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Содержание: " Речевой Этикет русско-английские соответствия (Справочник)"
Речевой Этикет русско-английские соответствия (Справочник)
СодержаниеТекст в электронном виде
WWW Design
1Ты/Вы - формы общения
Hey! What's the time?
Привлечение внимания
Excuse me,...
Простите (Извините) за
Скажите, пожалуйста...?
Извините, вы не скажите...?
Excuse me, could you tell me... (please)?
Будьте добры...
Would you..., (please)?
Вы не можете (сказать)...?
Can/Could you tell me... (please)?
Разрешите вас спросить?
May I see you a moment?
Excuse me, ...
Разрешите обратится!
Обращение к неизвестному адресату
Miss - возможная форма обращения к девушке, молодой женщине. Со словом Miss
Молодой человек!
Young man
Grandmother, gramdma!
Dear! Dearie! Luv (love)! Ducky! Miss!
Сестричка! Сестренка!
Товарищ директор!
Mr + фамилия, Mrs
Товарищ милиционер!
Dr (Doctor) + фамилия, Doctor
Mr/Mrs/Miss + фамилия
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues!
Граждане пассажиры!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Pedestrians are kindly requasted to abide by the rules.
Meg, May, Margery, Peg, Rita
Elizabeth: Lisa, Elsie, Libby, Beth, Bet, Betty, Betsy, Bess, Bessie
Наташка", "Ленка", в английском языке нет, равно как отсутствуют и формы обращения "Петровна
Товарищ Иванов
Гражданин Иванов
Mrs + фамилия мужа
Mrs Gordon. Miss Gordon
Я хочу с Вами (с тобой) познакомиться.
I've been looking forward to meeting you. My names is...
I've been looking forward to meeting you. My names is...
Давай познакомимся!
Hello! My name's Susan.
Разрешите (с вами) познакомиться!
Let me introduce myself (to you).
Разрешите представиться. Доцент Московского университета Пирогов. Я занимаюсь теми же вопросами что и вы. Нам полезно было бы по
Позвольте познакомиться. Актер драматического театра Мухин.
My name is Vladimir.
Моя фамилия Пирогов
I am Pirogov
My name is Ivan Nikolaevich
Ivan Efremoff
Как вас (тебя) зовут?
Wath is your name/surname?
What is your name?
And may I ask your name?
And how shall I call you?
And how do I address you?
First name?
Date of birth?
Познакомьтесь (пожалуйста)!
Я хочу познакомить вас ...
Allow me to introduce you to...
Я хочу представить вас...
Allow me to introduce (to you to)...
I'd like to introduce you to Mrs Blake.
May I introduce Mrs Blake?
Разрешите познакомить вас.
Allow me to introduce you to...
Allow me to introduce Mr/Mrs/Miss...
Очень приятно!
Pleased to meet you.
Очень рад!
I'm very pleased to meet you.
How do you do/How d'you do?
Мы уже знакомы
We've already been introduced.
Вы меня узнаете?
Я вас где-то видел.
I have i feeling we've met before (but I don't remember your name).
Я о вас слышал.
I've heard your name many times.
Your face seems (so) familiar (to me).
Здравствуйте. Вы секретарь директора? Моя фамилия Снегирев. Мне назначена встреча на 11 часов.
Good morning! Good afternoon!
Приветствую (вас)!
Allow you to welcome you.
Allow me to welcome you/greet you on behalf of...
Good morning/afternoon. (приветствие)
Выражения, сопровождающие приветствие
Как (вы) живете?
How are you bearing up?
How are things?
Как идут твои дела?
How are things?
How are you doing/getting on?
What's the news?
Well how are things?
What's happend?
Ну что у тебя?
Everything all right?
Как вы себя чуствуете?
How are you? How are you keeping?
Жесты, сопровождающие приветствие
Ответные реплики
Все хорошо.
Quite well (really).
Not too/so bad.
Fine, thanks. Splendid!
Real fine. Splendid. Marvellous.
Not too bad/so bad.
