Тематический каталог книг Информационного центра Института европейского права и Международно-правового факультета мгимо (У)
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СодержаниеDie Europaische Fusionskontrolle. Offentliche Unternehmen und die Beihilfeaufsicht der EU. Трудовое и социальное право Европейского Союза: документы и материалы. |
- Малеев Юрий Николаевич программа, 792.99kb.
- Настоящая программа по курсу «Международный коммерческий арбитраж» предназначена для, 112.27kb.
- Программа дисциплины «международное частное право» для студентов 4 курса очной формы, 540.86kb.
- Основные положения и тенденции акционерного права, 717.11kb.
- Программа по дисциплине «Современная среда международного бизнеса» для студентов, 166.22kb.
- Удк 341. 17 Источники права Европейского Союза (международно-правовой анализ), 816.39kb.
- Вопросы к зачету по сравнительному правоведению для международно-правового факультета, 17.5kb.
- Учебно-тематический план курса № Наименование темы Всего часов Лекции, 31.01kb.
- Проблемы правового статуса иностранцев в условиях глобализации, 1326.06kb.
- Проблемы правового статуса иностранцев в условиях глобализации, 768kb.
- Die Europaische Fusionskontrolle. Stockenhuber P., 1995
- Die Versicherungswirschaft im europaischen Kartellrecht. Windhagen E., 1996
- Europaisches Vergaberecht. Egger A., 2008 (cм. «Внутренний рынок») (265983432)
- Offentliche Unternehmen und die Beihilfeaufsicht der EU. Wie Subventionen von der Europaischen Kommission beurteilt warden. Soukup K., 1995
- Subsidiaritat im Recht der Wettbewerbs-beschrankungen. Die Aktionsmoglichkeiten nationaler Kartellbehorden in der Europaischen Union. Jung Ch., 1995
- Wettbewerbsbeschrankende mabnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten und EWG-Vertag. Ihre Vereinbarkeit am Beispiel der Banken. Mikroulea Al., 1995
Правовое регулирование здравоохранения в ЕС
- A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences. EMCDDA monographs, №8, v.1-2, Sznitman S.R., Olsson B., Room R., 2008 (273679236)
- Achieving better safety and health in construction. Information report. European Agency for safety and health at work 2004
- An injection of statistics into health policy. Sigma – the bulletin of European statistics, №1, 2005
- Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in the European Union 2001. EMCDDA. 2001
- Community measures affecting tourism (1997/99). Report from Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions. 03.2001 (222460362)
- Comparative study on discrimination against persons with HIV or AIDS. 1993
- Decision modeling for health economic evaluation. Briggs A., Claxton K., Sculpher M., 2006 (244048528)
- Early-warning system on new psychoactive substances. Operating guidelines. King L., Sedefov R., 2007 (244304309)
- European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Perry N., Broeders M., Wolf C., 2006
- European Monitoring Center for Drugs and drug addiction. Annual report 2005. Selected issues, 2005
- Evaluating the treatment of drug abuse in the European Union. EMCDDA, 1999
- Evaluation: a key tool for improving drug prevention. EMCDDA, 2000
- Expert forecast on emerging physical risks related to occupational safety and health. European Agency for safety and health at work, 2005
- Guidelines for the evaluation of outreach work. A manual for outreach practitioners. EMCDDA, 2001
- Guidelines. Efficace. Eudralex. v.3C, 1998
- Guidelines. Quality and biotechnology. Eudralex. v.3A, 1998
- Guidelines. Safety, environment and information. Eudralex. v.3B, 1998
- Injecting drug use, risk behavior and qualitative research in the time of AIDS. 2001
- Notice to applicants Procedures for marketing authorization. Eudralex. v.2A, 1998
- Notice to applicants. Presentation and content of the dossier. Eudralex. v.2B, 1998
- Opinion on the Commission Communication to the council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Working together for the future of European tourism. Committee of the Regions, oct.2002 (222458951)
- Opinion on the role of local and region authorities in tourism development and the impact of European Union measures in the sphere of tourism. Committee of the Regions, 06.1999. (222459730)
- Outreach work among drug users in Europe: Concepts? Practice and terminology. EMCDDA, 1999.
