В. О. Бернацкий доктор философских наук, профессор; > А. А. Головин доктор медицинских наук, профессор; > В. А. Евдокимов доктор политических наук, профессор; > Г. В. Косяков доктор филологических наук, професс
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- Альманах издан при поддержке народного депутата Украины, 3190.69kb.
- Ветеринария. – 2011. №1(17). – С. 20-21 Нужен ли нам сегодня новый аграрно-технический, 46.59kb.
- «Слова о Полку Игореве», 3567.27kb.
- Секция интенсивных методов обучения, 2428.86kb.
- Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине гсэ ф. 05 «Философия» для студентов всех, 591.55kb.
- Г. В. Осипов (ответственный редактор), академик ран, доктор философских наук, профессор, 10705.92kb.
- Г. В. Осипов (ответственный редактор), академик ран, доктор философских наук, профессор, 10029.55kb.
- Д. В. Петров Диапозитивы текста изготовлены в тц сфера, 1451.22kb.
- Высшее образование, 9461.34kb.
- Политология». Многие его материалы представляют интерес также для получающих профессиональную, 440.61kb.
ERSHOVA A. V. Evaluation of development of share investment fund in the Kazakhstan Republic…………… | 4 |
ZOLOTICH M. V. Virtuosity of politics and perspectives of development of direct democracy………………... | 11 |
KOROLEVA L. A., KOROLEV A. A., GARKIN I. N. Government-confession politics regarding islam in USSR. 1940–1980 (according to records of Sredney Povolgye)…………………………………………………. | 14 |
FARKOV A. M. Theoretical aspects of harmonizing of social-political system…………………………………. | 23 |
SHKUDUNOVA Y. V. Publicly-public sphere and political space……………………………………………… | 28 |
BEKLEMESHEV V. P. Peculiarity of regional regulation of labour marketing as element of complex relations.. | 35 |
BOLSHEDVOROVA S. A. Role of the second level banks in development and increasing of competition capacity of a region (on the example of North-Kazakhstan region)……………………………………………….. | 44 |
GAKELBERG T. B. Theoretical aspects of rating evaluation of loan enterprises’ credit reliability…………….. | 53 |
DEMIDENKO O. V. Questionnaire survey of employment and training of movement………………………….. | 62 |
ZASLONKINA O. V. Estimation of the condition of professional culture of civil servants in the oryol region… | 67 |
KRUTEN I. M. Marketing research in sport sphere (on the example of fight clubs in Omsk city)……………… MIHAYLOVA O. N. Analysis diversion portfolio on the example of AO “Kazkomercebank”………………… | 72 79 |
MIKHALKA E. P. Methodological aspects of risk assessment possible adverse effects of GMOS on human health and their effect on the state's food security………………………………………………………………… | 89 |
SAYKO V. M. Improvement of regulation and supervision of action of the second level banks in the Kazakhstan Republic………………………………………………………………………………………………… | 96 |
HUDAYBERDIEV Z. R. Actual matters of the labour market of Uzbekistan…………………………………… | 102 |
TSAPOVA N. Y. Foreign experience of employment regulation………………………………………………… | 105 |
TSAPOVA O. A. Fulfilling of supervision by National Kazakhstan Republic bank of payment means………… | 112 |
GLOTOVA ZH. V. Technological way to forming of competence in conditions of transfer to educational standards of new generation…………………………………………………………………………………………… | 121 |
GOLOVIN A. A., ZAPARIY S. P., ZHAKUPOVA B. G., SALIKOVA S. I. Adult invalids’ social rehabilitation owing to diseases organs of sight in Omsk region…………………………………………………………… | 124 |
DASHIEVA S. B. Tolerance as cultural phenomena……………………………………………………………... | 127 |
DUGANOVA J. K. Hardiness of people with different psychological safety……………………………………. | 130 |
ERMOLINA N. I. Peculiarities of development of some high psychological functions of children at an early age in modern conditions…………………………………………………………………………………………. | 134 |
ZHURENKO N. A. Modern historiography the Great Patriotic war and problems of modern mass consciousness………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… | 140 |
MAZUR E. Y. To analysis of psychological ways in researching of identity……………………………………. | 146 |
MAJORKINA I. B. Impact of orientation sporting on psychological development of primary school children with retardation…………………………………………………………………………………………………… | 152 |
OVRUTSKIY A. V. Sociology of consumption: main directions of researches…………………………………. | 160 |
POLYUSHKEVICH O. A. Transformation of social unity of the russian society: the analysis of social representations………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. | 167 |
STARSHOVA I. G. The role of intelligencia in perestroika period (1987-1991): a historical and social analysis. | 173 |
STEBLYAK E. A Psychosemiotic of body in combined activity blind-deaf child………………………………. | 181 |
STEBLYAK E. A., GORBATENKO M. V. Crisis of modern psychology in eyes of L. S. Vigotskiy…………... | 187 |
TURAKULOVA I. H., ABDULAEV H. B. Forming of bases of spirit-immunological upbringing of future teachers in nursery schools………………………………………………………………………………………… | 192 |
SHERBAKOV E. P. About parents’ love instinct to their children………………………………………………. | 196 |
BOLTUNOV V. S. The culture dichotomy as values conflict…………………………………………….. | 203 |
ZHAROVA O. S. Semioshere signs in value “good” and “bad” in mental space of selfconciousness…………… | 209 |
EVDOKIMOV V. A. Infotainment in mass media: panacea from boredom and ersatz…………………………... | 214 |
ERMAKOVA O. L. Theme of beard in russian folk……………………………………………………………… | 220 |
PALY O. V. Connection-mean components in the system of the compound syntactical wholes with special purpose relations……………………………………………………………………………………………………… | 225 |
DENISOV D. P., KASYMOVA O. K. Designing neural network in the tabular processor MS EXCEL………… | 230 |
DUKIN S. G. Blogsphere and region’s image: Perm region through prism of “Alive journal”………………….. | 234 |
KLICOV A. I., FROLOVA N. A. Modelling of space of microcirculation stream in 3D-editor blender 2.49B… | 237 |
BASIROVA D. R. Science and art: the integration basis…………………………………………………………. | 241 |
YUDINA V. I. Dialog as methodology of modern musicscience…………………………………………………. | 246 |
REVIEWS YEREMEYEV A. E. Study of the florentine phenomenon: russian literary tradition and modern study approaches Book review: M. P. Grebneva. "Conceptual florentine myth in russian literature" (Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University, 2009. – 182 p.)………………………………………………………………………….. | 253 253 |
SUMMARY………………………………………………………………………………………………………. | 256 |
Requirements to design of scientific articles……………………………………………………………………… | 262 |
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