Не могу пожаловаться.
All right.
Как вам (тебе) сказать?
I'd rather not say.
A things look pretty good.
Fair to midding. More or less.
How's life? How are things?
Все без изменений.
Nothing much/special/out of the ordinary/in particular.
Похвастать(ся) не могу.
So so. Not too good/so well.
So so. Fair to middling.
I'd rather not say.
Worse than ever.
Things are in a bad way. Gloom a doom.
Спасибо, хорошо.
А как вы живете?
And what's new with you?
Рад вас видеть!
I'm so glad/happy/pleased...
Я так счастлив, что...!
Я тоже рад вас видеть!
Выражение удивления при встрече
Какая встреча!
What a pleasure surprise!
Вот так встреча!
Какая неожиданность!
What unexpected pleasure!
Look who's here!
Не ожидал вас встретить (здесь)!
Не ожидал что встречу вас (здесь)!
I didn't expect/never expected...
Fancy meeting you here!
Who could've imagined/ thought (that) we'd meet here?
To meet you, of all people, here!
How did you come to be here?
How come you're here?
Какими судьбами?
It's been ages since we met.
I haven't seen you for ages/years.
It's been such a long time since I last saw you.
We haven't seen each other for years!
Целую вечность (мы) не виделись (с тобой)!
How time flies!
Вот я и пришел!
I am not late?
Did I make you wait?
I'm waiting for you
It's a good thing you came.
I'm glad/happy/delighted to see you.
Ah? you're here at last!
Better late than never
До свидания.
До скорой встречи!
See you at the theatre, university
See you tomorrow.
See you tonight.
See you in summer.
Всего хорошего!
Good bye! Take care. God bless you!
Разрашите попрощаться!
May I think you and say goodbye?
With your kind permissoin I will thank you and say goodbye.
Goodbye (for) now.
So long, Toodle-oo
Спокойной ночи!
Good night.
Я (с вами) не прощаюсь!
We're not saying goodbye yet.
I'll be seeing you.
Не забывай (нас)!
Please call again.
Please come and see us again.
Please write.
Милости просим к нам еще раз!
Передай привет жене (мужу, родителям)!
My love to the family (your husband, your wife, your mother)!
And you, too (come over ans see us sometime).
Не поминай лихом!
Goodbye. All the best.
Goodbye. Keep well.
Happy journey!
Удачной поездки!
Happy journey!
В добрый час!
Stay healthey.
Good luck! I also wish you every success.
Уже поздно.
Мне пора уходить.
It's time for us to leave.
Ну, я пошел.
I must be off, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid I can't stay any longer.
If you'll excuse me, I really should be off now.
I'm afraid I must go now. It's getting late. Goodbye.
Я доволен нашей встречей.
We had a lovely time.
It was a good idea to spend the evening together.
I'm glad we're settled our business/ come to an agreient/ understanding.
We've settled the matter /come to an agrrient/understanding.
I't was a lovely party!
It was an exciting evening.
Было так весело!
Thank you for your advice. It will be of great value to me.
Thank you for seeing me.
Thank you. It was a real pleasure.
Извините, что я задержал вас.
Простите, что (я) отнял у вас столько времени.
Well, (I) musn't keep you any/much longer.
I'm afraid I've kept/detaind you (here with me) much/too long.
Поздравляю вас (тебя) с...
Happy New Year!
Congratulations! (May Day greetings to you!)
Congratulations! (Victory Day greetings to you!)
С хорошей погодой!
Spring has come!
Поздравляю с днем рождения!
I's your wedding anniversary. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your silver wedding/jubilee.
Let me congratulate you on your marriage.
Let me congratulate you on the birth of your child.
С защитой диплома!
You've finished school. Congratulations!
I hear you got your first pay/ wages. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your good luck!
С приездом!
Welcome! Welcome home!
Поздравляю вас с тем, что...
You've passed this most difficult test with honor. My congratulations!
You've finally come of age. Congratulations!
With all my heart I congratulate you on/upon...
