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Sits once Armenian Radio and Boris Paramonow ,look light at the end of the tunnel/ aus dem Grobsten heraus sein / and thought- For 16 years we have refused the Russian citizenship, and no answer... . Well, do you want to use this opportunity? What would you like be done поганка Grebe for KGB / put a spoke in KGB wheel, KGB einen Knuppel zwischen die Beine werfen /? Paramonow took from the Armenian Radio piece of paper and wrote -
I, Boris Paramonow as semi Russian / before me not thrown away from the Russians / bring my repentance and ask forgiveness:
--- /1 / From German people for the ship Wilhelm Gustloff, for the Russian submarine that sunk ship with an absolute world record of deaths - about 9 343 man / Heinz Schon / - about 6 Titanics -85 percent was refugees / children, women and the elderly. And for that submarine captain MARINESKO awarded 2 orders of Lenin, 2 orders of the Red Banner, a rank of Hero of the Soviet Union, for 3 monument to him, -Odessa Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg / Kronstadt /, 4 streets named in his honor-Sevastopol, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, (in Odessa - sPusk Marinesko!!! -Pusk, Пуск-russ- direct correspondent with Pusk- start of torpedo ) /. For the
memorable boards on homes / building at the Odessa shipping College and the city of Kronstadt on the house № 2 Communist Street. / For 2 film accoding him " Forget about the return " (1985) and " First after the God" (2005), named for his name submarines Museum in Saint Petersburg / Submarine Force Museum of Russia at named by AI Marinesko St. Petersburg, Kondratevsky Ave. 83 / and for the fact that it is in Russia's history became known as "attack of the century ". www. ссылка скрыта Wilhelm Gustloff (Schiff). Вильгельм Густлофф (судно). Маринеско, Александр Иванович
--- / 2 / Due to the fact that Lubove Slizka and Chernomyrdin not going to apologize, I bring my repentance ,say terrible sorry and ask forgiveness: for Ukrainian people for the largest genocide in modern history / 1932 - 1933 g / - Famine GOLODOMOR ГОЛОДОМОР / 7-10 million deaths/ . This is approximately 6 Armenian genocide in Turkey /near the 1.5 million dead /.From people in Ukraine are not only stealing food COMPLETELY but also BLOCKED attempted escape and move to another location. This KZ - NAIZNANKU ,inside out / vice versa lat. /concentration camp. Back to history, in 1915, on the personal orders of Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II Russian border was open temporally -about 375 000 Armenians escape, fled and saved. www. ссылка скрыта Armenian Genocide. Volkermord an den Armeniern. Genocide.
--- / 3 / Well, forgot- Main. Joining Valeria Novodvorskaya subscribe I bring my repentance , say terrible sorry and ask forgiveness for Chechen people - the absolute sadism of the Russian Army!
--- PS: Whomever even apologize? Well, yes, I bring my repentance ,say terrible sorry and ask forgiveness for Polish people - for the Katyn, where was annihilate the head of the Polish nation - officers, landlords / entrepreneurs -fermrs /and ksenzes / priests - them for what?/ Such places like Katyn, where Poles executed, there were several. I bring my repentance ,say terrible sorry and ask forgiveness also for 6-month PERFORMANCE when Soviet troops in 1944 on the orders of Stalin stood at a distance / 300 m / and NOT helped Poles, revolt in Warsaw and trying to release her. Just stood on the other side of the river Vistula and 6 months was viewed as Germans systematise DOLBYAT ДОЛБЯТ DESTROYED step by step all and everything ... Also blocked British aircraft attempting to deliver aid ..
.Medical-STRATEGIC analysis of case LITVINENKO. Dissident's dissertation. / 18.2 / Boris Paramonow.Automatisch ubersetzter Text ссылка скрыта

--- Back, gentlemen, to Litvinenko!
Unable to resist, and not to include an article from Valeria Novodvorskaya ссылка скрыта ссылка скрыта Thank you / God Save / Valeria!

