Програма фахових вступних випробувань для навчання на освітньо-кваліфікаційному рівні «Магістр / Спеціаліст» зі спеціальності «Переклад (англо-український переклад)»

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Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

"Затверджую" «___»_______2011 р.

Ректор проф. І. О. Вакарчук

N особової справи ___________________Варіант______

Спеціальність «Переклад»

(англо-український переклад)

Instructions: Find the correct variant of translation and indicate the number in brackets.

# 1. Ні учні, ні вчитель не хочуть пропустити цю виставу.
  1. Neither the pupils nor the teacher wants to miss the play.
  2. Neither the pupils nor the teacher want to miss the play.
  3. Neither the pupils nor the teacher don’t want to miss the play.
  4. Neither the pupils nor the teacher not want to miss the play.

# 2. Я не люблю дивитися сумні фільми. Вони завжди пригнічують мене.
  1. I don’t like watching sad films. They always let me down.
  2. I don’t like watching sad films. They always pull me down.
  3. I don’t like watching sad films. They always get me down.
  4. I don’t like watching sad films. They always take me down.

# 3. Він вийшов на пенсію у віці 65 років.
  1. He retired his job at 65.
  2. He retired off his job at 65.
  3. He retired from his job at 65.
  4. He retired out of his job at 65.

# 4. Середня тривалість життя чоловіків і жінок значно зросла за останні 50 років.
  1. The average lifespin for men and women has increased dramatically in the past 50 years.
  2. The average lifepan for men and women has increased dramatically in the past 50 years.
  3. The average lifespan for men and women has increased dramatically in the past 50 years.
  4. The average livespan for men and women has increased dramatically in the past 50 years.

# 5. Пол не пішов, поки Мері не приїхала.
  1. Paul didn’t leave until Mary hadn’t arrived.
  2. Paul didn’t leave until Mary had been arrived.
  3. Paul didn’t leave until Mary was arrived.
  4. Paul didn’t leave until Mary had arrived.

Instructions: Find the correct variant of translation and indicate the number in brackets.

# 6. Якщо хочеш бути успішним, спрямовуй свої зусилля у правильному напрямку і не відволікайся.
  1. If you want to be successful, turn your efforts in the right direction and don’t get side-tracked.
  2. If you want to be successful, direct your efforts in the right direction and don’t go side-tracked.
  3. If you want to be successful, channel your efforts in the right direction and don’t get side-tracked.
  4. If you want to be successful, make your efforts in the right direction and don’t look around.

# 7. Мережі великих супермаркетів витіснили дрібних торговців з ринку.
  1. Major supermarket chains have numbered smaller retailers out of the market.
  2. Major supermarket chains have priced smaller retailers out of the market.
  3. Major supermarket chains have costed smaller retailers out of the market.
  4. Major supermarket chains have budgeted smaller retailers out of the market.

# 8. Лінда блискуче здала всі екзамени.
  1. Linda passed all of her exams with flying ease.
  2. Linda passed all of her exams with flying colours.
  3. Linda passed all of her exams with flying speed.
  4. Linda passed all of her exams with flying looks.

# 9. Бен Невіс – це найвища гора в Британії.
    1. The Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain.
    2. Ben Nevis is highest mountain in Britain.
    3. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the Britain.
    4. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain.

# 10. Джек працює дуже важко, намагаючись розвинути свю справу.
  1. Jack’s working really hard trying to get the business from the ground.
  2. Jack’s working really hard trying to get the business above the ground.
  3. Jack’s working really hard trying to get the business up the ground.
  4. Jack’s working really hard trying to get the business off the ground.

Instructions: Choose the correct answer and indicate it in brackets.

#11. Allusion differs from quotation being (.....)
  1. more extended;
  2. implicit;
  3. direct.

# 12. Stylistic norm is (.....)
  1. style without embellishments;
  2. invariant of the phonetic, morphological and syntactic patterns in circulation during a given period in the development of the given language;
  3. received standard of the language.

