Список публикаций за 2011 г. Монографии Зуев Л. Б., Баранникова С. А. Физика прочности и экспериментальная механика. Новосибирск: Наука, 2011
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Зарубежные журналы |
- Календарно-тематическое планирование 10 класс, 727.51kb.
- Программа кружка «Химия наука экспериментальная» на 2011-2012 учебный год Учитель химии, 227.56kb.
- Список публикаций за 2010год Монографии, 88.14kb.
- Физика (греч ta physika, от physis природа), наука о природе, изучающая простейшие, 51.33kb.
- Программа подраздела «История механики», 75.11kb.
- Программа-минимум кандидатского экзамена по специальности 01. 04. 02 «Теоретическая, 115.8kb.
- Тематическое планирование учебного материала по физике в 10 кл Учебник: Г. Я. Мякишев,, 155.64kb.
- Программа по физике для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных, 75.87kb.
- Список публикаций учителей кафедры 2010\2011 учебный год, 41.54kb.
- Информационное письмо, 22.47kb.
Зарубежные журналы
Archubi C.D., M.S. Gravielle, V.M. Silkin. Surface-electronic-state effects in electron emission from the Be(0001) surface // Physical Review A, v. 84, 2011, - p. 012901-5.
- Astafurova E.G., Tukeeva M.S., G.G.Zakharova, E.V. Melnikov, H.J. Maier. On the role of mechanical twinning on the fragmentation of Hadfield steel single crystals after cold-rolling and high-pressure torsion // Materials Characterization, v.62, (2011) pp.588-592.
- Bakulin A, S Eremeev, O Tereshchenko, E Chulkov and S Kulkova. Adsorption of halogens on cation-rich GaAs(001) surface// IOP conference series: Material Sciences and Engineering, Annual Conference on Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies – FM&NT 2011 5–8 April 2011, Riga, Latvia, -2011, Vol. 23. –p. 012015-1-8.
- Balokhonov R.R., Multiscale analysis of deformation and fracture mechanisms in composite materials // International journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering. – 2011. 3 1 – р. 13-37.
- Danilov V.I., Orlova D.V., Zuev L.B. On the kinetic of localized plasticity domains emergent at pre-failure stage of deformation process // Materials and Design. 2011. V. 32. Р. 1554-1558.
- Danilov V.I., Zuev L.B., Orlova D.V., Ploskov N.A. Material behavior at the pre-fracture stage and a new method for estimating the plasticity margin of materials worked by pressing // J-l of Materials Science and Engineering A. 2011. V. 1. N 6. Р.
- Despoja V., D.J. Mowbray, V.M. Silkin. Tuning MgB2(0001) surface states through surface termination // Physical Review B, v. 84, 2011, - p. 104514-11.
- Díez Muiño D- Sánchez-Portal, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique. Time-dependent electron phenomena at surfaces // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of U.S.A., v. 108, 2011. - p. 971-976.
- Egorushkin V., Mel'nikova N., Ponomarev A., et al. Low-temperature peculiarities of electron transport properties of carbon nanotubes // Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 2011. Vol. 1, no.2. Pp. 161-167.
- Eremeev S.V., G. Bihlmayer, M.G. Vergniory, Yu.M. Koroteev, T.V. Menshchikova, J. Henk, A. Ernst, E.V. Chulkov Ab initio electronic structure of thallium-based topological insulators // Physical Review B, 83, 20, 2011. - p. 205129(8).
- Evstigneev N.K., Knyazeva A.G. Effect of loading conditions on regimes of solid-phase transformations in a plate // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. – 2011. – Vol. 52, № 3. – P. 329-339
- Filippov A.E., Popov V.L. and Urbakh M. Mechanism of wear and ripple formation induced by the mechanical action of an AFM tip // Phys. Rev. Lett., 2011, 025502, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.025502.
- Filippov A.E., Popov V.L. Gorb S. Shear induced adhesion: contact mechanics of biological spatula-like attachment devices // Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2011, v. 276, pp. 126-131.
- Galchenko Nina. K., Ksenia A. Kolesnikova, Sergei I. Belyuk, and Grigoriy V. Semenov. Wear-resistant ebw coatings based on a TiB2-Fe SHS composite with a high-alloy matrice // Journal of International Scientific Publication: Materials, Methods & Technologies (MM&T), Volume 5, Part 2. 2011. P.300-307.
- Isaeva L.E., D.I. Bazhanov, E.I. Isaev, S.V. Eremeev, S.E. Kulkova, I.A. Abrikosov Dynamic stability of palladium hydride: An ab initio study // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy – 2011. –V.36. N 1. –P.1254-1258.
- Ivanov K.V., E.V. Naidenkin. Structure Evolution and Deformation Mechanisms in Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum under Tension at Room Temperature // Materials Science Forum. – 2011. – Vols. 667-669. – P. 915-920.
- Kibitkin V.V., Solodushkin A.I., Pleshanov V.S. and Lychagin D.V. Formation of a Single Image of Material Surfaces to Measure Displacement and Strain Fields // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, v.47, No 4, 2011, 8390, DOI 10.3103/S8756699011040108.
