Интернет-консультирование в качестве новой технологии психологического консультирования
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Литературные источники на иностранных языках
1. Adler A. Individual Psychology / Theories of Personality / Lindzey G., Hall C. N.Y. Wiley, 1957.
2. Adler A. Der Sinn des Lebens. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1983.
3. Brown, J. Freud and Postfreudians. London: Penguin, 1961 пер. с англ. Дерябин А.А., 1993.
4. Eysensk H. The structure of human personality. L. 1960.
5. Festinger L. A theory of cognitive dissonance. N.Y. Stanford; Stanford univ. press, 1976.
6. Festinger L. Cognitive Dissonance / Scientific American. 1962. v. 207.
7. Festinger L. A theory of cognitive dissonance. N.Y. Stanford; Stanford univ. press, 1976.
8. Freud A. The Ego and the mechanisms of defense / The writings of Anna Freud, Vol.2, London, 1977.
9. Freud A. Defense Mechanisms: Encyclopedia Britanika, v. 7., London.
10. Freud S. The defence neuro psychoses / The collected Papers: in 10 v. N.Y.: Collier Books, 1963. v. 2.
11. Freud S. Histerie und Angst, Studienausgabe B. 6. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Mein, 1971.
12. Freud S. Das Sexual Leben, Studienausgabe B. 5. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Mein, 1972.
13. Freud S. Psychologie des Undewussen, Studienausgabe B. 3. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Mein, 1975.
14. Freud S. Schriften zur Behandlungstechnik, Studienausgabe, Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Mein, 1975.
15. Freud S. The concept of repression / The collected works, Penguin books. London, 1989.
16. Fromm E. The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness / E. Fromm, N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973.
17. Horney K. Der neurotische Mensch unserer Zeit. Stuttgart: Kliper, 1951.
18. Kellerman H., & Plutchik R. Emotion trait interrelations and the measurement of personality / Psyhological Reports, 1968.
19. Kellerman H., & Plutchik R. The meaning of tension in group psychotherapy. In L. R. Wolberg, M. L. Aronson, & A. R. Wolberg (Eds.), Group psychotherapy 1977: An overview N.Y.: Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corp., 1977.
20. Kershensteiuer G. Die Entwicklung der zeichnerischen Begabung. Munchen.1905.
21. Lewin K. Resolving social conflicts. Selected papers on group dynamics. (Ed. by C. Weiss) London: Souvenir press, 1973.
22. Plutchik R., Kellerman H., Conte H.R. A structural theory of ego defenses and emotion. In C.E. Izard (Ed.), Emotions in personality and psychopathology. N.Y. Plenum, 1979.