Имиджеобразующие стратегии в образовательном дискурсе (на материале электронных ресурсов университета)

Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки

Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки

oth Faculty constituencies). The Dean of Medicine, re-established in 2002, is appointed by the University Court, but the other three Deans are currently elected by their Faculty constituencies. Their term of office is three years with a possible extension of one year. Deans appoint other Faculty Officers and Pro-Deans and convene Faculty Business Committees. The Faculties, comprising all their permanent staff, have one formal meeting annually, towards the end of each acadmic year. Faculty meetings review matters that have arisen duiring the year and provide a vehicle for communication across the academic community and advice for the Deans and Pro-Deans.

The Faculty Business Committees recommendations are considered throughout the year by the Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) Committee, a standing committee reporting to Senate and Academic Council. The Faculty Business Committees, comprising the Faculty officers and any other co-opted members, meet in advance of each TLA committee to dispatch routine affairs and review issues arising from the implementation of policy or course proposals, highlighting issues which may need discussion in the wider forum of the TLA.

Management Group

As of January 2002, the former Executive is now replaced by a wider Senior Management Group, consisting of the former Executive together with (inter alia) Deans and some Directors of Units.

The following are as of January 2006:

  • List of current Management Group personnel
  • List of personnel in the Office of the Principal

Student participation

There is ample scope for student participation in University government, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. All matriculated students of the University have the right to vote in the election of a Rector who holds office for a three-year period and chairs the University Court. The Rector appoints an Assessor who is also a member of the University Court and is usually a student.

In addition, the University Court has two ex officio student members: the President and the Director of Representation of the Students Association. There are student representatives on the Senate and the Academic Council. Students also have representatives on a wide range of University committees. The SRC itself exists to represent students on all matters and is the recognised channel of communication between students and the University authorities.

About the University

  • Facts and figures
  • General Council
  • History of the University
  • How others see us
  • Museums and Collections
  • The University today
  • University arms
  • University Chapels
  • University Court
  • University Government and Organisation
  • The Chancellor
  • The Rector
  • The Senior Governor

Related Links

  • Freedom of Information
  • Documents
  • Constitution of the University
  • Committees of the University