My warmest congratulation on/upon...
Можно поздравить?
I hear you've defended your graduation project/got your first degree. Congratulatuins!
Можете меня поздравить: я получил "пятерку".
You can congratulate me. I've (just) got married./I'm a married man now.
Разрешите поздравить вас с...
May I express my congratulations on/upon...
Please accept my congratulations on/upon...
Please accept my sincerest/ most sincere/ heartriest/ most heartfelt/ warmest congratulations...
My warmest congratulations to you on...
On behalf of... (and myself)...
Спасибо за поздравления!
Разрешите/позвольте вручить вам подарок (цветы, альбом...).
Вот тебе (мой, наш) подарок.
And here's my (little) gift/present.
And this is for you (from me/us).
I wish you every success!
With all my heart I wish you...
Желаю вам (тебе) всего хорошего (всего доброго, всего наилучшего, счастья, успехов, удачи)!
В связи (с чем-либо) желаю...!
В вень рождения желаю...!
On your 25th birthday I wish you...!
On this day of joy/ joyous day/ occasion I wish you...!
On this joyous day I wish you, Nadja, great happiness and every success/happiness and success!
Примите (мои) самые самые лучшие (самые теплые, самые сердечные, самые горячие, самые искренние) пожелания!
Желаю сдать экзамен!
Желаю приятного аппетита!
Happy journey!
Счастья тебе!
I hope the trip will be everything you wish for.
May you live to be a hundred!
Happy birthday to you, dear John, and many many happy returns of the day!
Набраться тебе сил!
Выздороветь тебе поскорее!
Сдать бы тебе экзамен!
Не простудиться бы тебе!
See you don't catch cold! put on something warm.
Не горюй!
Don't be shy! Courage!
Kepp well! stay healthy!
I do hope things go well with you
Пусть тебе повезет!
Я хочу (чотел бы) пожелать вам (тебе) счастья!
Success to you in defending your thesis!
Я желаю вам, чтобы защита прошла успешно!
May (all)your dreams come true!
Разрешите пожелать вам...
May success attend you in...
I wish you every success in defending your thesis!
Thank you. Thanks
Thank you for your kind wishes.
И вам желаю счастья!
И вам того же (желаю)!
Надеюсь на это.
Let's hope for the best.
If wishes were horses...
I couldn't wish for anything better.
Wouldn't be a bad idea!
Yes, please.
Thank you for...
Я благодарен вам.
I'm gratful/ obliged/ indebted you for (sth./doing smth..)...
Большое спасибо!
Thank you so much for...
Thank you for...
Спасибо за то, что не забываешь меня.
Thank you so much for...
От всей души благодарю вас за
Thank you for all that you have done for me.
Thank vou ever so much for the book.
Я так благодарна вам. что нет слов (что нет слов выразить это, что не могу высказать)!
I don't know how to thank you.
My gratitude cannot he expressed in words.
Я вам очень (так, глубоко
I'm so grateful/much obliged/ deeply indebted to you.
Thank you. Much obliged.
Thank you for...
Я очень признательна нам за то, что вы прочитали мою
Разрешите вас поблагодарить.
I would like to express my
Позвольте пожелать вам успешно защитить диссертацию!
I wish you all the luck in the world in defending your thesis!
I would like to express my gratitude/ appreciation to sb. for...
We would like to express our gratitude to you for your noble effort.
I wish/would like to express my gratitude (to you) for...
I wish/I would like to express my gratitude/appreciation.
Я должен поблагодарить вас за...
I (really) must say how grateful I am for.../express my gratitude for...
Как я вам благодарен!
Вы не можете себе представить, как я вам благодарен!
If you only knew how grateful I am!
Спасибо, вы очень (так) любезны!
You're very obliging.
I am deeply indebted to you.
Спасибо (Благодарю) за внимание!
Заранее благодарю (вас, тебя)!
Thank you in advance.
Ответные реплики
Не стоит.
Не стоит благодарности!
It was no trouble at all/ whatever!
It was a real pleasure for me to do it.