Lady Macbeth with Lubyanskogo travel. Valeria Novodvorskaya 08.12.2006 14:01

Can you tell secretly: Lady Macbeth actually lived in the ancient history of Scotland noted. Television in the VI century has been not,no alchemists could provide polonium for the politicians. But no one in the kingdom ofScotland no doubt that King Duncan was killed in a house at Makbetov. I motives were clear: the seizure of power.

Political assassinations was invented not by Chekist /KGB/ The idea is back to the darkness of centuries. Moreover, that time the Scottish political strategists firmly promised Makbetam: until Birnamsky woods /Forest/ go to the Dunsinan yet would not nothing happened . That is mean never:because forests do not go.
Poison- political methodology followed and Caesar Borgia in medieval Italy, and Catherine Medici, the mother of French King Charles IX, hunting for Huguenots , co-author Bartholomew's night. There was plenty of methods hunted in those early times! Rings, with change of hand, gloves, poisoned with a bouquet of flowers; smoke from the lamp with aromatic poison; aroma soap (wash your hands - and at the cemetery); lipstick (kiss your lover - and the morgue), a book with pages soaked in arsenic ( fingers in mouth , during reading a book - and pogostik- Russian name of cemetery).

Next step in profession- with enter of NKVD-KGB and made some kind of know-how. Bone-bone with venom for Bandera; elegant umbrella for dissident Markov; patella polonium to Litvinenko, unknown (probably military) substance is not known for that to Gaidar /Ireland B.P./. Of course, in the last case, the poison could not be, but so is fear Office, Ministry of Fear (such a Graham Greene novel is, and again, about the special services) has shown itself, that every Russian citizen has been poisonid by seafood now will ask itself: a fairly whether enough he like Lubyanka and the President? And if not enough, it is best to make a complete survey of radiation, arsenic, strychnine, thallium, etc.

Yegor Gaidar was not revolutionary, he headed a very useful institution, and certainly Kudrin and Gref smuggled run there for advice. But, then he traveled to Ireland at the presentation of his book on the legitimate end of the Soviet Union itself, the loss of which has left Vladimir Putin and his KGB circle desperate. And now in opposition SPS /Right party that e Gajdar took part and sponsored B.P. / ... Gaidar - scientist, but he had a reputation of honest and uncompromising men. Silent No, what he said to Putin and his corporate KGB, heard West. And no presentation. There was A Lesson (visibility - golden rule didactics, it is still said Jan Amos Comensky).

The author of the study seditious lying unconscious in the hallway, and it barely dragged back from another world, but not know what to treat at all. I anticipate panic in the Kremlin reception: you can't to offer the same to take a sip of the presidential dogs named Cony from your dish: feel sorry for the animal. And when the president will pursue awarded hand, the winner will go to the horror of his finger ring with special function. They say from Ivan the Terrible had the manners: send boyar bowl with poison from your table and when he fallen on to say: "Boyarin drunk! Bring it out !" True, he did not then called on and ask about health .
Personally, I think such an option for the organization of three or four letters merciful and even ready to eat my portion polonium , even without tea and sugar: all the better to be arrested today and the follow fate of Khodorkovsky, Trepashkina Stomahin. Bandera still lucky.

Perhaps in vain Putin give condolences for the Litvinenko family . Again, the evil tabs remember, as Ivan the Terrible recorded in the names of their victims in sinodik, and at night he together with oprichniks went to the temple and prayed for the victims afternoon. A version of the Kremlin or just "another " polit- technologists suitable only for KVN / Club for funny students B.P./.
A versions:
1. Litvinenko poisoned himself to compromise the Kremlin. According to the principle of " I go and drink polonium, let president's reputation go down !" According to this version, all the 60 million victims of Stalin's regime settled themselves in a tomb, for purpose to make bad roof of Joseph Vissarionovich, and we, dissidents, locked themselves in their cells of lefortov jail to compromise Brezhnev.

2. Some mysterious fractions in the Kremlin discourage power from each other. And why are they not poison each other ? Ivanov and Sechin is not poison Surkova and Medvedev is it ? And we have something here with what? And if the President makes such in the Kremlin, why he take responsibility for the all country?

