Ii. Захват
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- Нп «сибирская ассоциация консультантов», 74.83kb.
- Октябрьская революция. Становление Советской власти События октября 1917 г. Захват, 366.88kb.
- Захват в заложники, 49.25kb.
- Занятие 1 Объясните значение слова агрессия, 1160.66kb.
- Уголовная ответственность за похищение человека и захват заложника по законодательству, 460.43kb.
- Процедуры банкротства, 286.36kb.
- Нп «сибирская ассоциация консультантов», 145.02kb.
- Разнообразие коррупции, 1104.11kb.
- Разнообразие коррупции, 1105.63kb.
- Эпоха дворцовых переворотов, 110.37kb.
13 Milton Friedman «Essays in Positive Economics», Chicago, 1953, p.38. 14 Milton Friedman «Some Comments on the Significance of Labor Unions for Economic Policy» in «The Impact of the Labor Union», D. Me. Wright, ed., New York, 1951, p.204. 15 Milton Friedman «The Role of Government in Education» in «Economics and the Public Interest», R. A. Solo, ed., New Brunswick, 1955, p.106. 16 Geoffrey Dean and Arthur Mather, Recent Advantages in Natal Astronomy: A Critical Review 1900-1976 (Southampton, England: The Astrological Association and Camelot Press, 1977), p.1,23. 17 Название футурологической повести Александра Зиновьева 18 Real Gross Domestic Product, Billions of Chained 1996 Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis 19 А.Кобяков, Рынки фиктивного капитала как глобальная угроза, Русский предприниматель, 2002, №1, с.54-59 20 Источник: Penn World Trade, International Monetary Fund. Цит. по: Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, Egor Kraev, Judy Chen «The Scorecard on Globalization 1980-2000: Twenty Years of Diminished Progress», Center for Economic and Policy Research, July 11, 2001 21 Источник: UNDP Human Development Reports 1998. Цит. по: Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, Robert Naiman, Gila Neta «Growth May Be Good for the Poor - But are IMF and World Bank Policies Good for Growth? A Closer Look at the World Bank's Recent Defense of Its Policies», May, 2001 22 Ibid. 23 Current Population Report, 1996, US Census Bureau, цит. по: Lester Thurow «The Future of Capitalism», New York, 1996 24 Simon Head «Das Ende des Mittelklasse», Die Zeit, 26.04.1996 25 Current Population Survey, Annual Demographic Supplements, US Census Bureau, 2001 26 Ibid. 27 Источник: О.Ордин «Неравенство и экономический рост. Подходит ли кривая Кузнеца для российской экономики?» 28 Londoсo, Juan Luis and Miguel Szйkely (1997) «Persistent Poverty and Excess Inequality: Latin America, 1970-1995», Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper No. 357. Цит. по: Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, Robert Naiman, Gila Neta «Growth May Be Good for the Poor - But are IMF and World Bank Policies Good for Growth? A Closer Look at the World Bank's Recent Defense of Its Policies», May, 2001 29 Источник: World Development Indicators, 2000, World Banc. Цит. по: Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, Egor Kraev, Judy Chen «The Scorecard on Globalization 1980-2000: Twenty Years of Diminished Progress», Center for Economic and Policy Research, July 11, 2001 30 Источник: Brown, Deardorff, & Stern 2001. Цит. по: Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker «The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries», June 11, 2002 31 Ibid. 32 Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker «The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries», June 11, 2002 33 Ibid. 34 Baker and Walentin 2001, Цит. по: Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker «The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries», June 11, 2002 35 Ibid. 36 Mark Weisbrot «The Mirage of Progress», The American Prospect, 01.01.2002 37 Далее цитируется работа: Стив Кангас. Чикагские мальчики и чилийское экономическое чудо, перевод Дмитрия Каледина 38 Newsweek, January, 1982 39 Jose Arellano, Politicas Sociales y Desarrollo: Chile, 1924-1984 (Santiago: CIEPLAN, 1988), p. 19 40 Business Latin America, March 30, 1977, p. 103 41 Andres Sanfuentes, «Los Grupos Economicos: Control y Politicas,» Coleccion Estudios CIEPLAN no. 15, (Santiago: CIEPLAN, December 1984), p. 119 42 Fernando Dahse, Mapa de la Extrema Riqueza (Santiago: Editorial Aconcagua, 1979), pp. 175-179 43 James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 27 44 Oscar Munoz, Chile y su Industrializacion (Santiago: CIEPLAN, 1986), p. 259 45 James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 33 46 Ibid., p. 29 47 Ibid. 48 Juan Gabriel Valdes, Pinochet's Economists: The Chicago School in Chile (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 265 49 Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, The Impact of Global Recession and National Policies on Living Standards: Chile, 1973-87 (Santiago: CIEPLAN, 1988), pp. 13-33 50 Cited in Noam Chomsky, Year 501 (South End Press, 1993), Chapter 