I was happy to oblige you.
Какие могут быть благодарности!
Don't mention it.
It's nothing.
I can never thank you enough for your help. -- Oh, it's nothing. I was happy to oblige you.
И вам тоже спасибо!
Thank you!
Thank you for (the pleasure of) your company.
Спасибо за чудесную прогулку! - Это я должен тебя благодарить
На здоровье!
Я хочу (Разрешите, позвольте) пожать вашу руку!
Дай пожать твою руку!
Let me shake your hand!
Let me shake your noble/honest hand.
Excuse me. I am sorry.
Извини, пожалуйста!
I'm terribly sorry.
Простите меня (пожалуйста)!
Извини... за...
Sorry for doing sth. Sorry...
Please excuse my coming late.
Please excuse my coming late.
Sorry for doing sth./having done sth./to keep doing/to have kept doing/ to have done sth.
I'm afraid I've been keeping that book of yours too long.
Please forgive me. I have been thoughtless/ inconsiderate.
Простите мою оплошность.
Do forgive me. (It was) My mistake/ fault.
Я виноват в том, что...
I owe you an apology.
Прошу прощения!
Forgive me sth./for doing sth./my doing sth.
Forgive me for not keeping my word/ breaking my promise.
Прошу меня простить!
Приношу свои (глубокие) извинения!
I do apologise for being late.
Примите мои (глубокие) извинения!
Please accept my apologies.
Please accept my apologies.
Do forgive me for being late.
Я хочу (мне хочется, я хотел бы, мне хотелось бы) извиниться (перед вами)/ попросить (у вас) извинения (прощения).
I must apologise to you.
I must apologise to you. It was all my fault.
I really must apologise to you /I do owe you an apology. I'm afraid I was somewhat overblunt/ straightforward/ overcritical in m
Если ты можешь, извини меня (прости меня, не сердись на меня)!
Please forgive me, if you can. I promise I won't do it anymore/I'll never do it again.
Тысяча извинений!
It's quite all right.
He стоит!
It's all right.
Я принимаю ваши извинения!
It's quite all right.
It's OK. Please don't apologise.
Какие пустяки!
Never mind.
Never mind.
OK, OK / All right/
Ладно! Ну, ладно!
All right.Can't be helped.
Mother, I'll never do it again. - See you don't. I forgive you for the last time.
Please give me.../Will you please give me...
Если вам не трудно, дайте, пожалуйста,...
Can/May I trouble you for sth./to give/hand me..., please?
He откажите в любезности, дайте, пожалуйста,...
Would you kindly give me..., please?
Я прошу вас...
Could I ask you to bring your notes tomorrow?
I'll thank you not to disturb me.
Could/Would you..., please...?
Я хочу (хотел бы) попросить...
Could I ask you to...?
Could I ask you to go to the country house this Sunday?
Я могу попросить вас...?
Would you please/ kindly do sth.?
I'd be much obliged if...
Не могу ли я попросить вас выключить радио? У меня болит голова.
Can/Could I ask you for...?
Не могу ли я просить вас...?
Would it be all right if I asked you to do sth.?
Can/Could I have/ borrow your book for a couple of days?
Can/Could you do sth.?
Can/Could you...?
Could you...? Would you...?
Would you shut the window, please?
Я просил бы вас...
Would you please...
No smoking, please!
Вам не трудно...?
He затруднит ли вас...?
Will/Would you pass the salt, please?
Вы не закроете форточку? Здесь дует.
Will/Would you open the window, please? It's stuffy here.
Сделаешь (это)?
Do you think you could possibly do some shopping for me.
Will you fix the recorder?
Можно мне...?
Можно/Разрешите, я...
May/Can I have a look at your book?
Разрешите мне посмотреть вашу книгу?
11 Cогласие, разрешение, отказ, запрещение
Certainly. Most certainly. Sure. Of course. Naturally. Willingly. With pleasure. All right. Right. Here you are.
Give me that book, will you?/Give me that book, please. - Here you are!
