Some of the children are emotional. At times they are afraid and even intimidated by others their own age
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Why say no to drugs?
Some of the children are emotional. At times they are afraid and even intimidated by others their own age. Kids suffer from depression, insecurity and at times they’ve seen considered suicide.
Sometimes they describe themselves as having «low self-esteem». These young people find it very difficult to live a normal life.
Some youngsters reap the consequences of a decision they made when they were quite young, that is to experiment with drugs. Millions of youth today are injecting, swallowing, sniffing and smoking everything from cocaine to marijuana. Doing drugs for them is a way to escape problems or to satisfy their curiosity, but sometimes to ease depression or boredom. And once started, many continue using drugs for the sheer pleasure of it.
Folks, sooner or later you’ll be exposed to or offered drugs. Even your schoolmates are selling marijuana; drugs are openly displayed and sold.
Friends, there is a good reason for you to say no to drugs.
Your emotional growth comes from facing life’s challenges, surviving failure. If you rely on a chemical refuge from problems, you hinder your emotional development and can’t cope with problems.
I think you realize that hard drugs can kill you. But what about soft drugs? Such as marijuana? Much is unknown regarding this popular drug. But remember that a marijuana cigarette contains over 400 chemical compounds in its smoke. Cigarette smoke causes cancer. And, folk, marijuana has a broad range of psychological and biological effects, which are harmful to human health.
For example, your lungs. Inhaling smoke is not good for you. Smoke consists toxic substances, e. g. tars. You would suffer sore throat or bronchitis, bronchial lesions characteristic of the early stages of cancer. Or cancer will develop later on.
Folk, do you want to run that risk?
Now, the brain. It’s a command center for your nervous system. But marijuana produces chemical changes.
And what about the prospect of your one day getting married and having children? Marijuana is known to cause birth defects, which often take years to manifest themselves. Marijuana is a genetic roulette. Could you take such risks?
Safeguard your thinking abilities. Don’t ruin it through chemical abuse.
Turning down drugs may not be easy. The youthful are most often introduced or turned on to the drugs by a close friend. Sometimes you do it because all the kids you are with do it and you want to fit in.
If your friends start using drugs, you will be under strong emotional pressure to fit in. If you don’t change your circle of friends, you will become a drug user too. Watch whom you associate with. Seek out the friendship of persons who will support your resolve to stay free of drugs. You must not follow after the crowd. Someone who unquestiongly follows the crowd is nothing more than a slave. Learn to think for yourself, and you’ll not be inclined to follow wayward youths.
What can you do if someone offers you drugs? Have the courage to say no! You should simply reply, «No thanks, I don’t want to smoke» or, «I’m not into body pollution». If they persist in their offer, you might have to say no, with conviction.
Growing up is not easy. But if you try to avoid growing pains by using drugs, you can seriously hinder your chances of becoming a responsible, mature adult. Learn to face problems head-on. If the pressures seem overwhelming, do not seek a chemical escape. Talk things over with a parent or other responsible adults who can help you to sort things out.
The life without drugs is that future in which I would like to live. All people could cope with this problem. It seems to me, that I have prompted them with my letter how they can make it. The letter is written in English that the youth of other countries could read it.