Тематический каталог книг Информационного центра Института европейского права и Международно-правового факультета мгимо (У)

Вид материалаДокументы


Die Europaische Fusionskontrolle.
Offentliche Unternehmen und die Beihilfeaufsicht der EU.
Трудовое и социальное право Европейского Союза: документы и материалы.
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

  1. Die Europaische Fusionskontrolle. Stockenhuber P., 1995
  2. Die Versicherungswirschaft im europaischen Kartellrecht. Windhagen E., 1996
  3. Europaisches Vergaberecht. Egger A., 2008 (cм. «Внутренний рынок») (265983432)
  4. Offentliche Unternehmen und die Beihilfeaufsicht der EU. Wie Subventionen von der Europaischen Kommission beurteilt warden. Soukup K., 1995
  5. Subsidiaritat im Recht der Wettbewerbs-beschrankungen. Die Aktionsmoglichkeiten nationaler Kartellbehorden in der Europaischen Union. Jung Ch., 1995
  6. Wettbewerbsbeschrankende mabnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten und EWG-Vertag. Ihre Vereinbarkeit am Beispiel der Banken. Mikroulea Al., 1995

Правовое регулирование здравоохранения в ЕС

  1. A cannabis reader: global issues and local experiences. EMCDDA monographs, №8, v.1-2, Sznitman S.R., Olsson B., Room R., 2008 (273679236)
  2. Achieving better safety and health in construction. Information report. European Agency for safety and health at work 2004
  3. An injection of statistics into health policy. Sigma – the bulletin of European statistics, №1, 2005
  4. Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in the European Union 2001. EMCDDA. 2001
  5. Community measures affecting tourism (1997/99). Report from Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions. 03.2001 (222460362)
  6. Comparative study on discrimination against persons with HIV or AIDS. 1993
  7. Decision modeling for health economic evaluation. Briggs A., Claxton K., Sculpher M., 2006 (244048528)
  8. Early-warning system on new psychoactive substances. Operating guidelines. King L., Sedefov R., 2007 (244304309)
  9. European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Perry N., Broeders M., Wolf C., 2006
  10. European Monitoring Center for Drugs and drug addiction. Annual report 2005. Selected issues, 2005
  11. Evaluating the treatment of drug abuse in the European Union. EMCDDA, 1999
  12. Evaluation: a key tool for improving drug prevention. EMCDDA, 2000
  13. Expert forecast on emerging physical risks related to occupational safety and health. European Agency for safety and health at work, 2005
  14. Guidelines for the evaluation of outreach work. A manual for outreach practitioners. EMCDDA, 2001
  15. Guidelines. Efficace. Eudralex. v.3C, 1998
  16. Guidelines. Quality and biotechnology. Eudralex. v.3A, 1998
  17. Guidelines. Safety, environment and information. Eudralex. v.3B, 1998
  18. Injecting drug use, risk behavior and qualitative research in the time of AIDS. 2001
  19. Notice to applicants Procedures for marketing authorization. Eudralex. v.2A, 1998
  20. Notice to applicants. Presentation and content of the dossier. Eudralex. v.2B, 1998
  21. Opinion on the Commission Communication to the council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Working together for the future of European tourism. Committee of the Regions, oct.2002 (222458951)
  22. Opinion on the role of local and region authorities in tourism development and the impact of European Union measures in the sphere of tourism. Committee of the Regions, 06.1999. (222459730)
  23. Outreach work among drug users in Europe: Concepts? Practice and terminology. EMCDDA, 1999.
  24. Pharmaceutical legislation. Eudralex. v.1, 1998
  25. Pharmaceutical legislation. Good manufacturing practices. Eudralex. v.4, 1997
  26. Radiation protection-87. Radiological protection principles for urgent countermeasures to protect the public in the event of accidental releases of radioactive material. 1997
  27. Radiation protection-88. Recommendations for the implementation of Title VII of the European basic safety standards directive (BSS) concerning significant increase in exposure due to natural radiation sources. 1997
  28. Radiation protection-91. Criteria for acceptability of radiological (including radiotherapy) and nuclear medicine installations. 1997
  29. Report on the risk assessment of 4-MTA in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. EMCDDA, 1999
  30. Report on the risk assessment of GHB in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. EMCDDA, 2002
  31. Report on the risk assessment of PMMA in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. 2003
  32. The state of the drugs problem in Europe. Annual report 20008. 2008 (168708872)
  33. Towards quality urban tourism. Integrated quality (IQM) of urban tourist destinations. 2000 (222457659)
  34. Understanding and responding to drug use: the role of qualitative research. EMCDDA, 2000

