Teaching reading at an advanced level
Курсовой проект - Педагогика
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letion the items: type 1 consisting of the gaps for completion in the items following the text and type 2 consisting of the gaps directly in the text. These tasks of type 2 involve texts from which single words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs have been removed. In some cases students have to decide what should fill the gap, while in others they must choose from the series of alternatives, only one of which is correct. Where paragraph or sentences have been removed, there is usually an item among the alternatives that does not belong to the text. In some cases, students write in words or figures which are missing from diagram or summary, that accompanies the main text.1THEATREATTRACTIONS, 8 January for two weeksFAT FRIENDLaurences popular comedy, 24 January to Saturday 27 JanuaryFestival BalletLAKE
1.The Shanghai Festival Ballet will performe on..............evening.
2..............will be the most amusing play.
.If you like dancing, you should see..................
.The comedy written by..............is very exciting. [12]itemstype is particularly useful for testing the ability to understand a sequence of steps in the process or events in a narrative. In the whole in an exercise for classroom practice the students will be often required to rewrite the jumpled sentences in the correct sequences. Also students may be asked to rearrange the paragraphs of the text in right order.1 - jumbled text
a.Of course, now I can understand it all more clearly. Father andI belonged to widely different generations, held different expectations; a revolution in attitudes to
b.opportunities that had bee denied him. A neighbor sent me the announcement of his death in the local paper. The funeral was to be the day I received the news. I thought.I realised; and maybe I could have eventually forgiven him. But would he ever forgiven me?.women had occured between his day and minr. But at the time all I could feel was bitter resentment, because he was not proud of me but deeply jealous that I had
.... 2..... 3.... 4... [12 ]ended questionsare required to answer the questions or continue the statements concerning the text. The answers may include one word or several sentences. There are many ways in which teachers may support students in developing the skills measured in reading tests, but it is important to highlight the difference between particular reading activities and the demands of the text.example - give the answers for the questions based on the text above.
1 Where did Steve Fonyo begin and end his run?
Where did Terry Fox begin and end his run?
Why did Steve Fonyo stop running at Thunder Bay on November 29?
How many differences can you find between Steve Fonyo and Terry Fox?
[10, p.203]
The students can ask and answer the questions in pairs. The answers to these questions are not essential for an overview of the text; they are the details which we expect students to be able to access on the second reading, not on the first.
Як правило, читання сприймається учнями як нудний процес. Вони читають текст, потім по порядку перекладають його, і на цьому розвиток навичок читання завершується. Однак саме процес читання здатний задіяти всі види умінь та навичок учнів. Дуже часто таке ставлення в учнів формується на основі ставлення самого вчителя. Якщо вчитель не зацікавлений в результаті, в знаннях учнів, то марна справа намагатися їх щось навчити. Тому основним завданням вчителя є організувати урок так, щоб він не обмежувався лише сухим прочитанням тексту, а підкріплювався різними видами діяння. На основі тексту можна розвинути комунікативні здібності учнів, розширити їх словниковий запас, виробити вміння письмово формулювати свої думки стосовно прочитаного. Використовуючи різні види вправ вчитель може зробити урок цікавим та захоплюючим, а також таким, який би розвивав усі види діяльності учнів.
Також варто зазначити, що важливе місце у процесі навчання займає перевірка знань, яка і відображає рівень засвоєння матеріалу учнями.
Ефективність та результативність уроку залежить від багатьох факторів, зокрема від самого педагога, його вміння грамотно організувати роботу на уроці, зацікавити учнів, використовувати різноманітні методи та способи організації навчального процесу.
is a skill that will empower everyone who learns it. They will be able to benefit from the store of knowledge in printed materials and, ultimately, to contribute to that knowledge. Good teaching enables students to learn to read and read to learn. The role of the teacher in the teaching-reading process should be of a companion rather than the boss. Teaching can be made interesting and innovative if the efforts are put in to make learning an enjoyable experience. Successful teaching is where effective learning takes place with the use of appropriate knowledge, the right emotion and accurate application of scientific devices. With consistent progress in science and technology and other areas of study, it is the duty of the teacher to adopt the best methods and employ the best devices to ensure rapid growth in the teaching process. Teachers must be aware of the progress that students are making and adjust instruction to the changing abilities of students. Both research and classroom practices support the use of a balanced approach in instruction. Because reading depends on efficient word recognition and comprehension, instruction should develop reading skills and strategies, as well as build on learners knowledge through the use of authentic texts. wordsly, the most effective way of dealing with the problem of cultural meaning in texts is to encourage students to read by themselves, choosing subjects related initially to their own interests so that they bring motivation and experience to reading. As their understanding of other cultures and of unfamiliar views increases through reading, they will bring to their reading activities a gradually increasing capacity to understand the full meaning of texts.reading comprehension breaks down, different students need to find ways to repair their understanding. This is where the importance of knowing how to teach reading strategies come in, so as to facilitate the reading process and give students a clear sense of what they are reading. Students can become easily frustrated when they do not understand what they are reading and as a result, they become demotivated. A teacher needs to design and teach different strategies in order to help students close the gaps in their understanding. The ultimate challenge for the teacher is to know exactly which strategy is useful and most beneficial to teach, since each student needs different strategies. This course paper in this respect, gives many strategies and a few general pointers for how to teach them.
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