the University
- Use of unfair means or breach of norms
- Improper behaviour in or outside the classroom
- Any act of dishonesty including submission of false documents and deliberate misreporting
- Association with actions, which are harmful to good academic environment
- Failure to meet the code of conduct specified by the University.
- Academic Dishonesty
Students must refrain from use of unfair means in assignments and exaMs The minimum punishment for using unfair means is award of zero marks in that test, assignment, midterm, or final examination.
If the Course Instructor refers the matter to the Disciplinary Committee of the Department, then the minimum punishment can be award of 'F' grade in that course.
If the Head of Department refers the matter to the Disciplinary Committee of the Campus, then the punishment can vary from award of 'F' grade in all the courses taken in that semester up to expulsion from the University.