Да, пожалуйста. На, возьми.
Дай... - На. Возьми.
Give me the red pencil, will you?/ Will you give me the red pencil, please? -- Here you are.
Хорошо. Ладно.
Fetch me a glass of water, will you?/ Fetch me a glass of water, please. -- Very well./ All right./ Good./ Right.
Сейчас. Сию минуту.
I want you to go and buy some bread. - All right.
I will (bring it).
Could you do some shopping for me? -All right/Very well/Right away.
I'll have to go there.
I must whether I want to or not/like it or no.
Whether I want to or not, I must do it/I'll have to do it. It must be done, whether I feel like it or not.
You're right. Right you are!
I fully agree with you.
No doubt whatever. Beyond all doubt.
I thought as much.
Sure. Certainly.
OK. Agreed. Settled.
I guessed as much.
Надеюсь, что это так (что это так и будет).
Looks like that. I suppose so.
Very likely.
I can't agree with you.
That's where you're wrong, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid you've missed the point. Sorry, but you seem to have missed the point.
That's not quite what I had in mind.
Not at all. Not in the least I couldn't agree with you less.
It's just the other way round.
You're the first to tell me about it.
There you go again!
You're unfair.
That won't do.
Выражение сомнения
Really? Is that really so?
Do you really mean that...
Маловероятно, чтобы...
You can't expect me to believe that.
Sounds promising, but...
Things do happen.
Can't make up my mind. I'm in two minds.
You can't expect me to believe that.
I shouldn't say so.
Up to a point. To some extent.
You can never tell.
Are you sure?
I wish I could believe you.
Послушайте, что я вам скажу...
I'll start by saying that...
In my opinion...
On the one hand... on the other...
All things considered...
It must be admitted that...
There's much truth in what you're saying, yet...
There's no denying that...
What I'm going to say may seem not so relevant, yet...
In conclusion I'd like to say that...
Вы можете не соглашаться со мной, но...
Да, пожалуйста.
Yes, of course. By all means.
Of course, you may/can.
Fetch me a glass of water
Will you help me translate the article? - I will.
Да, конечно.
Certainly. Sure. Most certainly. By all means.
Not to worry.
Of course! Granted.
Можешь на меня рассчитывать.
It goes without saying.
Само собой.
Will you go to the supermarket and buy some food, please?-Of course, I will./ Sure. /Right-o.
Wait a moment, please!
Just a moment./ Just a second!/ Just a sec!
No, I can't.
No, I can't.
I want you to go to the supermarket. - I'm sorry but I can't. I'm very busy at the moment.
С удовольствием бы..., но не могу.
With pleasure..., but I can't.
Мне бы хотелось..., но...
I'm very/really/terribly/awfully sorry but...
Can you lend me 20 roubles?-With pleasure, but not before I get my grant.
Я отказываюсь (что-либо делать).
Я не в силах (что-либо делать).
I'm powerless to do sth.
Помоги мне подготовиться к экзаменам! - Я не в силах помочь тебе в этом. (Не в моих силах подготовить тебя к экзаменам.)
Would you coach me for the examination? -- Sorry, but I'm no
No, you can't/ mustn't.
No, you can't/mustn't.
К сожалению, не могу разрешить.
I'd allow/permit sth. but...
Конечно нельзя.
Absolutely not.
I forbid...
I'm obliged/ forced/ compelled to
May I read your diary?-- Of course not. The idea! I forbid you to read my diary. This is something I cannot allow/ permit.
Ни в коем случае!
Never! Under no circumstances!
Absolutely not.
Я хочу (мне хочется, я хотел бы, мне хотелось бы) пригласить вас...
Приглашаю вас в гости.
I'd like to invite you to the premiere this Saturday.
Разрешите (Позвольте) пригласить вас...
Я могу (могу ли я, не могу ли я, можно, можно ли, нельзя ли) пригласить вас...?
I'd like to invite you to my home
May I invite you to our readers'
Я хочу (хотел бы) попросить...
Could I ask you to...?