3. The whole blame is to Berezovsky, which, incidentally, the very oversees by Scotland Yard (for protection). And while it teeter /travel / on the kingdom, poison Litvinenko and sends killers in Dublin ... Is he crazy? Here, and without the extradition -100 pro cent of the English prison until the end of life. Berezovsky has become fetishism for the Kremlin , red cloth, a certain collective Goldstein of the "1984" Orwell. Well, let us arrange " 5 minutes hatred", shout and spit at the screen. Is not so far for that.

And as comes the year of Pig, another remembers is Orwell's novel - "Animal Farm". There pigs expelled people govern themselves and become a farm. And a mature, Snowy, was made responsible for all the sins and shortcomings. So, for the Kremlin svintusov /people as pigs / Berezovsky - such Snowy. And we have everything from bears to fishing, including their electorate, playing the role of sheep, forever repeating: "Four legs - good, two legs bad".

But one version: Law Omerta. Insolent Lubyanka kills "breakaways", "traitors": Litvinenko - in England, Michael Trepashkin - in the concentration camps. We have Leskova story "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk. Our Lady Macbeth from Lubyanka str /address of KGB / should be beware: one day the army going together , tie to their young trees and the Birnamsky forest go to Dunsinan and Macbeth loses power and life. Neither Bush nor Blair nor Chirac can not be poison by dioxin, as Yushchenko. By the way, the Mendeleev table at all might not be enough.
Valeria Novodvorskaya
Suggest a better translation
2008-01-28 15:40:12

=2008-01-30 13:34:51
Medical-STRATEGIC analysis of case LITVINENKO. Dissident's dissertation. / 19 / Boris Paramonow.Automatisch ubersetzter Text ссылка скрыта

" Перв г мая дем кратические движения намерены пр вести антишествие " Назад в СССР " п священн е план мерн му в зращению Р ссии в с ветский т талитарный стр й. Об эт м передает к рресп ндент РИА "Новый регион ". Антишествие будет пр ведено не бычным браз м. Участники акции пр йдут зад м наперед(пятясь) п Мясницк й улице ( т Чистый пруд в д Лубянки) с красными флагами и растяжками. Осн вные л зунги акции- "Путин в ждь!","Слава Сурк в!", "Путина в Мавз лей!" и т.д. ссылка скрыта Дмитрий Орлов КЦ

Сегодня с утречка КГБ -ешный вирус, засевший в моём компьютере, проснулся, потянулся и выдал ВЕЩЬ, неповторимую в своей гениальности /смотри вверх/

Краткий конспект:
Перв (блин) мая кратические движения намерены вести антишествие "Назад в СССР " п священн планУ МУ -взвращению Рссии в светский тали(Й)тарный стрй. Об этом передает ндент РИА "Новый регион ". Антишествие будет веден бычным бразом. Участники акции йдут зад М (Чистый пруд - Д Лубянки) с красными флагами и растяжками. Оснвные ЗУНГИ акции: "Путин- ждь!", "Слава Сурк!", "Путина -лей!"

Возникает вопрос -что такое "МУ-взвращение" и "Д Лубянки"?
Обращает на себя внимание, что вирус не посмел изменить слова: "Путин", "с красными флагами и растяжками" - священные для каждого КГБ -ешного вируса.
Настораживает появление нового теневого антигероя -" Слава Сурк".

ПОСЕМУ Армянское Радио спросило Boris Paramonow -Что вы об этом думаете? - Грузите таллий бочками! -ответил Paramonow.

