The Hilton Hotels Corp. Its success and marketing solutions for it
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he opportunities of having the appropriate profit.according to the definition of WTO is not only economic but at the same time a social, cultural, ecological and political phenomenon. According to this, tourist marketing is necessary to use with taking into account all listed factors then it will reflect in the greater degree the interests of the tourist organizations and consumers - tourists too.
The role and place of hospitality in the sphere of services
The hospitality is kindliness in the reception and entertainment of visitors, gratuitous reception and an entertainment of wanderers. It is an explanation of V.I.Dal in his explanatory dictionary of alive Russian language. To be hospitable means to be able to offer warm reception for visitors, to create for them a quiet, favorable and friendly atmosphere.term "industry" comes from Latin industria that means activity. In the Russian Federation: it is a set of hotels and other means of accommodation, transport, objects of public catering, objects and means of entertainment, objects of cognitive, business, improving, sports organizations that are doing out tour-operating and tour-agency activity, and also the organizations giving excursion services and the services of guides-interpreteris one of the fundamental concepts of a human civilization and now under an influence of scientific and technical progress became the powerful industry in which millions professionals work, creating a cosiness and comfort for people.industry of hospitality is difficult, complex sphere of professional work of people which efforts are directed on the satisfaction of various needs of clients (visitors) both tourists and interest in the development of the industry of hospitality grows as on international but also on national and regional levels since it is the catalyst of development of many sectors of economy., the industry of tourism and hospitality is one of the major parts of the extensive market of services and represents the fast-growing and highly profitable industry capable directly and indirectly to influence on the forming of conditions of steady social-economic growth of world and national economy.
The modern tendencies of development of the world industry of hospitality
A development of tourism substantially affected on the development of the industry of hospitality. The basic tendencies in this area are:
1. Distribution of sphere of interests of hotel business on the products and services earlier given by the enterprises of other branches (for example, catering services, leisure, entertainment, exhibition activityтАж). A development of such segments of industry of hospitality as an industry of entertainment including a gambling industry, congress activity, transformed earlier poorly attractive resort and tourist districts into the fashionable tourist directions. For example, such large corporations as Hilton, have essentially expanded their activity due to rendering various kinds of services: catering, services of communication, leisure, transportтАж
. Growing democratization of the hotel industry which helps increasing of availability of hotel services for the mass customer. If earlier the distinctions between hotels of a different class were essential then now the level of the lowest standard considerably raised: even rather cheap hotels provide a qualitative service and the minimal number of conveniences.
. A growing of specialization of the hotel business allows orienting on the certain segments of consumers in view of various attributes. So, according to the price level there are three segments: lowest (budgetary), average (economic) and supreme (first-class). Besides, the segmentation is made by the purposes of trip, age, sort of labor activity and so on.
. A development of new kinds of tourism. For example, ecological tourism stimulates the construction of hotels in non-polluting regions, the formation of "green" floors and numbers in usual city hotels. The creation of these numbers apply non-polluting materials, paying special attention on economy of natural resources and the minimal intrusion into the natural environment.
. Globalization and concentration of hotel business. This tendency is shown in the creation of large corporations and hotel networks, such as Hilton. It allows the hotel enterprises to rearrange and involve additional resources for development of their business. They are made through the creation of the unions or the associations which are not breaking a legal and economic independence, but that allows having common marketing programs, forming united system of preparation and retraining of personnel.
. A deep personification of service and a full concentration on the demands and needs of clients. In expensive hotels for these purposes the cards of constant clients are created. In them there is information about their tastes, preferences and habits. Such database allows foreseeing the desires of visitors. For the solving of these problems the special services are created in hotels.
. Wide inculcation of means of communication and information technologies, allowing making deep economic diagnostic. The results of this diagnostic give the opportunities to make the analysis of competitors in the field of used price and marketing strategy, to analyze a degree of activity in the market, to reveal the profitability of the developing segments, to coordinate the supply and demand of the hotel services. As a result it helps to solve the problems of capacity of the hotel enterprises.
. An inculcation of new technologies into the business strategy of the hotel enterprises, in particular: a wide use of the Internet with the purpose of promotion of the hotel products and services. It reduces costs and provides to consumers an increased comfort. These technologies expand the opportunities on attraction of the new clients and the segments of the market occupied by the offer their clients to make excursions in the hotels not leaving the house. The visitors of sites can see the internal interiors of hotels, the menu of restaurants and bars, to receive the various help information., the listed main modern tendencies of development of the industry of hospitality are directed as a result on the solving of the primary tasks:
search of the own competitive advantages
creation of the stable clientele through the skill of finding of the own client
search and creation of the new ways of development, constant updating of the own policy looking at the dynamically developing market of the hotel services.years the hotel market is characterized by the growth of the supply (with the reduction of demand at the same time) for services of accommodation. Such situation leads to the growing of competition, that even without it did not give the owners of hotels to steep quietly during the last quarter of the twentieth century. One of the main directions of forming of strategic competitive advantages in hotel business is a giving of more high quality services in comparison with the competing analogues.most important thing here is a having of such services that would satisfy and even surpass the expectations of clients. These expectations are formed on the basis of experience that they have already had, and also on the information received on the straight (personal) or mass (impersonal) channels of marketing communication. Proceeding from this, the consumers choose the manufacturer of services and after using this services compare the representation about the received service with the expectations. If the representation of the given service does not correspond to expectations, the clients lose any interest to this firm and if it corresponds or surpass they can come to this manufacture again.buyer always tries to find the correspondence of the price of service to its qualities. It is interesting to notice, that, as a rule, the buyer of service complains of its high price less often than the buyer of the physical goods. If the customer thinks that the price is too high he or she will simply leave the place without any purchase. The dissatisfaction with service conducts, as a rule, to the big losses in the share of market. For this reason the manufacturer of services should reveal the needs and expectations of his clients as more exactly as he can.
marketing industry
Hilton Maldives resort and Spa Rangali Island 5*: From the first minutes of our arrival it became clear, that this hotel is special and the personnel treat visitors with special attention. Such responses can be met about many hotels of the Hilton chain. This hotel empire is famous for the high level of service and on 100% follows the motto which was put forward even by its founder Konrad Hilton: A guarantee of elite luxury with the accessible service of high standard quality.
For today practically there are no people who have never heard about this mighty chain that speaks for itself. But what became the reasons of such popularity? How the company won the place of one of the leaders of the hotel industry? Successful marketing solutions and innovations which helped Konrad Hilton his followers to achieve such high results will me examined below: for today in the property and under the control of this corporation there are more than 2.5 thousand hotels, clubs and the centers of rest on the territory of 75 countries of five conti