- Pharmaceutical legislation. Eudralex. v.1, 1998
- Pharmaceutical legislation. Good manufacturing practices. Eudralex. v.4, 1997
- Radiation protection-87. Radiological protection principles for urgent countermeasures to protect the public in the event of accidental releases of radioactive material. 1997
- Radiation protection-88. Recommendations for the implementation of Title VII of the European basic safety standards directive (BSS) concerning significant increase in exposure due to natural radiation sources. 1997
- Radiation protection-91. Criteria for acceptability of radiological (including radiotherapy) and nuclear medicine installations. 1997
- Report on the risk assessment of 4-MTA in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. EMCDDA, 1999
- Report on the risk assessment of GHB in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. EMCDDA, 2002
- Report on the risk assessment of PMMA in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. 2003
- The state of the drugs problem in Europe. Annual report 20008. 2008 (168708872)
- Towards quality urban tourism. Integrated quality (IQM) of urban tourist destinations. 2000 (222457659)
- Understanding and responding to drug use: the role of qualitative research. EMCDDA, 2000
- Council Directive № 84/539 of 17 September 1984 on the approximation of the laws of the Member states relating to electro-medical equipment used in [1] –[1] veterinary medicine. Collection of consolidated texts. 1997
Региональная политика ЕС
- A Europe of regions and Cities. Strategies and prospects for EU Enlargement. Committee of the regions, 2000
- A Europe of towns and cities. A practical guide to town-twinning. 1997
- Evaluating quality of life in European regions and cities. Committee of the regions, 1999
- Human capital as a factor of growth and promotion of employment at the regional level: the case of France and Germany. Committee of the Regions, 2005
- Procedures for local and regional authority participation in European Policy Making in the member states. Committee of the Regions, 2005
- Regional and local democracy in the European Union. Committee of the regions, 1999
- Regional and Local Government in the European Union. Responsibilities and resources. Committee of the regions, 2001
- Regional and local Powers in Europe. Education and youth, culture, public health, Trans-European networks and regional and structural policy. Committee of the regions, 2002
- Regional and local powers in Europe. Employment, social policy, environment, transport and vocational training. Committee of the regions, 2001
- Regions: statistical yearbook 2006. Data 2000-2004. Eurostat, 2006 (222288860)
- Sustainable Tourism as a Factor of Cohesion Among European Regions. Committee of the Regions, 2006
- The law of EU Regional Policy. Evans A., 1995
- The proportion of women members in regional and local parliaments and assemblies in the EU. 1999
- The regional and local dimensions in establishing new forms of governance in Europe. Committee of the regions, 2003
- Thesis competition 1996-2001. Committee of the regions, 2001
- Voter turnout at regional and local elections in the European Union 1990-1999. Committee of the regions, 2001
- Voter turnout at regional and local elections in the European Union 1990-2001. Committee of the regions, 2001
- Вer Ausschub der regionen (Artikel 198a –c EG-Vertag). Einstieng der Europaischen Union in einen kooperativen Regionalismus? Theissen R., Duncker and Humblot, 1996
Социальное и трудовое право EC
- Альтернативные методы разрешения индивидуальных и коллективных трудовых споров. Рекомендации для России из европейского опыта. /Alternative, individual and collective labour dispute settlement. Recommendations for Russia from the European experience. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
- Европейские и российские минимальные стандарты социального диалога. Анализ законодательства и рекомендации для России. / European and Russian minimum standards for social dialogues. Analysis of legislation and recommendations for Russia. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
- Опыт и проблемы социального диалога в России и странах Европейского Союза. / Social partnership issues and labour relations in Europe. European experience as a model for Russia? Материалы международной научной конференции. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
- От социальной идеи к социальной интеграции. Антропов В.В., 1999
- Социальная защита в странах Европейского Союза. История, организация, финансирование, проблемы. Антропов В.В., 2006
- Социальное партнерство и трудовые отношения в Европе. Приемлемы ли для России европейские модели? Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