--- ЦХАЙ / умер / - очень грамотный следователь МВД, последний " динозавр " / МВД-конкурент КГБ /. Умер от скоротечного цирроза печени.Ни один из коллег подполковника не поверил в его естественную смерть /трезвый образ жизни /. Они убеждены- Чхая отравили /токсический цирроз печени? / Игорь Корольков "Запасные органы" 11. 01.2007 С/yagazeta.ru/nomer/2007/01n/n01n-s00.shtml /Спасибо, господин Игорь Корольков, молюсь за вас !/
Александр Литвиненко Юрий Фельштинский "ЛПГ -Лубянская преступная групировка","ФСБ взрывает Россию"
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---Перед тем, как провести операцию по отравлению такого рода за рубежом, / случай Литвиненко /, КГБ обязательно должно было " потренироваться " -исследовать все эффекты на ком-нибудь в России. "КУКЛЫ " -по выражению Виктора Суворова. По мнению многих диссидентов 2 случая , возможно , подходят :
---/1/ Юрий ЩЕКОЧИХИН-/ умер /July 2003 Заместитель редактора Новой Газеты , депутат Думы /сенатор / внезапно умер от аллергической реакции, сопровождающиеся отёком мозга -синдром Лайелла ссылка скрыта N 45 19.06 2006 "Последнее дело Юрия Щекочихина."
===он расследовал российские взрывы многоквартирных домов /многоэтажек / якобы под руководством российских спецслужб и "три кита" коррупционный скандал, в котором принимали участие высокопоставленные офицеры ФСБ, и было связано с отмыванием денег через Бэнк оф Нью-Йорк -he investigated Russian apartment bombings allegedly directed by the Russian secret services and Three Whales Corruption Scandal which involved high-rank FSB officers and was related to money laundering through the Bank of New York.www wikipedia. org Yuri Shchekochikhin
===аллергия это СИМПТОМ , не диагноз -где аллерген?
=== некоторые врачи /не один / неофициально говорили, что он был отравлен.
===синдром Лайелла может также развиться на токсин.
===при синдроме Лайелла больные обычно умирают от сепсиса -septicemia и присоединившихся инфекций а не от отёка мозга, выживают 60- 70 процентов больных ссылка скрыта Toxic epidermal necrolysis / (TEN), или Lyell's syndrome ,поскольку этот токсический эпидермит блокирует иммунную систему защиты, расположенную в кожных покровах.
---/2/Случай Лечи ИСЛАМОВА /12 марта 2004 -23 апреля 2004 умер/ чеченский командир, кличка "борода", 120 кг здоровяк после питья чая с КГБ- ешниками "сгорает" за несколько недель до 40 кг- Температура до 40 град на начальном этапе, облысение вплоть до бровей , выпадение зубов и ногтей, красная пузырящаяся кожа /очень характерный симптом лучевой болезни /, токсикардия /cor - сердце/ /rsant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=490720 Сергей Дюпин "Причину смерти установить невозможно" Журнал Коммерсант «Власть» № 28(581) от 19.07.2оо6/,
ссылка скрыта 28.11.06 Залимхан Хаджиев "Единый почерк и единый след" , умирает от общей почечно-серечно- надпочечниковой недостаточности. Грачи /пардон-врачи /поставили диагноз на вскрытии -рак легкого /токсикардия с раком лёгких как то не сочетается / А выпадение зубов и ногтей при раке лёгких я вообще нигде не встречал ранее как симптом! С другой стороны всё это прекрасно укладывается в картину катастрофического срыва иммунитета в результате массированного токсического или радиационного поражения / У Литвиненко-поражение горла, поражение желудочно-кишечного тракта-местные явления во многом зависят от пути введения радиоактивного агента. Смерть от лучевой болезни тяжёлой степени от поражения альфа- излучения полония-210, резко прогрессирующей поли органной недостаточности, срыв иммунитета.../
ссылка скрыта 22.04.2004 "Меня отравили бутербродом с сыром " , 23.04 2004 "Умер Лечи Измайлов"

Представляется маловероятным, что КГБ проводила эксперименты с Ро- 210 на известных людях. У КГБ достаточно малозаметных "Кукол" в тюрмах и колониях. С другой стороны - это могло быть экспериментом в " живую "- определённый этап , смогут ли родственники и брачи определить ? Не забывайте - альфа радиация обычными /бетта и гамма / дозиметрами не определяется!
Выход,вероятно, послать на Запад 1 кг костного материала /судебная эксгумация / и определить соотношение изотопов полония и свинца..............................
2008-01-29 00:09:04

-Medical-STRATEGIC analysis of case LITVINENKO. Dissident's dissertation. / 19 / Boris Paramonow.Automatisch ubersetzter Text ссылка скрыта

Dear Sirs! This introdution part of /19/ I can not translate, may be nobody can- you need very- very deep knowledges of Russian linguistic.
Small conspect: Once apon the time the KGB virus in my computer drink to march ,have a hangover next day and write /change/ some my text in such way , that immediately was call back in Russia to Ljubjanka ,was arrested and after 24 hour trial was shot...