# 13. What idioms are easily recognizable? (.....)
  1. based on proper names;
  2. based on free word combinations;
  3. based on absurd statements.

# 14. Phraseological congruents are (.....)
  1. idioms that coincide on the second semantic layer in languages in contrast;
  2. idioms that coincide both on the first and second semantic layer with slight grammatical variations;
  3. idioms that are absolutely identical on both semantic layers.

# 15. Contrastive grammar studies (.....) features in the grammar system of contrasted languages.
  1. convergent
  2. divergent and different
  3. convergent and divergent

Instructions: Choose the correct answer and indicate it in brackets.

# 16. Contrastive Lexicology studies... (.....)
  1. similarities and differences in the vocabulary systems of both cognate and non-related languages on the synchronic level;
  2. similarities in the vocabulary systems of cognate languages on the synchronic level;
  3. similarities in the vocabulary systems of cognate languages on the diachronic level.

# 17. The founder of Contrastive Lexicology in Ukraine is... (.....)
  1. V. Mathesius;
  2. Yu.O. Zhluktenko;
  3. S.V. Semchinskyi.

# 18. Middle English Dictionary is... (.....)
    1. synchronic;
    2. diachronic;
    3. historical.

# 19. Societal multilingualism occurs when ... (.....)
  1. a country or region consists of several language groups, each of which is primarily multilingual;
  2. a country or region consists of several language groups, each of which is primarily monolingual;
  3. a country or region consists of several language groups, each of which is primarily bilingual.

# 20. The tartan is ... (.....)
  1. a woolen or worsted cloth woven with stripes of different colors and widths crossing at right angles;
  2. A standard of Scottish clan;
  3. A place in the Highland.

Instructions: Choose the correct answer and indicate it in brackets.

# 21. Who was the first to publish a short outline of translation principles and establish the principles for the translator? (.....)
  1. E. Dolet
  2. V. Nabokov
  3. I. Franko

# 22. Who initiated the method of linguostylistic analysis of translation? (.....)
  1. P. Kulish
  2. P. Hrabovs’kyi
  3. I. Franko

# 23. What level of translation theory analyses the “black box” of the translator’s mind?: (.....)
  1. function-oriented;
  2. product-oriented;
  3. process-oriented

# 24. Who introduced the notions of formal and dynamic equivalence? (......)
  1. A. Popovič;
  2. A. Neubert;
  3. E. Nida.

# 25. Паска – Easter bread. This is a sample of: (.....)
  1. descriptive translation;
  2. calque;
  3. translation by analogue.

Instructions: Choose the correct answer and indicate it in brackets.

# 26. Melopoeia is... (.....)
  1. the music property of the text;
  2. rhymed poetry with conventional images;
  3. alliterated verse.

# 27. The abbreviated names of produce and equipment are usually (…)
  1. translated;
  2. not translated;
  3. transliterated.

# 28. Some units of measure such as the inch, the foot etc. are usually (…)
  1. translated;
  2. transliterated;
  3. converted.

# 28. Who was the first to introduce Byron’s works into Ukrainian literature?
    1. I. Kotliarevs’kyi;
    2. І. Franko;
    3. M. Kostomarov.

# 30. What was translated by M. Lukash? (......)
  1. Shakespeare’s sonnets;
  2. “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes;
  3. “Illiad” by Homer.

Декан факультету В. Т. Сулим

Примітка: завдання №1-10 оцінюються в 1 бал, №11-20 – 2 бали, №21-30 – 3 бали.


1 – 1

2 – 3

3 – 3

4 – 3

5 – 4

6 – 3

7 – 2

8 – 2

9 – 4

10 – 4

11 – 2

12 – 2

13 – 3

14 – 3

15 – 3

16 – 1

17 – 2

18 – 2

19 – 2

20 – 1

21 – 1

22 – 3

23 – 3

24 – 3

25 – 1

26 – 1

27 – 3

28 – 3

29 – 3

30 – 2