Peculiarities of regional varieties of the English language in newspapers in English-speaking countries
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country and that we thrive on trade and our future prosperity depends on it," he said. "Now in their new role as Official Opposition, the NDP can be counted on to aggressively oppose and obstruct us at every single step along the way as we advance our pro-trade plan." his words, Mr. Fast said the NDP's "anti-trade, high-tax agenda" could pose a real risk not only to Canadians, but also to Canada's global reputation as a good place to invest.
"While we continue to advocate on behalf of hard-working create jobs and economic growth," he said, "the new opposition, supported by special interest groups that fail to have real priorities of hard-working Canadians at heart, can be counted on to advocate outdated policies that, if ever implemented, would stall growth, kill jobs and set Canadian families back." and agendas Chisholm, the NDP's new international trade critic, told Embassy he was surprised and disappointed about Mr. Fast's words.
"I frankly thought that maybe he had pulled a campaign words out of his pocket instead of a ministerial words," he said. . Chisholm said he is not sure why Mr. Fast would choose to embark on such a political attack, but he opposes the minister's premise.
"I don't accept that the NDP is opposed to trade deals," he said. "However, we think that whatever we are going to be negotiating needs to be in the best interest of Canadians." NDP was merely flagging serious weaknesses in the government's previous trade agreements, Mr. Chisholm said. The party raised concerns over rampant human and labour rights violations in Colombia; Panama's reputation for being a tax haven; and abuse of indigenous rights in Peru. trade deals with Colombia and Peru have already kicked in, while the one with Panama, although signed, still needs to pass through the legislative process. NDP is also calling for an end to NAFTA's Chapter 11, which allows companies to sue states, and it wants strong accounting of human, labour and environmental rights in all future deals. It also encourages protecting Canadian industries, such as the automotive and agricultural sectors. . Chisholm said the fact voters gave the NDP such a strong voice in Parliament is a testament to its positions, including on trade.
"That says something about what we put forward and the priorities we talked about with Canadians," said Mr. Chisholm. Trew, trade campaigner with the Council of Canadians, an organization that often shares the NDP's trade views, said that-despite having a majority in their hands-the Conservatives are still trying to differentiate themselves from the other parties.
"They are trying to paint the opposition as anti-jobs and put in people's minds that their agenda is the job agenda and the NDP is regressive and they are fighting the same old battle and are stuck in the past," he said. Mr. Fast's comments might also be an indication the government is recognizing the weight of the new opposition, Mr. Trew said.
"If I am thinking optimistically, this might be a recognition that the trade agenda will not be a matter-of-fact decision for the government," he said. "It's not the same old with no alternative base. There are people asking for a different agenda, people who are suspicious of this idea that trade and low taxes create jobs." while the NDP does indeed have an opportunity to become the mainstream alternative to the current government, if they don't reconsider their thinking on the economy, "they're toast," said David Emerson, who was trade minister for the Conservative government from 2006 to 2008. of the new Official Opposition's caucus stems from Quebec, which, despite some protectionism in certain sectors like agriculture, is a very trade-oriented province, Mr. Emerson said.
"So the NDP will have to come to grasp how much they want to alienate the mainstream industry in Quebec," he said. Mr. Fast, Mr. Emerson said that while the NDP's responsibility in the House of Commons has increased, the party has an "archeological ideology." He called the party's human rights and environmental concerns a smoke screen for its dislike to free trade. Everyone shares concerns about human rights and the environment, he said. article from the Canadian newspaper contains 1000 words amd only 6 units which are considered as objects of interest, they are:attack - metaphor- metaphor- metaphor- metaphor- metaphor're toast - metaphormeans that here is there the lowest percentage of interesting for us units, which is equal 0.6%. And all of them are metaphors.
In the written work weve discussed all the planned points. of all weve found the differences between two terms variety and dialect. Thus we can say that dialect denotes a language form associated with a certain group of people but is usually associated with a given region (hence a regional dialect) or a social class or group (a social dialect). Variety is any set of language habits that is shared by a certain group of speakers for use in certain contexts.we came to conclusion that Standard English is a wrong term due to any literary norm of any English-speaking country builds a standard. There is no International Standard (yet), in the sense that publishers cannot currently aim at a standard which is not locally bound.weve analyzed stylistic devices in the newspapers. Also we have determined some statistics. In the UK newspaper there is 1.625% metaphors and 0.125% slang expressions. In the USA newspaper there is 0.75% metaphors and in the Canadian newspaper there is only 0.6% metaphors.we can say the number and percentage are poor only for the first sight. But the very units can lead communication breakdown, only they are to become first-line citations. So here weve got the follows the most saturated with metaphors is the UK though it has a slang expression and it is no doubt useful. The second and the third places are The US and Canada correspondingly. It means one should study the English language on the Canadian press materials to know how to speak simply and clear, and vice versa one should study the English language on the UK press materials in order to be ready to face slang expressions and metaphors. Of course study should be complex in order to be complete; nevertheless the press is a pretty good way to learn actual lexis. Another and the last point is as follows in our work weve faced no euphemisms. This point, no doubt should be investigated further, but it real luck no to face them from many points of view such as ethics search of equivalents and so on.
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., дата входа: 15.05.2011.