«La Lettre Diplomatique» журналы (Франция), 01. 05. 2011, 2011 ж. 3 сәуірде Қазақстанда өткен президенттік сайлаудан кейінгі тәуелсіз бақылаушының ойы
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СодержаниеEurasianet, 16.05.2011, Kazakhstan: Working Hard to Modernize The New York Times, 07.06.2011, Democracy in Kazakhstan: The Ambassador’s View Iv астаналық экономикалық форумы |
- Борис Грызлов Мониторинг сми 13 февраля 2007, 2250.31kb.
- Поступления в библиотеку в декабре 2011 Г. Журналы, монографии, сборники, 29.92kb.
- Жемчужины Адриатики 13 дней (поезд-автобус) Стоимость: 595, 42.06kb.
- Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. К. Маркса, 40-32, 49.41kb.
- Сказки старого Мадрида, 29.36kb.
- Маршрут: Карпаты (Ивано-Франковск, Яремче, Ворохта, Верховина, Буковель), Галичина, 71.39kb.
- Стоимость: 825 евро +авиа, 27.34kb.
- 99011, Севастополь, ул. Ленина,, 146.95kb.
- А. М. Горького Категории сми: Газеты, Журналы, Информагентства, Интернет, тв, Радио, 1912.19kb.
- Стоимость: 395 у е, 95.24kb.
Eurasianet, 16.05.2011, Kazakhstan: Working Hard to Modernize
To the Editor: Joshua Kucera’s May 13 dispatch, “Kazakhstan: Washington Experts Go on Spin Cycle,” is misleading and unfair. The whole idea of organizing a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., was to allow serious people to examine Kazakhstan in a serious way. That was what happened during the panel entitled, “The Future of Kazakhstan after the Presidential Election,” which was hosted May 12 by the Jamestown Foundation and held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Mr. Kucera might not have liked what he heard, but the participants knew their stuff. They highlighted the many ways that the nation is working hard to enhance political modernization, economic growth and the rule of law. Mr. Kucera chose to focus only on critics’ views and missed the point of the event: Kazakhstan is eager to develop its democracy and is making real progress.
Kazakhstan is tired of being bombarded with narrow, one-sided and unfair criticisms like those leveled by Mr. Kucera. The panel was one of many public events that contradict the critics’ views. In fact, over the last twenty years, Kazakhstan has steadily and methodically built its fledgling democracy and the rule of law. Despite its misguided critics, the government will continue to work to reach these goals and promote its civil society. Kazakhstan has not yet reached Western standards for these things, but we are getting closer every year. We should be given credit for doing so.
Scholars are free to say what they wish and the speakers on the panel were experts with a deep knowledge of Kazakhstan. Their views were not tainted. There is plenty of evidence that the progress they cited in Kazakhstan is real. In addition, the recent presidential elections were real as well. The International Republican Institute’s poll in the country showed the kind of overwhelming support for President Nursultan Nazarbayev that was demonstrated on election day. The people have spoken in Kazakhstan and they like what they see. Critics like Mr. Kucera should open their eyes and their minds to a new – and more positive – consensus about my country.
Erlan Idrissov
Kazakhstan’s ambassador to the United States
The New York Times, 07.06.2011, Democracy in Kazakhstan: The Ambassador’s View
To the Editor: Re “Feud in Kazakh President’s Family Spills Into U.S.” (news article, May 30):
Kazakhstan is a fledgling democracy, and no one is more committed to improving the fairness of its elections than its president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. The president rejected a call from constituents last year to hold a referendum to keep him in office until 2020 and, instead, insisted on the election, held in April, that gave him a five-year term.
Several outside observers — from, for example, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Institute for New Democracies — praised the conduct of the election and credited Kazakhstan for continuing to improve its democratic institutions. The overwhelming vote for the president mirrored a poll taken before the election by the independent International Republican Institute showing a 90 percent approval rating for the incumbent.
Nonetheless, critics, including some who were once close to the president, continue to perpetrate the fiction that Kazakhstan is a dictatorship. In response, Kazakhstan has indeed hired consultants, including in the United States, to explain otherwise, as is accepted practice.
Kazakhstan should be given credit, finally, for moving so far toward a Western-style democracy in just 20 years of independence from the Soviet Union.
Ambassador of Kazakhstan
Washington, June 6, 2011
Информационно-аналитический центр МГУ, 03.05.2011, IV Астанинский экономический форум начал свою работу
IV Астанинский экономический форум начал свою работу, сообщает корреспондент агентства.
Ожидается, что откроет пленарное заседание форума президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев.
В числе участников мероприятия заявлены заместитель Генерального секретаря ООН, Исполнительный секретарь Экономической и социальной комиссии для Азии и Тихого океана ООН Ноэлин Хейзер, лауреат Нобелевской премии по экономике 1999 года Роберт Манделл, заместитель Генсекретаря ООН, Исполнительный секретарь Европейской экономической комиссии ООН Ян Кубиш, генеральный директор продовольственной сельскохозяйственной организации ООН Жак Диуф, Генсекретарь Всемирной туристской организации Талеб Рифаи, экс-президент Хорватии Степан Месич и многие другие известные политики, экономисты, общественные деятели, представители различных НПО и международных организаций.
Астанинский экономический форум проходит ежегодно с 2008 года.
Организаторы мероприятия - министерство экономического развития и торговли Республики Казахстан, ассоциация "Евразийский экономический клуб ученых", который заявляет, что главной целью форума является создание Евразийского делового конгресса, направленного на расширение взаимовыгодных торгово-экономических связей и инвестиционного сотрудничества на евразийском пространстве, взаимодействие в развитии перспективных и высокотехнологичных сфер экономики.