Could I ask you to go to the country house this Sunday?
Я хочу (мне хочется, я хотел бы, мне хотелось бы) чтобы мы (с вами) сходили...
Come to see us. You're always welcome.
Come to tea tonight.
Let's go to the stadium on Sunday.
Забегай... (Забеги)...
I'll be happy to see you any time you can make it.
Come in! This way, please!
Let's go...
Let's go...
Let's go...
Let's go to the stadium on Sunday.
Let's go to the cinema/ pictures/ movies.
Пойдешь в кино?
Вы согласитесь пойти со мной...
Would you (agree to) accompany
It would be a good thing if...
Хорошо было бы...
It wouldn't be so bad if...
Do you mind if we have lunch together today.
Надо Нужно
Было бы необходимо
We should see the exhibition before it closes/while it is on.
I ought to/should go and see Nicholas. He's been ill (for) such a long time.
Don't you think it would be nice to go/visit/attend...
Хорошо было бы, если бы мы сходили на выставку.
He сходить ли нам...?
May be we should risk going to...?
Shall we have lunch together?
Сходим (в кино)?
May be we can have lunch together?
Почитаем стихи?
Shall we sit down on this bench for awhile?
Thank you.
With the greatest of pleasure.
Be my guest this Sunday./I'll be happy to see you at my home this Sunday. - Thank you. With the greatest of pleasure.
Would you like a cup of coffee? - Yes, please. Very much so.
I have nothing against it.
Yes. All right.
We've been studying for more than three hours. Let's break up. - I don't mind./No objection.
Ничего не имею против.
All right.
Я не прочь. Я за.
Shall we go to a restaurant?/Let's
Сходим. Пойдем.
Let's (go). -- Let's go./Let's.
Сходим в кино? - Сходим.
Let's sing a song? - Let's.
Пойдем в кино на пять часов?-А можно попозже? В пять я буду занята. - Ну тогда на семь. - Договорились.
Shall we take a walk?-We may./Lets.
Может быть (возможно, наверное, вероятно, по-видимому), я приду (пойду)...
Don't know./Not sure./Can't say.
I wish I knew. can't promise you anything definite.
Come and see me tonight. -- I might./I'll do my best/I'll try./(Not sure I'll make it.)
I advise/recommend you to do sth.
I advise you to see the play.
I suggest (that) you conduct this lesson.
You must/should read this book!
Я могу (могу ли я, не могу ли я, можно, можно ли, нельзя ли) пригласить вас...?
I'd like to invite you to my home
May I invite you to our readers'
Купи этот номер журнала!
It'll come in useful.
Обязательно (непременно
Я хочу (мне хочется, я хотел бы, мне хотелось бы) чтобы мы (с вами) сходили...
I insist (that) you (should)...
I strongly advise you to do sth.
I strongly advise you...
Разрешите посоветовать вам...
May I suggest (that) you...
I would suggest you refrain from taking issue with the critic.
Young man, may I suggest that you visit the library a more more often.
Я (по)советовал бы вам...
I would recommend you...
I would advise you to read this book.
Would you revise the end/the (con cluding paragraphs of Chapter I?
Perhaps you should revise..
Я хочу посоветовать вам...
I'd like to suggest (that) you
I think you should reconsider your position.
May I suggest (that) you (should) reconsider your position.
I'd like to suggest, if I may, that you reconsider your approach.
Я хочу (мне хочется, я хотел бы, мне хотелось бы) дать вам совет...
Я позволю себе дать вам совет...
Могу я (я могу, могу ли я, не могу ли я, можно, можно ли, нельзя ли) посоветовать вам...? (предложить вам...?, дать вам совет...
May I advise уои.../ suggest (that) уои.../ give you a word of advice... I'd like to...
May I suggest you revise the introduction/preface to your work?
If I were you, I should delete the third paragraph in Chapter Two. Perhaps you should delete the third paragraph in Chapter Two.
Would you agree to delete the third paragraph in Chapter Two of your thesis?
It wouldn't be such a bad thing...