7: «World Orders Old and New: Latin America Segment», 15/17 51 World Bank, World Tables 1995 52 Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, The Impact of Global Recession and National Policies on Living Standards: Chile, 1973-87 (Santiago: CIEPLAN, 1988), pp. 13-33 53 Ibid. 54 James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 34 55 Patricio Meller, «Revision del Proceso de Ajuste Chileno de Decada del 80,» Coleccion Estudios CIEPLAN no. 30, (Santiago: CIEPLAN, 1990), p. 44 56 James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 34 57 Alvaro Diaz, El Capitalismo Chileno en Los 90: Creimiento Economico y Disigualdad Social (Santiago: Ediciones PAS, 1991), statistical appendix 58 Excerpt from FoodFirst by Joseph Collins and John Lear. Chile's Free Market Miracle: A Second Look 59 Programa de Economia del Trajabo, Informe Anual (Santiago: PET, 1990), p. 192 60 Alvaro Diaz, El Capitalismo Chileno en Los 90: Creimiento Economico y Disigualdad Social (Santiago: Ediciones PAS, 1991), pp. 58-59 61 Analisis, no. 238, August 1-7, 1989, p. 31 62 Andres Sanfuentes, «Chile: Effects of the Adjustment Policies on the Agricultural and Forestry Sector,» CEPAL Review no. 3 (Santiago: United Nations, December 1987), p. 123 63 Paul Krugman, Peddling Prosperity (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1994) p. 124 64 For average hourly real wages (Total private industry, 1982 dollars), see U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series ID: eeu00500049; for Massachusetts example, see Paul Krugman, p. 41 65 James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 26 66 Calculations by Chile's Commission of Human Rights, reported in James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 20 67 Calculations by CODEPU (Comite Nacional de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo), reported in Fortin, September 23, 1988 68 Milton Friedman, «Economic Freedom, Human Freedom, Political Freedom,» Address at the Smith Center ?- A Conservative Think Tank at Cal State Hayward. November 1, 1991 69 WHO/UNEP (1992), World Bank (1992), other World Bank reports 70 Andrea Mandel-Campbell, «Anger grows over Chilean capital's smog: Respiratory ailments rise», Miami Herald, Thursday, September 12, 1996 71 Ibid. 72 Apsi, Chile, July 1990 (LANU, Sept. 1990) 73 Cited in Sara Larrain R., «Winning in the Global Economy: Chile's Dark Victory,» PCDForum Column #79, The People-Development Centered Forum, June 1, 1996 74 A copy of the Central Bank report was leaked to the Santiago newspaper La Nacion and published in the Latin American Weekly Report, September 12, 1996 75 Fred J. Solowey, «Retiring the Chilean myth: Privatized pensions bring social insecurity,» Focus, November 5, 1996 76 Time, March 20, 1995 77 Joseph Collins and John Lear, Chile's Free-Market Miracle (Food First Books, 1994) 78 Fred J. Solowey, «Retiring the Chilean myth: Privatized pensions bring social insecurity,» Focus, November 5, 1996 79 Quoted in James Petras and Fernando Ignacio Leiva with Henry Veltmeyer, Democracy and Poverty in Chile: The Limits to Electoral Politics (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), p. 22 80 Sherman Souther (University of Colorado) «Analysis of Chilean economic and socioeconomic policy: 1975-1989» 81 Источник: Real Gross Domestic Product, Corporate Profits After Tax with Inventory Valuation Adjustment and Capital Consumption Adjustment - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; Compensation Per Hour - U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 82 Lester Thurow «The Future of Capitalism», New York, 1996, p.180 83 Источник: «Уходящий год стал кошмаром для инвестбанков», РИА Росбизнесконсалтинг, u/komment/komment.shtml?2002/12/27/37717 84 При написании этой главы использовались работы: Fritz Springmeier «The satanic bloodlines», 1995; Virginia Cowles «The Rotschilds: a family of fortune», New York, 1973; Frederic Morton, «The Rotschilds: a family portrait», New York, 1961; Raiph A. Epperson «The unseen hand», Tucson, Arizona, 1985; Д.Карасев «Банки-убийцы», Деловой Новосибирск, 24.09.2001; Anthony Sampson «The money lenders», New York, 1983; Joseph Wechsberg «The marchant bankers», New York, 1968; William Still «New world order»; Lafayette, Louisiana, 1990; Eustace Mullins «The world order», Boring, Oregon, 1985; О.Платонов «Почему погибнет Америка», Москва, 1999; Gary Allen «Rockefeller. Campaining for the New World Order», Boring, Oregon, CPA; Peter Collier & David Horowitz «The Rockefellers. An American dynasty», New York Holt, 1976; William Hoffman «David, report on a Rockefeller», New York, 1971 85 Кстати, германская королевская династия Гессе хорошо известна и поныне - скажем, принц Филипп Гессе лет 65-70 назад был важным посредником между Гитлером и Муссолини 86 Изложение по статье: А. Иголкин «Открытие и расцвет грозненской нефти», yukos.ru |