  1. Council Directive № 84/539 of 17 September 1984 on the approximation of the laws of the Member states relating to electro-medical equipment used in [1] –[1] veterinary medicine. Collection of consolidated texts. 1997

Региональная политика ЕС

  1. A Europe of regions and Cities. Strategies and prospects for EU Enlargement. Committee of the regions, 2000
  2. A Europe of towns and cities. A practical guide to town-twinning. 1997
  3. Evaluating quality of life in European regions and cities. Committee of the regions, 1999
  4. Human capital as a factor of growth and promotion of employment at the regional level: the case of France and Germany. Committee of the Regions, 2005
  5. Procedures for local and regional authority participation in European Policy Making in the member states. Committee of the Regions, 2005
  6. Regional and local democracy in the European Union. Committee of the regions, 1999
  7. Regional and Local Government in the European Union. Responsibilities and resources. Committee of the regions, 2001
  8. Regional and local Powers in Europe. Education and youth, culture, public health, Trans-European networks and regional and structural policy. Committee of the regions, 2002
  9. Regional and local powers in Europe. Employment, social policy, environment, transport and vocational training. Committee of the regions, 2001
  10. Regions: statistical yearbook 2006. Data 2000-2004. Eurostat, 2006 (222288860)
  11. Sustainable Tourism as a Factor of Cohesion Among European Regions. Committee of the Regions, 2006
  12. The law of EU Regional Policy. Evans A., 1995
  13. The proportion of women members in regional and local parliaments and assemblies in the EU. 1999
  14. The regional and local dimensions in establishing new forms of governance in Europe. Committee of the regions, 2003
  15. Thesis competition 1996-2001. Committee of the regions, 2001
  16. Voter turnout at regional and local elections in the European Union 1990-1999. Committee of the regions, 2001
  17. Voter turnout at regional and local elections in the European Union 1990-2001. Committee of the regions, 2001

  1. Вer Ausschub der regionen (Artikel 198a –c EG-Vertag). Einstieng der Europaischen Union in einen kooperativen Regionalismus? Theissen R., Duncker and Humblot, 1996

Социальное и трудовое право EC

  1. Альтернативные методы разрешения индивидуальных и коллективных трудовых споров. Рекомендации для России из европейского опыта. /Alternative, individual and collective labour dispute settlement. Recommendations for Russia from the European experience. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
  2. Европейские и российские минимальные стандарты социального диалога. Анализ законодательства и рекомендации для России. / European and Russian minimum standards for social dialogues. Analysis of legislation and recommendations for Russia. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
  3. Опыт и проблемы социального диалога в России и странах Европейского Союза. / Social partnership issues and labour relations in Europe. European experience as a model for Russia? Материалы международной научной конференции. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
  4. От социальной идеи к социальной интеграции. Антропов В.В., 1999
  5. Социальная защита в странах Европейского Союза. История, организация, финансирование, проблемы. Антропов В.В., 2006
  6. Социальное партнерство и трудовые отношения в Европе. Приемлемы ли для России европейские модели? Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
  7. Специфика защиты работников малого бизнеса, транснациональных корпораций и реструктуризируемых предприятий. / Specific issues in employee protection with regard to small business, transnational corporations and corporate restructuring. The European experience as recommendations for Russia. Европейский опыт и рекомендации для России. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005
  8. Трудовое и социальное право Европейского Союза: документы и материалы. / European Union labour and social law. Documents and materials. Программа ЕС «Europe Aid» для РФ, 2005