- Luo H.B.; Li C.M.; Hu Q.M.; Kulkova S. E.; Johansson, B.; Vitos L.; Yang R. First-principles investigations of the five-layer modulated martensitic structure in Ni(2)Mn(Al(x)Ga(1-x)) alloys // Acta Materialia – 2011. –V. 59, N 15. –P. 5938-5945.
- Maruschak P., Okipnyi I., Panin S., Brevus V., Sorochak F/ Analysis of causes of failure of the system elements of the water and gas supply // Вестник Тернопольского национального технического университета, Спецвыпуск, 2011, Ч. 1, С. 124-128.
- Melnikov Vladlen and Svetlana Kulkova // Theoretical Study of Interfaces between bcc Metals and -Al2O3 // IOP conference series: Material Sciences and Engineering, Annual Conference on Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies – FM&NT 2011 5–8 April 2011, Riga, Latvia, -2011, Vol. 23. –p. 012041-1-4.
- Mikhaylov G., Mikac U., Magaeva A.A., Itin V.I., Naiden E.P., Psakhye I., Liane Babes L., Thomas Reinheckel, Christoph Peters, Robert Zeiser, Matthew Bogyo, Vito Turk, Sergey G. Psakhye S.G., Turk B., Vasiljeva O. Ferri-liposomes as an MRI-visible drug-delivery system for targeting tumours and their microenvironment // Nature nanotechnology. 2011. V 6. P.594–602
- Naydenkin E.V., Grabovetskaya G.P., K.V. Ivanov. The Effect of Grain Boundary State on Deformation Process Development in Nanostructured Metals Processed by the Methods of Severe Plastic Deformation // Materials Science Forum. – 2011.– Vol. 683. – P. 69-79.
- Naydenkin E.V., Ratochka I.V., Grabovetskaya G.P. The Aspects of Practical Application of Ultrafine-Grained Titanium Alloys Produced Severe Plastic Deformation // Materials Science Forum. – 2011. –Vol. 667-669. – P. 1183-1188.
- Österle W., A.I. Dmitriev Functionality of conventional brake friction materials – Perceptions from findings observed at different length scales // Wear. – 2011. – V. 271, (9-10), 2011, P 2198-2207
- Panin S., Kornienko L., Wannasri S., Piriyayon S., Poowadin T., Ivanova L., Shilko S., Sergeev V. Influence of mechanical activation, ion implantation and filler type on formation of transfer film in tribounits of UHMWPE-based composites // Mechanics of Composite Materials. –2011. –Vol. 47. –No.5. –P.513–520.
- Panin S., Kornienko L., Wannasri S., Piriyayon S., Poowadin T., Ivanova L., Shilko S., Sergeev V. Influence of mechanical activation, ion implantation and filler type on formation of transfer film in tribounits of UHMWPE-based composites // Mechanics of Composite Materials. –2011. –Vol. 47. – № 5. –P.513–520.
- Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E., Panin L.E. The physical mesomechanics of mass transfert in biological membranes and nanostructural materials // Terraspace Science and Engineering. – 2011. – v.3. – Iss.1. – p.39-61.
- Panin V.E., Panin L.E. Thermodynamics and mesomechanics of nanostructural transition in biological membranes under stress // Terraspace Science and Engineering. – 2011. – v.3. – Iss.1. – p.3-12.
- Popov V.L. and Dimaki A.V. Using hierarchical memory to calculate friction force between fractal rough solid surface and elastomer with arbitrary linear rheological properties // Tech. Phys. Lett., 2011, v. 37, No.1. – pp. 18-24.
- Popov V.L., Starcevic J., Teidelt E. Influence of in-plane and out-of plane ultrasonic oscillations on static and sliding friction // Friction and lubrication in machines and mechanisms. – 2011. – № 2. – ISSN: 1819-2092.
- Psakhie S.G., Horie Y., Shilko E.V., Smolin A.A.Yu., Dmitriev A.I., Astafurov S. V. Development of discrete element approach to modeling heterogeneous elastic-plastic materials and media // International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering. 2011. –V.3. – № 1. – P.93-125.
- Psakhie S.G., Zolnikov K.P., Dmitriev A.I., Kryzhevich D.S., Nikonov A.Y. Structural rearrangement in fcc metal under shear deformation: molecular dynamics simulations // International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering. – 2011. – V. 3. – № P. 63-91.
- Romanova V., R.Balokhonov, S. Schmauder, Three-dimensional analysis of mesoscale deformation phenomena in welded low-carbon steel // Materials Science and Engineering A. – 528 (2011) 5271-5277.
- Romanova V.A. Mesomechanical analysis of the deformation behavior of 3D polycrystals // International journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering. – 2011. – V. 3. – Issue 1 127-144. (ру 13-37).
- Shlyakhova G.V., Danilov V.I., Zavodchikov A.S., Orlova D.V., Zuev L.B. The structural and phase state formed in construction titanium alloy by radial forging // Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies. – 2011. – V. 5. – Part 2. – Р. 255-263.