I think you should change/ make some changes in/revise the beginning of Chapter Two.
Perhaps you should give other examples instead of those you
Вы должны...
I think you should revise the t opening paragraphs in Chapter Two of the thesis.
It would be necessary for you...
I think you must/should/ought...
I'll think it over.
You should go and see the exhibition./ You really mustn't miss... - I'll try to fit it in somehow./ I'll do my best.
This is the stuff/It's the very stuff you should buy.-I'll give it a think.
Спасибо за совет.
Don't worry!
Don't worry!
Don't be nervous!
Don't take it to heart.
Crying won't help.
Don't fret/worry; all will be well.
Возьми себя в руки.
Keep your temper.
Keep your head/presence of mind.
Don't lose control of yourself.
Pay no attention.
Don't start moping.
Put this out of your head/mind.
Не думай об этом.
Forget it.
Take it easy. Pay no attention. Never mind what he says. Forget it. Put it out of your head.
Не надо волноваться.
Не надо расстраиваться.
Don't let that distress you.
Вы не должны терять голову.
You must keep/hold yourself in check.
Calm yourself.
Необходимо держать себя в руках.
Вы должны выбросить это из головы.
Все будет (кончится) хорошо!
Everything will come out all right.
Everything will be all right.
Я вам сочувствую!
If you only knew how I feel for you/sorry I am for you.
I understand.
I'm sorry to hear of it, but, believe me, all will be well.
Все бывает (в жизни).
Things do happen.
Вы не виноваты.
It's not your fault.
Какая ерунда!
Such nonsense!
Здесь нет повода для огорчений.
I don't see why you should/I see no reason why you should distress yourself/get upset/lose your head/lose heart.
Я вам искренне (глубоко, от всей души) соболезную.
Я приношу (вам) мои (примите мои, прошу принять мои) глубокие (искренние) соболезнования.
Let me express my deepest/sincerest sympathy.
May I express my condolences.
Я разделяю (вашу) глубокую печаль.
I share your grief/sorrow.
Вас постигла тяжелая (большая, невосполнимая) утрата.
Вы понесли большую утрату.
I was sorry to hear of your misfortune (great sorrow).
I was sorry to hear of your bereavement.
Какое (ужасное, непоправимое, большое) горе (несчастье)!
What a terrible/ grievous/ an irretrievable loss!
What a painful loss!
Вы хорошо выглядите
You look lovely.
You look so young.
Как вы хорошо выглядите!
You look lovely today!
Вы не изменились.
You look as young as ever.
You never change.
You don't seI to age.
Well, if it isn't John! How time flies! I haven't seen you for ages! Why, you haven't changed the least bit. You do wear well.
You don't look your age.
Неужели это ваша дочь? Вы очень молодо выглядите, вам нельзя дать ваших лет. Вы с дочкой скорее похожи на сестер!
Тебе не дашь твоих лет!
You look young/youthful.
You look wonderful.
You look superb.
Вы умны (умный).
You are beautiful.
You are a very intelligent person.
What an intelligent person you are!
Вы такой умный!
What an intelligent person you are!
Вы хороший специалист.
You are an excellent teacher.
You are an exceptional mathIatician.
Вы такой прекрасный переводчик!
Вы такой хороший переводчик!
You're a superb interpreter!
You're a superb musician/ performer!
Вы хорошо переводите.
You are a good singer.
You're an excellent chess-player.
You're an outstanding (a unique, superb, fabulous)...
У вас хороший голос.
You have a nice smile.
You have beautiful hair.
You have a (marvellous) figure.
У вас прекрасная походка.
You are good-natured.
You are kind-hearted.
You are sharp-witted.
You are shrewd.
You are a person of good taste.
You are a person of refined taste.
You have a subtle sense of humour.
Вас молодит короткая стрижка.
Вас красит улыбка.
The suit becomes you/shows you to great advantage.
You look very smart in this
I like the colour. This is your
Вам идут эти туфли.
