Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England

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/i> (Som, Dev) - v сушить (злаки, сено, торф и т.д) на воздухе; n жатва

Wink (Cor) - n пивной магазин

Wride (Cor, Som, Dev) - v (о растениях) давать несколько отростков от одного корня; распространяться; расширяться; n куст


Yote (Wil, Som) - v лить, выливать, поливать; глотать, жадно пить




























  1. In considering the history and development of the English language we may maintain that a regional variety of English is a complex of regional standard norms and dialects. We must admit, however, that rural dialects, in the conservative sense of the word, are almost certainly dying out (e.g. the Cornish language): increasing geographical mobility, centralization and urbanization are undoubtedly factors in this decline. Owing to specific ways of development, every regional variety is characterized by a set of features identical to a variety of English.

In the United Kingdom RP is a unique national standard.

About seventy or so years ago along with regional types dozen upon dozens of

rural dialects co-existed side by side in the country. The situation has greatly

changed since and specifically after the Second World War. Dialects survive for

the most part in rural districts and England is a highly urbanized country and has

very few areas that are remote or difficult to access. Much of the regional variation

in pronunciation currently to be found in the country is gradually being lost. On the

other hand, it is important to note that urban dialects are undergoing developments

of a new type, and the phonetic differences between urban varieties seem to be on

the increase.

The United Kingdom is particular about accents, in the sense that here attitudes and

prejudices many people hold towards non-standard pronunciations are still

very strong.

Therefore RP has always been and still is the “prestigious” national standard

pronunciation, the so-called implicitly accepted social standard. In spite of the fact

that RP speakers form a very small percentage of the British population, it has the

highest status of British English pronunciation and is genuinely regionless.

  1. The comparative analysis of the phonetic system of the regional varieties of English pronunciation shows the differences in the pronunciation in the system of consonant and vowel phonemes.
  2. The comparative analysis of the grammar presents the difference between the standard language and the dialects of the South-West of England.

In conclusion we may say that the problems of the regional dialects (its phonetic, grammar and lexical systems) open up wide vistas for further investigations.

B I B L I O G R A P H Y.


  1. Бродович О.И. Диалектная вариативность английского языка: аспекты теории. Л., 1988
  2. Маковский М.М. Английская диалектология. Современные английские диалекты Великобритании. М., 1980
  3. Шахбагова Д.А. Фонетические особенности произносительных вариантов английского языка. М., 1982
  4. Allen B.H., Linn M.D. Dialect and language variation, Orlando, 1986
  5. Brook G.L. English Dialects, Oxford Un. Press, 1963
  6. Brook G.L. Varieties of English, Lnd, 1977
  7. Cheshire J. Variation in an English dialect. A sociolinguistic study, Cambridge Un. Press, 1982
  8. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge, 1995
  9. Encyclopedia Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition
  10. Gimson A.C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English, Lnd, 1981
  11. Hughes and Trudgill, English accents and dialects: An introduction to social and regional varieties of British English, Lnd, 1979
  12. Malmstrom J., Weaver C Transgrammar. English structure, style and dialects, Brighton, 1973
  13. Shaw G.B. Pygmalion, NY, 1994
  14. Sheerin S., Seath J., White G. Spotlight on Britain, Oxford, 1990
  15. Shopen T., Williams J.M. Standards and dialects in English, Cambridge, 1980
  16. Trudgill P. On dialect: Social and Geographical Perspectives, NY and Lnd, 1984
  17. Trudgill P. Dialects in Contact, Oxford, 1986
  18. Trudgill P., Chambers J.K. Dialects of English Studies in grammatical variation. Longman, №9
  19. Wakelin M.F. Discovering English Dialects, Shire Publications LTD, 1978


  1. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, Oxford Un. Press, 1996

Audio tapes analysed:

  1. Accents, Glossa Melit, M., 2000

TV program analysed:

  1. Holiday in the Southwest, the channel “Discovery”, 2000















































































Приложение 3.

The Southwest.

The principal industries here are farming and tourism. There are some very big farms, but most are small family farms with a mixture of cows, sheep and crops. The main emphasis is on dairy products - milk and butter. On Exmoor and Dartmoor, two areas of higher land, conditions are ideal for rearing sheep and beef-cattle.

Industry is centered on three large ports: Bristol in the north, and Portsmouth and Southampton in the south-east. In Bristol, aircraft are designed and built. In Portsmouth and Southampton, the main industries are shipbuilding and oil-refining.


  1. Holiday time in the West Country.

The countries of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset are often called the West Country. They have always been popular with holiday-makers, so there are a large number of hotels, caravan - and camping-sites and private houses and farms which offer bed and breakfast. There is a beautiful countryside, where people can “get away from it all”, and the coastline offers the best beaches and surfing in England. Also, the weather is usually warmer than in the rest of the country.


  1. West Country Food.

The national drink of Devon is a cream tea. This consists of a pot of tea and scones served with strawberry jam and cream. The cream is not the same as that found in the rest of the country. It is called clotted cream, and it is much thicker and yellower than ordinary cream. And there is another national dish called a Cornish pasty.

Pasties used to be the main food of Cornish miners fishermen about 150 years ago, because they provided a convenient meal to take to work. They were made of pastry which had either sweet or savoury fillings, and were marked with the owners initials on one end. This was so that if he did not eat all his pasty at once he would know which one belonged to him!

Somerset has always been famous for its cheeses. The most popular variety is probably “Cheddar”, which is a firm cheese. It usually has a rather mild flavour but if it is left to ripen, it tastes stronger, and is sold in the shops as “mature Cheddar”. It takes its name from a small town, which is also, a beauty-spot well-known for its caves, which contain stalagmites and stalactites.

A West Country famous drink is Somerset cider or "Scrumpy" as it is called. Cider is made from apples and is sold all over the United Kingdom, but scrumpy is much stronger, and usually has small pieces of the fruit floating in it.


  1. Sightseeings.

The country of Wiltshire is most famous for the great stone monuments of Stonehenge and Avebury, and the huge earth pyramid of Silbury. No written records exist of the origins of these features and they have always been sur