- Shugurov A.R., Panin A.V. Degradation of thin films under conditions of periodic distribution of stresses and strains along the film-substrate interface // Int. J. Terraspace Sci. Eng. – 2011. – V. 3. – No. 2. – P. 145-156.
- Sih G.C., Panin V.E., and Fomin V.M. Similarity and Dissimilarity of Mechanical and Biological System // Terraspace Science and Engineering. – 2011. – v.3. – Iss.1. – p.1-2.
- Silkin V.M., T. Nagao, V. Despoja, J.P. Echeverri, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique. Low-energy plasmons in quantum-well and surface states of metallic thin films // Physical Review B. –2011. – V. 84. – P. 165416-9.
- Sklyadneva I.Yu., G. Benedek, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, R. Heid, K.-P. Bohnen, J.P. Toennies. Mode-selected electron-phonon coupling in superconducting Pb nanofilms determined from He atom scattering // Physical Review Letters, 2011, v. 107, - p. 105502 (4).
- Sklyadneva I.Yu., R. Heid, P.M. Echenique, K.-P. Bohnen, and E.V.Chulkov. Electron-phonon coupling in surface electronic states on Be (1010) // Phys. Rev. B. – 2011. – V.83. – P. 195437 (1-8).
- Sklyadneva I.Yu., R.Heid, K.-P. Bohnen, P.M. Echenique, G. Benedek, and V. Chulkov. The effect of spin-orbit coupling on the surface dynamical properties and electron-phonon interaction of Tl(0001) // The Journal of Physical Chremistry A (JPCA) (EEUU), 2011, v. 115, – p. 7352-7355.
- Sklyadneva I.Yu., S.S. Tsirkin, S.V. Eremeev, R. Heid, K.-P. Bohnen, and E.V. Chulkov. Contribution of phonons to the line width of surface electronic status on Pd(111) // Physics of the Solid State. – 2011. – V. 53. – P. 2508-2514.
- Solonenko O.P., Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Golovin A.A. Plasma Sprayed Metal-Ceramic Coatings and Modification on Their Structure with Pulsed Electron Beam Irradiation//Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. - 2011. - Vol. 20. - Issue 4.-P.927-938.
- Stefanov Yu P., M.A. Chertov, G.R. Aidagulov, A.V. Myasnikov Dynamics of inelastic deformation of porous rocks and formation of localized compaction zones studied by numerical modeling // Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. – 2011. – 59. – Р. 2323-2340.
- Tsirkin S.S., S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov Inelastic electron-electron scattering for surface states on Cu(110) and Ag(110) // Physical Review B. – 2011. – № 11. – Р. 115451(9).
- Tyumentsev A.N., Ditenberg I.A., Grinyaev K.V., Chernov V.M., Potapenko M.M. Multi-directional forge molding as a promising method of enhancement of mechanical properties of V-4Ti-4Cr alloys // Journal of Nuclear Materials. – 2011. – V. 413. – P. 103-106.
- Velikokhatnyi O.I., P.N. Kumta, Ab-initio study of fluorine-doped tin dioxide: A prospective catalyst support for water electrolysis // Physica B: Condensed Matter (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2011. – 406(3). – Р. 471-477.
- Wu K., O.N. Dogan, O.I. Velikokhatnyi, P.N. Kumta, A CALPHAD study on the thermodynamic stability of calcium-, zinc-, and yttrium-doped magnesium in aqueous environments // Materials Science & Engineering, B: Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials. – 2011. – 176(20). – Р. 1727-1732.
- Zakharova Galina G., Elena G. Astafurova, Eugene V. Naydenkin, George I. Raab, Sergey V. Dobatkin. The evolution of structure and mechanical properties of Fe-Mn-V-Ti-0,1C low-carbon steel subjected to severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing // Materials Science Forum. – 2011. – Vols. 667-669. – Р. 325-330.
- Zubizarreta X., V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov. First-principles quasiparticle damping rates in bulk lead // Physical Review B. – 2011. – V. 84. – Р. 115144-9.
- Zuev L.B. Overall model of plasticity and failure of metals // Acta Physica Polonica A. – 2011. – V. 119. – N 2. – Р. 340-343.
- Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. Plastic flow localization viewed as auto-wave process generated in deforming metals // Solid State Phenomena. 2011. – V. 172-174. – Р. 1279-1283.
- Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. A new model of localized plastic flow and failure of solids // Engineering Procedia. – 2011. – Vol. 10. – P. 948-952.
- Ковалевская Ж.Г., Иванов Ю.Ф., Перевалова О.Б., Уваркин П.В. Исследование микроструктуры поверхности точения стали 20 // Вестник Восточноукраинского национального университета имени В.Даля. – 2011. – № 12 (166). – Ч.1. – С. 85-90.
- Панин А.В., Перевалова О.Б., Синякова Е.А., Сергеев В.П., Тюрин Е.О., Леонтьева-Смирнова М.В., Чернов В.М. Влияние обработки ионными пучками циркония на структуру и механические свойства ферритно-мартенситной стали // Вестник Восточноукраинского национального университета имени В.Даля. – 2011. – № 12 (166). – Ч.1. – С. 167-173.