--- TSHAY / died / - very competent investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the last "dinosaurs" / MIA- concurrent of KGB/ . He died of cirrhosis of liver .No one of the colleagues of TSHAY did not believe in his natural death / sport lifestyle/. They are convinced TSHAY-poisoned / cirrhosis of liver toxicity? /Игорь Корольков "Запасные органы" Spare organs /11. 01.2007 С/yagazeta.ru/nomer/2007/01n/n01n-s00.shtml /Спасибо, господин Игорь Корольков, молюсь за вас !/Thank you, Mr. Igor Korolkov, pray for you! /
Александр Литвиненко Юрий Фельштинский "ЛПГ -Лубянская преступная групировка","ФСБ взрывает Россию"Alexander Litvinenko Yuri Felshtinsky "LPG - Lubyanskaya criminal grupirovka", "FSB detonates Russia"
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--- Before you conduct the operation of this type of poisoning abroad / case Litvinenko / KGB was to be sure -"to train " - to study the poison effects of somewhere in Russia. "DOLLS" - in the words of Viktor Suvorov. According to many dissidents 2 cases might fit:
--- 1 / Yuri SCHEKOCHIHIN-/ died / July 2003 vice editor of the New Newspaper, a deputy Duma / senator / suddenly died of an allergic reaction, causing swelling of the brain - a syndrome Layella ссылка скрыта N 45 19.06 2006 "The last case of Yuri Schekochihina . "Последнее дело Юрия Щекочихина."
=== he investigated Russian apartment bombings allegedly directed by the Russian secret services and Three Whales Corruption Scandal which involved high-rank FSB officers and was related to money laundering through the Bank of New York.www wikipedia. org Yuri Shchekochikhin
=== SYMPTOM allergy is not a diagnosis - where is allergen?
=== some doctors / no one / unofficially told that he had been poisoned.
=== Layella syndrome may also develop by the toxin.
=== Layella patients with the syndrome usually die of sepsis, septicemia and associated infections rather than from brain edema, surviving 60 - 70 percent of patients ссылка скрыта Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), or Lyell's syndrome, because the toxicity epidermit blocks immune protection system at the skin cover.
---/2/Case Lechi ISLAMOVA / 12 March 2004 -23 April 2004 died / Chechen commander, nicknamed "beard", 120 kg sportsmen after drinking tea with the KGB- mens had "burns" a few weeks to the 40-kg body, temperature to 40 degrees in the beginning, until baldness eyebrows, tooth decay and nails, red skin with bladders/ very typical symptom of radiation sickness / toksikardiya / cor - Heart / / ссылка скрыта Sergei Dyupin "Causes of death can not be established""Причину смерти установить невозможно" Journal "Kommersant Vlast" Журнал Коммерсант «Власть» 0 Сергей Дюпин № 28 (581) of 19.07.2 oo6 /
ссылка скрыта 28.11.06 Zalimhan Hajiyev "One handwriting and a single footprint" Залимхан Хаджиев "Единый почерк и единый след", dies of general kidney- heart-adrenal insufficiency. cooktors / sorry-doctors /at autopsy has been diagnosed the lung cancer !/ toksikardiya with lung cancer it is not so compatible /. A tooth decay and nails together with lung cancer, I was never even met before this symptoms! On the other hand, all this is perfectly fit into the picture catastrophic breakdown of immunity system as a result of massive radiation or toxic agent / By Litvinenko defeat throat, defeated the gastrointestinal tract-local phenomenon in many dependent of the way introduction of the radioactive agent. Death from severe radiation sickness from the defeat of alpha radiation polonium-210, sharply progressive multi organ failure, the breakdown of immunity ... /