You should smile more often. A
You should always wear your hair
Вам идет носить короткую юбку.
The blouse suits/goes well with your colouring.
This colour becomes you/is flattering.
You're always beautifully dressed.
You're always dressed according to/in the latest fashion.
Your taste in clothes is impeccable.
You have such wonderful taste in clothes.
С вами интересно общаться, разговаривать.
С вами приятно говорить.
It's a pleasure to deal with you.
You have a way with people.
You're a good mixer.
У вас прелестный ребенок.
You have a charming wife.
Your daughter is so sweet!
Your husband is very intelligent. You have a very intelligent
Вы хорошо поступили.
You did the right thing./You did right.
You did the right thing.
Ответные реплики
Thank you.
You flatter me.
It's your imagination.
Exaggerating as usual.
Мне (очень) приятно.
Я рад, что вам понравилось (это).
Вы тоже хорошо выглядите.
The same goes for your costume.
The same can be said about you.
16Разговор по телефону
Я слушаю!
Каштанов слушает.
This is Mr Kashtanov speaking.
Victor Kashtanov speaking.
Гостиница "Россия".
Reception desk, Inquiries
Inquiries/Inquiry Office.
Dean's office.
Это гостиница "Россия"?
Is that/this Inquiries/the Inquiry Office?
Hello, who's speaking, please? Hello, am I speaking to the secretary?
Hello, is this the Rossiya Hotel?
Простите, это Наталья Ивановна?
Is that Mrs Jones?
Это ты, Наташа?
Natalie, is that you?
Уточняющие ответы
Yes, that's right.
Yes, it's me/Jane/Victor/Mrs
Вы ошиблись.
I'm afraid you've got the wrong
I'm afraid you've dialled the wrong number.
There's some mistake, I'm afraid. Wrong number.
You must have the wrong number.
Здесь таких нет.
Sorry, there's no one by that name here.
No one by that name here. Wrong number.
What number did you dial?
What number were you calling?
Выражение просьбы позвать к телефону
Hello, is Mrs Jones (Anne) there?
Попросите (к телефону)...
Can/Could I speak to..., please?
Can/Could I speak to Mr Silkin?
Can/Could I speak to Mr Silkin?
Can/Could I speak to Mr Silkin?
Is Mr Silkin then'? Could I speak to him?
Can I trouble you to tell Mr Silkin that I'd like to speak to him?
Мне нужно Виктора.
Ф. к телефону!
Miss/Mrs Jones, you're wanted on the phone.
О.Н., вас просят подойти к телефону!
Miss/Mrs Jones, the call is for you.
И.П., вас просит (спрашивает) И.В.
Mr Simpson, Mr Reid is on the line.
С.М., говорят из министерства!
Ответные реплики
Thank you.
Just a moment! Coming.
Сейчас позову!
Just a moment!/sec!
Just a minute!
Пожалуйста, не кладите трубку!
Hold on, please!
Hold on, please!
Его (ее) нет (дома, на работе).
Sorry, not in now. He's gone out.
Could you call back later?
Could you call back, say, in an hour?
Could you call back later?
К сожалению, его (ее) еще нет.
Could you call again later?
К сожалению, Оли пока нет. Если не трудно, позвоните еще раз.
Оли нет. Что ей передать?
Mrs Jones is not in at the moment. And who's calling/speaking?
Передайте ему (ей), что звонил Володя.
Will you kindly tell him/her that Mrs Jones called/telephoned.
I'll call again.
Вам звонил Кузьмин.
Nick called and left a message. He wants you to call him back.
They expect you to call/telephone
Tom called and said he'd be calling again tonight/in the evening.
There was/'s been a call from Tom./Tom called.He wants you to call him back in the evening.
Здравствуйте, В.Д.!
Hello, Vera!
This is Mary Thompson, from the
I didn't recognise you.
I didn't recognise your voice.
Я у телефона.
Is that you? I'm sorry, I didn't recognise you at first.
We've been disconnected.
Sorry, can't hear a thing. I'll call you back.
I'll call/ring again.