  1. Development partnerships working against discrimination and inequality in Europe. 2005
  2. EC Employment Law. Barnard C., 1998
  3. Economic and social law of the European Union. Shaw J., Hunt J., Wallace C., 2007 (см. «Экономические отношения»» (279718610)
  4. Employment in Europe 2006. 2006 (220620872 )
  5. Employment in Europe 2007. 2007 (283529119)
  6. Employment in Europe 2008. 2008 (283528902)
  7. Equal guide on transnational cooperation 2004-2008. Employment & social affairs. 2005 (288205635)
  8. European employment observatory. Review: autumn 2007. 2008 (283529470)
  9. European labour law. Blanpain R., 2006 (265819695) н/б
  10. European Social Law and policy. Hervey T., 1998
  11. Free movement of persons in Europe: Abolition of border controls. Schengen information system. Cooperation in the field of criminal law. Schermers H., Flinterman C., 1993
  12. Free movement of persons within the European Community. Weiss F., Wooldridge F., 2007 (см. «Миграционная политика») (265814252) (н/б-1, ИЦ-1)
  13. Free movement of persons in the European Union. Martin D., Guild El., 1996
  14. Free movement, social security and gender in the EU. Paskalia V., 2007 (см. «Миграция») (282403497)
  15. Freedom of services in the European Union. Labour and social security law: the Bolkestein initiative. Blanpain R., 2006 (282406724)
  16. Industrial relations in Europe 2004. 2004 (193838794)
  17. Industrial relations in Europe 2006. 2006 (227270903)
  18. Institutional Changes and European Social Policies after the Treaty of Amsterdam. Blanpain R., Colucci M., 1998
  19. International Encyclopedia for Labour Law and Industrial relations. Blanpain R., 1997
  20. Introduction to European social security law. Pennings Fr., 1994
  21. Introduction to European social security law. Pennings Fr., 1998
  22. Joint report on social protection and social inclusion 2008. Social inclusion, pensions, healthcare and long-term care. 2008 (273681429)
  23. Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union. Blanpain R., 1998
  24. Making work pay debates from a gender perspective. A comparative review of some recent policy reforms in thirty European countries. 2006
  25. Noise in figures. Thematic report. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2005
  26. Older people in working life. Presentation of relevant actions by local and regional authorities. 2003
  27. Promoting health and safety in European Small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). 2005
  28. Recent development in the European sectoral social dialogue. 2006
  29. Report on social inclusion 2005 (in the 10 new Member States). 2005
  30. Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. (situation on 1 may 2004). MISSOC 2004. Unit E.4, 2005
  31. Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010). Assessment of the National reform programmes. 2008 (263403163)
  32. The European Institutions in the fight against racism: selected texts. 1997
  33. The evolution of Labour law (1992-2003). Volume 2: National reports, 2005
  34. The social situation in the European Union 2000. 2000
  35. The social situation in the European Union 2001. 2001
  36. The social situation in the European Union 2004. 2004
  37. The social situation in the European Union 2004. Overview, 2004
  38. The social situation in the European Union 2007. Eurostat, 2008
  39. Time to move up a gear. The new partnership for growth and jobs. Communication from the Commission to the spring European Council 2006. 2006
  40. Workers, establishment, and services in the European Union. White R., 2004 (244812705) н/б

  1. Droit du travail communautaire. Blanpain R., Javillier J., 1995
  2. La société civile organisée en Pologne, République Tchèque, Slovaquie et Hongrie. Comité économique et social européen, 2002

  1. Europaisches Arbeitsrecht. Blanpain R., Schmidt M., 1996
  2. Mitwirkung der Arbeitnehmer nach der EU-Richtlinie uber die Einsetzung eines Europaischen Betriebsrats. Zugel J., 1995
  3. Sozialpolitik nach Maastricht. Trorsten Gunther Arl, 1997

Страховое право ЕС

  1. Рабочая тетрадь по страхованию. Правовые основы европейского внутреннего рынка страховых услуг. Мюллер Г., №1, 2006 (232735920)

  1. Теория и практика страхования. Турбин К.Е., 2003


  1. A guide to insurance management. Diacon St., 1990
  2. EC Insurance law. Merkin R., Rodger A., 1997
  3. European health insurance card. Communication from the Commission, 17.02.2003

  1. Versicherungs-binnenmarkt. Die europaische integration im versicherungswesen. Muller H., 1995

Таможенное право ЕС

  1. Таможенное обложение товаров при ввозе в Европейский Союз. Горский В.А., Сабельников Л.В., Чеботарева Е.Д., 1997
  2. Таможенное право ЕС. Наку А.А., 2000