- Специфика защиты работников малого бизнеса, транснациональных корпораций и реструктуризируемых предприятий. / Specific issues in employee protection with regard to small business, transnational corporations and corporate restructuring. The European experience as recommendations for Russia. Европейский опыт и рекомендации для России. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
- Трудовое и социальное право Европейского Союза: документы и материалы. / European Union labour and social law. Documents and materials. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
- Development partnerships working against discrimination and inequality in Europe. 2005
- EC Employment Law. Barnard C., 1998
- Economic and social law of the European Union. Shaw J., Hunt J., Wallace C., 2007 (см. «Экономические отношения»» (279718610)
- Employment in Europe 2006. 2006 (220620872 )
- Employment in Europe 2007. 2007 (283529119)
- Employment in Europe 2008. 2008 (283528902)
- Equal guide on transnational cooperation 2004-2008. Employment & social affairs. 2005 (288205635)
- European employment observatory. Review: autumn 2007. 2008 (283529470)
- European labour law. Blanpain R., 2006 (265819695) н/б
- European Social Law and policy. Hervey T., 1998
- Free movement of persons in Europe: Abolition of border controls. Schengen information system. Cooperation in the field of criminal law. Schermers H., Flinterman C., 1993
- Free movement of persons within the European Community. Weiss F., Wooldridge F., 2007 (см. «Миграционная политика») (265814252) (н/б-1, ИЦ-1)
- Free movement of persons in the European Union. Martin D., Guild El., 1996
- Free movement, social security and gender in the EU. Paskalia V., 2007 (см. «Миграция») (282403497)
- Freedom of services in the European Union. Labour and social security law: the Bolkestein initiative. Blanpain R., 2006 (282406724)
- Industrial relations in Europe 2004. 2004 (193838794)
- Industrial relations in Europe 2006. 2006 (227270903)
- Institutional Changes and European Social Policies after the Treaty of Amsterdam. Blanpain R., Colucci M., 1998
- International Encyclopedia for Labour Law and Industrial relations. Blanpain R., 1997
- Introduction to European social security law. Pennings Fr., 1994
- Introduction to European social security law. Pennings Fr., 1998
- Joint report on social protection and social inclusion 2008. Social inclusion, pensions, healthcare and long-term care. 2008 (273681429)
- Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union. Blanpain R., 1998
- Making work pay debates from a gender perspective. A comparative review of some recent policy reforms in thirty European countries. 2006
- Noise in figures. Thematic report. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2005
- Older people in working life. Presentation of relevant actions by local and regional authorities. 2003
- Promoting health and safety in European Small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). 2005
- Recent development in the European sectoral social dialogue. 2006
- Report on social inclusion 2005 (in the 10 new Member States). 2005
- Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. (situation on 1 may 2004). MISSOC 2004. Unit E.4, 2005
- Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010). Assessment of the National reform programmes. 2008 (263403163)
- The European Institutions in the fight against racism: selected texts. 1997
- The evolution of Labour law (1992-2003). Volume 2: National reports, 2005
- The social situation in the European Union 2000. 2000
- The social situation in the European Union 2001. 2001
- The social situation in the European Union 2004. 2004
- The social situation in the European Union 2004. Overview, 2004
- The social situation in the European Union 2007. Eurostat, 2008
- Time to move up a gear. The new partnership for growth and jobs. Communication from the Commission to the spring European Council 2006. 2006
- Workers, establishment, and services in the European Union. White R., 2004 (244812705) н/б
- Droit du travail communautaire. Blanpain R., Javillier J., 1995
- La société civile organisée en Pologne, République Tchèque, Slovaquie et Hongrie. Comité économique et social européen, 2002
- Europaisches Arbeitsrecht. Blanpain R., Schmidt M., 1996
- Mitwirkung der Arbeitnehmer nach der EU-Richtlinie uber die Einsetzung eines Europaischen Betriebsrats. Zugel J., 1995
- Sozialpolitik nach Maastricht. Trorsten Gunther Arl, 1997
Страховое право ЕС
- Рабочая тетрадь по страхованию. Правовые основы европейского внутреннего рынка страховых услуг. Мюллер Г., №1, 2006 (232735920)
- Теория и практика страхования. Турбин К.Е., 2003
- A guide to insurance management. Diacon St., 1990
- EC Insurance law. Merkin R., Rodger A., 1997
- European health insurance card. Communication from the Commission, 17.02.2003