  1. A guide to risk analysis and customs controls. 1998
  2. The trade and Customs law of the European Union. Lasok D., 1997
  3. Community Customs Law. A guide to the Customs rules on trade between the (enlarged) EU and third Countries. Part I. Terra Ben J.M., 1995
  4. Community Customs Law. A guide to the Customs rules on trade between the (enlarged) EU and third Countries. Part II. Terra Ben J.M., 1995

  1. Die Freiheit des Warenverkehrs - Kontinuitat und Wandel in der Rechtsprechung des EuGH. Lang J., 1997

  1. L’Union européenne et la circulation des marchandises. Importations, exportations et relations avec les pays tiers. Mercier P., 1996


9. Council Regulation № 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs tariff. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997

Торговое право ЕС

  1. Публичный интерес в праве международной торговли. Тюрина Н.Е., 2003
  2. Результаты Уругвайского раунда многосторонних торговых переговоров. Правовые тексты. 2002
  3. Торговое право ЕС. Наку А.А., 2003
  4. Управление внешнеэкономической деятельностью. Рубинская Э.Т., 1998
  5. Особенности сделкоспособности коммерческих организаций и юридические последствия ее пороков. Бабайцева Е.А., Васильев Г.С., Цирульников В.Н., Чаркин С.А., 2007 (258567544)


  1. Anti-Dumping and other Trade protection laws of the EC. Bael I., Bellis J., 1996
  2. EC Anti-Dumping. Law and Practice. Vermulst Ed., Waer P., 1996
  3. European Union. World trade. Global partnership, global opportunities. 1999
  4. Fair trading in EC law. Information and consumer choice in the internal market. Radeideh M., 2005 (см. «Внутренний рынок», «Защита прав потребителей») (244640703)
  5. Free movement of goods: Duties, charges and taxes. No author.
  6. Free trade agreements and customs unions. Experiences, challenge and constrains. Hosli M., Saether A., Tacis services, 1997
  7. General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade. Basic Instruments and Selected Documents. 1998
  8. Guide to the mobilization of products to be supplied as community food aid. Commission Regulation № 2519/97 of 16 December 1997, 1998
  9. Interregional and International Trade. Ohlin B., 1967
  10. Regulation of subsidies and state aids in WTO and EC law. Conflicts in international trade law. Luengo G., 2007 (см. «ЭВС/ВТО», «Инвестиционное право», «Право конкуренции») (265816498) (н/б-1, ИЦ-1)
  11. The Challenge of free trade. Oxley Al., 1990
  12. The European Internal market and international trade. A legal Analysis. Eeckhout P., 1994
  13. The EU trade barrier regulation: tackling unfair foreign trade practices. Maclean R.M., 2006 (см. «ЭВС/ВТО) (282407532)
  14. The European Union and the new independent states. Trade policy, financial assistance and investments. 1999 (см. «Инвестиционная деятельность», «Экономические отношения») (169219185, бр.)
  15. The political and legal framework of trade relations between the European Community and Eastern Europe. Maresceau M., 1989
  16. The sources of the Law of International trade (with special reference to East-West trade). Schmitthoff C., 1964
  17. The Trade and Customs Law of the European Union. Lasok D., 1998
  18. The WTO and International Trade Regulation. Ruttley Ph., MacVay I., George C., 1999

  1. Libre circulation des marchandises. Cockborne J.E., Defalque L., 1992

  1. Marktsegmentierung durch vertragliche Vertriebssysteme. Hubschle W., 1995


  1. Council Directive № 74/409 of 22 July 1974 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member states relating to honey. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
  2. Council Regulation № 1985/74 of the Commission of 25 July 1974 laying down detailed rules of application for the fixing of reference prices and free-at-frontier prices for carp. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
  3. Council Regulation № 2603/69 of the Council of 20 December 1969 establishing common rules for exports. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
  4. Council Regulation № 3330/91 of 7 November 1991 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Members States. Collection of consolidated texts, 1997
  5. The EU approach to the WTO Millennium Round. Сommunication from the Commission Brussels, 08.07.1999
  6. Trade and development. Assisting developing countries to benefit from trade. Communication from the Commission, 18.09.2002

Tранспортная политика ЕС

  1. Мультимодальные и интермодальные перевозки. Милославская С.В., Плужников К.И., 2001
  2. Финансирование создания и модернизации инфраструктурных объектов транспорта и коммунального хозяйства (Французский опыт). Перро Ж.И., Шателю Г., 2002