- Versicherungs-binnenmarkt. Die europaische integration im versicherungswesen. Muller H., 1995
Таможенное право ЕС
- Таможенное обложение товаров при ввозе в Европейский Союз. Горский В.А., Сабельников Л.В., Чеботарева Е.Д., 1997
- Таможенное право ЕС. Наку А.А., 2000
- A guide to risk analysis and customs controls. 1998
- The trade and Customs law of the European Union. Lasok D., 1997
- Community Customs Law. A guide to the Customs rules on trade between the (enlarged) EU and third Countries. Part I. Terra Ben J.M., 1995
- Community Customs Law. A guide to the Customs rules on trade between the (enlarged) EU and third Countries. Part II. Terra Ben J.M., 1995
- Die Freiheit des Warenverkehrs - Kontinuitat und Wandel in der Rechtsprechung des EuGH. Lang J., 1997
- L’Union européenne et la circulation des marchandises. Importations, exportations et relations avec les pays tiers. Mercier P., 1996
9. Council Regulation № 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs tariff. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
Торговое право ЕС
- Публичный интерес в праве международной торговли. Тюрина Н.Е., 2003
- Результаты Уругвайского раунда многосторонних торговых переговоров. Правовые тексты. 2002
- Торговое право ЕС. Наку А.А., 2003
- Управление внешнеэкономической деятельностью. Рубинская Э.Т., 1998
- Особенности сделкоспособности коммерческих организаций и юридические последствия ее пороков. Бабайцева Е.А., Васильев Г.С., Цирульников В.Н., Чаркин С.А., 2007 (258567544)
- Anti-Dumping and other Trade protection laws of the EC. Bael I., Bellis J., 1996
- EC Anti-Dumping. Law and Practice. Vermulst Ed., Waer P., 1996
- European Union. World trade. Global partnership, global opportunities. 1999
- Fair trading in EC law. Information and consumer choice in the internal market. Radeideh M., 2005 (см. «Внутренний рынок», «Защита прав потребителей») (244640703)
- Free movement of goods: Duties, charges and taxes. No author.
- Free trade agreements and customs unions. Experiences, challenge and constrains. Hosli M., Saether A., Tacis services, 1997
- General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade. Basic Instruments and Selected Documents. 1998
- Guide to the mobilization of products to be supplied as community food aid. Commission Regulation № 2519/97 of 16 December 1997, 1998
- Interregional and International Trade. Ohlin B., 1967
- Regulation of subsidies and state aids in WTO and EC law. Conflicts in international trade law. Luengo G., 2007 (см. «ЭВС/ВТО», «Инвестиционное право», «Право конкуренции») (265816498) (н/б-1, ИЦ-1)
- The Challenge of free trade. Oxley Al., 1990
- The European Internal market and international trade. A legal Analysis. Eeckhout P., 1994
- The EU trade barrier regulation: tackling unfair foreign trade practices. Maclean R.M., 2006 (см. «ЭВС/ВТО) (282407532)
- The European Union and the new independent states. Trade policy, financial assistance and investments. 1999 (см. «Инвестиционная деятельность», «Экономические отношения») (169219185, бр.)
- The political and legal framework of trade relations between the European Community and Eastern Europe. Maresceau M., 1989
- The sources of the Law of International trade (with special reference to East-West trade). Schmitthoff C., 1964
- The Trade and Customs Law of the European Union. Lasok D., 1998
- The WTO and International Trade Regulation. Ruttley Ph., MacVay I., George C., 1999
- Libre circulation des marchandises. Cockborne J.E., Defalque L., 1992
- Marktsegmentierung durch vertragliche Vertriebssysteme. Hubschle W., 1995
- Council Directive № 74/409 of 22 July 1974 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member states relating to honey. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
- Council Regulation № 1985/74 of the Commission of 25 July 1974 laying down detailed rules of application for the fixing of reference prices and free-at-frontier prices for carp. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
- Council Regulation № 2603/69 of the Council of 20 December 1969 establishing common rules for exports. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
- Council Regulation № 3330/91 of 7 November 1991 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Members States. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
- The EU approach to the WTO Millennium Round. Сommunication from the Commission Brussels, 08.07.1999
- Trade and development. Assisting developing countries to benefit from trade. Communication from the Commission, 18.09.2002
Tранспортная политика ЕС
- Мультимодальные и интермодальные перевозки. Милославская С.В., Плужников К.И., 2001
- Финансирование создания и модернизации инфраструктурных объектов транспорта и коммунального хозяйства (Французский опыт). Перро Ж.И., Шателю Г., 2002